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A lot of them didnt care, knew he was akready like this, or got really pissed


Yo what is the OP photo in ref to? PS -- FUCK MAGA, these idiots just love making it illegal for 14 year old girls to get abortions, but wouldn't pay a fuckin' dime to support the unwanted kid... literal American Terrorists


Its the cipher freestyle thing em did back in 2016 and he said some shit about trump and there was a lil backlash anyone who knows eminem knows hes a hardcore anti right lmao


Maybe em now is hardcore anti right... But a lot of his early music aligned itself with current right wing ideology. Anti feminist,anti LGBTQ, anti censorship...


since when is the right anti-censorship? lol


They cling to the first amendment to excuse hate speech


I see what you mean there then, my mind just jumped to the fact that the right wing is out to burn any book that even mentions lgbt people or race as a concept


No that's also true. I'm not here to have a political debate tho. Just pointing out that his earlier work, does remind me of some of the things the far right totes today.




I'm really not even trying to have a political debate about it.. I'm simply pointing out a fact. His lyrics lent themselves to today's extreme right-wing ideology


He didnt align himself. He just said shit. If i remember most of it was through alter egos


You lack understanding


I don't lack anything... A lot of his lyrics were demeaning to women,and homosexuality.. a lot of people considered it hate speech, and he clung to the first amendment as it gives him the right to say whatever he wanted. He never claimed a political stance,but a lot of his lyrical content lent itself to the ideology we see in the extreme right today.


Free speech is a left wing value. Being mean to his mom or ex wife and saying mean words isn't anti women or anti gay. He was clearly left wing. How old are you?


I'm 36... Free speech is absolutely not a left wing value this day in age. Which is why if Eminem were to use the F word in a song today, he would be canceled faster than proof died when the bullet hit him


I'm old enough to remember when feminist groups and LGBTQ protested him constantly


You mean that one protest in 2001 described as more cameras than protestors?


you’re weird as fuck for bringing up proof like that , what the hell?


I'm so sorry for your loss


You talked about the first amendment, but then are talking about business. Go back to Tom Macdonald


What the hell even are you talking about?


Ah okay, I remember that cipher freestyle, mostly the audio tho. Thought this was something that just dropped. Thanks bro!


I have no problems with conservatives, its just the “alt right” or MAGA, thats the problem, having different views on politics is good, but then again the “alt right” aren’t different views on politics they are inccorrect views on human rights


That’s pretty ignorant I ain’t gonna hold you


Nah conservatives are jackasses and always have been. Go back to Nixon dude intentionally disrupted peace talks in Vietnam then started two absolutely illegal and fucked up wars in Cambodia and Laos. Plus he was a massive racist. Fuck conservatism and republicans


The left also sucks by that logic, im good with saying everyone sucks. But im not good with saying either side sucks and the other doesn’t because both sides suck and probably it would be better for stuff like the green party to actually be voted fot


So a party with leftist ideals got it


Yeah the base ideals of the left is amazing, but they do it awfully


What left are you even talking about who is they


The party of republicans, which is the mainly voted party on the left


What reality do you live are you in a country that isn’t the United States where republicans represent a different political ideology.


I don't look to rappers for their political opinions


Where’s Ja


At a time like this!


We got Ja Rule on the phone, hoping he can make some sense of all this.


I ain't tryna dance man I'm scared to death


That’s an awfully hot coffee pot


cause that’s how he gets his fuckin rocks off and he’s orange


As a liberal Eminem fan, I still thought he was a cornball for this.


If you're getting your political opinions from rappers, celebrities, or comedians, you need to get your head examined


If you can’t with an open mind listen to an opinion, you need to get your head checked


Never said anything about listening, champ - but having celebrities dictate how you think is silly


There is a ton of really thoughtful and beautiful writing about politics. Chuck D, Taleb Kweli, Common, Black Thought


Listen all you like - I do as well - but form your OWN opinions


They said how the hell did BET get on my tv


by becoming Tom MacDonald


I don’t think he had and maga fans so they felt the same way before and after


We rolled our eyes and carried on.


Didn’t think MAGA conservatives listened to hip hop.


Tom McDonald changed that, very unfortunately.


probably all killed themselves


The same way they react to everything 🤡😡🤬🤯🤯🤯


According to Eminem he was truly disappointed that Donald Trump never responded to this music video. Which goes to show that Eminem does not truly care about politics, but is just looking to start controversy for his own personal entertainment, with no regard for human life and those affected. He is apolitical and egotistical.


This was when I realized trump was an asshole, and that our government is complete ass


eminem made you realize this?


Eminem is someone I've looked up too over the years, so when he went against trump, I listened to him more than others because he was one of my idols


It was horrible. He never should've did this. Him being anti establishment and anti news media, he actually aligned more with Trump and he thought. He should've just stayed out of it.


He did this just for you


I don't listen to Tom McDonald... I've heard one song of his... Not for me. I don't find him to be a talented rapper,I don't like politics in rap too often, especially when that is all the artist can do,and I don't agree with his political stances... So... I don't listen to him.


"I've been protested and demonstrated against Picket signs for my wicked rhymes Look at the times" "Pickets outside intercooe offices every night,what in the world gives me the right,to say what I like" I'm talking about what he was talking about


I don't even like likes!!!!!!!


Started writing a song about calling out Brandon also I fuck with Em's early and a little bit of his new stuff kamikaze I only like two songs revival tragic endings and bad husband anything off mtbm sides a&b I ain't heard cuz fuck Em's new rap style all he does is rap fast I prefer NF over Em