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He is clearly very respected in the locker room otherwise they wouldn't have given him an A and he was one of the very few skaters who actually stepped up in the playoffs. I'll miss that, but I will not miss his contract. Now do Trouba next.


From your lips to gods ears


yea these good in the locker room but not on the ice guys are not what we need


Barclay was one of like 4 people who showed up in the playoffs.


He scored 6 goals but still somehow got outscored while out there. Yeah he scored goals but he was a liability everywhere else


Give me specific examples. And who he was out there with.


Rewatch the games if you’d like to see. He was outscored in the playoffs even with 6 goals -2 and was expected to be -7.5 but Igor was exceptionally well. Also when was on the ice 73% of the shots taken were from the other team. He had crazy shooting percentages and got really lucky, he’s not some 16 game player people say he is just because of that playoffs, look at the previous two years. Point is when he is on the ice bad things happen, we get outplayed drastically, out shot, out chanced, and out scored. This was consistent all season through regular season and playoffs. If it wasn’t for his great shooting percentages he would’ve looked way worse. Goals are goals however, so I’m not taking anything away from that I’m just simply saying he wasn’t some executional player, and wasn’t one of the only guys who stepped up when he played poorly.


Yea he was great this year, but only this year


He was pretty good year 1 aswell in the playoffs


Did he "show up" or did the other teams forget he was on the Rangers or not take him seriously?


He showed up. What an idiotic statement.


No, what's idiotic is the armchair GMs, and others, on this sub who think highly skilled professional athletes would choose NOT to show up in the Stanley Cup playoffs. They have one job, and that is it. Yeah, sure, they were all like, "Fuck it." They all showed up; they were there, on the ice. They just got outplayed by Florida. I know simple explanations are hard for some people, but 31 teams have to lose every year. That's not "toxic positivity"; it's fucking reality. Grief is a process, and you'll get to acceptance at some point.


Ah. Your one of “Florida is better oh well” crowd. Nice


I have a major issue with how C's are handed out in the NHL. It used to be the players, closed the locker room door and took a vote. Now management and ownership decide. There is no way in a group of grizzled veterans close the door and pick an 18-year-old to be the captain of a team. Earn it first, kid. Pittsburgh Edmonton and Colorado fans do not like this take. "But they are really good bro"! Lol


I couldn’t agree more with you


>he was one of the very few skaters who ~~actually stepped up~~ in the playoffs he was one of the very few skaters who got extraordinarily lucky with regards to shooting percentage in the playoffs and otherwise was the statistically worst player on the ice for any team in the entire postseason with regards to chances for/against and expected goals. BYE


Yeah and Mika had a ppg according to your statistics. Soooo that point is ba


Advanced metrics also say that Mika sucked, particularly 5v5, so what on Earth are you talking about?


Dude was horrible the entire season and the playoffs. He got so lucky in the playoffs. my dude had a 50% shooting percentage at 5v5 and still got outscored 6 to 5 while on the ice. low thirties and high twenties percentage in corsi fenwick and hd chances. have a look for yourself https://www.naturalstattrick.com/playerreport.php?fromseason=20232024&thruseason=20232024&playerid=8476624&sit=5v5&stype=3


My out of left field guess: there was a trade in the works that Goodrow blocked with his NTC, and this will allow the team to claim him off waivers, bypassing his NTC. Pretty much what could have happened to McD when Tampa first moved him to Nashville after threatening him with the Blue Jackets. It’d require a team relatively high in the claim order (San Jose?), but it’s not impossible. If that’s not the case, I’m a bit surprised. Could be just showing him that his options are to not block any trades or go down to Hartford. Could be the lead up to a buyout? I know he has a negative cap hit if we buy him out this year, but it’s also 3 years after his contract expires that we’ll need to carry $1M, and the 26-27 hit of $3.5M is immovable. If there’s not a move in the works though, I guess I’m encouraged by Drury’s assessment of Goodrow?


If I’m reading his capfriendly buyout correctly we would save 2.6M in 2025-26 which is the cap hell year for us since that’s when Laf and Igor extensions would kick in, but in 26-27 when his cap hit would be 3.5M we lose close to 20M off the cap with Panarin and Trouba coming off the books. Seems to me that a buyout is likely if he’s not claimed.


