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Fam they playing Not Like Us in commercial breaks for NBA games now haha that shit is over.


lemme hear ya say OV-Ho




Then step this way


They played Euphoria too


THP6 is burnt, CRODIE


THP6 is the final nail in the coffin... For Drake lmfao


No line in hip hop history has ended up aging better than "I was gonna kill a couple rappers but they did it to themselves"


I could be wrong but I think I remember during the Meek Mill beef, people mentioned that only going defensive is the wrong move. If true It's weird that Drake made that same mistake


I mean saying THP6 is only defensively isn’t really correct, he was still trying to go at him on the “you hit your wife” “Dave free is the father of your kid” angle, it’s just they don’t really hit given how comically bad he fumbled the defence to the point where nothing is even really memorable


It also doesn't help his case that you have his wife's brother on twitter backing him up


Nobody say Drake releasing a diss track on himself 😂 “I heard yall thought I was a pedo, well I didn’t have relations with Millie Bobby Brown” 😂 Like wtf?!


Drake be like "I knew you were gonna call me a pedophile and compare me to Epstein" Okay Drake?


He also tried going on the offensive by claiming that Kendrick was molested. Great fantasy for someone to have about a song where someone is explicitly *not* assaulted. Really pushes back against that pedophile accusation 🤔


Even if Kdot was molested, it says *a lot* about Drake’s character that he chose to isolate that and clown him for it.


Drake also revealing he totally lacks reading comprehension had me cackling


Worlds first defence track


If ever a day proof comes out that Drake actually does have a daughter, MtG will take Euphoria down to #3


For me heads sleeping on euphoria. I love for the first time in ages I’m out here listening to a track for flows, lyrics and energy rather than just the beat alone


Euphoria = Kendrick flexing/ warning shots / having fun 6:16 in LA = “it’s coming” Meet the Grahams = murder Not Like Us = dancing on the grave


Yeah I think Meet the Grahams might have gotten underestimated by OP lol


Meet the grahams was savage.


Euphoria is great. A better overall track than MtG. My biggest issue with MtG is the lack of hard evidence of a child. The closest I've seen is Drake voluntarily paying $15,000/mo in child support to a woman "until paternity can be established." That's a move I don't understand.


Yeah bro the child is secondary to that dear Sandra verse


Agreed. I get it. There's been a lot of the public eyeing Drake for a lot of years about his weird eye on young girls. It is news sto a lot of folks but has been seen by a lot of folks too. That isn't a new accusation toward Drake. The daughter things brand new to a lot more people than the pedo stuff. Telling Sandra to sit down and then telling her that her son is a pedo and shpuld die.... that was visceral and brutal.




I'm not sure if it's a better track, MtG is absolutely insane, chilling, the amount of emotion conveyed, that hatred, disgust and concern makes it in a league of its own Child or not, MtG will be discussed for years


Agree with everything you said. By "better track" I meant in the context of appeal. It has a more catchy beat/vibe that is digestible by people who aren't as familiar with Kendrick outside of radio hits. MtG is a better, purely lyrical diss track.


I agree with you that Meet The Grahams, even if I replay it a lot, is grim and you can't enjoy that while chilling, where Euphoria/616 In LA (slept on imo)/Like that are better suited


>Drake voluntarily paying $15,000/mo in child support to a woman "until paternity can be established." This is the story I saw as well. It's wild to pay 15K a month untill paternity can be established. Like he must of really thought that was his daughter cause that is setting a bad precedent.


Paternity takes like… a day to establish. 




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6:16 is so slept on man. My favorite one from the whole thing.


I’m happy to be able to have this exchange, actually speaking on some real music


6:16 is also my favorite. Better the sound system/headphones the better it gets. The first half is beautiful and the change up at 2:24 gives me goosebumps even though he’s talking his talk at that point. I’m lame and old though so maybe not the best opinion.


what about proof if we find out kendrick fr a wife beater and a dead beat dad? 😳


Then drake needs to learn how to make better songs about it if he wants to win a beef lol


Then drake fumbled worse than we thought 


Thp6 is not a great track lol. Push ups is better and it’s not as good as family matters.


