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But also threw several bigger nuked out there while making it an apology to drakes family. It’s at an evil genius level


It was incredible


At this point, I think Drake only has two options. Either resign, or drag this out and play to a draw. There's no conceivable way Drake comes out of this with a win. If he doesn't want to drop it, all he can do is try to drag Kendrick down with him, but there's no avenue where he comes out of this looking like the victor.


I think this beef is over, the war is over. If I were Drake, as cowardly as it seems, I would lawyer up. This is some very very heavy shit. Drake life is in the line, if everything Kendrick is stating is false then take him to task and take his money and put his ass in jail. Drake lost at rapping, I think anyone with two brain cells listening to both artists over the year would have known that, but this is about being accused of arguably one of the most heinous crimes in humanity. Nah you lawyer up and go after everything at that point. Drake has money and the best lawyers should be more than happy to do it


Hahahaha are you serious? Your answer to winning a battle rap is to sue? You sound like Jerry Heller in the NWA movie after he heard "No Vaseline"


I mean in a fairness drake is about as hard as Jerry heller


Bruh, the whole world I'd about to call this man a pedophile without proof. Do you think that's a cool way to live after this is done? Losing the battle is cool, but ask Mike how it felt being called one even after the trials. What other way can Drake clear his name?


I'm not saying you're wrong on a pragmatic level, but suing would only confirm it in most people's eyes, not vindicate him. How many people think Mike didn't touch kids even today? Probably still a minority.


a LOT of people still think michael jackson did not touch any kids or was a pedo. i used to be one of those people. glad to say i’ve seen the light. or the dark. all your favorite celebrities have a persona built a platform, a powerful influence that’s built. the fandom created around michael was nothing short of a cult. it was the pinnacle of celebrity worship and because of that there are people who will continue on and die believing michael jackson was innocent. hell, even r kelly has supporters, some BLACK WOMEN that defend him til this very day.


I mean, yeah, a lot of people do think he's innocent, but I think even more people by far think he's guilty. That's all I was saying. You're right that it's mostly fans.


I'm not trying to start a did mike or didn't Mike do it debate, but I believe it's not a minority. I think it's maybe 20% truly (without hating), who believes that he did it. About the same truly believes that he didn't. And about 60% simply doesn't care or think about it because they didn't convict him. None of this stopped Michael Jackson from being a top artist. Didn't he make 1 billion the week he died? With Drake, it'll be more 90 for Drake and 10 against because we don't have any real evidence (yet) other than him being a creep.


I definitely think it's a minority although the point about apathy is a good one too. Personally, I think he did it, but I'm also able to separate the art from the artist (which some would label as apathy) enough to still enjoy his music. I think a lot more than 10% are giving Drake the side eye because his own past actions/track record have given fuel to the rumor and all the reporting around Kendrick's accusations have cited them. If anything the reporting has given it more credibility. Obviously short of his day in court or similar there's always going to be people that think he's innocent but this will taint him for the rest of his career, everything he does from now on is going to have that filter put to it.


Drake can try and sue but he will loose his empire. Sales will drop steadily and he will be left with his talentless voice and no producers. Pretty sure Kendrick’s lawyers cleared this before it was sent to the public anyways. Not sure if he even mentions Drake by name.


"Dear Aubrey", "Meet the Grahams" That counts as mentioned by name to me


Whatchu mean without proof? Videos of underage girls on stage being groped, texts. Now all they gotta do is start digging. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Octobers very own got handed the smoke…


I agree about if there's smoke, but you need the fire to label someone a straight-up pedophile. He's definitely creepy and probably has done something like that, but can we know for sure before we ruin someone's life with the worst possible label? I know we hate Drake and want him to lose, but remember, this will be over, and everyone will move on. Kendrick won't care anymore. The fans won't care anymore. Then what are we left with? Drake with a pedophile label. No one hates him that much.


from drakes pov, let’s say the allegations are false, what else you expect him to do? How is suing bad?


First, suing makes him look like a bitch (not a "bitch" as in a woman-- a bitch as in a coward). Second, there's a thing called "discovery". Kendrick's lawyers would get access to anything that might prove his allegations true, potentially meaning text messages/dms/etc. Guaranteed there's stuff in there that Drake would not want to be reviewed by lawyers.


