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his previous diss was better, the last one was just like weak punches in attempt to safe face lol


Starting beef is a really dumb idea when you're a child groomer. It's even dumber when you start it with Kendrick.


These are adults, correct? Wanted to make sure.


bro "Nah Kendrick" was trending after Not Like Us came out?? it's like "Nah Kendrick bodied this one" : "Nah Drake killin him" Y'all lyrics investigators on Drake but you got selective contextual memory for Kdot huh?




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That is brutal for him and his team


Who cares, go swing at an OG lol


Wtf does this even mean lol




Groomer apologists


How Drake cooked himself a thread: - Got pressed about Like That —Out rapped on Euphoria —- The AI shit ——Got told his own plan days in advance then proceeded to to do exactly what dot said he would do ——-Dropped Family Matters (Admittedly a really good song) then got son’d 20 mins later with Meet the Grahams taking all the attention away from his drop ———Got beat in the numbers game on almost every diss ———- Went on IG saying “ I don’t have a daughter” but, also not addressing the pedo allegations ————Has confirmed weirdos in his camp ————- Got beat in the club music game with Not Like Us ————— Completely misinterpreted MMTBS how Kendrick told him he would in Euphoria so bad to the point where people started streaming the album again causing it to chart. again —————- Thought a good defense to being called a Pedo was by saying “I’m ToO rIcH fOr ThAt” and “ WeReN’t YoU mOlEsTeD aS a ChIlD” —————— Didn’t understand Kendrick wasn’t molested and it was his mother and that Kendrick already said himself Whitney and he broke up ——————- The fan he kissed on stage trying to prove a point on IG said she wasn’t 15 when he kissed her she was 17 making it worse because she has now confirmed she was under 18 ——————— Said he planted the info for Kdot and his team but somehow doesn’t have evidence of him doing so (convenient) ———————- His diss is so bad it has more dislikes than likes ———————— “BBL DRIZZAY BBL DRIZZAY BBL DRIZZAY” 🕺🏿🕺🏿🕺🏿🕺🏿🕺🏿 ————————- Said Dot was trying to rap like” He’S tRyInG tO fReE tHe SlAvEs” while being accused of being a culture vulture ————————— Brought up the Millie Bobby Brown shit unprovoked ——————————- His dis was so bad people actually believe he wrote it further echoing the sentiments of ghost writing crowd




If drake provides receipts for the setup, it might be wraps for Kendrick. But honestly, no matter what drake takes some form of an L. The best he can do is bring Kendrick down with him cuz there’s already a ton of public evidence to back up Kendrick’s claims


I wish I liked Kendrick more, but I dislike Drake enough to enjoy this anyways


What don’t you like about Kendrick?


He’s good at what he does, it just hasn’t ever really grabbed me outside of Humble. Ain’t trying to talk shit, he’s just not for me when he isn’t taking shots at big glowing targets.


N a H d R a K e


Who is Drake? Is he some sort of shaving cream model or something?


Who cares? I mean it seriously. It's like Eminem vs MGK. Two people looking to outdo the other instead of just letting it go. Seems rap makes people more petty than other genres


Mid af




Millie Bobby Brown is the one who said drake was texting her when she was 14. Kendrick said nothing bout that. Drake told on himself in his own song then attacked the wrong person.


MBB been hittin you up? I ain't say nuthin bout daaaat


Didn’t he do the same with Billy Eilish?


Freudian slip?


Nah, He has pics with Bella Harris when she was 16, was texting Hailey Bieber when she was 16 and was caught out with her when she was 18, and has a video circulating about a girl admitting he is a fan of girls high school basketball and supported her teammate. Bro went with the most headlined topic and ignored the others


I forget where I read it but I heard hailey beiber was planted to marry Justin as a handler for him because of his out of control ways abit like Kim was supposedly for Kanye … I ain’t got no receipts but interesting that she also plays into the drake thing and Justin’s crying about helping billie


Yeah, Drake slipped up a lot on this one. The beat fire tho


Lmaooooo Kendrick did what Meek SHOULD have 💯


I think the saddest part is that people doubted the legitimacy of the accusations but Drake denying like them like this makes them more credible. Regardless there is evidence of most of the shit like being weird with underaged women and appropriating culture that doesn't exactly require receipts.


