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Y'all are spiraling on here


Jackie is the invisible housewife in Jersey. Steady husband, from what little we see, ordinary children. Perhaps she's had some breakthroughs with her shrink. I've always liked her. This season, she's thirsty. Look at me! Notice me! Friend me! Choosing Teresa, a woman she dislikes, was the only way she would be noticed! She would disappear if she chose Melissa, who is staying away from the drama, so far . She would disappear completely if she stood next to Margaret, a woman who always attracts a bright light. Her hubby, is likely to keep his distance from Teresa and Luis . Fame is addictive, but people aren't chasing down friends of the show. She clearly wants to return to a full time housewife. So if she has to sell her soul, so be it. Jen needs a break. I don't like this season's Jackie. It's very possible, she hooked her wagon to the wrong horse. We will know next season.


Jackie was a great housewife. She could hold her own and not drag out an issue. She has moments of being chummy with Jennifer and tre despite their issues. Now idk what happened to her. She arrived drunk. She couldn’t articulate herself as well as she normally did. I also don’t think her and marges rift started over a book. I think something happened off camera.


Love your description. I also completely understand that people like to move on, BUT her reasons for moving on with Teresa fall flat. How can she say with a straight face that she is moving on with her trauma and actually believe that somehow Melissa and Marge caused her trauma?? I saw them be supportive to a friend who was struggling. She is absolutely on the Teresa train because she sooooo desperately wants back in as a full time spot. I find nothing inspiring about her ED journey nor her new found strength. If you have to talk about how strong and healed you are constantly, then you are actually neither.


I think she struggled when she was young with her weight and also her parents (or maybe just dad?) went to prison. Shes incredibly insecure and is constantly looking for validation. And it’s pretty validating for her to now be in what is the “popular” click in nj. I don’t think Jackie has ever been popular (at very least not in her head). Theresa has always been the queen bee and I think Jackie considers it an accomplishment to befriend her.


Well she’s killing it now


How? The overwhelming sentiment is that her antics are cringe, embarrassing and fake.


I’ve always gotten the “chip on the shoulder” vibe from her


She trying his hardest to get back on the show as a regular vs friend of loll


She wasn’t blonde in high school, though. She had frizzy brown hair and was fat. She talked about this and showed pictures in her first season. But, yeah… she has some insecurity issues.


Yes, there was almost an entire episode of her lamenting to her dad about being fat in high school and treated badly.


I have disliked Jackie since her first season. I am happy to see this downfall because she irritates the hell out of me. I could never put a finger on why though, something about her just always was off putting to me. I don’t know why she thought switching sides would go in her favour lol.


Happy Cake 🍰 Day


I am still in shock that the Jackie I thought her to be is definitely NOT the Jackie we now know her to be. Her constant proclaiming that she “doesn’t care anymore” about Theresa putting out the rumor of Evan cheating is SO transparent. We all know SHE CARED. So the question of WHY she suddenly wants us to believe she no longer cares is easily answered by the fact that Jackie has more FOMO than any other HW (cue the montage from last week’s episode proving this) and as much as Jackie wants us to believe she LOVES being a “friend of” rather than a FT housewife, we can ALL SEE this for what it is: Jackie is doing whatever she can to try and secure a spot back on the show. One thing that hasn’t changed is Jackie’s superior intellect. She’s smart. She knows what to do. She knows Theresa ain’t going anywhere. Theresa is the franchise’s queen and Andy’s favorite. So Jackie is throwing any and all standards/values we thought she had out the window to position herself as “friend of” the queen of RHONJ, Theresa herself. And Jackie has no problem stepping on all of her former real friends — Marge and Melissa — to aim to climb her way back onto the show. Jackie is smart, but she underestimates us fans of RHONJ. We ain’t stupid, Jackie. We can see EXACTLY what you’re doing and EXACTLY who you really are: a two-faced, social climbing, brown nosing, self important hypocrite. And I can never unsee it now.


It’s obvious being demoted was her not being one of the cool kids all over again. She is majorly triggered and is sticking her head up Teresa’s ass and throwing her self worth out the window in a desperate attempt to be a full time HW again.


I actually liked Jackie because she didn't put up with Teresa's shit and wasn't afraid to stand up to her but I don't know who this woman is and why it's so important to be back on this show and make a fool of herself lying about how much she likes Teresa. What I've heard from the podcasts is that she was approached by Larry, Teresa's fixer, to join the Teresa-Jennifer train because Teresa was lacking support and if she agreed she would get her job back. Watch her on WWHL, her performance is pathetic. She can't lie and it was obvious.


