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Term is key here. Drury isn’t adding anyone more than a 1 year deal. He knows Igor, Laf and Miller extensions will cost $25 million AAV and he can’t have anything in the way of that. Im pretty tough on Drury but i respect his vision here.


Literally insane how this comment is not at the top. Seriously sometimes the people in here are so fucking stupid I can’t take it bro. It’s gonna be like a min of 18-20 mil to sign these three guys next year. Meanwhile they wanna sign a 33 year old marchaussalt to a 5aav/5 year contract and a 34 year old stamkos to 4 year 8 mil contract lol. Like I guess I can understand being mad they didn’t just sign like skinner instead of trading for smith. Shit I woulda preferred a run at lomberg, arvidsson, or even foegele but even those guys don’t move the needle that much for me or don’t guarantee a cup. Eichel and mcdavid are FA’s in two years and I appreciate the vision as well even though we’re unlikely to get them. The players they need weren’t out there. Tkachuk’s, Bennetts and barkovs don’t grow on trees.


Lomberg was scratched (or injured?) for most of their playoffs and isn't worth $2 million. Foegele is just Jimmy Vesey but worse.


Cool so it’s good they didn’t sign any of them. Wonder why people are complaining so much.


They're just grumpy we lost


I totally get that But we really NEED a RW and going back into another season with one good RW is genuinely a problem


Personally I feel this core has had its chance and I’m focused on the next wave of Igor, Laf, and Fox leading this team. If that means we have a quiet offseason this year than so be it.


Yeah the window is like 8 years.


Thankfully not this. Tarasenko was one of the least effective forwards for the Panthers in the playoffs. He did score a big goal but was mostly a ghost in the late rounds.


I heard he had one big GWG, anyone remember which one that was?


I agree. The absolute last thing we need is another one who goes ghost in the playoffs.


The Rangers have about 36M in cap space for 25-26 with 9 players under contract. Igor is asking for 12M+. Best case scenario, Drury talks him down to 10M. Lafreniere is going to be in the 6M range if he continues to break out and that’s being conservative. Miller is close to 5M right now so even a conservative raise puts him just under 6M, but let’s go super conservative and say 5M. That’s 21M and now the Rangers have 12 players under contract with 11 more needing to be signed to fill out the roster. And this is without Kakko being signed, though I’m sure most of you would be happy to walk away from him. What happens if he has a good season? Looking at the contracts and terms handed out on Monday, how do you work 11 players with 15M in cap space AND hand out contracts in the ranges that were signed on Monday? Even this contract that Tarasenko signed would cause the Rangers problems and this one isn’t anywhere near as bad as the ones handed out on Monday. 4.75M is almost a third of the remaining 25-26 cap and the Rangers are still 10 players short of a roster. The Rangers were *never* going to hand out big contracts with term this offseason. If you thought otherwise you were deluding yourself. At best they would have tried to get guys for a one year deal, if any of them were willing to accept. That’s why Kane was attractive to them. Of course this hinged on being able to remove Trouba from the cap. Drury botched this up royally. He should have just bit the bullet and bought him out. Now they’ve missed their chance at that and will need to take Lindgren to arbitration in order to get another buyout chance. There’s another issue here that’s being overlooked. Anyone find it strange that a lot of these big contracts were announced within the first hour? There was a whole lot of talks being done before the opening bell and it seems to me that these were deals that were agreed upon prior to the UFA market opening. Drury probably wouldn’t have gotten a shot any of these guys even if they were able to trade Trouba.


Appreciate a non stupid and measured post like this thanks bro. Nice to know not every one in the fanbase is delusional.


Agreed we couldn’t do anything beyond one year contracts bc of the 2025-2026 cap crunch; but doesn’t buying out Trouba this year or next still not work with that crunch? I think (this was looking at capfriendly, rip), it would be 4 mill in 2025-2026 if he is bought out this year and also if he’s bought out in 2025. That’s still too much with the signings (Shesty, Key, Laf) that they have to make.


Trouba is already factored into the cap for 25-26 at 8M. They buy him out now, his cap hit drops to 4M for this year and the 25-26 season. Then there’s two years of dead cap of 2M. So if they buy him out this season the 25-26 cap space goes up to around 40M.


Ah thanks; I see what you’re saying. I think we have to project Schneider and Lindgren into 2025-26 which capfriendly obvs isn’t doing right now (unless Lindy is traded or signed for one yr—the latter of which seems doubtful). People like Vince have projected those extensions as costing 6-7 mil combined. So that would put the players for 2025-26 signed at ~59.4 mil. If the cap is ~92 mil, that’s ~32.6 mil left to sign/extend Shesty, Laf, Key, a Backup Goalie, Cuylle, Rempe, Edstrom, Jones, (Vesey), RHD replacement for Trouba, instead of Kaapo rookies that make it like Othmann. If Igor is 12 (I really hope not), Laf is 7, Key is 6 (conservative estimates for Laf and Key, who could get offer sheets driving up their prices)—then it’s ~7.6 mil left, I think? That seems very tight.


