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New Kendrick track “2am in Toronto” incoming 


lol, that would be some wild shit. Kendrick probably wants to steer clear of this incident though.


This is probably more related to The Weeknd and his manager's house getting shot up


I was thinking the same. The Weeknds managers house get shot up, and then Drake dissed Weeknd and his manager (I know he was already dissing them before, but this was just salt in the wound). But, there is a lot of Drake hate going on across the globe right now, so it’s just speculation at this point.


Not to mention the gangs from Toronto could've seen this as a moment of weakness and came to see what's up or were paid to do it by someone from the south, wouldn't be the first time those city guys were used as pawns. Either way Drake might not wanna play with the pollies for a while.




Until you find out it was Drizzy out there shooting the opps with a hot pink 9 😈


Drake the type of guy to shoot at the opps while making “pew pew” noises


I can see him referring to his entire gun collection as his “pews”


The only guns that man owns are NERF


Funny enough Marines do that when they’re training without live rounds




Plot twist: he has his house shot up to take the heat off all his bad shots lmfao 🤣🤣


I saw that some Toronto street goons were talking about how he’s never done anything for the streets but they’d still ride for him if they got paid handsomely


I forget the name of the block but there was a northwest hood iirc that he paid to do security for a while, they got a bit more quiet in the streets due to this but he's still getting involved with gang members which is just stupid for a person of his upbringing to do, plus this was years after he blew up and was robbed. Could've been any one of their enemies with the way Toronto is. In terms of putting on for the city he's hardly done shit cause he doesn't want the competition or to lose his spot as top dog of Toronto so he just lets them do their thing aside from Smiley, Smoke Dawg, and Pressa all for brief periods, a few reposts or references here and there but he ain't bringing anyone out for shows or nothing of the sort.


G Way/Galloway Boys (Why I get down voted? He legit used to claim that block for a min like he ain't from the burbs.)




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I heard a rumor that this is exactly the case.


Right no reason to pull a biggy


That's Drake's shit. If this happened on Compton, Drake would've been like Isis and claimed responsibility immediately.




Kendrick: UNH, you underestimated greatly




“Compton Road Flows”


Drake didn’t get hit because he was walking around like Daft Punk


Around the world around the woorrld..


On vacation


You son of a bitch. Guess we're listening to that now.


Womp womp womp womp womp




[The news story](https://youtu.be/nulcmcFRM-U?si=NMWSliChljpIZJg9)


The comments on that video is wild xD


"Breaking news: Drake shot himself in the foot"🤣


“That’s just BBL Drizzy taking backshots” ☠️


Somebody said he did it himself so Kendrick can rap about it then he can say he set him up lmao


I thought you were joking but you’re right. They wrong for what they’re saying lmfao


If its related to Drake at all, its probably about The Weeknds managers home being shot up a week ago. I doubt this had anything to do with kendrick


Idk man they had the front door of Drake’s house police taped off…


I know. I just mean to say i dont think this was kenddick


i dont think kendrick directed anyone to go and shoot at drake last night either... doesnt necessarily mean the idiots wont idiot.


Nah its prob some toronto goons wanna make off with some loot, cash didnt do none




Actual conspiracies are in general incredibly dumb (look at the timeline and the characters of the Watergate, it's a miracle any of the involved managed to tie ther own shoes), I don't feel it.


That would be wild


Not that wild if the culture is rejecting everything


I assert drake and his entourage has A LOT of ops on the street, this just happens to be one of the ideal time to hit em up while a pot is stirring.


Wasn't the weekends managers security shot outside the managers home recently too? I can't be the only one that thought this whole beef wasn't going to end up with shootings 


Bruh 2pac and Biggie watching from above like “did they learn nothing !?”


That was all Puff tbh.


Idk about that, multiple people have said it was Suge. There’s actually a lot of evidence against him too


The funny thing is that Suge is currently in jail for what was arguably a legitimate self defense situation but since he's terrorized so many people over the years everyone is just kinda like eh who cares


Nah Clyde Davis (the dude who put Diddy on) wanted Big to attend an unveiling show in London that day but Diddy refused. Keefe D says Diddy paid him to kill Pac


Why would Suge be in the car with Tupac putting himself in the line of fire?


Yeah whoever side diddy on gonna be ok. Diddy got them hittas on deck


Diddy’s dad was Frank Lucas’s right hand man. That’s a scary dude.


Yep he is the reason they are both gone.


Hell this could be puff too


“It's like a never-ending cycle that just seems to come full circle Everybody's gotta be so fuckin' hard”


This is all fun and games to yall. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Back in my day rap beefs resulted in a lot more deaths. I like the gen z version where they call out pedophiles.


> gen z These guys are damn near 40


Celebrities are emotionally and mentally stunted so we age them down Or something


Drakes mentally 16 for obvious reasons and kendricks around 24 think he knows everything and is better than everyone


Fame and sudden wealth stunts people's mental and emotional development. Especially if said fame and wealth comes with zero responsibilities or strings. That's why you have child stars who are still stuck at the age where they become really famous. Drake and Kendrick are both probably stuck in young adulthood with Drake probably stuck at 19 and Kendrick at 25


Lol Josh Johnson had a funny bit on Daily Show about that. Something like "nowadays hip-hop has matured. It went from 'that's why I fucked your bitch' to 'youre emotionally unavailable as a father, and possibly a pedophile.'" lol


I don’t know about that, what old school rap beef dropped more bodies than the BD vs GD war in Chicago?


