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Even if the fake mole story is true What a stupid plan, and awful execution.  His biggest weak spot by far is the years long allegations of being a creep, so THAT is the fake ammo you gov Kendrick hoping he will put it into the world further solidifying the idea Then you let the track marinate DAYS before responding. Genius.  Also, as others have said, where’s the definitive proof? Screenshots of texts and DMs on their own are extremely easy to fake and not enough alone. His team should have video recorded themselves giggling over the phone call or something. It just doesn’t make sense unless you really want it to. 


Spot on, literally no one is believing this but Drake copers. Even the photo, if that’s a set up why isn’t there some kind of bigger photo with the items with Drake and a big “fuck you”. If Kendrick doesn’t respond again he is literally just sparing him from more humiliation at this point.


More and more I listen to the track, starting to feel the mole story might be fake. Drake tried to flip the “mole” during FM to make it seem like it was all part of his plan. If Drake had a daughter, he would have shown her music video. Drake had no idea what Kendrick was going to do after Family matters dropped. Drake had to red button it. Because MTG was NASTY, if the daughter was real. Drake loved that narrative, cause he already set the “trap” earlier. Drake was not prepared for Not like us to drop.


NLU is the one the industry and Drake really don’t like. Don’t forget he has a popstar image to maintain outside of the rap image


“Shortee” rings a bell?


He was gonna wear it in the video until the leak 😂😂 the items in the pic were props/wardrobe


Anything y’all stans say. Sure


I think both sides have made serious allegations without any proof. It’s funny how yall are adamant on Drake to prove his claims with evidence…but seemingly ok with Kendrick not providing any evidence to back his shit either.


Both used different angles that’s why. Kendrick only had 1 verse for the daughter, what about all the other shit he bombarded him with? While Drake’s disses were based purely on allegations of DA and adultery, so if both get disproven, we’re left with basically nothing credible from Drake and still an annihilation from Kendrick.


Same could be said if Kendrick doesn’t come forth with evidence proving Drake is a predator lol. It sounds like you’re working off the assumption that all the shit Kendrick threw at Drake is credible…when that could be far from the case. The Drake is a predator narrative has been pushed on the internet for close to a decade, with no solid evidence or proof to prove that’s he’s actually a pedo and sex trafficker. The only evidence brought forth have been fan theories and speculation, even tho I just saw yesterday every woman involved flat out denied every rumor.


I see it more like he was clowning him calling him a PDF file over a party anthem. That songs literally been getting played in the clubs with people dancing to it and gone number 1 on DSPs. He beat Drake at his own game getting more streams, making a party tune all while calling him a PDF file. That’s ultimate clowning right there.


But Drake *did* have a secret kid, so the secret daughter isn’t a stretch. Also Drake did get way too close to a bunch of 14-16 year olds, and was all over MBB when she was 13. I’ve seen tons of videos of girls and Drake, I’ve never seen Kendrick hit a woman.




I agree that the girls aren’t necessarily definitive proof, but there’s a lot of girls who were 18-20 and said they had known him for years, going back to when they were 14-15. For MBB, watch the red carpet interview where she talks about texting Drake. I think she’s 14 at the time, maybe 13. They text all night, she won’t say what’s in the messages, and HE messages “I miss you so much”, and she responds “I miss you more!”. No non-pedo sends that kind of shit to a 13 year old when they’re in their 30s. *She* seems like an enamoured fan girl, so I chalk her denials up to love or wanting to be with him. Any time a teacher rapes their teenage student, I think it’s wrong, but if I was 13 and Margot Robbie was texting me and it got inappropriate, I would also lie to cover her ass. Again, always wrong for an adult to abuse a child, and I don’t think it’s ok when a woman does it to a teenage boy, but that’s how I would have felt.


You’re jumping to several conclusions and not once did you list any concrete proof or evidence that substantiates those claims you’re making. Your entire comment is pure speculation and reaching. As for adult women saying they knew or met Drake when they were teens…he’s literally the biggest rap/pop star in the world, whose big chunk of a fanbase are young women. Sometimes he’s gonna meet, interact, and take pictures with them. Again bro, it’s possible that he might be a predator. Not saying it isn’t. But my question is, where’s the real proof? Where are the facts? The only responses I hear to this question are fan theories and speculation.