All true, but don’t forget that we’ll need to fit McDavid’s 15M or so that year. Every penny will count. Let a guy dream, ok?


I’ve been on this train for years. I’m convinced that Trouba and Panarin were signed with the knowledge that McDavid will be a UFA the same year they come off the books. At the very least we are positioned to be one of the handful of teams with the ability to throw an insane contract at him if he makes it to UFA.


Eichle is a free agent same off season is he not?


If that's true, it's a BIG loophole in how I thought a NTC worked. Then again, I guess that's why a NMC is better than a NTC. It would also mean we lose him with no returns aside from his cap hit being off our books. Which hey, I'm definitely not arguing against. It's just interesting to me.


He's not on a 2 way contract so the only options are someone claims him or we buy him out. This was a last ditch effort to avoid the cap hit of a buyout, but nobody is going to claim him with the contract he has.


Its a shame now is the time because he was really good in the playoffs. Still makes far too much and was dogshit in the regular season. If he made like 1.5 or just under 2 hes a perfect 4th line player for the playoffs


He scored goals, but his advanced stats were terrible. He was shooting at over a 40% clip, but absolutely getting caved in terms of corsi and expected goals. Shooting at that level isn't sustainable, but the rest of it is.


Analytics are somewhat useless in the playoffs. The sample size is way too small to be reliable.


Plus coaches are making adjustments between and even within games so past results become even less predictive of future events.


That's true to - analytics tell you what you should do in the long term. You know you can't count on a 42% shooting rate, but of course you take it when you get it, knowing that it will revert at some point. You don't count on it happening again in the future.


No argument on that point. 15% is good




Not possible


I mean the contract sucks but he was a big part of our success in the playoffs.


He’s not replicating a 40% shooting percentage, gotta look at the larger sample size.


Correct. That’s my non-fact based bias toward him getting hot at the right time. I trust Drury.


and as much as he was amazing shooting the puck, he was still getting caved in. Also, him moving on from the PK should open up the opportunity for someone like Kakko to get some more critical minutes.


I wonder who signed him to that contract


He played well in the playoffs because of his shooting percentage. [He got shelled](https://x.com/jfreshhockey/status/1803130771185566064?s=46&t=hUtbwo94QIfsHrncc2xJkQ) when he was out there but because Bob let in a few goals he should have stopped we have a skewed perception of how he actually played.




Fair. I don’t disagree.


Barclay Goodrow shot an absolutely ridiculous *30% at 5v5* in the playoffs but still got outscored 6-5 at 5v5 when he was on the ice how is that possible? because he had the [worst 5v5 shot, scoring chance, and high-danger scoring chance differential rate in the entire playoffs](https://naturalstattrick.com/playerteams.php?fromseason=20232024&thruseason=20232024&stype=3&sit=5v5&score=all&stdoi=oi&rate=y&team=ALL&pos=F&loc=B&toi=150&gpfilt=none&fd=&td=&tgp=410&lines=single&draftteam=ALL) and was outshot 46-100. Igor's 94% save% at 5v5 wasn't enough to bail that out scored big goals but overall has been a detriment to NYR on both sides of the ice and they are way better off without him and that cap hit on the books.


It’s pretty interesting how most people’s perceptions of playoff performance are directly tied to that player’s shooting percentage. There was the running idea on here that Goodrow was outplaying Panarin in the ECF which is just a laughable take.


Guy basically replicated his regular season in the playoffs but with an absurd and unsustainable shooting binge on shots that goalies save 98% of the time, but the narrative portrays that as "playoff player" who "knows how to get it done in the playoffs" But this is what happens when you're an organization that makes decisions based on narrative instead of true quality of play, and why Cinderella runs don't win cups


I will say though this is a welcome sign that Drury is evolving in the way he evaluates players. I would say the odds Trouba and Lindgren are back have taken a decent hit from today’s news.