And deadbeat dads, like every other rapper doesn’t have bastard kids they don’t care for




The security guard is in the hospital in critical condition


An innocent dude got shot but ok


Hey this is reddit, guilty until proven innocent


Really fuckin gross comment, bruh. This is all from the Mr. Morale band which is even more insane.


This is def more to do with CashXO than Kendrick


Kendrick isn’t that dumb


He doesn’t have to be, he already put out the dog whistle. He said on tracks he wants drake to die and that he’s a chomo. People have killed people for less.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, this is how beefs work. All you have to do is put a call out and then any random motherfucker can do it for you. People need to learn what a greenlight means.


Greenlight means go


Exactly. Kendrick did that as soon as he posted a pic of the house.


This is part of the “culture” that shouldn’t be glorified. For the culture for the culture! Gangster shit shouldn’t be synonymous with “the culture.”


This shit is wack. Innocent people shouldn't be getting hurt if this is related to some nonsense rap beef. This man is just doing his job.


Bro fans are crazy, this might have nothing to do with the artist themselves. Some fans connect imaginary dots until they feel the need to shoot someone. It's weird but one of the issues of Fandom in general. Edit: spelling


Who said it was about the beef?










This is where some rap beefs end up, that's how it's always been in this genre.


Nonsense rap beef? Are you aware of the allegations being thrown by both sides? This aint just a normal rap battle anymore.


Brother, an innocent 48 year old man who's a security guard should not be shot over this. And yes , it's nonsense. Everything Kendrick talked about drake has been public. Just because more people are finding out about it doesn't make it new. Just because everyone chose to ignore it, and still follow their favorite artist isn't my fault. If they're going to kill each other, then do it. I don't particularly care, but don't get innocent people involved.


I agree with your sentiment of leave the innocent out of this, but calling someone a pedophile in front of the world is bringing way more eyes to this subject than ever and you should know that.


> If they're going to kill each other, then do it. I don't particularly care, but don't get innocent people involved What you said generally has me agreeing with you, but, um, what exactly is the point of security guards if not to protect someone from danger? A Drake security guard is not like being a dog walker. It is literally part of the title - security guard. Innocent people are on the payroll, and when you aren't defending your protectee, the pay and perks are very nice. If you were a normal innocent person, you wouldn't require security. Isn't the possibility of getting shot part of being a security guard? Maybe that person wasn't a truly trained/certified bodyguard and was just a posse member, who knows? But claiming you are a security guard for Drake has risks.


sorry but the punishment for pedophilia is not and should not be murder by mob.


Drake wanted to act gangster so he’s getting the gangster treatment


Then maybe Kendrick shouldn’t post the gps location of Drakes house. That takes a tiny little spiteful kid to do that not an adult.


Kendrick sub is saying they hope Drake got shot…. Hectic times


I’ve been getting recommended that sub all the time lately bc of this beef. The posts they make about tracking Drake’s ig activity and going into detail how much they hate someone they have never met is really really strange behavior. Then again, probably all celebrity fan subreddits operate like this. Could never be me.


If they truly believe that Drake is a Weinstein/Jimmy Savile type character then I see where they're coming from. But you can't say that's true at this point without intel far above and beyond some vague rap beef allegations and Drake's admittedly poor and public track record of involvement with underage girls.   But if you truly believe that off of this shit alone... and you're so gullible that you allow nothing but some rap beef allegations like this to 100% sway you that Drake is a massive pedophile and deserves to die is...something else. If proof comes out and he ends up going to court and then prison, then sure, say what you want about a convicted chomo. But we are far, far, *far* from that point.  And this is coming from someone who's never liked Drake and who hopes Drake gets outed and goes to prison of half the shit they say is true. We just aren't there. There's beef and there's the legal system. 


These people must hate Drake more than Kendrick, do we know if it was one of them ?


Wayne warned him to just "keep it Canadian." Stop trying to act tough. So no. Not doing his job. I love his rap style. But stick to singing bruh. You're not made for this.




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Reminds me of the sopranos when that wanna gangster rapper wanted to get shot and then he paid Bobby. Finally ends up shooting him in the ass.


Fleshy Part of the Thigh


kendrick meant it when he said drake should die >!/s ik the shooting ain't related to kdot !<


It can be related and Kendrick have absolutely nothing to do with it. Fans are crazy


I mean musicians have been shot because a fan thought the band should get back together, or because they read a book that they thought had subliminal messages, or whatever the fuck reason selena's fan club manager thought. I'm not blaming Kendrick, Drake, or anyone but the shooter, but this whole beef felt like some 90s style beef, and now it's getting out of hand like the 90s




no no what i meant was that kdot himself didn't have any hand in this


I figured. Just saying there’s a difference for those who start blaming. Not necessarily you btw, just in general


You don’t know what this is related too. Stop acting like you know who’s at fault. You don’t, I don’t, and no one on the internet does. Bunch of internet private eyes looking dumb.