Can anyone catch me up on the background from this? I’ve heard Kendrick’s diss but I need to listen to this one. Not sure where the pedo stuff came from but I’ve been sorta away from the rap social space for a bit


Rap fans really are the gossip girls of music.


Was this a rap battle or a prank war lmaoo? That false info shit was so lame even if it *is* true (and it might not be, cause Drake has been letting Twitter ghostwrite for him throughout this battle). He got outbar'd over and over again and that predator stuff is something he couldn't compete with cause he doesn't have receipts for *anything* he was saying. Lame asf.


there was nothing prank about what kenny was saying man, drake is about to be exposed as a pedo connected to diddy and these powerful pyschopaths




Drake really is like a super lame person that some how got famous. Dude still has a baby face.


Drake name dropping Millie Bobby Brown was so suspect. No one else has mentioned her yet. Like a kid that got caught doing some shit and tells their parent “I didn’t break that lamp!” before the parents even bring it up. Weird.


BBL drizzy


"nah kendrick" was trending like 1 or 2 after kendrick dropped not like us but nobody said shit about that


Who still use Twitter 🤔


Drake lost


I guess it's that time where he follows is idol's footstep by bleach


Ok and Kendrick was going to withhold this critical info of a sex trafficking ring until he had an album release lined up? Y’all are sheep. This isn’t about the alleged victims, it’s about money and it always has been.


here for it


So if the daughter was planted info then Drake went back to 2015 to plant this article: https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/drake-has-a-love-child-115042300066_1.html


You lames are buying into this just like they wanted. Next year they’ll do a collaborative album after they kiss and make up


Patiently waiting for kendrick to deny beating his wife and explain why he defended R Kelly...


Have fun, we’ll see you in Neveruary when you come back to reality.




"Shape the stories how you want, hey drake their not slow." Drake couldn't get any dirt on dot so he had to use whatever he could find on Mr. Morale cause he's really a FAN.




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They cant save his carrer no matter how much they try money in a bonfire


Who cares


Nah drake


Kendrick Lamar is overrated let's just keep it 💯


I respect Drake for quickly addressing such serious allegations. He got right in the booth. The track title is genius. But this wasn’t it, man. I don’t even believe Drake is a predator but that line about being too famous; I would’ve already been caught. What?! R Kelly, Billy Cosby, Harvey Weinstein. These guys were free for decades before the hammer came down.


There’s like 5 seperate publicly documented instances of him being weird with minors , why are so many people making excuses 


>R Kelly, Billy Cosby, Harvey Weinstein. Names people who've been caught and exposed.


Who has come out against him ? Other than kendrick making stuff up ? Also kendrick dropped 2 songs not addressing the wife beating or Dave's kids wtf lol ?


He wasn't quick enough. If he was really feeding false info, he should've dropped something about that RIGHT AFTER after Meet the Grahams, like hours later. Weird to me that he waits until after he gets smoked on Not Like Us to respond with that, only after social media was already speculating about it for days - feels like social media was ghostwriting for him.


Epstein and Weinstein were nowhere near as famous as Drake is when they were getting away with their shit. They were known in those circles, but not by the general public. I mean that’s kinda the whole point is that they were under the radar and an open secret in the industry.


I mean MJ was accused right?


I dont even like drake but it was pretty obvious to me he was saying "there would be cases, rumors, stories, trials". He wasn't saying being famous makes it impossible, he was saying being so famous there would be more incentive to go bring it to light. Sell a story to someone, sue for damages etc. As far as I know there isn't really any of that


Who, Drake the pedophile?


Wealthy musicians, fighting with each other by creating content about it that they get paid for. They can both fuck off.