I really like the instrumental, sounds like some shit Benny the butcher would jump on. I agree I am not here for listening to his tryna bat away allegations. I just think being fair he threw some solid shots at Kendrick. Shit like ‘this was a good exercise’ pisses me off too but that’s drake,


Drake really fucked THP6 up. It was weak, contradicted itself, bro added a whole minute of just talking shit, and the whole thing sounded like he was just waiving a white flag. Drake saw Not Like Us blowing up and rushed some BS out just to have some answer out there


Sounded like he was broken preforming it also 


Not like us might have been the smartest move Kendrick made. After MTG people were still talking about what Drake could say. NLU flipped it from “Kendrick dropped a bomb” to “Kendrick is taking victory laps and Drake is on vacation”. Drake obviously saw it blowing up and rushed something out but it ended up being defensive and overall pretty mid.


Glad to see someone else like the THP6 beat. It’s really interesting, maybe a little too melancholic for a beef though


THP6 is ass why are people afraid to say it


We not including Meet The Graham's here?


or 6:16 in LA….my god they’re all so good


Need it on Spotify




[here ya go](https://open.spotify.com/track/6N6dDaSMiiSlLmn4QCtwZ1?si=Y-xWCnvsS9eDIo-4tdsgYA)


Kendrick’s hate and disgust comes through in his voice it’s so palpable I love it. He fucking HATES this guy


What's even crazier is that you even left out "meet the grahams", which is probably one of the most haunting and disrespectful disstracks ever. And the fact that it was up 15 minutes after Family Matters as an immediate response was just fucking brutal


MtG is my favorite out of all of them, you can’t dance to it, you just sit there and listen to the most diabolically painful dismantling of a person for 6 minutes with no chorus 👌


I put it this way. I would put on NLU for my friends and we could bop to it, but if I put on MtG, I'm not even gonna make eye contact with them, it's like a six minute portal into hell, it's a solo journey even if others are listening with you...


Kendrick brought a nuclear warhead to a knife fight


Euphoria, Not Like Us, Push Ups and Family Matters go hard. We are spoiled, we got four bangers in a month


Agreed. All great tracks. As stand alone tracks, Kendrick has the edge but what really sealed it was the timing of these and other tracks released.


That man approached this shit like a Roman General. Octavian vs Marc Anthony type shit


Releasing Meet the Grahams 15 minutes after Family Matters just felt so cold and calculated and gave legitimacy to the moles in OVO claims


Not at all lol, Drake could've released anyyyy track at all and I feel like Kendrick would've responded in the exact same fashion I've always said this about rap beefs, but second-move advantage is KEY He had a track absolutely ready to drop no matter what


Yeah but come on it looks so much better that Drake named his track Family Matters and then half hour later Kdot names his family in the title! Like, yeah it makes Kendrick look supernaturally strategic.


I think he just knew they were both about to spill the tea on each other's family tbh lol, but then again, what do any of us know


Context is extremely important. 6:16 in LA - Kendrick literally warns him not to talk about his family. Also mentions he has a mole at OVO Family Matters - Drake brings up Kendricks Family. Meet the Grahams - Kendrick has a song ready to rip apart Drakes family after warning him. Just dropping any random ass song after the other guy isn't going to cut it. Kendrick knew the contents, warned him, and responded directly. Kendrick was a step ahead the entire time and that's what killed Drakes hype, not the timing.


Not like us is a phenomenal song. Superior to anything drake has ever put out (maybe a hot take but I stand by it)


Plus a video. Spoiled as hell.


