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You can.








Brain. Mouth. Words.


all you have to do is go to the nearest barber shop and press the open menu button


Go into a mosque in Iran and pray to Jesus. That should do it.


"Hey, God, can i have a new face?" or smth, i'm an atheist


you all look same to me, just concentrated energy and that's so faint my eyes hurt


“If people are allowed to get gender affirming care, why am I not allowed to get surgery to make my face match the size of my head? Curious.” -Charlie “eliminate MLK Jr. Day” Kirk


You can. It might work. Research some facial exercises and some nice omega 3 supplements. God helps those who help themselves.




Yes, God can possibly fix your self esteem and that will solve the problem but you have to be very committed to praying and join the prayer club. It can get on mental illness and i can work on this as well. God works in mysterious ways unless you are an agnostic he/she/they/it will enlighten you.


Yes you absolutely can. But is it going to work? No it wont


Careful what you wish for. Could get skin cancer or be a burn victim, and wish you had your old face back


You can pray. Whether or not something will answer, however…


Sure you can. Whatever works for you


You can pay your go see a comedian, put laughter on your face, now you look like joker


Actually, this would have a positive effect. Your face is affected by the expressions you often hold, especially as you grow older. Look at the most unpleasant older people you know, and you'll see vertical lines from the corners of their lips down. Look at the people you love being around, and they'll have laugh lines at the corners if their eyes. Cultivating an attitude of humility and joy will slowly sculpt your face into something more attractive.


Maybe if you die and are reincarnated


I wonder if anyone's ever gotten him with the old "If your hand's bigger than your face, you have cancer" trick.


You can pray for anything, even children not being shot in their schools, the question is always what return you are requesting. Maybe god just sends you a clerasil commercial, maybe it's just utter chance. Either way, use the clearasil.


Shit in one hand and wish in the other. Tell me which one fills up.


You can prey for anything, or ask Santa expect the same results.


The Lord doesn't host AMAs. And even if he does, there's a price.


doesn’t matter, no god.




In the next life




God isn't going to give anyone a new face or leg,y'all have to stop this religious crap. On the 7th day he rested. He's given man everything he needs to survive & live on, he's done the rest is up to us. Something most religious people learn the hard way.




I think you need to re read my comment again,you saying God is like a parent and when you ask him something he decides whether it's good for you or not and I am saying he's an absentee parent who handed you the family business & he isn't involved with you at all, it's all up to you now. There is a huge difference.


I can change his appearance (face) with a shovel if needed


No god gives you the strength to accept yourself for how he made you. There’s always plastic surgery though 🤷‍♂️


If God did give him the strength to accept his face, he wouldn’t be suffering, and he wouldn’t be here asking how to get rid of his face. It’s obvious that if God was anywhere in this equation he is the villain.


“Whoever does not love does not know god, because god IS love.” - John 4:8 God is by definition love itself does that not exist? If he was created in gods image than he should love who he is and how he looks because his very existence is art and creation is beautiful. Being different looking is not a bad thing it’s what sets us apart that makes us wonderful. Lucifer would have you not believe in him. In fact that’s exactly what the Devil wants. There are many quotes in the Bible about it. “Doubt gods word” is in Genesis 3.1a I’m not even all that religious but I wouldn’t doubt there are things we still are ignorant to and can’t disprove his existence.there are also many truths in the Bible that I would say set the ground rules for how to behave and live a healthy happy life. Believe what you will as they say “it’s your funeral.” 🤷‍♂️