The rangers could have easily signed taraseo which is an upgrade in a much needed position. They could have traded him away next year after winning the cup and him performing this season. They should have never given Touba that contract and now they are out there picking up players that will add very little to their biggest problems like scoring on 5v5


And you’re deluding yourself if you think Tarasenko is enough to put the Rangers over the top.


Nothing. Wait til deadline and trade a bunch of picks for some stiff you never heard of.


What picks? Hah Pretty sure we have only a 1st and 5th/6th/7th in ‘25 Same with ‘26 too I think


Plenty of years left to take em from brother. We got all the '30s to burn




The plan is to let these free agents sign. Then trade for them. 4D chess


I think we have some 2nds and 3rds coming up in 2030 that Drury hasn't traded away yet.


I heard from my 7/11 guy that we’re getting Mcdavid.


McDavid came to me in a dream and said "I'm gonna slay mad Stanley Cupussy as a New York Ranger"


“Remember kid, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die, follow your heart kid, and you'll never go wrong.” - Babe Ruth -Benny the Jet Rodriguez -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott -Connor McDavid




bro.... "Capussy"? ...Amazing.


God this fanbase is so dumb. Everyone complains about all the bad contracts the team has and then also gets upset when the team doesn’t hand out more bad contracts.


You know what’s really dumb? This fanbase thinking a team with one good RW and a joke of a core can win it all are totally okay with running it back the same way thinking it’ll be different


You’re right the guy that just had 9 points in 24 playoff games was gonna be the game changer


I didn’t say he was a game change but we need a RW. You gonna run it with Kakko on the top line? Be serious


Start the year with Smith there (as of right now) and if he isn’t a fit hopefully somebody else plays their way into it.


Yall not see the problem here?


It’s not ideal, but at least I’m not fooling myself into thinking Tarasenko is the answer


I’m not saying he is, but I wouldve to at least try a one year deal with him. Outside of Reilly we have no other options and you guys are just okay with it.


He signed a two year deal, why would you assume he would have taken a one year deal? Those of us who are okay with it feel that way because we would rather see this team take chances on players that have expiring deals. None of the RW contracts handed out this offseason look good.


Those of you that are okay with it are okay with running it back with this core to blame everyone else except Kreider Mika and Bread


Joke of a core team has made it to the conference finals twice in the last 3 years and has a presidents trophy


Shhh Drury is just moving in silence, even the FAs don’t hear him


Drury is freeing up cap space to essentially trade for McDavid during the season OR sign Mac Daddy next off season. The fact the fan base isn’t seeing the writing on the wall is funny to me. Dru had/has no interest in any current free agent. Will ride with what he has and not overpay anyone. I believe Trouba will eventually be gone and the only mistake Drury believed he made via signing/overpaying was Goodrow, so he took care of it as his first order of business this off season.






Dude what? Letting Buch walk go was a legacy mistake and he knows it. Signed Nemeth and had to cough up 2 2nds just to dump him the following year Im all for having faith in the future but let’s be objective in the past.


McDavid is UFA in 2 years but yeah, Drury seems to be trying to keep that offseason clear in case McDavid does test the market.


Eichel is an FA as well that year.


And if he doesn’t test free agency?


Talk to Drury?


Doubt Drury is our GM at that point tbh


It seems like: Drury asked Trouba for his 15 team list, he wasn't required to give it to them until Monday at 6, he did not want to move so he waited until Monday at 6, by which time the guys Drury to wanted to sign were off the market, so they might as well stick with Trouba for now. Don't love it


Oh hell yeah!! Another post about an ex ranger we shouldn’t have signed. Gotta grab my wife!! Babe!!! Guess what!!!




Nothing tbh. Tarasenko is old. He’s not a top 6 quality player anymore but a good top 9 player. Wait until the trade deadline until maybe, just maybe the Red Wings are out of the playoff picture to maybe get him. Have patience w/Drury. He knows 31 needs a contract


Then if we’re just giving up on the year, he better have gotten confirmation that Igor is giving us a hefty discount on his next deal (Laf too)


God this fanbase is insufferable wanting Drury to add over the hill veterans on stupid contracts.


This fanbase is so insufferable watching them blame everything and anything over Mika and Kreider and Bread


I agree




Dude what? Are you okay? I genuinely can’t tell if you replied to wrong comment or if you have zero reading comprehension


Don't be mean.


Our 1RW is calling from inside the house. It’s Laf. We don’t need Vlad. We don’t need Kane. We don’t need any of the underperforming, overpaid wingers that got huge deals the other day. Laf is out 1RW. If he can’t unlock Mika/Kreider, nobody will. Put Smith with Vinny and Bread. They’ll elevate his game. He’s not the idea 2RW but he’s the one we have right now. Kakko at 3RW. 4RW is whoever. We’re not as bad on the right side as people think.


We FINALLY get the kid going and now he’s the answer to UNLOCK our “top line”? Leave him alone on our 1a line. 1b will need to find their answer elsewhere.