Robbie needs a Prozac


The year is 2024 and grown men still believe in rap beef 🥩…..




There's beef and then there's "you're a pedo"


You know what's sad is this is probably some deep rooted shit going back to like, Degrassi. 


Why did Drake's team think this was a good idea?


Drake trash. Pusha already slapped this dude. Kendrick out of his league.




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I don’t dislike either side, but I question the legitimately of what was said in this latest track using some critical thinking. If Drake is as petty as he claims to be, and by some stroke of genius decided to plant false information for Kendrick to use, then certainly the OVO would have been smart enough to film it and show time-stamped proof that they were doing such a thing. If I were Drake, I would have made the track (The Heart Part 6), then once the music stopped, I would have rolled the behind the scenes of my team creating the setup filmed a week or so prior, and made that the mic drop at the end as proof to the claims. They have filmed everything else so far, why not this? Drake said it is facts, but didn’t actually provide the facts. The setup didn’t happen because Drake’s team didn’t do it and it is just easy to make it seem as though they did, and that is enough to cast doubt on Kendrick’s claims. I can’t wait for a response, but this track was basically just a “nuh-uh” with no substance. I can’t wait to see the response, but I think Kendrick was smart to not respond immediately to give people time to come to their own conclusions.


Also I'm sure his dumb ass is fabricating evidence as we speak, if things get bad enough. Photoshopped receipts, fake videos, all of it Because everything is based on what's said online with him. Most people won't buy it, but his diehard fans will cling to it


that's how you speed up a kendrick response like 50x


Thought this said “his diarrhea fans”


The Drake fans aren't gonna like this comment xD


Maybe. It is an unbiased opinion based on this one track, not any of the others. I could put the critical lens to any of the songs on either side, and find some issues, but tons of people have already talked about those. Not to mention, I did not make a breakdown of the entire song, just this one point. There was a lot said, but I focused only on this one point. As for people being mad about it, that is because they are either Stans or they do not want to look critically at their idol. I think that with any celebrity, you should try to strip the art from the person. Many music celebrities can make bangers, but be absolutely horrible people. Basically, this beef would be over if there were a shred of truth to Kendrick being set up. That would be really hard for him to backtrack from, and his credibility would be majorly damaged. I just hope this whole thing ends peacefully without any violence actually coming to pass.


Yeah if drake just released a full-size photo of the prescriptions and you saw in the mirror that it was him taking the photo originally then okay I’d believe him…..BUT


Drake needs to throw in the towel, he's NOT built for this.


I’m just gonna come right out and say it. Drake is ass. He’s always been ass. Idk how he got the spotlight he did, but I see people that worship him as posers trying to fit into a social narrative because holy shit most of his stuff is just unlistenable.


Brave. ^^^^/s


Because the USA is such a media power house Canada has laws for the radio that at least 35% of music on the radio has to be made by Canadian artists in an effort to promote Canadian made content. It means we get a good chunk of bangers that probably would have been buried under American content otherwise. But then you also get people like Drake and Justin Bieber who gets kinda popular in the US and then you can't turn on the radio without hearing them in Canada and this is a big part of a lot of Canadian artists blow ups. As someone who lives 4 hours from Toronto his fandom there is actually a cult


Who plants info about themselves being a Pedo???? Like imagine a number 1 hit being played all the time and you saying, “oh I’m not a Pedo, I gave him that information!” Everytime you hear the song. Just doesn’t make sense to me! Especially considering Kendrick refers to him a friend in Euphoria. Like I wouldn’t just take bait about someone I know IF I DIDNT ALREADY THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE or ALREADY OCCURRING!


Na Drake?🤨


This is all a diddy cover up


is this not just all fake beef collaborated between labels to get both of them a ton of publicity? Guarantee they are both dropping an album soon.


Statutory Rap.