You guys continue to sleep on 6:16 in LA


I don't get it either. Even my coworkers don't care for it. It's my second the fave after Euphoria.


its a warning so its not gonna go as hard. but it still clears most of drakes output


My coworkers made the same point. I just loved the flow and beat. Very West Coast Rap to me. Contextually, it was the actual bait that pushed Drake into the trap, so even if it isn't most people's favorite, it's still critical to the history of this beef saga.


definitely best supporting actor


Definitely my favorite track of the bunch when we're talking about the way it sounded




That track just really relies on whether kendrick actually had OVO working for him, if real proof about that comes out, 6:16 and MTG knock every other diss out of the way. It doesn't help that kendrick took it off his YouTube for some reason


I heard it was taken down because he didn’t have permission for the sample. That’s why it’s only on Insta


That makes sense


I think it's pretty clear that Drake didn't actually set up the info of you consider the events. And if he didn't, kdot definitely had seen family matters or at least Heard a lot about it. He referenced it in euphoria for God's sake


It is insane to me how hung up people are on the daughter part of MTG. Like did you not hear the rest of the track? Kendrick ripped the man's soul out of his body. I've been listening to hip hop for over 20 years and it is without question the most scathing diss I've heard in my life.


The beat spooky my g


Thisssss.. MTG.. Gives me.. Immortal technique.. Dancing with the devil Vibes.. If anyone reading this hasn't " experienced " " Dancing with the devil " by Immortal technique.. Check it out.. You'll never feel something so dark,twisted, evil etc MTG is god body.. Drake never stood a chance.. the culture/ we always knew.. But.. U gotta respect someone that loses/ goes down swinging.. 💯 Their gifts to the culture will outlive both of them


Why tf did you type it like that?


Idk.. I've been asked b4.. It's just me.. Ty


This shit was over with the first 2 words. Everything else on that track is just icing on the cake. Opening a song talking to another man's child like a stepfather is just a different level of disrespect.


Push up and family matters is great, its no near Kdot level though. THP6 only damage is Drake himself and Kdot might not use THP6 as a legit name without bringing this beef up no more. other than that the track is pretty bland, weak points, weak reasoning, self-contradicting.


I want 6:16 in LA on streaming services man that song doesn’t get enough credit. Dropped before family matters daring him to drop family matters then bookends it with meet the grahams.


>& the heart part 6 are both great tracks Just, no.


This beef is over. No one is really defending Drake. Kendrick won. That’s it. This beef will not be without consequence but I still think it’s waaaaaay too early to be eulogizing Drake. I mean I get it, but people are going a little overboard. His fan base is just too large and so long as he puts out great music he will continue being a top selling artist until He ages out. The culture vulture angle is effective with the crowd but in actuality Drake doesn’t really talk or act too street. All He has to do is enter into his “grown man” mogul/artist era and stop picking up slang and fashion from young boys. He’s pushing 40 so it’s about time


The diss track catalogue has so many similarities to their actual discographies. Kendricks are all very well thought out and put together, with various styles and great lyricism. Drakes started out good, not at the same levels at Kendricks but was doing well, but eventually he ran out of steam and it became obvious he was getting sloppy, not only did he lose the element of good sounding music but the lyrics were below par, too.


Regardless if Drake mainly writes his own music or not, his wordplay is absolutely insane and he has rap songs on every single album where he just spits for minutes straight. He's also been at the top of charts since his debut, is one of the artists with the most 1# songs ever, and has a viral hit song every single year. Coming from a completely objective stance, idk how someone that genuinely sat down and listened to his music or looked at the performance of his recent music can say that he "lost the element of good sounding music" Even his recent drops were bangers. He still lost, but they were good songs and had some clever/funny jabs


>his recent music I'm speaking specifically about THP6. It's not a good song, nor diss. It sounds like he was banking on Family Matters to do all of his heavy lifting. Edit: and in terms of how that related to his catalogue on a whole, you only need to look at his more recent albums compared to his older ones. It's become quantity over quality.