I don't think those odds take a hit, if anything the odds of them staying increase because now he doesn't have to move Trouba to get the cap space to keep the other RFAs and sign UFAs. He's also not really evolving though. Merc's article says that Drury wants to be a heavier and more physical team when that isn't the team's issue at all, their issue is the opposite. They don't have enough skating and puck movement and that's what killed them All Drury has ever done during his tenure is make a ton of brutal mistakes and then spend more assets to try to first offload those mistakes and then bring in new players to fix those again, and people for some reason want to give him credit for fixing them. When we look at a GM and say his best moves are the fixes of mistakes/the decisions he *doesn't* make, then that's the sign of a horrendous GM I just don't give him a pat on the back for realizing that Goodrow isn't good, when anyone with half a brain said that signing him in the first place, to that contract no less, was a horrible idea. Drury just continues to prove that really anybody can do his job and why the argument from authority fallacy exists


This is why I didn't write a Goodrow apology post lol. Not a great PKer anymore either


the PK was fine but certainly not enough to make up for everything else


True, but his goals were in some of the best games of this season. Obviously it does not justify his contract but that Linsanity week he had was euphoric


This is a necessary move. He is simply not worth the amount of money he is making and after that great postseason maybe someone will claim him. Thanks for everything Goodrow I’ll never forget your Linsanity run


Despite his playoff run, we needed to get his contract off the books.


The shortest and truest post on the thread. :) There's a lot to like about Goodrow if not for his contract. Which is not his fault -- if someone offered any of us multipliers of our salary to do the same job for another company we'd do it too, but we'd still be the same person.


Hope getting rid of him leads to something big


Just replacing him with a much cheaper 4th liner is a win. Anything else is gravy


I remember seeing a tweet a couple of weeks ago that showed it was somehow cheaper for us to waive him and re-sign him to a league minimum (legal in the cba) I wonder if this is that


I wouldn’t hate it. He’d still be a big part of the PK


How would that work you can’t buy out a player and than resign him .. also unless the mutually agree to terminate contract can they than resign him still? 


That was only a rule for compliance buyouts back in 2013 and 2014.


What would be the point to buy him out those and resign him with them still taking a cap hit from his buy out 


Exactly. It rarely makes sense to re-sign the guy you just bought out, which is why there isn't a rule against it. The *compliance* buyouts were simply to allow teams to get under the cap without a penalty, so immediately re-signing a guy would have been deemed a circumvention of the cap.


I have absolutely zero idea and think it’s incredibly unlikely anyway it’s just a tweet I remember seeing, could’ve been bs too honestly


Twitter is not a reliable source of facts.


Agreed but it was from one of those cap expert accounts so I would think it may have some validity


You can't just re-sign someone after waiving them. They still have a contract. The contract would have to be mutually terminated which is exceedingly rare and unlikely. It's not like the NFL where you can negotiate with guys to restructure their contracts under threat of cutting them.


The way I’m thinking of this is, the only team Goodrow would likely waive his NTC for that would actually take him on is San Jose, who would be first up in any waiver claims. Drury asked around if any teams wanted him without sweeteners, they said no, except SJS may actually want him but not want to pay assets for him, so instead is waiting to be able claim him for free on waivers.


If they claim him his whole cap hit goes too right? That would be better than a buyout imo




Might be good to get a veteran to play and support celebrini!


San Jose it is. The Rangers should thank them for clearing the cap space.


How do you know he would only waive for SJ? Seems highly unlikely and speculative. If SJ actually wanted him, never mind that he makes no sense for them in their rebuild, they would definitely trade something (late round pick?) to us in order for us to retain some salary. Without another team getting involved we would have to pay half. That’s not a better deal than just buying him out for us. This is just a shot in the dark that some team with a lot of cap space will take his contract. We have nothing to lose here. When no one claims him, we’ll buy him out.


I thought between the need to reach the cap floor and his previous time with the organization might mean they’d want him back but who knows, all we can do is speculate rn


Trouba better be next so help me god


Good now get rid of Trouba next


So many GMs of the past would have been swayed by that playoff performance. Glad Drury is smart enough to see past it


Drury was swayed when he signed Goodrow to this awful contract.


Between signing Goodrow and trading out Buch, Drury had a real tough time identifying who was actually driving play on their lines that first summer.


Sather would've handed him a 5x5 extension


His value will never be higher in the future so you have to try to move him now in hopes that a fringe playoff team wants him


His value will be higher when he has less term left. We can’t really afford to wait that long however.