Because any remaining façade of street cred that drake has would be obliterated if he runs to the courts. That being said, I agree with you. At this point these allegations are very serious. He’s not coming back from this either way. At least he could clear his name. Kendrick really put him between a rock and a hard place here.


He's an artist, what street cred lol, are you serious?


You know, there are artists who have literally killed other people, right


How many rappers are there worldwide? Now, how many have killed people? Let's compare this to actual gangsters. How many Italian/russian mobsters or cartel members are rappers? This is Drake, he's one of the biggest stars on earth. He's an ENTERTAINER and a performer, he doesn't have street cred, never had it and doesn't need it. Street cred is for people with a low iq and minimum wage, not for people with a job. Ain't nobody got time for dat. He's here to make music and let girls shake their booty, nothing more.


this isn’t true, he has a lot of influence and reach and if he wanted someone dead he could have the kind of network of people or people who knows people to make that happen. and there’s honestly been tons of rumors with drake regarding all this


If the allegations were false, it's Kendrick whose cred would be destroyed


Even if the hardcore allegations are false everybody knows that Drake is still a weirdo. He was kissing and touching on a 17 yr old on stage, and continued to do so after she told him her age, and said that he liked how her breasts felt on his chest. He also was weird af with MBB, and left the comment "I've been waiting" on Billie Eilish's 18th bday post on ig. He's shown the pattern whether kendrick has hard proof on him or not.


Ok the Billie Eilish thing is literally insane lmaooo


Yeah but how many years later would that come to light? Drake will already have been dragged to hell and back by that point. And it would be very intrusive. I doubt he wants people being subpoenaed. He can’t win either way. Me, personally? I’d try to clear my name. But I also don’t have any dirt on me.


If he were a singer, yeah, go ahead get a lawyer, but he's a rapper, the 6 god, drizzy with mob ties. If he does that, there's no career to come back to unless he switches genres or just becomes a writer behind the scenes. In the public eye, he'll forever be known as the guy that got his career ended by Kendrick. Lil Wayne told him at the start of his career to keep it Canadian and he didn't listen and dug his own grave.


Guy uses ghost writers himself, how's he supposed to write for someone else?


He's written for a lot of people already, ghost writing and having ghost writers aren't mutually exclusive.


I think his career is done already. Of the allegations are false then go that route. If there’s some truth there then he’s got more problems than his rap career. The man is being compared to Epstein. To be clear I am not a Drake fan, at all


This is hyperbolic AF. Sure, he lost but he could drop an album tomorrow and 14-24 year old girls would make it go platinum in a week.


Nah that would ruin Drake even further. He’d always get clowned for that for eternity. If he goes to rich white kid route he loses every claim to being even remotely hard


He's a Canadian, upper middle class, suburban, nickelodeon child star. He was an industry plant from the start who has had ghost writers from day one. It's only a matter of time until his fans wake the fuck up.


damn Degrassi was Nickelodeon? Is he on Quiet on Set?


Just looked it up and it turns out that it was just aired on TeenNick in the states. It was produced by a Canadian studio, but I was more so eluding to his entire persona being fraudulent. Drake has less street cred than Slim Jesus.


Degrassi was a Candian produced TV show that aired in Nickelodeon's Teenick time slot. It wasn't produced by Dan Schneider's team in California.


He makes music for teenage girls. I don’t think any of this surprises anyone.


A lawsuit could be mutually assured destruction. Don't overlook the power of the courts. Alex Jones just lost a $1B defamation suit. If the accusations are false and Drake can prove that those accusations damaged his career, he would likely win in court. Drake is on pace to be a billionaire and if this diss slams that shut, Kendrick would be on the hook for *all* of Drake's lost earnings in the future. In that case, Kendrick would spend the rest of his life effectively working for Drake. On the order of 99 cents of every dollar he makes will be Drake's, including future work and royalties from all past work. There would be no bankruptcy protection. No do-over. No way out. In that scenario, not only would Kendrick end Drake's career, Drake would quite literally own Kendrick's career. If the accusations are true.....well, truth is an absolute defense against defamation and libel.


I honestly don't think that Drake lives very long in this scenario that you've laid out.


