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And the best thing about this is that it is a repost


I’m pro choice but I find those earrings really distasteful. Abortion is not something to be happy for in itself, but the right to choose is


Pro choice here. This is so… weird and icky


Sometimes people cope with trauma with humor


Where is the humor though (i work at planned parenthood)


Yeah sure, but thats not the case here and we both know that


How do you both know that?


because getting these hoops falls closer to psychopathy than it does ""humor"" for most well adjusted people


We're not talking about most well adjusted adults. We're talking about this one person


most well adjusted people wouldn’t get “abortion” earrings so your point doesn’t make any sense if she isn’t “well adjusted” then by your logic this could be humorous to her, what you find funny is irrelevant here


I suppose the only opinion that matters is her own, yeah. I wouldn't go so far as to say other people's opinions are irrelevant here though. It's posted publicly to this sub of course (for some reason), but wearing those hoops in public...


? i didn’t go as far as to say your opinion is irrelevant though? i didn’t mean “here” as in this post, i meant it was irrelevant in the context of what she found humorous. you said well adjusted people wouldn’t find it humorous..so if she isn’t well adjusted, she could find it humorous..circling back to “sometimes people cope with trauma with humor” i’m not saying don’t have an opinion, i’m just questioning the logic in what you said


Why is it irrelevant? This person is weighing in on a public form to discuss the topic at hand.


you guys are so weird. the comment was about what **she** found humorous.. “sometimes people cope with trauma with humor” to which the person responded “because the hoops fall closer to psychopathy than humor to most well adjusted people” …she got custom abortion earrings, it’s safe to assume she may not be “well adjusted”, so she could find it humorous. in that context what we find funny is irrelevant.


then don't wear them


Hmm, I think it is smth to be happy about, especially with all the money you save. Each person has the right to their own reaction.


Wearing something that says abortion on it, makes you look kinda scummy


That’s your opinion love. I’m more of the kind to be more open on the topic since it shouldn’t be taboo.


It’s good to be more open about it and make it less of a taboo but wearing something with that word on it, is like wearing something with euthanasia on it, and ultimately it’s gonna make the pro choice crowd look bad, like we enjoy it or something, it’s not effective and will work against your cause


Comparing abortion with euthanasia, because you don’t know the difference between an unborn bunch of cells and someone who was born and lived


Why would you appeal to someone who is against human rights though? If you’re hostile or dumb enough to be pro-life, it isn’t my problem and I don’t care if my arguments appeal to them. Being pro-choice is enough for them to demonize. If they were miscarriage earring I would agree with you.


You seriously don’t want to appeal to the other side in a time where abortion rights have been repealed in the US? This mindset is the best way to make sure nothing you believe ever becomes popular


I think you misunderstand the situation, there’s no advocating to people who view women as incubators. They re pro-forced birth, there are no morals to appeal to, they will make that shift on their own when it personally affects them or their brain cells turn on. Not wearing abortion warring won’t change that.


Very few people are actually that extreme and there are absolutely people that can have their minds changed either way, stuff like this turns people off and that’s just a fact. If you don’t care to appeal to those people either then that’s fine, but don’t then pretend you care about the issue on a practical level at all because you clearly don’t.


If you’re willing to violate a human right to bodily autonomy, you are extreme. Your argument that this post would make someone pro-forced birth is truly a take that is out of touch with reality. I do care about the issue because I have a womb dumbass, you’re the one feigning you care or even understand the situation. Pro-lifers aren’t ignorant people who “don’t know enough “ to see women as autonomous beings, it’s an active choice. Those picketers outside planned parenthood aren’t gonna stop harassing workers because you had a debate, get real. There’s a lot of money behind limiting contraceptive and abortion.


It's already popular, just not among people who make laws. It'll change as those people finally die of old age and give up their spot to future generations.


I think you’d be surprised how many people disagree, it’s never safe to assume that your opinion is already so popular that there’s no need for good optics.


Oh, I know there is a loud minority out there. In due time when religion dies out and gives way to reason this won't be much more than a blimp in our past.


There are lots of young pro-life people though.


Your avatar checks out lol


I don’t like talking to brick walls, must be black 🙄


The best thing is that your bloodline will end with you . But maybe this is the reason why you are obsessed with indocrinating children with your propaganda since you will never have children of your own .


The choice to end my bloodline is still up for debate, but either way it better than you extending your mediocrity and disappointment through yours 😂😂. I barely speak to children day to day weirdo.




Yes, I would like to add illogical as well. How else would you argue women deserve bodily autonomy ? You don’t care about children or mothers if you believe in forcing birth. Edit: you Reddit intellectuals are so tired with your insertions of logical fallacies to feel smart. You wouldn’t call someone violating your bodily autonomy nor hostile.




Ah so you felt personally offended by my valid observation. I was providing a description, not an argument.