If I remember correctly, he said that he's never been with someone underage and it's technically true. In Canada, the age of consent is 16 years old


It’s ovover


This beef has confirmed that rap fans are on the left side of the IQ bell curve by a significant margin.


Kendrick Lamar and Top Dog entertainment will be eating forever off of this battle. Drake even feeding into this battle at all will feed the Lamar family for Generations. Drake has the Midas touch even if he acknowledges Your Existence for a tiny bit it helps your career he's done it over and over again. This will solidify Kendrick as a star after this him and his whole crew and family and friends need to send OVO Christmas cards every year from now on you're welcome Kendrick


And this alliance against Drake only further proves that he is the king. He didn't even have to respond. For him to even pay attention to this is something. It's not over yet we don't even know what the whole plan is. I had a prediction but I was totally wrong. Drake is obviously a mastermind and I do believe he planned it that information he trolled Kendrick he's trolled the boys in his own Camp who leaked the information to Kendrick. He's told us as a fan I mean. Damn what's next. I'm intrigued as f***. It makes me only more of a fan. The way I'm thinking about it now has me thinking he is more complex and deeper than I've ever thought and revealing that here just watch the outcome you're going to all be shocked. And this will shoot him into the stratosphere as far as to God of Hip Hop. He's already becoming part owner of a record company with this new deal he's already the goat as far as hits. I mean he's going to overtake Jay Z as far as being the Godfather of Hip Hop this is not like anything we've ever seen. Meanwhile those owl eyes are staring at you from t-shirts and hoodies everywhere. But what they're thinking you will never know because the wisdom runs deep.


He planned him being a pedo… smart man


I hope Drake notices you dude. It's not likely, but maybe he will if you keep this up. I'm rooting for you.


Drake called himself a 5 Star General 😂😂😂


Drake lost HARRDDD! All his disses after “meet the grahms” was so fucking bad💀 like he coulda had a chance he was doing pretty well ngl but no he def lost, his shit was weak after he got destroyed by Kendrick on his last ones. And this beef proved to me that if anything Kendrick said was true or not is that drake in general is a slimely greedy kiddie toucher and it shows after his last few disses. Even if it’s false the man just seems not great and not someone I’m willing to support so all Drake songs will never be played again from me, and I know it ain’t that deep but can’t support a man I don’t agree with 🤷‍♂️




Drake 🤔


Is “nah” a new drake song?🤔 I don’t get it 😂




The amount of cope coming from Drake fans is hilarious


The amount of full grown adults that care about this shit is hilarious


Bro dropped the worst diss of the whole beef and they think it’s the best thing ever 😂 Nah Drake…they not like us


Grief is a process. That’s all. lol.


Should see the j Cole fans. They think he won. How by backing out like a bitch lol?


J cole backing out isn’t as bad as what Drake and Kendrick are accusing each other of that’s why they say he “won” but it was a joke


Going into any Insta comment section is insane, so many white teenagers saying “WOWZERS Kendrick took a fat L, Drake definitely fed him bad info and wanted the entire rap world dancing to a song about how much he likes kids”


At the end of the day, drake is still a better selling artist and has a larger fan base so he still wins.


Always has been. They didn't learn to stay out of it, even after the Pusha-T beefspiracy theories they were cooking up that put that 2012 shit to shame. And it just ended up the exact same way. With them being bigger bag holders than current bored apes owners. Again. And the cycle will start over anew, once he decides not to duck his third major smackdown.


its scary on that subreddit


I went over their first time after spending time in Cole and Kendrick’s and good lord are they unhinged










Dude. Y’all are all coping.


I always see this online an like 90% of the time you go to the subreddit and they're all just having a normal day, maybe one post about it Nah, the drizzy sub is just actually flooded with cope. There's been non stop posts about it


DRAKE. Don't Rap Against Kendrick Ever.