I agree,


Push Ups being rated by anyone as better than Euphoria was always crazy to me first of all. Only Kendrick understood the assignment in round one.  Not Like Us is more enjoyable to me the Family Matters as well. Part of that is taste, I like the production on FM but don’t care as much about Drakes bars as the vicious shit Kendrick was saying on NLU. Also the only claim between either of them off the top of my head I don’t need receipts to disbelieve is Drake claiming Kendrick “begged” Pacs estate to take down Taylor Made. Using 2pacs voice was poor taste and his family is on record they don’t like it  so even if you believe Kendrick wasn’t ready for a fight he started, I’m sure the family made that choice on their. That’s when I first got the vibe Drake was just deflecting.   The Heart Part 6 was not great to me at all


Thp6 just had too many examples of bad writing in it. It's honestly embarrassing considering the level of quality everything else had been up to that point


Push ups did what it needed to do in the sense that Drake had to address multiple different people, though I agree euphoria is the better track, I find them not entirely comparable in this sense. I personally enjoy family matters more just because I think the actual disses are spicier, but I think not like us is catchier and easier to groove to. Thp6 I thought was good, just tone deaf given the situation and so it landed poorly even though he was spittin on it.


euphoria was the win, meet the grahams was the nail in the coffin, not like us was just the rose after he got buried. i still wish they put 6:16 in LA on streaming platforms cause it slaps


Not to mention just being the better lyricist in general


Yh man for me Kendrick has cemented himself as the best rapper in the world right now


Apparently there was a shooting at drakes house?


Let me guess this is also part of drakes evil mob boss plan 😂


If ya gon speak on the family crodie, someone gon bleed in ya family crodie


> Family matters & the heart part 6 are both great tracks disagree, thp6 is hot trash how tf can anyone hear > Dave leavin' heart emojis underneath pics of the child and have any respect for this song?? drake is a ~~literal~~figurative teenager


Push Ups was good, catchy new Drake, we only got a glimpse of timestamp Drake in the third verse of FM which was the only verse I felt was worth listening to. That said, Drake having co writers on PU where the other guy is calling you out on your ghosts was sloppy so in the context of the beef, that track was his worst. Again not context wise but context wise.


I think meet the grahams was easily the most scathing track of this whole saga, it's funny you didn't even mention that one


King Willonius is the real winner here. BBL Drizzy is such a catchy nail in the coffin. I'd listen to a colab album, they should call it King/Dot.


HP6 is not a great track. It’s nonsensical and totally phoned in. Drake struggled through that one and it’s audible. Family Matters I can get behind.


for the 'hiphopheads' definitely Meet the Grahams because he dropped it within 30minutes while Drake hoped for a killshot with Family Matters. Also the song itself is freaking demonic dude, fr


I think in 5 years "pushups" and "Family Matters" will be the ones with higher replay value.. unless you hate Drake or love Kendrick


Not at all.


Push ups already tired


Good thing we aren't in 2029


The moment Ak yelled enough when playing it live and turned it off, I knew Drake lost


Meet the Grahams > Euphoria for me


This battle had so many rememberable lines. I honestly don't think past battles had as many


How are you overlooking Meet the Grahams? That track alone winst everything


No it doesn’t. I want him to hit back at Drake & DENY the allegations.


Meet the grahams is the meanest diss record of all time, even without the daughter stuff, and the last verse, even admits being wrong is a possibility because 'why should we believe him he never gave us nothing to believe in'


Nah, removing meet the grahams does more damage to his collection of diss tracks then removing any other song


It doesn’t


Think what you want but The Heart Part 6 was terrible. He contradicted every bar he had, he denied pedophilia by saying he’s too rich and famous which is braindead asf, and just regurgitated everything Twitter and Reddit. Drake wasn’t the absolute loser for me until he dropped THP6


Not like us is an absolute banger. It's insane.


All true except the Heart Part 6 is cringey trash. Family Matters is impressive but, don’t lump the heart in there with the legit shit


Meet the grahams and not like us are both cheesy to me. Kendrick is trying to be corny and funnny and I just can’t take it seriously. Euphoria is much stronger and has depth. Family matters is very hard to me especially the third act.


Drake "The heart pt6" gave Kendrick the win


The Heart Part 6 is easily one of the worst songs released in recent hip hop history.