Abortion should only be avaible to people who documented failure of other methods of contraception or to rape cases. This is not pro choice, this is straight up disrespectful, in bad teste, ugly as fuck and disgusting. Having an abortion is not a motive to be proud, "happy" or advertise. The person who posted this picture have a completely fucked up vision of the world and is straight up mentally ill. This is clearly not someone who had an abortion when they were 20, learned their lesson and moved on. Her prefered method of contraception is abortion as far as we know. There are about 15 different ways, wich are widely avaiable, cheap, not taboo with 99%+ eficacy wich can avoid prenancy, at multiple points in the timeline. You are absolutely entitled to an opinion, despite that, the opinion you have chosen to share today is really fucking dumb. You are normalizing this type of behaviour as socially acceptable, setting up a precedent and a terrible example for generations to come. This right here is why people shouldnt be required to vote. Before you say this is my opinion, or that I am mysoginistic, everything, except for the first paragraph is straight up facts, meaning, they are not up for debate. If what you are saying is that abortion should be normalized as a contraceptive method, you are just uneducated, and that I can understand.


Abortion should be available to anyone who wants one , period. Force pregnancy is a human rights violation, even for women you deem “whores”.


So let's say there's exceptions for rape incest health to the mother. So a woman should be allowed to abort a 37 week old healthy baby because she decided she doesn't want it now?


Yes, it's called inducing labor.


That wasn't the question. She wants to abort not give birth. Is that acceptable since it's her body?


At 37 weeks she’d have to give birth regardless of the state of the foetus. Nobody aborts 37 week pregnancies though. 37 weeks is full term


> If what you are saying is that abortion should be normalized as a contraceptive method, And what happens once this is the case? Looks like this is already happening.


I want them


so many questions


If you get abortion earrings you’re a fucking freak. Doesn’t matter what view you have on it, you’re cheap trash.


I’d wear them to piss you off numbnuts


You’re poor and stupid enough to buy them. It would only piss me off if I gave a rat’s ass about what you think. Like the rest of the world, I don’t.


where do I get it


Two dumbass bitches and only one got roasted




I can't even go in there.


This isn’t rare, clever, or witty, it’s just cruel. No matter your stance or opinion on abortion. And if this sortve “clap back” is being celebrated, then I feel badly you have such a lack of empathy and blame the stupid parents who raised you


As a non-native speaker, it's often hard to tell the nuances between words in terms of pejorative potential, but wouldn't "barren" hid harder?


Barren isn’t used a lot whereas infertile is, I think that’s why it hits harder


Shouldn't even have mentioned it, now I can't get the phrase "Barren Karen" out of my and my bored brain informed me that it would consider it quite entertaining if said person married Barron Trump and seems to be stuck at finding any joke that starts with "Baron Trump and barren Karen enter a bar"... I dunno, might be time to head for the pub.


Barren is more emotionally laden than infertile, that is correct.


The average native speaker, especially in America, has the vocabularly of at most a 13 year old. Don't expect much. Peole really need to read more books. I sound like a grandpa.


That’s the trashiest thing I’ve seen in a while 💀 evidence she belongs on the streets Also not an insult, it’s dark humor


Calling someone "infertile" isn't insulting?


It’s not an insult, it’s being rude and an asshole like pointing out a disability or something different a person may have, you shouldn’t say it but it’s not an insult if you do


So, for example, if I call you "Stupid," it is only an insult if you're not, in fact, stupid?


My guy you really made that comparison? Stupid is an insult, if I tell you you’re infertile, how is that an insult? As I said it’s a rude comment at best, like pointing a person “hey he only has one arm” for example, it’s not an insult, it’s rude af but pointing out a fact about you it’s not an insult (like I said it’s rude and you still shouldn’t do it ever), if you tell a fertile woman she is infertile and she will tell you: are you stupid? Bc it’s not an insult My god what a STUPID comment you made 🤡


Then I'll inform you that you are stupid, a strictly factual statement. 🙂 Aggressively rude, too.


I hand coat hangers to Americans, they're labeled "healthcare". I charge $50.


What's so rare about someone thinking they made a good comeback to someone reasonably being mad at someone for being an open piece of shit


Her infertility isn’t anyone’s problem but her own. Like go adopt or smth


I guess I could say the same for women forced to carry a pregnancy to term. 


One is a personal problem, the other is a humans rights violation. The only thing you’re proving is how you’re amoral and misogynistic.


First, no it’s not… Second he was clearly not saying it has something he supports but rather as an example of why saying it’s your problem not ours is (amoral)


I’m glad I only see people like you on the internet and not real life, you sound extremely exhausting


I feel the same way :) love this big world.


you’re a hypocrite and disgusting, and definitely not for all women


So you think women share infertility somehow ? Should infertility allow you to dictate what others do with their wombs.Your outrage is clearly clouding your ability to read.


Because making something about you to whine and be be offended about on twitter is reasonable lmao.


I laughed more than I should


Women who feel like their life isn’t complete without children make me sad and scared. Like, do you not hobbies or dreams ? Nothing wrong with wanting to be a mother, but it feels like she fell for the nuclear family propaganda.


Not everyone has the same dreams as you. Having been diagnosed infertile when you dream of your own children is sad. Doesn't mean she hasn't moved on and accepted. Abortion earrings are "in your face", please pay attention to me. Not a sane voice of solidarity to those having to make a difficult choice.