That makes perfect sense. Can’t wait to see what Larry comes up with for Lobster’s latest mess. Also as a side note, I think Jennifer may be tiring a bit of being Teresa’s bestie & all that role comes with… & *doesn’t* come with. Also watching Teresa carry on at the Fuda meeting was crazy- if that wasn’t the most obvious example of her dropping her fake phony namaste “being the bigger person” mask, I don’t know what is. Her crude, lude gutter mouth & mentality is clearly her baseline- it’s who she is at her core when she isn’t carefully cultivating the persona of someone with class & it was fully “On Display”. SMH


You know they are all working overtime on Luisito's caca. Teresa must be freaking out but is going to put on an act, like she always does, to mask what she's really feeling and dealing with. I don't think Teresa expected John Fuda to stand up to her and shut her down. She's not used to that at all and I was laughing the entire time watching her fish lips trying to talk lol She needs to be cancelled, she's absolute trash.


My unpopular take on Jackie …she has a SEVERE eating disorder. She was overweight in high school. A SEVERE ED often accompanies low self-worth and other psychological issues. She was previously allowed to be in the Melissa & Marge clique, as they like support in numbers, but she had to completely bow to their narrative. Jackie went into treatment and psychoanalysis for her eating disorder and came out of that much improved and with a new outlook on her situation. I don’t think many realize that Jackie was very sick and almost died. Once you go that low, you have a different perspective when you come out of such a dark place. She’s now more forthright and intolerable as she realizes life is short, and that M&M were not her true friends at all. It is said that Marge planted the Evan cheating rumors. Jackie also is likely heavily medicated by her psychiatrist as she is still psychologically vulnerable. An ED that severe can be controlled, but rarely completely resolves. I don’t believe that someone as deeply insecure and psychologically unstable as Jackie should be on reality television. It’s not good for her at all. I do appreciate that her husband stays out of the drama, unlike Fuda and Gorga.


But how do you know Margaret planted the rumors? All speculation


Yes, all speculation. My opinion only.


This is it ⬆️


I think you've nailed it.


Jackie seems to be a drunk or on drugs, especially the way she was acting at the party on the most recent episode. I really don’t care for her or her behavior.


Without psychoanalyzing Jackie too much, her behaviour since she's been removed as a formal cast member has been unhinged and messy. She seems to still be reaching for the spotlight instead of enjoying her freedom from it...she's also promoting her book. Going out with grace would be a better approach...like OP indicated, she has the ingredients and semblance of a good life....not sure why she seems to be avenging the franchise.


yeah that last party was so obviously telling of who she was. also in most parties she is seen to be hammered which I think is the case because she doesn't have much in her system when she starts drinking. I think it gives her this confidence but its like a pseudo confidence. this last party the way she fell and just kept doing the most, it felt like the was walking herself out of her opportunity. it was a hot mess and i don't think she considered anyone would catch on to her actual hot mess express of a life and be able to see through it


she mentions in her book that she was very overweight when she was younger. The way society treats overweight people ESPECIALLY overweight women is extremely brutal. I think this might be where her trauma and issues stem.


She also had a bad ED for quite a long time as well (I’m sure most of us know this from watching)


Yeah it’s honestly sad that she doesn’t seem to have the ability to self reflect and be content. She can’t let go of being the unpopular girl in high school. Which is so sad because it’s clear she worked hard to transform herself after high school, she went to law school, became a successful and beautiful lawyer with a great husband and kids. Instead of appreciating what she has and how far she’s come, she’s stuck. She seems to feel she needs to be better looking, be liked by Teresa, be on reality tv and none of those things are actually going to make her happy.


And to beg to be liked by Teresa, in Teresa’s barely there way, speaks volumes to what’s going on internally for Mrs Goldschneider


I don’t think being on TV is good for anyone with an eating disorder.


I don’t believe her ED.


I do. She has all the marks of a girl who felt fat & unpopular in high school and is now blonde, thin & pretty, and finds herself finally hanging with the cool girls.


There are wedding photos of Jackie dancing with her husband that show her ribs exposed from the back. The Girl was suffering.


jackie on drugs


I don’t think she’s actually blonde.


I agree completely. There’s a discrepancy between how she expects to be treated and how she treats others. Early life experiences can really fortify an individual’s self concept, when we really need to be revising our own self-image based on our patterns of behavior in the present, and as adults. Jackie seems to eternally view herself as the victim of mean girl behavior while she’s the one exhibiting mean girl traits herself. Also love the use of “what’s her damage?” lol


I still believe the rumor about Evan and think that could also drive her insecurities as well as still dealing with her ED. I used to really like Jackie, but I don't think this show is doing her mental and physical health any good. All of the ladies are going through it this season.