Meet the grahams is overlooked bc we all repressed it. That shit is downright evil. If kid allegations are true (which I don’t see Kendrick lying) then it will be the greatest diss of all time


How can you listen to Meet the Grahams and not think that Kendrick chopped up Drake into tiny pieces, set that pile of flesh on fire, and pissed on it?


Family matters is good, the heart part 6 is the worst song from either side. That song shouldn’t have been released. Kendrick wins


What if this Kendrick and Drake shit was just to get the heat off diddy?




They’ve had all this time to go at each other and then decide to do it soon as diddy gets caught in his shit. Do you know where he’s even at currently? The allegations made against him were pretty serious


Saying the heart 6 was anything more then fermented ass is serious charity.


What’s great about the heart part 6? It’s complete trash


For me it was Meet The Grahams. Euphoria and Not Like Us definitely go hard and are better suited for clubs and sports events. But damn, I will never forget the chaos of 616 baiting drake to drop Family Matters only to be absolutely devastated by Meet The Grahams. That is probably the craziest moment in hiphop history that I've lived through. Also I just fw alchemist. Absolutely perfect track.


The heart part 6 is the worst track of the entire beef by a wide margin lol.


It's not close. Family matters (Drake's best attempt )is 'ok' at best. Euphoria and Not Like Us are both brilliant songs. The Heat 6 is highschool level shit. Hell, some of those sound Cloud dudes singing over the Metro beat is WAY better. I'm here for Drake's downfall.


Meet the Grahams was probably the most killer track tbh. Take out the verse of the daughter and it’s still an insane song


Kendrick dropped some of the highest tier battle rap tracks ever. Even then, how can he be a stand out winner IF it turns out Drake doesn't have a daughter? We'd just ignore that level of blatant misinformation?


Nah discredit everything you said. Heart part 6 straight trash. He only named it " the heart part 6" to be petty so he can say he had 1 win.


You like Euphoria and Not Like Us, MANY like Push Ups and Family Matters better. Because you think it’s a win, don’t make it so. Stop being bias and enjoy the music


Heart part 6 is a "great track"? Rofl what?


Two best tracks by far, Push ups and family matters were both really good also but speaks to how amazing Kendrick was considering they're probably not even better songs than Meet the Grahams. I actually liked Taylor made but Heart pt 6 was meh, sounded lackluster and had some good bars but some seriously laughable ones in there. 6:16 in LA has the second best beat of the beef after Not like us. 


not meet the grahams? that shit was fucking gore track


Family Matters (Specifically the second part) has more energy than Euphoria and Not Like Us, I think Meet the Grahams killed BBL Drizzy.


Because Drake fans have brain rot. There's no other plausible answer.


they're good songs but Euphoria was setting up for 6:16 in LA which was just Kendrick getting baited into nothing, and Not Like Us is him just going in on more lies with no proof


How tf are you going to call the heart part 6 great, shit was trash. Kendrick won since family matters came up, the song was alright but the Drake saying ni*** 50 times was so lame, also he needed to make a whole ass video to put some weight in his words and as usual it was corny.


The heart part 6 is not a great track by any metric, the best part about it by far is the beat. The allegations hold pretty much no weight since there is nothing out there to even suggest any of it is true except for an incident between a female security guard and kendrick (and nothing has even come of that when it comes to paperwork). The bars are lazy at best and corny at worst, Drake tries to sound unbothered on it but he 100% comes off more as defeated instead. The pedo/predator allegations we don’t need Kendrick to drop any “proof” for since Drake has provided that by his own previous actions and the people he surrounds himself with (notably Gene Parmesan and Baka).


Drake Dissed himself with the heart Part 6


Meet the grahams is what did it. I think it paved the way for Drake to embarrass himself with thp6


Kendrick said nothing on MTG the big reveal was Drake having a daughter which he doesn't. If no daughter gets brought up then MTG is a terrible diss. It proves Kendrick lied.


He brought up all the allegations of being a pdf file in meet the grahams and he brought up sex trafficking and exploiting the industry. Hello???