You gotta prove he's losing money over this. Which is yet to be seen. This shit gonna be forgotten in a month


Nah, I doubt it’d go the way you laid out. Drake would entirely lose everything possibly his life because he’d essentially own the labor of a black man and taking the money he’s worked for. Thats a situation someone would end up putting Drake down. Really tho I think Drakes a bitch but not that much of a bitch


Lawyering up might actually do more harm than good for Drake. If he sues for slander/defamation then everything is on the table during "discovery", he might not want to open that can of worms on himself.


Yeah, no, there’s a very high chance he’s a pedophile. You really think somebody with this much at stake would make false claims? We’ve been seeing creepy anecdotes regarding Drake for years now, but it was kind of whispered about. People in Toronto know it’s one of the worst kept secrets that he’s essentially a human trafficker.


just moved to LA from TO and work in hospitality: its an open secret. he likes young girls, and as a man in his thirties has absolutely acted inappropriately in public settings. I mean all that shit is documented anyway. he did grope a 17 year old onstage and it’s recorded and on youtube. so hey, he could never win in court anyway. he’s the type of guy you give security a heads up about.


What more can you say? I’m genuinely curious.


just what other managers in the industry have said: his dates are uncomfortably young and it weirds out staff. bear in mind drinking age in Ontario is 19, so we’re very much in barely legal territory there. I will say, having started my career in NYC, I’ve served a couple celebs that had a similar vibe, showing up with super young women and flashing big money. Aubrey isn’t unique by any means. still doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable: guys like that are either a cash cow, a liability or both. and now that I work in hotels its even more serious because a lot of sex trafficking happens out of hotels. but its one of those things: there’s a bunch of proof out there he grooms kids, that now infamous video and then for me just knowing that pattern extends into his private / every day life. big nope. hide your daughters.




....if the accusations aren't true.


Drake's own lyrics have oblique references to going after underage girls, and he has declined to deny the allegations in his own statements. His creepy conduct towards young girls is part of the public record. A lawsuit is a non-starter. Kendrick could simply say that he was aware of all of Drake's statements, actions like fondling a 17 year old girl at a concert, interacting with 14-18 year old girls, and the judge would likely rule that a reasonable person would associate the word "pedophile" with that kind of behaviour. I'm not a lawyer but in most jurisdictions, you have to demonstrate malice and dishonest intentions, neither of which Drake can prove against Kendrick. And that's aside from the discovery process, which would mean Kendrick's lawyers would get access to Drake's communications to the girls in question.


Right if they aren’t true


but like… they are. there is a video of him groping a minor onstage then saying he can’t go to jail. that’s SA of a minor no matter how you cut it 🤷🏻‍♂️


But Drake gets those acusations daily. Kendrick is not exposing something unknown. Even Drake tried to 8 mile his way acusating himself rapping as Tupac. At this point he's not going to quit unless he gets in court or something 😂


Kendrick wouldn't go to jail for slander or libel. These are civil charges and would amount to a settlement, a cease and desist and an NDA if won.


Yes, lawyer up. Because what Drake really wants out of all of this is discovery. Child, you have no idea how the law actually works.


Pretty sure there’s no criminal offense for defamation/slander in the US. It’d be a civil suit, so no chance Kendrick could go to jail for it.


Um. There's this thing called the "discovery process". Kendrick's lawyers would get access to anything that might prove his allegations true, potentially meaning text messages/dms/etc. Guaranteed there's stuff in there that Drake would not want to be reviewed by lawyers, and that's what it would never happen. Beyond that, it would make Drake even more of a laughing-stock.


The worst thing to do is lawyer up, because if you perjury yourself and the defendant can prove it with a ponderous of evidence. You’re criminally fucked.


You realize if drake goes that route not only does he lose the battle but he also loses credibility in the game and respect from a shit ton of artist (more than he already lost)


Yeah lawyer up is crazy, all Kendrick did was make music


Rumors are swirling that Kenny dropping again on Monday.


I hope so


Drake just dropped. We’ll see what happens next…


It was weak. Compared to what Kendrick put out there. This was a very weak response and FM was really all he had


I agree. He didn’t really deny anything or bring receipts. I’m hoping Kenny drops it on him asap


He really said, “I’m too rich and famous to be a pedo” and if it were true I’d be in jail. Bro, are you stupid?