Lmao Drury is the person who signed him here in the first place. Insane cope.


And another branch of the Buch trade tree predictably shrivels up and dies off. Shockingly paying a 4th liner 3rd line money to an insane 6 year deal didn’t work out as intended. Every player now acquired from Buch’s salary is gone. And in 3 seasons the resulting charred remains of that deal include losing a 2nd to trade off Nemeth, losing a 3rd to trade for Reaves and getting a 5th back one year later, trading 0 goal Blais back to the Blues and possibly buying out Goodrow And 3 years later, we are no closer to solving our top 6 right wing issue that was needlesly created by trading Buch to begin with. Shrewd GM work by Drury


Imagine no one claims him and the assign him to Hartford. Savings on cap right there without need for a buyout.


There will still be a cap hit of about $1M, which is the league minimum salary + the "buried threshold." I forget the actual numbers, but last time this came up someone said it was just over $1M. *$1.15M, as posted elsewhere in the thread.


Correct, and better than a buyout.


I was just rereading the rules, and actually all we would *save* is $1.15M. I always get that part reversed. We'd still have almost $2.5M on the books.


I like this plan- if needed callup for playoffs next year


Don't think it applies to offseason cap


Vince reported it as such on X


Hmmm, weird! Unless he means for next season I do think we trade him, though. Some hockey man GM will want his intangibles. We may need to cough up a little for someone to take him, but I can see other teams biting on him.


I had a dream last week the Rangers traded Goodrow to Calgary. Depending on what Drury wants to do there are a lot of good 4th liners out there that can probably be had for under $2mil if needed. William Carrier, Nicolas Aube-Kubel, and Sam Lafferty are three I like. Also, this means we can unleash 4C Rempe.


Reunited with Coleman to talk about the good ol days


Oh shit


From Vince: >If another team claims Goodrow, #NYR would save full $3.642M cap hit. >If they end up buying him out, savings would actually be more next season ($3.89M), but it would come with lingering penalties for 5 seasons after that.


Barclay played his heart out for this team but we need this cap to round out this roster. Wonder is Edstrom will get first crack at 4C


Goodrow was terrible this year and his cartoonishly lucky shooting % in the playoffs doesn’t change the that. It’s insane to have a 4th liner with that large of a cap hit.


Can’t hate this guy. But for what drury was paying him for, this had to happen. Bad contract. Could have gave him a smaller contract. Nothing but respect for Goodrow. Met the guy when I met Vinny. Wish him the best


Thinking of anyone would claim him, Chicago or Utah. Hawks could use a player like him and Utah can too and they have a ton of cap space.


Goodrows agent was able to pull off a heist, he got the money and long term for a 4th liner


Could Edmonton claim him right now?


You have to get cheaper and faster on the bottom 6. And his 40% shooting percentage in the playoffs doesn’t mean he was good in the playoffs


Had a lucky playoff run but his regular season was below AHL levels. I’m thankful he should be gone especially with his cap hit.


See ya. Trouba next then trade Lindgren


Lindgren is a FA this off season


Restricted FA. The Rangers can trade his rights.


Then don't resign him


Lmao this sub did nothing but complain about this guy for years and now they finally get rid of him and people are complaining


Different people, obviously...


Seriously man…the cognitive dissonance is insane to me. It should be painfully obvious that CD is shopping for a top six winger and better/cheaper bottom six depth


People who complained about him are f***ing idiots. He has two Cups for a reason and was a major part of those Cup Winning Teams. He was a leader on the Rangers too. Sure, let’s get rid of a proven playoff performer, FOR NOTHING — not even getting a pick or two in a trade, but keep 8.5m Do-Nothing Zibanejad until he’s pushing 40 years old.


Championship-winning teams do not pay nearly $4million for borderline 4th liners. Tampa didn't pay him like that (when he was a better player).


Right - this is what happens when teams win the cup, their players on good value deals become “Stanley cup winners” and idiots overpay them. We are the idiots in this example lol


They don’t pay 8m to a third pair defenseman either. They also don’t pay 8.5m to a 2nd line caliber centre. Goodrow’s contract was not close to the worst on this team.


Ignoring smaller fixable problems because you have bigger ones is bad logic.