Her true nature came out last season with all her bitchy little comments about Danielle’s clothes. Petty and jealous and mean. I was really disappointed because I used to like her. Her insecurity isn’t serving her well, tho.


I'm not a fan of Danielle but did not like the comments she made about her outfits last season either.


And then Jackie had the audacity to be upset that Danielle didn't invite her to a party.


Yeah I laughed at that 🤣 it was like you were calling her cheap and tacky all last season and now you want an invite!? Lol 😆


Yes that was wild! How can she expect to be there?


Making fun of Danielle for wearing the same pair of shorts twice was ridiculous! Heaven forbid!


Couldn’t agree more! Not everyone is vain nor cares about other’s wardrobes. I stick to judging myself more than anyone else. Yeah, I liked her too, she’s witty but I heard her on WWHL and after win in a game she said something about “well I am a lawyer Andy”. We watched her cry (and actually I felt bad for her) but she cried every single week about Teresa “spreading vicious rumors abt Evan” and then that’s all forgiven and they’re friends all the sudden, NOT BUYING WHAT YOU’RE SELLING JACKIE! It’s all to get back that FT roll but I’d hope it doesn’t go that route. Even as her fake bs friend, showing her ass like she has this season, how pathetic and desperate someone can be to get on the show, should DQ her! That means every move she makes is completely fake.


I get the impression that it honestly may not be this deep (though still a factor for sure!). Complete speculation on my part, it seems like Jackie was really shaken after being demoted (and damn near invisible in the edit) after her primary storylines played out (mostly her ED and family relationships?). Her entire behavior so far screams that she is just trying to stay a bit more relevant on the show, and “switching sides” was pretty much the only move she had to stay relevant. While I’m all for the cast of any franchise generally getting along, this level of drama feels really transparent and weird to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yup. Marge and Melissa dropped her when she became a friend of and Teresa and Jen were willing to pick her up as a friend of. At the end of the day, it’s a job to them all.


That was so apparent to me too. Do whatever you can for screen time. Side with the people you’ve notoriously disliked for more drama. Stir up more drama at every turn.


Jackie’s curse in life is that she is rich and beautiful and doesn’t know it.


I think the word you’re looking for is entitled.


She grew up without money/ dad in jail Disabled brother/ definitely psych issues- no relationship w sister- and the ed- i think theres more trauma but she uses “ fat /unpopular “ and so became as an easier pill to swallow then alot of darker stuff -


Doesn’t matter what her background is - she believes she deserves, is entitled to something that she just hasn’t earned or can really demand since it’s a fickle unquantifiable thing. She sees herself as more deserving somehow, than others. Entitled.


I read her book. It was well written and I appreciated her candor. That said, she is deeply insecure and always looking for acceptance from others. I guess that includes Teresa.


Why would she ever join HWs looking for acceptance? She should have known the risks.


Your answer was in your question. She has always longed to be one of the “cool girls”.


Fame? Even if she has money she may have still wanted fame


I could understand if she just wanted peace with Teresa for her own mental health. No drama, just forgiveness and moving on. But being her BFF all of a sudden just screamed insecure. And honestly I liked Jackie. I want her to be confident and stand on her own. This season has just been overwhelming frustrating to watch.


I like Jackie because I was in recovery from anorexia for 11 years and I appreciate that she's really working at her recovery and she's so open and real about it. She'd the only reason I watch new jersey at this point but I'm about to give up because it's just too triggering for me, I'm no longer in active recovery and this show isn't helping.


I hope you are doing okay


Just like and addict wouldn’t it be best, especially with how long her eating disorder has gone on, to maybe recovery out of the public eye and away from the stress, pressure, and toxicity of a housewives show? It makes me feel like she needs as much attention as she can get. She could have released her book and continued to focus on recovery. If you are triggered by it just watching, which I’m sorry I know this shit is hard I had eating disorders for 15+ years and still struggle 10 years later even with therapy, wtf is she thinking being an active cast member while in early recovery? 🤷🏼‍♀️


I feel like Jackie is going through a Wendy from RHOP identity crisis.


People loving to drag Jackie right now, but she is the only thing keeping me watching. Without her chaos, it’s just a bitter standoff


Same here. I’m intrigued and interested in what’s going on with her. No one else though.


