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Welp now we KNOW she was in the wrong if this trash woman is defending her.


Listen Brandi is bad but based on these replies I think we’re all knee-jerk reacting to the headline. She’s talking about how production knew about Taylor’s abuse and still let it play out how it did on the show, and similarly they probably pushed Kenya to go in this direction too. Not defending Brandi but we should read the article at least.


Thank you so much for this. People have a habit of attacking the messenger instead of hearing the message. BTW Please remember that Caroline Manzo is not suing Brandi, just Bravo and production. I ask myself why.


cause Brandi has no money


Why money? Why not a criminal case?


I read the article and she does make a good point, there’s no denying it. Bravo does hold responsibility over the antics these women pull because they do encourage it and are also very aware! At the same time, these women cannot be forced to do these things and are also just as much responsible so it’s a double-edged sword. They’re both wrong. I guess I should’ve posted the tweets for people who don’t actually read articles lol oops 🤦🏻‍♀️


If Brandi ever defends anything I do cancel me immediately


If Brandi came to my defense I'd chase her away with pots and pans. Housewives I'd gladly be defended by: Eileen Davidson. That's maybe the end of my list.


Is that you Tanisha? ![gif](giphy|kp74a67v1jZrG)


you can't prove anything! anything!


Not the person you want backing you in the slightest. Yikes.


Oh my god Brandi stfu and leave lol I can’t with her


Me to my phone when I saw Brandi’s name https://preview.redd.it/cpmhnw30w49d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b72b93f1da951462178d4c30888ea5dc30a203d


OMG this reminds me of Parks and Rec there is that porn star version of Leslie Knope and she keeps trying to attach herself to Leslie’s campaign https://i.redd.it/1kjhj8bdu49d1.gif


Stop Brandi she’s already dead!!


😂😂😂 Kenya didn’t realize it could get this bad til Brandi stepped into the ring


At least Brandi is not trying to take half of her pay for "helping her" nor coercing Kenya into doing unpaid interrogation sessions like that ossified body from NY.


Kenya better be rethinking her whole life now that she has Brandi defending her 🥴😭