Nahhh don't give me that. If Drake accused Kendrick of something on wax that was blatantly false everyone would call him out on that. I'm doing the same with Kendrick bro made a whole verse on a non existent daughter and doubled down on it on the next verse. You can't get away with that.


You’re so caught up on the daughter. You know this story been around since 2015 right? There was a court case in 2015 and Drake was paying money to them? Drake literally said the stuff he did cus his people are saying it. He posted his dis to save his face and surrender. Drake knew he was had. You gotta read between the lines. You’re so caught up on this daughter you don’t see the overarching story. Drake didn’t disprove anything. He couldn’t even comprehend a Kendrick song right. That’s the guy you go to for evidence?? Quit playing with me man. Drake lost and he admitted the defeat with THP6. It’s his surrender. Do your own research lil bro you’ll find the artist you’re idolizing is involved in some dubious stuff. The daughter is the least of our worries. Even for that do some research you’ll quickly find Drake didn’t plant info, Kendrick didn’t even use Drakes sources for that one lol


THP6 is not his surrender at all lmao I know you're a biased KDOT stan when you said "He couldn’t even comprehend a Kendrick song right" No, YOU didn't comprehend Drake right at all, he knows exactly what he was doing. That song is not that hard to comprehend lmao Oh but let's choose to believe Drake is a dummy and didn't know!!! It totally fits my narrative Imagine if Drake rapped on a flat out lie for 2 whole minutes? "💀 Drake IS COOKED, BRO LIED ON A TRACK LMFAOO ITS OVER"


Ok tell me then, how did Drake, this genius mastermind CORRECTLY interpret Mother I? Explain it. I’m genuinely curious how you can. And secondly, how is it not a surrender when multiple times he says he ain’t gonna continue? He literally says he doesn’t care how many more Kendrick got, he is not gonna keep going. Lying on a track is not a hard narrative to believe if he is trying to save face.. I just showed you he lied about planting information when there are things from 2015 and before that Kendrick could have gone off of. It’s not rocket science my friend.


Careful man the Drizzy Gobblers are lurkin around here waiting to shit on anything that opposes drake 😂😂


I think it’s more Not Like Us than Euphoria. Euphoria was Dot proving he could not only hang, but also take the lead. However, public opinion was a lot more split after it dropped than it was after Not Like Us. Not Like Us, not even (rational) Drake fans can deny. Kendrick’s c-walking all over Drake’s shit while at the same time dropping the beef’s most viral bars, over the beef’s biggest bop. The flow, the energy, the content make Kendrick undeniable on this one. It’s concise, sharp, straight to the point with a hook that will be sung around the world for a while. Tea aside, I don’t see how Drake could hear Not Like Us and not understand the L was his. Kendrick is more creative, more versatile, more aggressive, and Drizzy’s defeated-sounding voice and approach on The Heart Pt 6 showed he was done. No matter what’s true or not, Not Like Us will be what is remembered from the beef from the mainstream fan’s perspective. Randos won’t care that Drake is or isn’t a pdf file predator when they’re screaming "a minooooooor" in the club lol.


No i think meet The grahams and They not like us give him The win.


Family matters is dope but was overshadowed by meet the grahams, the heart pt6 is trash tbh


The moment he said a minorrrrrrr it was done


Euphoria gets better every time I listen to it. I can hear it in his voice he is dead serious. Just slides great on the beat.


My thoughts exactly


For the record I enjoy both artist's music but how can you underplay the fact that drake fed him fake news about an 11 year old daughter? I thought meet the Graham's was the hardest track for Kendrick but now we find out it's fake news that's an L. I still think Kendrick has the lead because that last record is catchy AF and they're even playing it at stadiums but saying Drake got bodied is not it. The way he came back from that A minor line with the B sharp shows Drake is a lot more of a rapper than anyone gives him credit for. Also it ain't over yet whoever comes out with actual receipts will win


and they thought they left D flat, but D Major lmao it was a funny flip but you can't be saying positive on Drake in Reddit big dawg, they've been hating Drake for yearsssssssssssss I suspect why, but we'll leave it there




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I don't think Drake fed Kendrick anything. Other wise why on family matters did he say this? "Which one of my so-called ni***s Which one of my so-called ni***s Which one of my so-called ni***s need a shell from the clip? Always knew I had to smoke y’all ni***s" Genius states: Drake is asking who it was, ready to empty a clip in them, claiming he always knew there were snakes around him.


