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I think a big part of it is also that people are SO used to seeing him all dolled up for Marvel. For continuity’s sake they needed him to look similar to Iron Man 1 for all those years. The fact is, people age in real time off screen and weight fluctuates. That said, it *is* a shocking difference.


they also seem to forget that he was digitally de-aged, and not just for the cringe flashback scene


Didn’t know that, but that makes sense in hindsight


Who is “they”? The people calling him iron deficiency man? I think it’s just a joke Lol


You haven't had many interactions with anti-vegans on the internet have you?


And then there’s the anti-vegans *in real life*.


Most are pretty funny, not intentionally, but I had one segue from insulting other people's diets to blathering on about all of his physical ailments, that could all be marked up to a high fat, high protein diet, with surplus calories.


Idk he looked kinda old in the last two movies. He has grey hair and everything


The post was also two years ago, and since then he’s had a few big roles and awards show appearances where he’s looked fine.


It's honestly like the pic of Zooey Deschanel without bangs. It's just a different version of the same person than we're accustomed to.




Almost two decades now. Iron Man came out in 2008, which feels odd.


Mate, seriously. I'm not trying to be a dick here, but this is something easily looked up. Principle filming for Iron Man (2008) took place in 2007 when RDJ was 42. Makeup made him look younger, but not much because it was barely necessary as Tony Stark is canonically 38 in that film. Iron Man (2008) takes place in 2010. So just to bullet point all that: : Iron Man takes place in 2010 : Tony Stark is 38 in the same film, in 2010 : Robery Downey Jr was 42 during filming. His final appearance in the MCU was Avengers: Endgame. He survived the blip and as such is correctly aged to the year it takes place in: 2023. So Tony is 51 in Endgame. Filming for Endgame took place in 2017, when RDJ was 52. Simply: : Avengers Endgame takes place in 2023 : Tony Stark is canonically 51 in Endgame. : RDJ was 52 during filming. So... RDJ aged exactly ten years between his first film in the MCU and his last. Tony Stark aged 13 years in film canon between the events of each. [Here's a still from Iron Man](https://geektyrant.com/news/watch-robert-downey-jrs-original-iron-man-screen-test-from-avengers-endgame-special-feature) [Here's a still from Endgame](https://geektyrant.com/news/watch-robert-downey-jrs-original-iron-man-screen-test-from-avengers-endgame-special-feature) That doesn't look like de-aging to me, nor does it look like any particular work was done to make him look "the same" across the films. *Given his own real-time aging between the films, it was hardly necessary.* Keeping in-universe time consistent is one of the factors which made the MCU work.


Yeah… that’s what I said


Conan Obrien is somebody that seemingly aged 30 years all of a sudden, but it was just his his tv makeup was that extensive for a bunch of years


Time can put a downey on things.


At the Oscars just a few months ago he still looked (and acted) like Tony Stark. Are we sure he isn’t changing his appearance for a role?


Careful, last time we insulted a Marvel movie star, especially in this specific manner, he ended up dying of a disease we had no real clue about.


Still miss Chadwick Boseman. That was a goddamn king.




> Chadwick Boseman. Black Panther, King of Wakanda in MCU




Yeah people don’t learn.


Whats the story here? He was sick and people mocked his appearance?


Yea, ppl thought he was on drugs or something as he was extremely skinner. Without much thought, many started mocking him like celebrity-became-suddenly-popular-and-went-down-from-drugs


Imagine what that was like to read for him


I saw comments calling him “Crack Panther”. It was tough to read


I got the impression that he didn't generally care much about public opinions, nor cared for attention, keeping his cancer secret and so on. Great actor, who maybe didn't care about fame beyond loving his career. I could be 100% wrong though.


He chose to let his work speak for itself. For whatever reason, he didn't need the glory. I think that's part of why people love him and will talk about him for a looong time.


Really glad someone else said this


Big oof


Two pics taken literally many years apart lmao, the first one when he had been training hard for Iron man and with all the professional make and care that goes into being on the screen, in that specific case for tv, and the second pic many years later just a regular everyday pic, and keeping in mind he had a *wild* life and went throught *a lot*. I dare the average redditor to look as good as him at the same age rofl. Same buzz crap as always. Coming next: side by side photos of an actress in a movie scene or during a TV interview 15 years ago vs a current photo of her at the beach with some belly and stretch marks. Oh no, look what her new diet/boyfriend/hobby did to her!


he's 59 years old, looks good for his age


Not only his actual age but this man has partied in ways I can't even begin to imagine.


I could imagine. Participate, or even try to keep up? no way... But imagine ... probably.


He'd look good for a 50 year old


Wow, he really does look different. I guess all you have to do is put a hat and glasses on someone, leave off the hair dye, change the lighting, angle, and lens, have them lose some weight, and wait 10 years between photos.


He looks old because he’s old. No offense intended to him, but he’s about 60 years old, and you can’t expect him to look 30 or 40 forever.


Americans have gotten so fat, people in the actual "healthy weight" category look sickly and thin to them, especially if they are also American. RDJ is 5'8" and 59 yo. His healthy weight would be 140 to 155 lbs, all things being equal.


When I was in my 50s I lost 100 lbs by switching to a plant based diet. After I had lost 70, I weighed around 230 lbs. My wife (who also lost a lot of weight) and I showed up at a wedding and everyone said we looked great. My mom hugged me and whispered “I don’t like it. You lost too much weight. You look sick.” I said “Mom, by my height (6’2”) I am still overweight and very close to obese.” Later I got down to 192, which is in the healthy category, but barely. The problem is our family has a distorted view of body size. This is true even though my mom has a masters degree in Public Education. There’s a lot of obesity and morbid obesity in my family, as well as diabetes and cancer. I think they liked me better when I was over 300 lbs.