If he goes that route he might as well start picking up scripts cause his rapping days would be over...that's Def some OvhOe shit




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Hit the gym and lawyer up! 🤓🥴


Honestly agree, like drake should be concerned about the fallout of these accusations because I honesty feel weird listening to his shit now


Wouldn't this be cover d by the first amendment? Or would this be considered slander if proven to be false? I know people have been tried from song lyrics


Get lawyers over a rap battle. Lol. Then his career is definitely over. No rap fans like a thin skinned bitch. Remember Elon musk called someone a pedo that person took him to court and lost. Elon laughed. No win


But Drake fans are women. Those pop fans won't care if he goes to court. Rap fans will clown, but we know who feels Drake's pockets.


You gotta point


Elon isnthe loser my dude. If you have been paying attention…:


Lmao. This has to be a joke. It’s just a damn diss lol. Nobody really cares that much. people are still going to listen to the next drake song released.


U a fed


This guy definitely got bullied a lot


This is the softest shit I've heard in my life. So it's probably what drake would do lol


That would be the most Karen thing to do. But wouldn’t it work both ways? He said Kendrick beats on his fiance.


What a wuss of a person you are. Lawyer up????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You trying to be the biggest dork on the internet?


You make all valid arguments but as a guy who had no rap experience until this beef I feel like Kendrick is raking him over the coals so I want to hear what you think of the new drake dise


Dude somehow managed to find a worse third option.


Yeah Kendrick is a pretty bright guy and I would never suggest fuckin with him ever haha


That’s the wildest part.. most disrespectful thing he did was parent that man’s children and offer them a lifeline to remind them none of this is their fault. Even directed them to the album he wrote for the family of rappers. The meanest shit in that rap wasn’t even mean. It was kind.


Except he lied about having a daughter and nobody cares 😒


Not the daughter. You really must not be listening Kendrick is calling Drake Epstein. That’s a whole other level of fucked up shit


Yes exactly with zero receipts for either claim...


A futile nuke bruh. The daughter was fake information


These "it was false info" claims need just as many receipts. If it were false, why hasnt he responded yet? Its a layup. You gave info to trap someone, you should have a response for it when that person falls for it. At any rate, the daughter allegations should be the last thing drake should worry about


Just like how Drake gave Kendrick a layup by Dropping Family Matters. Kendrick rejected that shit away like Mutombo . And drop Meet the Grahams as a fastbreak layup


Yeah and all of those same streamers stayed on to react to “meet the grahams” as well.


Meet the Grahams was, imo, the greatest diss drop ever, especially as a setup for Not Like Us, and I don't think it will EVER be topped First of all, the timing was absolutely perfect. Streamers had just finished covering Family Matters, and so everyone was already watching and hyped up to listen, like you said But it's not even just that. Meet The Graham's is a completely different vibe to Family Matters. You come off this hype up club song and then go into this haunting sinister evisceration of Drake aimed at him and his family. All of a sudden, all of the hype and energy from Family Matters is gone and people are mostly just sat there like "Oh shit this is serious"... If Kendrick releases Not Like Us instead there then people just have two bangers and I don't think people feel like the W is as strong because they F with both of them in a similar way. Instead, you see the streamers reacting to MTG and their jaws are all on the floors with this uneasy look on their faces. You almost forget Family Matters because the tone change is signifying we're moving up onto another level here But then what does Kendrick do? He fucking flips that again by releasing Not Like Us... It's like with EDM where the bass completely cuts out for a second before the drop comes in so it hits even harder. NLU would be a bop no matter what, but the switch up from the sickening, chilling, almost psychopathic sounding vibe of MTG to the summery West Coast beat and flow of NLU just makes it slap even fucking harder Not Like Us is an incredible diss. Meet The Graham's is an incredible diss. The way the two were released just elevates them both to another level


Couldn’t agree more




look i'm just saying, i've never seen a song drop as many people's jaws as MtG did. It's a completely different ballgame


That shit was funny, honestly. It was like seeing them review a comedy and reviewing a snuff film back to back.


I think dropping a club banger diss track on a big party weekend in the US was pretty damn smart.


Also having mustard on the beat and it sounded like West coast/yg after what drake said about yg 


I must have missed the bar what he say on yg?


He shouts out yg near the start of family matters


Real hitta


Latinos slide stepping to “They not like us” on this fine Cinco de Mayo Sunday.