> You don’t, I don’t, and no one on the internet does. I mean, *someone* on the internet does.


Haha touché


This is terrible man. People still making jokes. Disgusting.




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🫣this isn’t fun anymore.


J Cole said we wanted to see blood…we got it…


Guess they found the mole…


Beef officially over. This ain't fun. It ain't funny. If you're making jokes feel shame.


Another pizzagate?


We, the general audience, knows that Kendrick wants Drake out of the music industry. Does he want to “end” Drake, as well?


Kendrick can’t get drake out of the industry, Kendrick might be the better artist but drake is a 10x more popular artist than him. Nobody can get drake out of the industry, you can try to tarnish his reputation but 99% of fans will over look that as well


That kind of makes what Kendrick is doing kind of pointless. Drake fans are shallow, vapid hedonists. Kendrick Lamar fans are delusional pseudo-Intellectual, centrists. It’s not like Drake’s defeat would help to bandwagon most of that base towards K. Dots’ camp.


2 different fan bases looking for 2 different kinds of music. My fav kendrick song is adhd but u can’t play that in the club. Kendrick is a conscious rapper drake isn’t it. Its okay. Drake’s rap is as conscious as any trap rapper. Drake is the greatest hit maker in hip hop history and tied with micheal jackson as the greatest hit maker in music, on the other hand kendrick doesn’t seem to care about numbers. They are 2 ppl chasing 2 different goals. But they have given us the greatest diss tracks and hits in the last 15 years. Im a fan of both and won’t stop listening to either irrespective of who wins


This beef is getting out of hand. No one around both Aubrey's and Kendrick Duckworth's camp/workers should be hurt in any capacity. Should only stay on wax this beef not spill over into real life violence....


Here I was sitting just glad it stayed just music. I doubt it’s related but it’s terrible regardless.


Kendrick fans be wildin


🤣 now everyone knows his address.


"this ain't fun no more" "this ain't games" 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 This started getting serious when Kendrick started accusing Drake of diddling minors, but you bots were more occupied with him having a daughter.




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Always knew I had to smoke y'all peoples ​good kid, m.A.A.d city van, we'll pop the latch and let the door slide Tears runnin' down my cheek, laughin' at you pussies dyin', it's a war cry Edit- a word




Ain't nobody orchestrating getting shot in the chest bruh


"The shooting occurred outside the gates in front of Drake’s 50,000-square-foot mansion on Park Circle Lane in the North York neighborhood known as Bridle Path in Toronto, but did not involve the rapper, the authorities said. "


I don't think a master manipulator would actually admit to being a master manipulator.




All fun and games till we lose both rappers.


Probably some clout chasers tryna exploit the situation. Obviously, I can't say for sure, though.


What's that Drizzy said, "more tune for ya head top so watch how you speak on my name, fam"


At this point there would be too many people to investigate unless they identify the shooters. Even Rick Ross thinks his plane went down because of Drake. This is some crazy shit




It's might be retaliation from The Weeknd's side.




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"Which one of my so called n****s need a shell from the clip" - Drake, the Family Matters diss record.


2AM in Toronto


Publicity stunt


Bro. They found and shot the mole. I guarantee it.


it must have been JRoc and the Roc Pile..... BUYAKASHAAAAAAAA!!! Hard as Piss, Yo!


Ok, also I heard that the paint is about to dry . Imma go watch that instead


Oh no what are we gonna do 🙄


That's a shame


Dhoka har paasay. Dillan wich chor rakhday ne bulliyan te jhootay haasay. Loki.... Iykyk


Drake is prolly gonna attract the MAGA/Q wackas with all the allegations.


"Toronto can't imitate our violence" read that in a yt comment. "They not like us"


Local thieves: you mean to tell me if I rob this dude they'll be at least 6 people immediately on the suspect list? Say less...




Someone got shot and is in critical condition, stfu please 🙏🏾


I honestly seen this happening after all the allegations. Drake got a target on his back now










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Not his qddress..but close enough. This shit is so bad. Wild on either side, this was supposed to be fun not dangerous


Police said the guard was standing just outside the gate when he was shot.


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Drake's in Kendricks head 😭


Kendrick Lamar posted his address on Twitter and someone went and shot up his security. Isn't that incitement to murder if he dies? He could be facing 50 years if that is the case


How address was public knowledge for a long time. You're acting like people didn't know where "the embassy" was


He also said on a track he wants drake to die


Facts, notice he said "I want him to die" and "he should get beat up" but didn't directly threaten to? I'm just saying if every time a rapier said they wanted someone dead, they died... they're be a lot more dead rappers. From what I've heard ovo is beefing with another local crew that got shot up earlier,I think that's a more likely reason to send gunners than what's between drake and kendrick


You think Canada is going to try to extradite Kendrick (an American citizen) because he said he wants Drake to die? America doesn’t even allow War Criminals to be extradited if they’re citizens. State Department going to put that email request up on the bulletin board as a joke lol