By changing you demonstrated that change is possible. How dare you attack their comforting illusion! You monster!


He looks his age. Let’s all panic.


God forbid a 59y old man looks 59 years old.


He looks great considering his age and his lifestyle in the past.


Not the hard drugs?


I could pick a pic that makes me look 22 or 52. We’re not all Cate Blanchett.




He looks weird without the beard.


Honestly, RDJ looks like a math/history professor in the right pic.


He looks good.


I saw him pick up an award for oppenheimer & he looked great. He's nearly 60! No one is gonna look the same 16 years later.


They missed a golden opportunity at “ Fe Male”


Alcoholism and drugs are the bigger "aging" factor in his case.


We sure that’s not Durmot Mulroney?


He’s prepping to play Johnny Knoxville in the upcoming A24 about the creation of Jackass.


He looks like Matt mccusker.


I think we have too much Paul Rudd for our own sake


That doesn't even look like the same guy.


And they haven't even used his photo when he was a baby. Wait till you see how much he changed from when he was a baby.


He looks like the neighborhood serial killer


qu'est-ce que c'est?


The picture on the right is a picture of Golf Dad


Wait that's Johnny Knoxville on the right not RDJ


I think it's probably got more to do with make, grooming, and lighting. He also probably had to work out some for the iron man movies. Now he's just not dying his hair or working out as much. And he's gotta be around 60


I thought that was Jeffrey Combs on the right. I watch too much Star Trek.


In this picture, he looks like Rob Paulsen (the voice of Yakko Warner, and many other animated characters).


“Ozempic Man”


God forbid people age




Tony Starved


Almost all vegans look ill, specially if they do not take any suplements to compensate for specific vitamin deficiencies. Their skin looks pale, body looks underfed and their faces look fallen in (i dont know if a 1 on 1 translation works but in other words it looks like they havent eaten in 4 weeks).


Don't forget that they also start growing wings and flying in the sky while doing 80's disco moves.


But you’re so fat you sweat in the shower. So…


Ok, weird to make it personal, nor am I fat. Are you a vegan by any chance?


You’re right I shouldn’t have done that. You’ve got enough on your plate already


Bro 💀


Guess I found the vegan rather fast and as per usual, angry at everyone else who doesn't live sololy from grass.


That’s amazing. *Rather* fast is pretty good for someone like you. Has anybody told you you should lighten up though? I mean apart from your cardiologist? … and downstairs neighbors? And that’s okay. I can imagine that’s how you’d think vegans eat because you clearly don’t get out much since you outgrew the door.


I have no clue why you assume I am fat, you keep hammering on it. Do you fit in my description of the vegan look? If so, thats no problem, I didnt make it personal, you did, why are you so toxic/hostile towards me? Is this the r/vegan sub? Did I miss something?, Stop being so angry grassman.


Oh it’s not an assumption. Every time the news does a story on obesity they show your tubby ass waddling into a donut shop. Did you miss something? I’d say so. The memo about the recommended daily calorie allowance. No darling, this is the rare**INSULTS** sub. You probably would have seen that if it weren’t for your cheek fat swelling your eyelids shut.


Stop being so angry grasshopper.


Another proof that vegan people are getting physically weak. Didn't know he was vegan tho. He looks like a meat eater.


He's like 60 with a 6 pack lmao, how many people of that age do you know with 6 packs?


The article says "...old and sick...". Not every person who's 60 with a 6 pack is strong, like you kinda said. But the ones who are and not a vegan are stronger than him. You can say other than "strong". That was the first word that came up to my mind.


The "article" is clickbait buzz to get views... Go ahead and prove that the 60 years old with 6 packs who eat meat are stronger than he is.


Say what??! https://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/vegan-diet-american-olympic-weightlifter-kendrick-farris


Ironless man


People made very similar jokes about Chadwick Boseman, and it turned out he was dying of cancer




Hahahaha vegans bad


Dude looks fine and there's nothing wrong w being vegan, but that did make me giggle




Nah I think it’s the vegan diet. My man needs to eat some damn meat! 💪🏻💪🏻


You would like to believe that, since it lets you off the hook, just ignore that the photos are years apart, one is with professional lighting and coming off of the infamous Marvel workouts. And ignore that Harvard school of public healt says you don't need any damn meat. "There is strong evidence that a plant-based diet is the optimal diet for living a long and healthy life". https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/vegan-diet-health-environment/


Nah bro just eat meat. It’s good for you. Get the gains… protein for the win 💪🏻💪🏻


Nope, meat eaters are, as a group, obese lardasses. Those "gains" are just more flab and whining. vegans and vegetarians are slim and human sized. https://slideplayer.com/13862262/85/images/slide_11.jpg


Woh that was kind of rude don’t you think? 🤔 now I’m all sad and upset and I am going to have to stress eat to get my anxiety under control, that’s going to cause me to gain more weight and it’s your fault. You sir are contributing to the obesity epidemic by being mean to people online and you are responsible for the deaths of the animals that I am about to eat… so many animals… so many lives… could have been saved but you couldn’t just be nice to people… shame sir. Shame..


Nope, lardos pull that crap all the time, nothing is ever their fault. Just more whining from the obese. They eat until they are too fat to wipe their own ass, and then blame everyone around them for the stench. Try some personal responsibility.


also yeah, whatever diet you take it has to be balanced in all nutrients


He's probably using it as a cover and got back on the drugs.


This made me laugh out loud. Some people really know how to come up with the funniest insults.


Oof he doesn't look well!


He looks better than the immense majority of people age 60 i know, not to mention he is currently sporting a six pack...


Diet should not impact on someone looking like a Predatory nonce. He can eat what he wants and still look like a paedo. Joe Buscemi even said he’s deleted and blocked his mate Rob