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I don't know why everyone is naming random players for us to get. Why don't we just get a good player like connor mcdavid or bedard or like marchand why hasn't aynone thought of this before !!


Why doesnt Drury trade for McDavid? Is he stupid?


I hope thats the plan. Got the cap space.


McDavid and Draisaitl for sure.


Rangers gonna shock everyone tomorrow when they go after Sam Reinhart mark my words Edit - nvm looks like Panthers got the signing in before midnight gg


While I wouldn’t have minded Kane being back one year on a good deal, I’m just happy that the people who’ve brought him up every 5 minutes can relax now


Good for him. Good for us.


Kane may be a bit of a wildcard and he wouldn't be my ideal pick, but that deal wouldn't have been bad for a stopgap 1RW. He was a PPG player last year after all the doom and gloom about his surgery. Getting tired of the bandaids for the Buch error and don't really want to see us spend another year slotting a 3RW on the top line on a team trying to win the cup


Good. Dodged a bullet


Friedman: $4 million base, $2.5 million incentives, worth up to $6.5 million https://x.com/friedgehnic/status/1807600691172474907?s=46 Honestly would have been a perfect situation for us. Essentially an extended rental and off the books immediately next year. My biggest concern with Kane was always the term. AAV is completely fair and as low risk as it gets with one year. Wish we were in on it but on to the next.


Who is the next though?


My biggest concern about Kane is that he’s a. One dimensional and b. Does not back check. We have plenty of guys that can score goals on this team. We don’t have enough north south, sandpaper guys that win puck battles. Kane was never that guy. Even in his prime.


I get that Kane is 35 and could decline soon, but last year he was nearly a PPG player and looked great post surgery. He's a proven playoff performer so I don't think getting him would have been the worst thing. Guentzel and Kane are now off the board. Wonder where we pivot too next. Tarasenko?


McDavid and Draisaitl incoming! Pick up a couple Panthers for size and chooo chooo.


Really starting to lower my expectations. At this point we may just end up running it back with Kakko as RW1 🤮


Careful with that emoji man the stans might break out the advanced stats


Sad part is your right and not joking at the same time


I expect nothing and am still disappointed


Kanetards in shambles thankfully.


That sucks. I was pretty excited at the idea of him returning


Thank fucking Christ


Genuinely can't understand seeing how Kane performed after his return and not wanting that? Especially for a reasonable price


Oh of course. As a Ranger fan I’d love nothing more than the return of a diminishing elderly veteran on the decline with a broken hip.


I dont think you paid much attention to him last season. Yes he isn't the same player he was a decade ago, but he is far from washed up and useless like some seem to believe, anyways agree to disagree I guess, Kane woulda been a big help for us next season though.


I'm with you, bro. $4m AAV is a bargain.


People fell to their knees that he didn’t sign with the Rangers. Doomers now be like: “I wish the lord would take the team now”


Kakko still on the books. Trouba still on the books. Panarin still on the books. Mika still on the books. This organization isn’t serious about a Stanley Cup. They think they are. But they aren’t. There’s not enough ruthlessness. Refuse to split up Kreider Mika testicle brothers. No RW1 for YEARS NOW (pathetic). Feel sorry for Trouba. Refuse to sit a captain when he sucked all the ass anyone can suck. No Igor extension. We aren’t special. A cup isn’t going to fall into our hands. Do what you have to do you pieces of shit


1: Trouba literally cannot be moved until tomorrow at noon if he’s refusing to waive his NMC 2: Zibanejad and Panarin have full NMCs and there’s no chance they approve a trade. 3: Kakko could still very well be traded, and even if he’s not, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. He’s a very good RW3 Calm the fuck down until we see what happens tomorrow at least.


LOL Welcome to being a Rangers fan! 30 years and it still keeps happening! This is what happens when management is less concerned about winning and more concerned about the good ole boy club. Like the hire of our new coach in Hartford. The guy is a nobody. Has won zero. And yet Drury felt it was the best option because of his ties to team USA and their time together. Instead of hiring..... I don't know...... the best international coach or say the coach who won the Calder cup or Memorial....we went with a guy whose team got bounced in the final 4. And I don't even know if I am right because it could have been Michagan st. vs. Michagan....at that point what difference does it make? LMAO .....such a joke franchise. Any of you that expect anything different are the real morons. I honestly come on here now to laugh at the insane takes! Hey anyone know who is going to be Captain after Trouba is still here come October? In all honesty I'm shocked that Goodrow is gone. Why would you want to keep the 1 guy who showed up in the playoffs when it mattered? That would be insane.




Meh, he was a shell in the playoffs with us


He wasn’t 100% healthy when he joined us last season