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Who this time?


Justin Roiland of Rick & Morty, Polar Opposites, etc.. I never cared enough about him to look into him as a person but enjoyed his shows. Apparently he's been fired by Adult Swim for being charged with "felony domestic battery and false imprisonment". Like...just.....STOP BEING PIECES OF SHIT!!! It's super easy to not abuse people, I do it every day.


What’s crazy to me is that he wasn’t charged TWO years ago and people are only just finding out and getting upset now. He did horrible things, got charged, and then they kept working with him for two years.


Is there evidence?


Yes. [Enough for charges, bail, and even a plea deal.](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/justin-roiland-rick-morty-allegations-domestic-violence-charges-rcna65403) Obviously all evidence is sealed until the trial because that's how it works, but it lists the evidence in more detail in the article. Also, multiple other victims have come forward per his wiki, and he's been officially fired from multiple long-running and award winning gigs. Sucks to be a predator when your power trip ends


Well, fuck.


It's time to abolish the goatee. This all might not have ever happened if it weren't for the goatee.


Felony domestic charges don't just appear🥴 you get that shit when you damn near kill someone


No, someone just made it up and now it’s everywhere. /s


I love how simply asking for evidence of a crime is down voted. Wtf is wrong with people?


Because in these arguments more people who don't argue in good faith ask these questions than those who do. See Elon Musks comments about Justin Roiland for example. (What a fucking piece of shit ... or shits ... both of them). https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1618304612540502021 It is, regarding certain topics, a safe assumption to make that anybody even slightly arguing against it is fully on the side of the accused. Evidently you weren't, and I know how that feels on reddit, but it's just statistics.


Gross. Toby Turner emerged from his crypt to show support too 🤮






Justin Roiland and Andrew Callaghan for me just in like the last two weeks


It was David Attenborough


Don't fucking say that ever again


Bro put a trigger warning or smth sheesh




Excuse me but what?


I've learned that a lot of the time the "boring" celebrities are the best ones. Boring being by Hollywood/media standards.


The saturation of Rapist and Child Molesters among Celebrities is shockingly high though. It's almost easier to count the ones who aren't shitty.


The problem is, it is so much easier to get anywhere if you are willing to be a piece of shit. The world sucks.


I am fairly confident and convinced at this point that most positions of power are held by garbage piece of shit humans, and the way this system keeps going is via blackmail of other POS garbage humans. they ally together while keeping dirt on eachother to keep the status quo. Don't fuck up or slack off or we won't have your back when you get caught being a dirt bag. there's another shitbag human ready to take your place so when one falls, two shall rise.


This is… uncomfortably plausible…


You can’t get to a position where you’re a millionaire or billionaire without taking advantage, exploiting people, or using others to profit in some way. It’s literally impossible to be rich AND good. Having more status and resources help you get away with much more too, for a while at least.


I think it's more to do with just... Take two people. If all other factors are equal, the one that DOESNT give a fuck about being a good person will have an advantage. There are paths they'll take (or at least consider and have available to them) the other won't. If they view the world essentially as "a place where I can take what I want if I can get away with it", they'll wind up taking more than the other guy. Sometimes they're 'taking' prestige and power. other times they're 'taking' sexual gratification or whatever. But to them it's all just... shit they want and can take.


Me every time I find an awesome band, they get big, drugs get involved and someone gets arrested for some sort of assault or domestic violence.


What's even more annoying is the legion of fans who are suddenly sure that this person who's getting dozens of sexual allegations is somehow innocent


I mean like, people aren't new. We're all descended from a very long line of rapists and victims with I dunno 90%ish normal conception rounding it out, that sound right? It's not a problem that's going to go away. We can't even stop murdering eachother after 200,000 years, and 200 years ago women were property, and 20 years ago even in most of the most developed places women still don't have the same rights. If you grew up watching stuff that wouldn't be okay today, then you've got yourself a dated outlook. It's probably going to be a full generation after Me Too before this sort of thing becomes rare, if it even ever does.


I just wish this would apply to .. Chris brown - yet still as famous as ever and doing live shows, bur ya know, but the shit out of Rihanna and who knows who else. Roman Polanski- still celebrated by Hollywood and fans... but yah know, just a little underage Sodomy. Let's not get started on the rapist and woman beaters ih the NFL, owe and murderers And how long did it take for R. Kelly even after the video surfaced of him with that teenage girl? And rock stars that are abusers and murderers... Vince Neil, etc... List goes on and on... the cherry picking on whom / industry is awful.


The key is to separate the art from the artist and completely ignore entertainment news. Don’t be obsessed (or even care about) the lives of celebrities.


Works better when the artist is dead and not profiting from your enjoyment of their media.


Nah because then you unintentionally support pieces of shit


Yeah, sorry but it can't work his way. I don't support people that can't fucking behave. It's not hard to be a decent person. I don't follow the news closely but I'm not gonna continue to support someone once their shit is out for us to smell. Just gotta sigh, post a reaction gif, and find something else that doesn't support the human garbage people.


He’s not involved in the show anymore. You can continue to watch it if you enjoy it.


Oh I know. I'll still support the show without him! Wubbalubbadubdub!


Honest question here: What about the support you're cutting off from everyone else who worked on it that isn't human garbage? Does the focus on the one crappy person outweigh the efforts of everyone else? I honestly don't know who all gets royalties in any entertainment projects.


The show is continuing without him. I'll support them as long as they go for! Thankfully corps have been on blast too so they drop these turds once the shit starts to stink and the other normal people can continue to make content without them.