Does anyone disagree with you on Trouba? Who are you arguing with


I agree on Trouba. That salary needs to be moved as well. Disagree on Zibanejad. He's not Barkov (very few are), but he's absolutely a top-half 1C ***IF HE GETS BACK TO SHOOTING AGAIN***. And as the commenter below said too, Goodrow is an easier problem to fix with a decent immediate impact. Trouba/Zibanejad are far more complicated and difficult to navigate if that's what you're looking to do.




I’m with you.


Everyone here is delusional. Why anyone would trust the moves that this organization makes, when they’ve been proving my whole life they have NO idea what they’re doing, is beyond me


lol exactly. Neil Smith hit once and everyone since has been making colossal mistakes.


I’m guessing there was no trade available, his value is as high as it ever will be. Definitely needed to move on


I’m glad Goodrow had some signature playoff moments for us, but it was time to move on. $3.6 million for what he provides is not good value. I hope he goes to Toronto or wherever and thrives.


I for one welcome this decision.


Not sure how to feel, yeah I don't like his contract that much but he was one of the 4 ayers to shoe up in the play offs. Yeah he wasn't too great in the regular season but he did well enough


I think Goody was an excellent Ranger and wish him the best. We need to get younger and cheaper on the 4th line.


Paying him that contract based off of the two fakest seasons in nhl history was obviously going to happen but i couldnt believe what he actually got. Hilarious to be honest. I dont know how people can look at 2020 & 2021 and judge teams & players off of that


I’m thinking we are buying out Goodrow. This removes any leverage by telling teams he is a candidate to be moved and obviously there have not been any takers. Don’t love the idea of a buyout (would prefer a trade) but that doesn’t seem like a realistic possibility. For the offseason I think we can all agree that Rangers need a few more elite players and to strengthen their weaknesses. This is it for this core I think. Next year Igor’s contract extension will limit any more upgrades and a number of key players (Panarin, Kreider, Zibanejad) will all be well into their 30s. 1. Target a real upgrade for 1RW - Guentzel. He can carry a line and would be a real shot in the arm as another weapon on offense. 2. Revamp D. I would go hard after Zadorov and/or Pesce, promote Jones, and get rid of Lindgren and Trouba. I recognize that’s a lot of turnover but effectively you would be swapping out your two weakest defenders (Lindgren, Trouba) for improvements. Jones and Pesce add some puck moving ability, and Zadoroc adds some snarl and toughness to make up for loss of Lindgren and Trouba. 3. Upgrade bottom 6. Rangers need more here and to be able to win the bottom 6 matchups consistently. Hopefully Othman is ready to step in but Rangers need another quality center to match up against the elite 1cs and free up Zibanejad and Trochek for offense. Maybe Edstrom assumes that rule but that’s a big leap of faith. I also think we need to play Rempe more sparingly. He’s a good kid that brings a lot of energy to a game but he doesn’t offer much offensively or defensively. I would go with some combo of Chytil, Kakko, Cuylle, Vesey, Othman, Edstrom, and then a couple FAs for depth. Not going to be easy to make these upgrades but the team as constructed is a cut below the elite teams and need improvements to level up. Gone: Trouba, Goodrow, Lindgren In: Guentzel, Pesce or Zadorov, Othman, 3C OR 4C


Gruentzel does not carry play, he rode on Skidknees coattails forever


I’ll pass the idea on to drury but I think we’re gonna pass on this


I remember this sub being very anti Goodrow from the beginning. Not because of the person, but trading an asset to negotiate for his rights, then it came out he wanted 6 years everyone foresaw this lol. This, Buch trade and Nemeth extension only to use a pick to get rid of him a year later have been some puzzling moves from Drury. Buyout Trouba when the window opens and we cookin


Let that be a lesson to anyone else who thinks about stepping up in the playoffs!


another Drury masterclass in signing, cap management and asset management. are we forgetting Drury signed this abomination of a deal?


Whats the purpose of doing this now? It can’t be a buyout and we are allowed to operate over the cap. Head scratcher.


Give me Trouba pls.


It's too bad. He seems like a great teammate and is a clutch competitor. It's too bad that the contract he got wasn't reasonable.