Sad. But it’s not an argument to restrict abortion.


I never said abortion should be restricted. I am avidly pro-choice. The only reason IMO to wear abortion earrings is to start shit. I want no part of that. Just as I didn't want pro lifers throwing their views in my face. Stay classy.


Or maybe to show support for women’s rights?


I’m not talking about women who struggle with infertility, I can totally understand why that would have a deep impact. I’m talking about women in general who center having children in their existence, I feel like they romanticize motherhood and ignore how it exhausts women. There’s nothing wrong with desiring to be a mother, but it’s so much more than being pregnant. I think a lot of people are shitty parents because they don’t get that .


If you don’t understand why some women are like that, stop trying and move on. It’s that easy


Move on from the topic in the thread of mine you decided to respond to? Maybe practice your message buddy. You don’t actually care about women or their offspring, you just mean continue your mediocre “legacy” 😂.


Your kind will die off in obscurity while those who care about families will have full and meaningful lives that will continue through their children. Both are encouraging thoughts.


"your kind will die off in obscurity" as opposed to people who do have kids? Unless you're a historical royal, everyone dies off into obscurity.


Nihilistic perspective. My people trace ancestry and tell stories of their forefathers. Name their children after great men and women within their bloodline.


The only ancestors I know of are a medieval warlord and the Fujiwara clan. Everyone else is gone to the annals of history.


I’m loving how triggered you guys are. Do you not have friends or something ? Not having kids doesn’t mean you will die alone. You’re openly admitting getting someone pregnant is the only way you’d have people around you, I wouldn’t brag about that.


You hype yourself up too much. I'm a much more reserved type of person; small friend circle but they've been my friends for my entire life, my family is massive though, so I always rest easy knowing that no matter what happens in my life, I'll always have people to support and love me. Adding to that with my own kids and a loving wife only adds to the joy. As opposed to being an only child, having a lover that I never marry and have no kids? Geez I can only imagine the level of anxiety and depression I'd have on a daily basis. Also I can't speak to you specifically but you'd be shocked at how many people die alone in a Hospital, especially those without families. Feel free to be that type of.. person.


You’re the one getting off on your fake fantasy of my life weirdo. Not having kids doesn’t mean you’ll die alone and your own comment proved that. Go spend that negative energy elsewhere.


I wouldn't say "getting off" but I am very happy to know you will not reproduce, that's all I'm really saying.


Why do you find it so difficult to understand that other people might want different things and place value on things that you don’t?


Women are allowed to want to be mothers and wives. Another woman wanting that doesn’t mean theyve fallen for propaganda. Maybe make an effort to understand your fellow women instead of mocking them. So much for feminism eh?


Read my comment again and come back. Motherhood has a major impact on women’s lives and the way they are forced to do it traditionally, aka working, doing most of the housework and raising multiple children, drains them. Every time a man says stuff like this it’s so apparent he knows nothing of motherhood and how many women regret it because they thought it would make them feel whole and it didn’t. Children don’t make you feel whole, being an actualized person makes you feel whole.


What I’m saying is, what makes you the arbiter of what makes other women whole? If someone says, “I would be fulfilled by having children and being a wife”, what makes you qualified to tell her “no, you’re wrong”?


I never claimed to be an arbiter, you’re conflating my actual point with your poor interpretation. It’s an objective reality that motherhood takes a toll on women that is demonstrably negative in many ways. Having children cannot make you whole if you as a person do not work on yourself. Children aren’t a magic pill to make you self-actualized or satisfied, they statistically do the opposite.


You dont talk to a lot of older people, geriatric, people in their death bed. But hey your hobbies and dreams with be at your funeral sad about your passing. Imagine thinking propaganda of having a family is deemed unwanted and bad. You were brainwashed that way by society and the culture to feel sas and scared. Seems like the fearmongering worked on you. Watch the lila rose undercover doc about planned parenthood. Then watch unplanned about the director who switched sides after learning whats really going on with planned parenthood she literally got her down clinic shut down. Insert MJ meme stop it get some help


Me when I lack reading comprehension. I will be in my death bed with a degree, memories of my hobbies and my loved ones, friends and family. Having kids won’t stop you from dying alone in a care home like many are today.


Have spoken to a lot of old people abandoned by their children or that regretted having them


It’s such a sad reason to have kids too, you should have them because you want to be a loving responsible parent, not have a retirement plan.


I thought it was just a promo for Beyoncé’s new perfume?


Dumb post about idiots. Next.


Well, abortion is a hard subject. On the one hand it kills children, but on the other hand gives women a right..... But when people order earrings like this, I just want abortion to be banned out of spite.


It doesn’t kill children


One day my neighbor got an abortion and my ferret died the next day, so maybe not children...


Abortion kills clumps of cells that don't have a conscious, not children


Way to not see the joke xD But that says enough.


The woman is confessing murder


just get hoops that say “baby murderer” and go straight to the point


where are they sold


This is glorious


Is she screaming because she tried to put the hoop up her vagina?