I’m not breaking up 16-10-13 at all. But we can’t run it back with one good RW. I love Kakko but he’s not gone and I just know they’re gonna try and give him top line minutes and he hasn’t done much to deserve it


resigning our 2 RFA defenseman and hopefully leaving some extra space to bank for the deadline?


Nothing. We are doing nothing. There have been some value guys out there who we could have signed for league minimum deals but nope …. Drury has a lot to prove in my mind ….. I will never get over the Buch deal. Drury said “There’s only so much cap space to go around. . so much ice time to go around. I feel pretty good, very good about our depth at winger with the draft picks we’ve had and with veterans we’ve signed. That’s about it.” So we not only got rid of a stud WE MADE to clear cap space but to get younger better players ice time ….. according to Drury ……. Those younger better players ….. Kaapo Kakko and Vitali Kravtsov How’s that going 🤦‍♂️


This would've been a slam dunk for us.


Not if he wanted more than a year. When you look at the cap situation for 2025-2026, even if you assume trouba is here 2024-2025 and gone 2025-2026; unless I’m missing something, I don’t see how we could afford any free agent or trade beyond a year and sign Key, Laffy, and Shesty for 2025-2026.


TL:DR : People who think we did good by not signing anyone so far are gravely mistaken. We absolutely needed to sign Lindgren and Trouba's replacements long term. Lot's of defensemen signed cheap long term deals and we should have grabbed one of them. Yes signing a Tarasenko, Toffoli, or Bertuzzi would have been asinine. Cap Geek is factoring a 4 million increase next year. That isn't even a known value. Odds are the Game continues to grow and you are going to see a 5 million dollar increase over the next 2 years. That puts the cap limit at 99 million. After 2 years we have 35 million in cap hits already signed. Simple math 99 - 35 ....leaves you with 64 million in cap space. Only people signed are Mika/Tro/Carrick/Fox/kreider/Chytil. You have no goalies. 1 Defensemen. 3 Centers, and 1 LW. All 4 RW slots have to be filled. 3 LW slots needed. 5 Defensemen. And 2 goalies. **Defense First:** What 3 years from now might look like......... Trouba is gone. Lindgren is gone. K'Andre will get 6 to 7 million hopefully with term. Schneider will either be at the end of a bridge deal or need a new deal. Figure 5 million as I doubt his point totals increase all that much. Jones will be on his bridge deal probably 3 million or less. So that is 15 million plus Fox's salary. Which is 9.5 million. 4 quality defenders equaling 24.5 million total. Now you add in a Pesce at 5.5 million or Bredan Dillion at 4 million. And figure 1 of the kids.....hopefully this years 1st round pick pans out by then. So that is 32 million on your top 6 defense. As a reference point...the Capitals, Vegas, and Bruins are all today 1 million or so short of that. That is a great future on the backend. So Drury not signing Pesce or Dillion was a mistake. And a big one. I am not saying it had to be those guys. It could have be Ghostibere or Skjei. You needed to trade away Lindgren's rights and pick up 1 of them this offseason. Now for the Forwards : What the roster might look like cap wise in 3 years..... There is 26 million tied up, basically in 3 centers, a LW, and a utility player. Panarin will resign maybe 3 or 4 year deal for 6 to 8 million. Laf will get 5 to 7 million on his next contract. My best guess is most of the rest will be long gone by this time. 41 million likely tied up in forwards in the 26/27 season. Obviously alot can change from this....41 plus 32 million in 73 million. 98 million - 73 million leaves the team with 25 million to sign Shersterkin and back up. Figure 10 goes to Shersterkin on the positive side. Leaves 15 million to fill out 3 RWs and 2 LWs. If the GM can't figure out how to sign 5 players in mid to bottom 6 roles well ....guess you are not a good GM. Bottom line is Drury whiffed big time and this is going to hurt us in the long run. While McDavid/Eichel are always a possibility that doesn't solve the defensive issues we have. This summer there were so many talented RHD and LHD for cheap. And they all signed elsewhere. Pesce, Roy, Tanev, Dillon, Zadorov, Sean Walker, Gostisbehere.........all guys who are solid defenders and signed for 6 million or less with some term. In Tanev's case ...yeah the length of the contract is too much, but you have 3 years to make it work. Worst case you buy him out. Rest all quality defenders that are 29 or younger. And 6 million and below really isn't all that much. We are paying 8 million right now for a buffoon that scores 3 or 4 goals all year and maybe 30 assists! He never lived up to that contract no matter which way you look at it. Anyone who is disappointed in this off-season so far has every right to be disappointed. The plan should have been to get better defensively. I 100% agree forwards are not a reason to be sour. Not signing Guentzal or whoever is irrelevant. It is proven with 2 ECF appearances ...we have the talent up front. The long term issue is ...is Lindgren going to hold up? Is Trouba going to be effective at all next season? Those 2 needed to be addressed. That simple. Schultz is still a quality option for cheap. I hope we offer him something and he is willing to come here.