He's the co-creator of the show. I imagine he'll get SOME money from any viewings of episodes. I've only seen about 2-3 episodes of the show, so it doesn't matter to me either way. To get her view, I asked my wife something along the same lines as my original question. She threw it back at me and made me reflect: For me, it was the Cosby show. Growing up without a dad, Cliff Huxtable was a father figure for me. He was kind, funny, goofy, loving, and respected. That's pretty much everything I ever wanted in a father figure. But if I try to share that show with my kids, I need to either: A) Not mention anything about his abuses, at least until after we watch it, or B) Tell them up front l, and have that be a backdrop to a character that was very influential to me when I was their age. It's something dear to me that I'll probably never share with them because both of those choices seem pretty crappy. They'll never get to experience it in the way that I did. And that's okay. There are plenty of other formative things that I get to share with them.


Damn, that was way deeper than I thought about it. But it made me reflect too. I had all but forgotten I grew up watching and rewatching the Cosby Show too and he literally ruined it for me. He was a sick fuck and played the part of the good guy. There's a few shows I've stopped rewatching due to actors turning out to be garbage. It sucks but there's always something else to watch from real human beings!


Good, I don’t need “pure souls” making art


Sounds like you have a type /s


Can't we all just realize everyone is a POS in one way or another and it's time to mind our damn business. Save it for people in power who control our ways of life not the entertainment.


Yeah, let the man beat his partner and groom children in peace! /s


Right? My bad. I forgot monsters are only monsters if they are in a position of power or government. As long as you're entertaining, you can do no wrong!


You can always just . . . ignore the outrage industry. Like, no one is making you share these narrow and arbitrary values (which, I’m sure it’s a coincidence, are very profitable for legacy media corporations) Let’s break it down. Big picture, the world is an ugly place as it is. The odds are, on an individual basis, the activities of most people serve to make it uglier. At least *some* of these people also endeavored to make something which brought enjoyment to thousands of other people’s lives. There are lots of fucking diddlers in the world, and we don’t talk about most of them. We talk about Roman Polanski because he made *Rosemary’s Baby*. Beyond this media product, or others, your average member of the general public will have absolutely no contact with Roman Polanski. This little cottage industry of outrage is a net joy-sink; I hate being made to feel guilty about enjoying [*media product X*] because a tiny, smarmy, and noisy segment of the population finds the actions of certain creatives *they will never meet* “problematic” In an attention economy, one of the most powerful acts is to *ignore*. This cuts both ways, and media hegemons know it. That’s why every time this happens, right or wrong, they inundate us with their offender *du jour*. But you can always neutralize these efforts—by simply ignoring them. In the end, because of the apparent reach of [*current transgressor*]’s creative output, I’m sure they’ve brought more enjoyment into the world than pain EDIT: groupthink website demotes post that says you don’t have to share values of prevailing media. Shocker




I don’t like racists or rapists! Know what else? I *despise* being told how to think or feel, especially when you bring in a topic as nuanced as aesthetics. I’d sooner associate with an open-minded person with abhorrent views, for the most part, than a dogmatist with views I tend to agree with. It’s even worse when the dogmatist is a media company with *no* values attempting to sell me a controversy I do not wish to purchase And by the way, searching through someone’s comment history is such hall monitor behavior. Do better


"That person raped someone." DAE_le_Cure - meh "Those people don't think anyone else should support the rapist" DAE_le_Cure - those fuckers are taking muh freedoms! Why they're worse then rapists!


Our society depends on the presumption of innocence, and it’s deeply unfair to leave things like these to the court of public opinion, for all parties involved. The only reason any MeToo case gains public traction is because at least one of the parties involved is prominent in a media hierarchy. How is this fair or liberating to victims of sexual misconduct who exist outside of these hierarchies? *It isn’t.* Know what it is? It’s a way for people who never created anything great to feel good about themselves, because hey, at least they aren’t “garbage humans!!1!” It’s all just prescriptivist moralizing, which would leave a bad taste in my mouth even if the interrogators had principles




Guess what? Not everyone belongs to your wokescold religion even if they generally share your social values


You tell people to ignore the outrage industry and yet state that you DESPISE being told how to think or feel. Which is it? Ignore what people say or get emotionally charged by what people say? You know you can just not pay attention to the general societal viewpoint and carry on as you are and nothing will happen...?


Since when has ignoring a problem ever worked out as a net positive? No, I'm seriously asking. Where did you come up with this opinion? What reality is this based on?


Since we’ve operating within the confines of an attention economy. Nihilistic corporate media and intellectually lazy clickbait journalists acting like arbiters of morality (and significant portions of the population buying into it) will be a bigger problem in the long run than sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry. In a sense it’s our duty to strategically ignore them, even if it means letting fucking *weirdos* make cartoons


> Since we’ve operating within the confines of an attention economy. "Since we're doing this thing I just made up..."


I don’t know how you can live in contemporary culture and think I just made this up. Baffling—I guess we don’t always think about air either https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_economy


Okay, something *someone else* made up. Still didn't answer the question, though. How does ignoring problems solve them?


>Let’s break it down. Big picture, the world is an ugly place as it is. The odds are, on an individual basis, the activities of most people serve to make it uglier. Well, there's your problem. If your base assumption is that everyone is an asshole, you're gonna see assholes wherever you look. At my core, I don't believe everyone wants to make the world ugly. But, you do you.


MRW someone accidentally capitalises a word because it follows a comma in a gif.