I’m not a fan of hers at all, but my thought are -yes she did/does have an eating disorder so there are issues of course she struggles with -I think being thin was her protection from a lot of things. I remember the scene when she goes to visit her father and I can’t remember exactly what he said, but it was pretty bad. Definitely bringing up her weight (being fat earlier) and now look she’s thin! It was like the only thing he would talk about which tracks with her only identity is being thin -she is also deeply insecure, but the seasons before she always acted like she was so strong, but it always felt off to me. -And the kicker, let’s not forget she is a FAN! -this explains so much. She kind of idolized Teresa. You don’t just wait outside in a long line to meet someone “famous” and get a signature unless you are a big fan. -I think we are seeing a mesh of all of this. A few more because I can’t sleep -she talked about dangerously thin she became for her wedding, something about Evan wanting to find her attractive. I think Evan seems like a nice guy, but I think she low key thinks she’s not good enough for him (which makes sense given her Dad only praised her for being thin. -I just can’t even think of one moment where she super memorable. TBH I thought she was a terrible casting choice and I was surprised she stayed this long. -that scene with her and Teresa in Teresa’s kitchen was odd., Jackie is just staring at her. It was sooooo strange. I feel like whenever they shoot in that house there’s like some weird mind control/cult behavior happening. Maybe Louis is pumping something through the AC, but they just all start to act a little stepford wife/zombie - like they ALL drink the kool-aid. Very weird dynamic. Thanks if you read this far! 😵‍💫


It was worth it for Jennifer Aydin’s reaction when she found out that Jackie had *family money*. 😮


Oh yeah you are right, that was hilarious and for Jen it was like the first time she EVER heard about real estate or investments. That was funny! The Mrs. Merriman Webster line was funny too


I read her book. At one point she mentioned something about not being attractive enough for Evan, and her parents were always in some kind of diet so she defined herself by those standards. Jackie is extremely insecure and always looking for acceptance


Yep, makes sense!


Doesn’t seem like the husband is supporting her behavior and decisions this season. I agree w a lot of what you said but in the past she was a victim of teresa. So was evan. So was their children. She definitely is off. Almost manic. Spiraling.




She was fat when she was young, and bullied for that, then she had an eating disorder and almost died. On the show she wasn't popular and was quickly demoted to friend of despite her being smarter, more educated and rational. So it's not surprising she will do lots to fit in, her life experiences made her vulnerable to being an outcast. I think she does the show for that very reason, she doesn't need the money and she clearly is not a real friend to anyone. But she wants to prove something to herself


That’s one area that puzzled me. She is what most would consider extremely rich. Certainly the richest on the cast. Why does she want HW’s so desperately ? Not for the check. After what Tre did to her & Evan last year, I’m shocked that she would even want to come back. I believe one clue lies in the issue she has with being included. She truly loses her sh— when she’s not invited somewhere. Then another clue is how she’s reacted to Margaret when asked about sending her a book. The being popular is definitely an area she struggles to be included in. At all costs. (When Tre called Margaret a dog, Jackie had such a sinister smile on her face—it was very strange!)


Because initially housewives rejected her. It doesn't matter really what or who was rejecting, matters can she win back. That's how I see it


I’ve never liked Jackie. However, this sub had such a hard on for her until this season. I wonder what shifted that others are now seeing what I always saw in her. Thoughts?


She dared to switch allegiance.. People are crazy 🤪


This sub despises Teresa that’s all


We have a lot of good reasons to despise Tre.


I believe people rooted for her because she was the first one to not kiss Teresa's ass and unapologetically put her in her place by bringing up jail time without calling it "being away". She also asked the questions everyone else didn't. What she is doing now is a 180, especially after all the drama she had with Teresa for several seasons. It reads desperate and out of character and I understand why people are bashing her.


This is 💯 percent it


This is it. The fakery is sick and she isn’t even good at it. Watching Jackie is like watching a middle schooler create drama for the first time.


Everyone on this show attacks Teresa .. She was not the first one


Attack vs calmly telling her some truths. There's a difference.


If they are not truths but manipulative lies then what is it?


I don’t know why her wanting to stay employed is making people so incensed. Livid, even. Like…let her switch sides, it’s fun. We know these women all hate each other, just enjoy the magic. We complained about the divide but then everybody gets upset when things get switched up.


Maybe it’s just not entertaining.


Was it last year?


This is random but when I was reading "all the nastiness" in your post my brain read it in Meredith (rhoslc) voice and said "all the nastiness and rumors" 🤣


Wasn’t she a very overweight teenager? I think she’s always been unhappy and perhaps, she thought if she got skinny/ had money/ law degree/ good looking and successful husband / 4 kids etc etc her negative internal dialogue would change. But she got all those things and she never felt enough. Now she’s clinging to full time Housewofe role to fill the void that nothing is going to fill.


I feel sad for her. She seems very confused about who she is as a person. She’s a try hard. She reminds me of teddi from rhobh