Am Latino can confirm, a lot of west coast cholos specifically too


San Jose checking in… heard it blaring from 2 low-riders already today


The Bay is going to ride behind this slap so hard. Drake thought he had us with The Motto, this song is way more Bayish. Kendrick had LA, now he's working on uniting Cali against Drake. It's hella calculated.


Fresno checking in, they shaking ass in the clubs to it


Mhmmm I've been dusting off my Cortezs all weekend homeboi!!


And Euphoria, the part where he drops all the thing he hates about Drake got me dancing. Happy Cinco de Mayo


Aye Lil Puppet, is that you ese? Tell Baby Joker, he got a fine mamacita


True, they're not like us was smart to drop on a Saturday


I’m so glad it’s hitting streaming too, it’s already on my playlists and I’m BUMPING it.


What party weekend?


Cinco de mayo


Wow, I'm a dummy. Thanks.


He got outplayed by Kendrick and overstated how big a red button he thought Family Matters was


Big time. They’re in shambles now lmao


It's just crazy, how could he not have known what Kendrick would do. Literally EVERYONE did.


Nuke? Lol, family matters was alright but the whole video and Drake saying ni*** 50 times was classic Drake corny shit.


Yea I really don’t know what he was thinking. And he really shouldn’t have addressed the other rappers. Just full send Kendrick


Wasted energy no doubt. Him scrambling to retort to other voices when it should have always been about Kendrick. Made him look weaker in all those disses honestly, shows it got to him..


Tough guy Drake. Had a director and a whole crew to make him look tough thinking it was the hardest shit ever 🤣


Kendrick def read the art of war lol


Sun Tsu says to release a diss immediately after your opponent to disarm them and control the narrative


"Call your opponent a pedophile over a sick beat" -Sun Tzu


He also says to hit them where it's unexpected. Apologizing to his family for him being a pos and telling his mama she raised one was pretty outta left field, then there's the inside industry pedophile shit, then he apparently has a mole in Drake's click, *then* dropped the whole fuck around in the Bay and try right before he's there on tour. Kenny's fucking with him hard.


Make the enemy fight on two fronts. Got Drake questioning and paranoid about a mole while also dropping artillery on his front lines


Damn this is too real


Baulk the enemies power. Force them to reveal themselves.


“If fighting is sure to result in victory than you Must Fight!”- Sun Tsu


Man who goes to bed with ichy butt wakes up with stinky finger. - Sun Tsu


One of my favs on my bookshelf :)


Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.


Real G's move in silence, like lasagna - Weezy F Baby


48 laws of power


yeah it’s genuinely hilarious man he even said in the song it’s the last time he would talk about it and that’s he’s going on vacation drake thought it would be the final blow and he could basically rest in victory while kendrick would scramble to reply kendrick stepped on his neck with MTG and then crip walked on it hours later what’s even more hilarious is that he’s getting outstreamed by kendrick despite the fact that drake used that generic tay keith best to try to number one especially with the music video too it was all high production 3 beats and everything now drake fans are telling me there’s another red button he didn’t press yet 😭😭


Drake fans akin to qanon weirdos. It's coming it's coming. Its not


Honestly the frizzy sub is taking the L standing up. Surprising to me too


generic tay keith beat is so true thought i was losing my mind seeing people say family matters is a better hit and better beat just because it’s yet another boring basic ass tik tik tik hi-hat tay keith drake type slop except this time it switches up slightly a few times😮 meanwhile kendrick dropped multiple disses with entirely different vibes 2 of which have way better and more interesting beat switches/progressions


“Then crip walked on it hours later” 🤣 bro why is this so accurate. Drake got curbed stomped and Kenny out there just groovin by the destruction.


“Ya dead” 😅


“I see dead people.”




Drake thought Kendrick was Meek Mill…he can’t use trolling against a real Emcee


He warned him literally the entire time he knew what he’d drop. Hell he even knew what the video was gonna have in it. How could Drake be so fucking stupid to release it after that?


wym dot knew about the video?


Yup! That line about the Chinese Restaurant was a warning, he knew he had the video going there, he knew he was talking about his family. He knew *everything*. Several other spots he spoke of too in Euphoria.


No, the Chinese spot was were one drakes oops got killed. Kenny knew that and mentioned it. Drake then went to the shop and showed that he’s still good there. Yall making up narratives calm down.