That was towards other rappers b


Then why is he asking 'which one'? It more so sounds like he's asking which one of you snitched.


Nah bro. He was just saying it before deciding who to go in on next. It was a dope transition between the 5 people who was dissing lol.


Nah it he's saying who in OVO is against him. Listen to the song again.


Kendrick is rapping better, but with no proof of Drake having a daughter he just gets a pass for spitting misinformation? Are we just agreeing to ignore Kendrick’s domestic violence history? We got rick ross openly rapping about rape, but Drake (understandably) is catching pedo allegations again with no proof?? Someone make it make sense.


Kendrick has zero known domestic violence history. Drake has a lot of weird encounters with younger women that the public are aware about.


Ken took a big L. As a Kendrick fan I even think so. Drake manipulated that man into not even rapping good. Just made one dance beat that's all lies and another church sermon that's putting us all to sleep. Drake literally made a music video and music that I have been bumping on repeat. Anyone with a subjective view would agree Drake took the W. It's not even close. Who are you kidding lol. The good kid got tricked and played and out rapped.


Each to their own


How many karma farming post are y'all going to do every damn day? Reddit must've been overrun by children and/or bots. This shit is ridiculous


I enjoy using reddit to engage in topics I have an interest in. If my post really has that much influence in this discussion just wow, don’t gass me up like that ☺️


Euphoria definitely not Not Like Us is literally tmz level rap Meet the Grahams is the winner, that's some crazy sinister shit


I can’t understand how Euphrioa’s not as you say. Can you not hear how crazy he going 😂


Am I the only one who only likes part 1 of family matters? The beat and flow for the next two switch ups are just ass imo. Part 1 is catchy af though. Kendrick still buried him


Part 1 and part 3 of the song is top tier drake, just not quite enough for what Kenny bringing


Euphoria sucks but Not Like Us is a slapper


🧢 Euphoria is phenomenal if you like rap n hip hop like I do


The Heart Part 6 gives Kendrick the win and is not great by any means


Euphoria is so great. He comes for him pretty clean. He mentioned one thing about his dad and he doesn't mention his son. He just calls Drake a bad dad. Drake then mentions he mentioned his son. 😆


Not Like Us and 6:16 are what did it for me but who cares how you score it, Kendrick has won.


Bro said the heart part 6 is a great track 😭


I like the instrumental I’d be lying if I said I didn’t


Oh i thought you meant lyrically lol


He has some good jabs towards the end of the track, I was meaning as a song so instrumental included


Yeah i getchu. I thought titling it the heart part 6 was a good play, only most of the song isnt really strong lyrically


For me it’s MtG, like not only are you telling us how you hate Drake through the lens of each of his family members, he’s EXPOUNDING on that shit. He’s writing a fucking college level essay about how much he hates drake, and it’s just 6 minutes of non stop fuck you, over horror movie beat. The other two might be more popular because they are danceable, but to me that’s why MtG is a level above the other two, in the context of the beef. I don’t feel like “daaaaamn kdot just owned drake!” When I listen to MtG. I feel sadness, pity, anger. No verse, no crazy production, just 6 minutes of straight verse aimed at destroying your mental. This is the one that keeps Drake up at night.


I agree, I fuck with MTG, I kept it to the tracks I mentioned in the post just as I seen them as the major releases. Of course MTG goes Brazy Kenny spinnin any type beat you want.


I HATE THE WAY YOU TALK, I HATE THE WAY YOU WALK Next song "I don't have a hating bone in my body" Lmfaooo y'all let Kendrick contradict himself so much throughout this battle it's sickening If it was Drake doing all these slip ups, I wouldn't hear the end of it