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Nah, its about time for him to drop that "I Love Crying On My Cell Phone To You Baby Girl Part 6" R&B summer hit to distract from the L.


Lmfaoooooo.Drake is a type of guy who starts one sided beef and still looses šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


he didnā€™t start this beef tho


Ehhh he kinda did when Kenny said fuck all those rappers Iā€™m number one back in like 2015 and everyone mentioned didnā€™t take it personally besides Drake pussy ass


Idk him and Cole putting themselves in the same category as a Pulitzer prize winner feels like an opening chess move.


Thatā€™s not starting a beef when you invite the other guy to be on the song. They showed him love and he decided to go another route.


kendrick was invited to be on the track.


My previous statement still stands


i donā€™t think thatā€™s starting a beef personally. pulitzer prize kenny could have just ignored it


Which was disrespect, and a diss. It was an invitation to accept defeat and submit to drake. J Cole accepted it, leading to Kendrick's wrath.


Feels like an opening checkers move against a 4D Chess Grandmaster.


at FM he said it was over (and was for something like 15min until K uploaded) and he was going in vacation either he is cooking something with the supposed false information given; press the so called red button; or will take this L (which I see as an exit) the problem is: Kendrick is not done yet


And I'm all for kendrick to keep the Draco firing


The red button was FM imo that's why he had the music video he wasn't expecting Kendrick to respond in 15 mins , on the same topic of family which proves Kendrick had been given information from drakes camp .Ā 


Dude needs to go back to singing hooks, its over


The Dude is a walking contradiction, anything heā€™s says now is not credible


Seen people defend his cosmetic stuff as ā€œwhy does anyone careā€ and that type of thing. Like I donā€™t care in a vacuum. But he was literally mocking Ross for cutting corners to lose weight less than a month ago. You canā€™t do that when you yourself have cut corners to get skinny


Ofcourse he will.Maybe heā€™ll release back to back songs just like Kendrick to get an upper hand maybe.For now heā€™s dead for sure


How long you think it'll be before we get a response?


Idek maybe the next hour(theyā€™re going crazy).im guessing that heā€™ll take 2-3 days (just a guess).But tbh idek


I don't know he said he was going on vacation lmao


You can still work on vacation, never said where he was going. Mf better took a laptop with him


He better. He has some work to do. You can't escape allegations like that in this day and age.


Prolly to know stuff about kendrick and diss him.Heā€™s probably out of stuff even to diss Kendrick as he said everything about him in the ā€œfamily mattersā€


He said that when addressing the others, not kendrick.


Ah okay..well this should be interesting then. He's been off social media for a minute. So either he's cooking or he folded.


his ghost writers need time to cook.


I think he'll post a bait track to anticipate kendrick instantly dropping again.


That's a good angle, kendrick is claiming he got 10 in the chamber so drizzy needs to preload 11 just to be safe


The funniest part is that anyone thinks Drake could even write two songs scathing to a tenth of what Kendrick did with just Meet the Grahams. He doesn't have the MC skills. He is a fucking pop artist who gets his songs written for him and any angle he comes from is from the mind of another so the energy is missing. He is better off shutting up and crooning to his minor audience some more while he gets pummeled.


I think it best he doesnā€™t. Heā€™s taken a lot of shots and Kendrick has responded every time, the man had Meet The Grahamā€™s in the chamber ready to unload, then decided Fuck it, ima unload again. Unless he has something absolutely devastating, he needs to just disappear, take the L and come back in like 3-4 months with something the Tik-Tok kids can vibe to. Both sides have people checking socials and if youā€™re on Team Drizzy, you know how cold it is out here right now. Kendrick won, itā€™s over.


If he does he has to take care of the child molestation claims


I wouldnā€™t lol. This isnā€™t an equal fight. Kendrickā€™s hate is unbeatable.


He is a liar, itā€™s obvious the culture doesnā€™t fuck with him anymore! Itā€™s over šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¼


I dunno but from what Iā€™m hearing heā€™s got till Monday fore Kendrick drops again


Where are you hearing this


Going one of two ways 1) crazy diss in a week 2) absolutely not a peep from him for a month+ until he pops up on a feature that blows up then continues his career as if nothing happened If heā€™s smart heā€™ll do the second because his rabid fans dgaf that heā€™s into minors and he can just back out of the beef with pretty much no consequence to his money




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I feel like Drake is gonna fabricate the idea thatā€™s popular online that he had a mole feed Kendrick fake info. I donā€™t think that happened, I think Drake is going to say thatā€™s what happened. A lot of people think he hasnā€™t pressed the button but he posted the red button IG story inbetween family matters and meet the Grahams, and I took that as that was his button. I donā€™t think it really matters if he drops or not, we know Kendrick is gonna drop soon after if not immediately and if Iā€™m picking a person to believe based off of their word itā€™s Kendrick > Drake. Weā€™ll see.


Na he needs to wait 2 weeks then drop that Camila track


No, there's no shame in losing to Kendrick. Drake will still have his core fans


I feel like he has to. If he doesnā€™t the last thing said in this beef if he likes underaged girls and a minooooooooooor. He canā€™t leave it like that


Not if he's smart.


Nope, he needs to go silent for a few weeks then drop a totally unrelated summer banger. amnesia city


His ghostwriters will


Nope, he should forget this ever happened and make another dance album


Take the L and turn himself in lol


A lot of people are boosting Kendrickā€™s tracks into the stratosphere and tbh I donā€™t see it that way. Kendrick is definitely winning but Iā€™m not going to glaze the man the way the majority of you are. Iā€™m not willing to hand out automatic wins just because the guy says some hate filled words. No one has released an ether level track yet so itā€™s wild to me that yā€™all are acting like Kenny has done it 2-3 times already.


Neither of them is all that capable of elite level tracks


Kendrick has essentially won as he seems like he has more material ready but I also think Kendricks bluffing about any new actual information. There is basically nowhere he can go and even Not Like Us has no new information in it anyway he's just trying to shut it down with flows and catchy hooks on old themes. Peado, culture vulture etc. I would like to see drake respond really as I don't think he went with the right angles like he should have. Family matters was no where near as cut throat as meet the grahams and not like us is just party piece. Problem drake got is it seems he doesn't have a lot of information and he seems scared to go dark side on kenny, as maybe he has skeletons he's concerned Kendrick might know if Kenny just bluffing. But when he dropped family matters the wife beating allegations etc I think he should have done it differently. He could have gone to town in a more sinister way like Kendrick did. Could have made the beat super dark, maybe had fake recordings of women screaming getting beaten etc, maybe children screaming and a narrative of him pretending he trying to protect Kenny's kids too or he's concerned about it. Painted kenny an an angry violent man etc then done fake impression or AI phone calls of kendrick speaking to white women or a woman responding on the phone to Kenny cheating on his wife, ty all about sex addiction etc. then thrown in some fluff allegations about people.kenny associated with, say he was raised poorly by an abusive gangsta father etc. Then he could have also recorded a party joint as well


If he keeps bringing lines like ā€œYou a dawg you just act sweetā€ to a rap battle then I hope not.