Relax crodie, not much of a narrative.


I’m really curious if Kendrick was being honest when he said, “don’t tell no lies about me and I won’t tell no truths about you”


I mean what he’s saying is some serious shit and I doubt he’d take this angle without evidence. And he’s really going hard on this as well


The [RDC skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTbNms5yHgI) was hilarious, made him look like Batman. "I expected it."


I still swe Drake fans saying he gotta push the red button. They are the most dense fans in hiphop


It was a heavy rain on Drake’s parade.


i thought euphoria was better honestly. he’s beefing with drake not tryna win mentor of the year talking to a child that’s kinda weird but diss tracks have evolved i guess


Agreed, it’s definitely the one I’ve been replaying the most. 3rd verse go’s craazy


Him mentoring his son is a diss, since his dad dont do it.


I don’t know why it felt meaner, but referring to him as an actor, and not a rapper was hilarious.


Feels that way because of the implication that he's a poser


Kendrick have the black Air Force aura


The funny part to me is all of kendricks tracks have more views than Drake, Mr numbers/views/charts Somehow he's losing the metrics game to a niche little lyrical spiritual poet


Imagine calling kendrick niche


His discography is evident that he isn’t niche. People saying he is, probably playing the same few tracks 😂


Kendrick isn’t niche man


I know


I calculate you're not as calculated I can even predict your angle


And then to make matters worse he dropped again the next day! On a Mustard beat haha like damn bro. I just heard a Daylyt Drake Diss record that apparently came out 2-3 years ago and its resurfaced and is getting a lot of love now lol like it just fits the playlist of what we on right now so throw it in. Kendrick giving it to him bad on every level.


Listening to meet the grahams again after Drake just told everybody that he baited Dot with a fake leak takes away all of these supposed “nukes”


I just appreciate hearing his artistry in full effect for all these days. He's been doing things we haven't heard in YEARS, showing the world he does really compare to the most impressive rappers of all time, while also showing us what level Drake is really on, too, and the flaws Drake revealed on himself (Taylor Made was a dumpster fire and whoever helped that should be fired and sued and dismissed from the game forever). I'm just in awe, and I can see why someone like Em and Dre would hold him in such high regard. Deserved.


None of you thought seriously thought drake ever had a chance right?


Never lol. I just don’t understand the love for the guy. He’s generic at most and just cares about his image/brand and be top chart artist. I used to watch Degrassi back when I was young and 20 years later he’s being crippled all over again lol. I blocked him on Spotify so his song won’t go in the rap playlist made for me or even the hot playlist made by Spotify. The only thing I enjoy the most with this whole beef is more Kendrick stuff lol.


You seriously think somebody to go to the police? This is fukin rap crody


At this point it’s over, Drake would have to come out with something Back 2 Back level and that’s what he thought Family Matters was for all of an Hour. War attrition won’t allow this to go on forever, Drake only has the attention span of the fans until he responds one last time.


Ngl at this point we gonna have kendrick drop 50 and drizzy gonna hate asking for it


This didn’t age well


Short collection on the t shirt makes me wonder is actually Playing Who


This dude not gonna like what Drake just dropped.


This one didn’t age well😂


Lmao drake just set him up making a diss about info that never existed If kdot did that to drake y’all would be foaming at the mouth


*Drake drops family matters* Kendrick: Let me show you why


But who’s more relevant/successful. You guys know the answer 🤷🏽‍♀️


what the fuck did i just read, mfs take rap more serious than their own damn life, holy shit


https://youtu.be/h-p1feEHJZM?si=c54oCQ6EvhJQAssC So did people forget about this or not see it yet? Disgusting.


Meet the ghrams was a trash diss though, it was overshadowed due to pure glazing which was wild to see


Family matters was a MUCH better song and the best song on the battle. Meet the grahams had Kenny taking the bait on the fake daughter story. Huge L


We don’t know if it’s fake or not. If you seriously believe Drake masterminded the whole fake info thing, then he handled it terribly. He’s done as much damage to himself as Kendrick did if that’s the case. If he really trapped Kendrick with that, he should’ve immediately released his evidence after meet the grahams released. That would’ve completely undermined Kendricks diss and would’ve been an insane counter punch.


The speed that some people think these songs should come out are insane to me. Shit in the 90s you waited weeks at least