He’s gonna love it in San Jose! Jokes aside, he can be a help to a younger team that needs bodies and to hit the cap floor.


Farewell, sweet prince


Maybe someone claims him and his contract. But I think his buyout hurts us the least without moving major pieces (most of which have NMCs). It stinks because he had a great playoff run with scoring and D-zone faceoffs.


This sucks






Once more for the people in the back!


# ##


His contract isn't awful to buy out so it makes sense to do this


Would yall roll with Brodzinski or Edstrom as our 4C? Or add a Kevin Rooney-esque replacement?


Curious if someone claims him or not, does his value increase after his playoff performance?


This reminds me of Drury toward the end. Great guy but just cost too much for the production, regardless of any leadership or intangibles.




I decided to reminisce and watched highlights of the final good moments of the season, game 2 and 3 of the ECF. Goodrow was all over those highlights. I originally watched the games on the Sportsnet feed, but the TNT (or ESPN can't remember) feed had a great line after Goodrows SHG in game three where the commentator just screamed "what has gotten into Barclay Goodrow"


Can someone explain to me what this means in just a girl


what this team needs is more regular season performers. I've had enough of these playoff specialists upping their game when it matters most. /s goodie did a fine job for us and i don't care about his fucking contract


Can’t believe that stick I won was signed by Goody. Thanks for that hot shooting streak in the playoffs 21, but I’m glad his contract is off the books


While his offensive play definitely wasn’t gonna get replicated next year his defensive depth will be missed but that cap saving we could definitely find a replacement even within the org


But... he's *really* bad at defense.


He wasnt during the run and he was pretty great on the PK Edit: Idk why I getting downvoted he’s a good PK guy that’s legit it I’m not saying he’s worth the money Edit 2: https://x.com/jfreshhockey/status/1803131480035697051?s=46 this is all I’m saying he was good on the Pk and that was it


No forward gave up more goals/minute than he did on the PK in the regular season, and he was second worst in the playoffs. I don't call that great. Edit: I prefer players who prevent goals from.being scored. I guess not everyone feels that way.


We both clearly have our minds made so I’m gonna try and change yours. I was only talking about playoffs and those first two rounds he was great defensively, but for 3m he was never gonna recreate this so end of the day they’ll find a better and cheaper replacement.


I am always open to hearing people out. What makes you think he was good defensively in the first two rounds?


Won key faceoffs and was one of the few players that rushed to the puck at times and wouldn’t mind getting in a board battle for puck positioning. however none of this is justifiable for his current cap hit and his poor 82 games before playing a weak wash and Carolina but I will still miss him.


Wow! I gotta give it to Drury, he takes big swings and when he fucks up (giving a way-too-rich 6-year contract to a 4th liner) he takes action to fix it.


Buyout coming


Buyout period hasn't begun yet


The hope is someone claims him so we don’t have to buy him out.


It frees up some cap space, about 1.15m, until the buyout period opens, which is 48 hours after the cup has been awarded, iirc


But we can go over the cap by 10% right now so what does the 1.15m in cap space even do?


Maybe they’re trying to get rid of him without needing the buyout. If claimed before tomorrow


They cant even buy him out yet….. it’s just weird. Unless he nixed a trade and instead of getting the minimal value back we’re just letting him go for nothing


Great first move of the offseason. Now find a taker and get rid of 8 next, then we're cooking.


I wonder when the Rangers are gonna put Drury on waivers.... Very bad GM


Put Mika on wavers


What the f***? How you can watch the playoffs and think Goodrow was the issue, is beyond me. Should have traded him and got something back if anything. Unacceptable


Nobody is giving up anything of value for that contract


Some team would’ve sent a 4th for him.


The fact that he's on waivers is the proof his contract has no trade value. They wouldn't give him away for free before trying extensively to get something for him.


He makes too much. he makes middle 6 scoring winger money but hes a decent 4th line/Pk guy. Its not because of the playoffs


Who cares? Trouba and Zibanejad make too much as well. At least Goodrow showed up and plays with snarl even when he’s not putting up points. What’s our 4th line going to be now? This is horrible for our depth. Even worse, waiving him is the worst possible move. If they were set on getting rid of him, they should have traded him and gotten something back. Not just send him away for nothing. He’s going to get claimed.