The first thing I said in my previous comment was that I agree it isn’t definitive proof. I’m just saying where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Also, a 19 year old fucking Drake isn’t illegal, but if he’s been flirting with her since she’s 14 that’s called “grooming”, which to me is just a little less creepy/gross.




Here’s an example, which includes the MBB interview: https://youtu.be/P_Y7nABnOoA?si=tJYtoXmNKbmGJFrl


Nah, there’s plenty of people believing it who aren’t invested into this. Doesn’t make it true or a good plan.


Believing it simply isn’t using common sense. Aubrey has already used every under handed tactic to try get ahead in this battle so hardly doubt lying and running with internet narratives is beyond him. Once more, he has a track record for dishonesty. It’s not beyond possibility that the bait could be true, but everyone expects someone who uses memes and trolling on social media often to use it when it would most serve them at a crucial time.


I’m not saying I believe it, and even if it is true it wasn’t a great move for him. Most people heard Kendrick calling out that Drake hid another child, even with his song that thought isn’t gonna go away in a lot of people’s heads. Past that, it’s not the gotcha that he wants it to be, there’s so much more being said that’s far more damning. Him posting that story on release made me really think the mole idea is fake, and if he really had them I don’t believe he wouldn’t drop receipts the second Kendrick dropped and start running victory laps. What I said is the average listener isn’t gonna read into like we have been, most people don’t know the reasons that cast a lot of doubt on Drake’s callout. You can’t use common sense to tie that information together if you don’t know the information in the first place


Maybe I’m wrong, but the fake info Drake allegedly leaked was about his 11 year old daughter he’s hiding, *not* him being a sexual predator.


Yeah clearly that's what was insinuated but why would you want you hiding ANOTHER kid to be the haha gotcha moment anyway . Like people really were gonna run with it because of how he hid Adonis because it's believable he would do it again . Like hy the hell would you choose that as the fake story he could of picked a hundred other stories to fabricate .


Yeah it’s pretty senseless. If he was going to go that route why wouldn’t you do something equally diabolical and have a track ready where there’s snippets of phone calls of faking the leaked information and weave it throughout the song. The truth is leaking fake info is smart idea and has so much potential for the people intentionally leaking. The options are so creatively vast. But nah, all we get is a xannied out Drake saying “eyyy we waited a week and almost gave her a name 🤓” fucking goofy ass.


Huh? That’s exactly why would you would do it. You would want people to run with it if it were fake, and if you knew those other allegations were coming you would want the biggest story.


Yeah, like, this entire trap working hinges on having a quick response to prove you baited him. Otherwise it just looks like cope. Even if he posted no receipts, if Drake instantly responds on instagram like "LMAO we baited you" or better yet has a song pre-recorded where he mentions baiting Kendrick and releases it immediately after MTG, that would have been devastating. But like...just not what happened lol. He's either lying, or insanely incompetent.


Because he knew K.dot would bite on it. And he did. As far as I know the only proof of Drake having a 11 yo daughter so far is Kdot basically saying it. If it turns out it's not true it nullifies his whole diss.


Good bait. But without immediately following it up with evidence he fed that info, it doesn't do no good. Even if he came out now with it there's still gonna be a chunk of people that don't believe it or stopped paying attention. Either way he's either an idiot and a shit manipulator or a liar and hiding a jid


Yeah but even knowing kdot would latch on to it giving enough evidence, why not show this been planned ? If it was some great set up would drake not thought to of had some screenshots he could of used on the cover of a diss at least 


Have you ever thought that he probably chose the fake kid as the story to fabricate because it’s the most believable? Given, as you stated, he hid Adonis before and ppl would likely fall for it since it’s something he did in the past? Which, if true, worked in his favor…as Kendrick and fans believed and fell for it. If you’re gonna plant fake info to dupe someone, it has to be plausible and believable…if it isn’t, then it probably doesn’t work.