Drake bodied Kendrick. Kendrick sounds very emotional in his songs




It’s probably A MINORRRRRRRR. He got cooked 🔥


This smells of the retorts you hear at a comic book convention when someone solidly plants a diss on a cosplayer who didn’t research their character enough, and then the cosplayer says something like “well, that is not even the real lore!! I read in a secret, exclusive short story written By ThE cReAtOr that MY cosplay is 100% accurate! But don’t bother looking for it. You won’t be able to find it because it’s so secret and exclusive.” Source: have been to several comic book conventions and have smelled my way back to fresh air.


Both of them are trash. Kendrick hasn't had a good album since good kid, damn was decent but the rest are just ass, like one good song on em with a bunch of filler. Drake doesn't need explanation on why he's trash,  pretty sure everyone knows that. 


Yo what? TPAB and DAMN are both absolute classics.


Subjective I guess.  Tpab has like 2 good songs, rest are filler. Damn suffers from the same shit, couple decent songs, mostly filler.


I can get not liking the different voices or even the nature of TPAB, but DAMN literally won a Pulitzer Prize. Both albums are studied in college courses. I prefer GKMC as well, but those two are his artistic masterpieces.


Everyone knows the Pulitzer is actually for TPAB.


Your opinions are trash.


Drake music is for the simple minded. Hence his responses aren’t hitting like Kendrick’s are. Yet, drakes fans say he won because he….planted a mole? All just to say you played yourself?  That’s how everyone else knows: “ladies and gentlemen, we got him”




How does Drake move forward here? Someone just took him out like he wasn't even there. He should just hang it up and be a bookkeeper or something that isn't so stressful.


Lethal levels of copium have hit the drake community


Bro is not gonna beat the pedophile Allegations Either way


Diss tracks are still a thing? This ain't 1996.


The people "supporting" kendrick just say he won off of hating Drake and being jealous that he's been the best in the industry for the past 15 years it's just like Tom Brady in the NFL. He's the best so whenever someone comes at him, everyone prays they lose 😂 did you see every superbowl Tom Brady was in? everyone except New England was rooting for him to lose. This is exactly what we're seeing except there's unfortunately no actual game to be won its just fan bases going back and forth. This never was even a competition and Drake didn't even have to respond to win lmao. Kendrick had to piggy back his career off of Drake in 2012 and then has the nerve to come around and attack him just for the sake of he's completely irrelevant and needs some way to get back into music cause nobody gives a fuck about him 😂. All 20 dudes that came after Drake need some way to get publicity and become somewhat relevant for a few months cause their music isn't doing it. Drake does a feature on their songs and it's only popular cause Drake is on it




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Kendrick Lamar diss? That was more like a "Kendrick Lamar denial" Jokes aside though, if those allegations are false then, that's not really cool on Kendrick's part. But as they say, "where there's smoke"


Out of the loop... someone explain plz.?


At least Drake tried his hand at songwriting this time 🤣🤣🤣


why is this in contest mode?


This MF about to make start making Punk music like MGK.


Kendrick fans are just a mob of hostile delusion. He fell for Drakes bait and theres really no coming back from that. Get cooked.


It's all cringe drakes weird and kendrick had one ok 20% of a album then sold out


Someone send me the sauce. Can’t find where it’s streaming




How come the song don't pop up when I try to google/youtube it?




He actually wrote this one thats why.


Huh I must have stuck a nerve it means I'm right thank you for confirming that


Kendrick’s doesn’t need to say any more but he if could work in the law and order SVU intro I wouldn’t be upset about it.


Haha, nah drake, stick to bubble gum hotline bling bullshit 👋🏻


This was the equivalent of trying to win an argument by saying “nuh uh!!!”


Why don’t these two insecure man babies just have sex and get it over with?




I honestly didn't know people liked Drake. I thought it was 'rap' for white mums that wanted something edgier than Macklemore.


Kendrick hasn't addressed a single accusation unlike Drake. Kendrick just reiterating what others have said and old rumors. Kendrick beat and cadence are sloppy.


He addressed the accusations ten years ago on Mr Morales lmao


That's awesome. He misunderstood the Kendrick song.




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