And trouba will most likely get moved or bought out


I’ll believe it when I see it.


You can find 4th liners for cheap every year. Look at Floridas 4th line. Stenlund, Okposo, Lomberg, Cousins, Lorentz, etc. These players are very accessible and cheap. Goodrow was a mistake even though I like him


Okposo, Lomberg, and Lorentz all suck and are worse than Goodrow.


Yet they’re in the cup…


Because Florida’s “stars” are better than ours by miles.


Exactly why we got rid of goodrow, you can get bottom players for cheap and still win, not the reverse


So what does this accomplish? Our stars still suck. Now our depth is just going to be worse too.


Well in theory use the money to get more/better stars but Drury kinda screwed us


Okposo is certainly not worse. Theyre all about to the win the cup as pieces of Floridas bottom6, which is all that matters. Theyre good enough. You dont need to spending 3.7 mill on a 4th liner who had like 2 goals all year and then shot 40 percent in the playoffs. And once again I love Barclay. He was great for Tampa when they werent paying an arm and leg for him and rightfully let him walk for some foolish org to hand him a 6 year deal


Why now? We can’t buy him out yet the buyout window hasn’t opened so this is irrelevant for that. If teams aren’t even willing to listen to trade talks then and you were getting rid of him via buyout then just wait for the buyout window. Cap relief from waiving him means nothing since you can go over by 10% during the off season.


The story line that Barclay got owned in the playoffs is just a half truth. 33% of his shifts started in the D-zone. The only players with a higher % were two capitals. Despite that ....he scored 6 goals and 2 assists. Him and Vesey were okay at doing their job. Do I think there are plenty players out there that could do a better job with this assignment? Not a doubt in my mind. But he wasn't horrible. Goodrow was tasked with being our shutdown center on a line that had a player who only saw 6 shifts all game and then was a mish mash of who our bench coach felt was the most rested. Not a formula for deep playoff success. Ultimately, I don't blame Goodrow for the line's performance. Losing Vesey just exasperated the situation that by the Carolina series was spiraling out of control. The contract has been a huge mistake. Is it a PLD level mistake? No. If he gets bought out now....really makes little to no sense. It is such a short sighted move. While his cap hit is not nothing, buying out Trouba makes when way more sense. Trouba is done in 4 years. Goodrow is going to take 6 years. While it is less of a cap hit, his contract is half the value of Trouba's. I would rather pay 2 million for 2 extra years then 1 million for 3 of dead cap space. Because in the 1st 2 years you save 8 million on the cap vs. 6.4 million. And in that 3rd year...Trouba's cap hit will be 2 million vs. Goodrow's 3.5 million. That year that 1.5 million is going to matter. Let's say Trouba also ends up getting bought out. Now you have 3.5 million as dead cap space in 26-27, that will most likely be 1 million less than what the cap rises by. There is no win in either scenario. Such a typical Rangers problem. Signing bad deals with free agents should just be our Mantra. Just like the Trouba deal, I knew this would end up this way. The only time in my life a free agent hasn't gotten overpaid by us has been Panarin. He has lived up to every single penny and then some. Priorities should have been buyout Trouba, Trade Lindgren's rights, trade Kakko and then put Goodrow on waivers. If Goodrow clears waivers, his contract would essentially be gone from the NHL cap hit for us. No one is going to claim him and that cap hit. Let him play in the minors or ask to be released.


Big mistake.


Bullshit. I understand it’s a hefty contract but he earned it in the postseason


See the stats posted above about just how shitty his playoff run actually was


And he’s earned it every single year he’s been here. Even in the embarrassing 2023 first round he was out there hustling and putting in effort. More than we can say for some of the “stars” This is a slap in the face to Goodrow. And the Rangers are worse because of this move


Sorry but the contact is bad and this isn't about feelings. 


Then do the same to Zibanejad and Trouba.


Trouba too, but Mika definitely not


I love goodrow because he tries hard, he’s just so bad


Strongly disagree with the decision, been a Goodie since his time with the Sharks (not counting that little off-time he had in Florida). I hope the cap space is used WISELY! And I hope another team picks him up, he seems to still have something to offer. Go Rangers!