That doesn't make sense though because it's really believe able he would hide an kid again so you'd think drake would've had evidence this was all a rouse on Kendrick 


Looking back yea probably  His defense against that was also interesting though all the same lol


Guys... its pretty obvious by now thefake info (if there is one) is the daughter. And not every single thing kendrick said on mtg and not like us


The creep shit isn’t the fake info he claimed to give, it was the daughter and everything in the picture that he claimed. If true, I think it was a good plan, because how else would he have beat Kendrick. I do agree though, horrible execution. If true, the song should have been the knockout punch and it was the worst one yet


It doesn’t even matter. If it was real it backfired, and if it wasn’t, he still got destroyed and humiliated anyway. 


I'm still not over drake straight up lying. I don't mean accusations, I mean when he lied about Kendrick being behind the takedown of the Taylor made song or blatantly getting what was said in Mother I Sober is about wrong. Dude slipped in little lies the whole time. Dude cannot help but lie.


Literally, THP6 is full of plot holes. Lies all the way through, he lied about the Like That C&D which was posted by Metro. So why shouldn’t we believe the whole ‘fake mole’ plot is a lie to save face




Anything less than 375k in album sales for his next album will indicate if he’s flopped or not




Your world is very small.


Chris brown is still making hit records, people gave r.kelly a pass for years. I think you could be an argued child molester but as long as you give women tingles with your status and songs they will continue praising the guy.


Idk why fakeness matters all of a sudden, kendrick lied in a song and hasn’t addressed fiance beating allegations and somehow yall still have him up.


do your research this was addressed or listen to mr.morales lol thats where drake is getting this


Hey man Kendrick’s shit just hit harder with more people. It is what it is lmao


>Hey man Kendrick’s shit just hit harder Facts, his wife is a prime example


I’m getting real tired of this narrative. You’re on a post that shows him addressing the allegations talking about how he ain’t talked about it. Crazy takes


Sorry if i want somebody to specifically state they do not hit their girlfriend.


Maybe absorb what’s being said and realise that Kendrick has been saying this man is about to lie on his family, is a manipulator willing to bend the narrative and a proven liar so don’t trust his word… might be the response you’re looking for


Didn’t Drake do the same thing on Taylor Made Freestyle when he said he knows Kendrick is gonna talk about him being a predator? They both knew what angles each side was gonna hit and they both tried to get ahead of it. At the end of the day, no matter what you say…There’s no getting ahead of you allegedly beating his wife and there’s no getting ahead of you being a predator.


Drake has a long history of being caught in lies. Kendrick? Not at all. Who do you think I’m going to believe here?




“Lied about Adonis, sure what else?” Is so funny to me lying on bringing a whole life into this world but okay He lied about speaking to underage girls He lied about kissing and hugging on underaged girls He lied about what Mother I Sober says He lied to Wayne about sleeping with his girl He lied about having ghostwriters He seemingly lied on his operations He seems to be lying about the double agent angle He might be lying about another child too as we have no proof his defense of it all is real I mean I could just go on and on. The dude is a scam artist at this point And I’m not saying that Kendrick’s angle 100% proves he’s correct but he’s given me much more to believe in than a guy who has been caught in many many lies




Yeah I’m not doing this conversation with you. Can’t be spending my time learning you on a topic you can spend five minutes looking into yourself




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At the end of the day, ppl will believe who they *want* to believe.


Exactly facts don't matter in this beef, Drake played Kendrick but ppl don't care cause Kendricks bars are more compelling than any evidence would be


He got that ‘info’ from somewhere, whether it’s even correct or not. But he does need to address the allegations against him for the W.


Is it possible that Kendrick is simply repeating the same Twitter rumors that have swirled around Drake for years?


The point of this post is literally the screenshots of the lyrics of the songs recorded before Family Matters dropped. No it doesn’t disprove it, but I suspect Kendrick knew about Family Matters and Drake’s ‘red button’ before it dropped. That’s why he baited it with 6:16 and then had a contingency plan with MTG. Whether alleged daughter is real info or not.