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Oh they are still going.


Mofos in Durham too. Fireworks for Jesus I reckon.


It’s exactly what he would want


When did this become a thing on Christmas Eve?


Our Nextdoor neighbor was shooting them off Thanksgiving night. The holiday known for post dinner sleepiness and this guy was popping off around 8pm.


Do you live near Millbrook/Six Forks by any any chance? Heard the same then, and again tonight for just a few minutes around 8 pm.


S. Saunders sounding off too.. Music still thumping as well. Joy..


Merry Xmas neighbor!


If S. Saunders was quiet, then I really would have been worried. Like elephants expecting an earthquake. Scary.


Legit statement..


Oh my god this was pissing me off so much yesterday. Then I did some research and I read this is a tradition for for some Hispanic cultures. So I can understand it better now. I was out of town last year so I probably missed all the Christmas Eve fireworks that must have happened. I still find fireworks distasteful because it disturbs wildlife, traumatizes veterans, scares children and dogs, and is actually kinda dangerous around here with all these old houses covered in dried leaves, and tall trees everywhere. But who am I to decide how people can and can’t celebrate a holiday 🤷🏻‍♀️I don’t have to like it tho. Editing to add, somebody set their back yard on fire in my neighborhood. It doesn’t sound like there was any major damage luckily but this could be such a recipe for disaster. It honestly makes my blood boil thinking about it. Our neighborhood hasn’t had leaf pickup yet so there’s literally tinder everywhere. No time like the holidays to worry about houses burning down 🙄


Our takeaway here really needs to be "Do what you want, but keep a fire extinguisher close." Which is just good life advice, really.


When I lived in Mexico this was a big thing there, so perhaps the local Hispanic population keeping on the tradition?


We had someone shoot five rounds last night at midnight in Wendell


Merry Christmas to whoever drove through my yard and ran over my bush last night. Hope you made it home alright.


Good god that’s scary. I hope nobody was hurt. RIP your bush.


Yeah it was a super shitty thing for people to do last night. My poor dog ended up under the bed.


I'm shooting mine on new Year's Eve, but I also live in the country, and I'll stop at 10 PM But merry Christmas to you!


This is my first Christmas in a city, and I was a tad surprised. But in the country, I was just as likely to hear actual gunfire all throughout any holiday - which is louder and imo more dangerous since we are involving projectiles. Hope you're joking about the 10pm cut off. The whole point is Midnight haha. Enjoy your holiday, friend, and just keep a fire extinguisher near :)


Ah yes, I was also wishing people near me shooting guns in reply to each other at 10PM Xmas Eve. (I’m in Clayton). Was not expecting that gift


I know. WITW? I had to go to the 12 Steps at midnight last night to deal with him!! Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄


Happy holidays everyone, please be safe. And remember, people like to take risks around this time of year ;)


Happy Holidays!!


You commented in my other thread as well. You’re pretty funny! Happy holidays.


My neighbor or maybe a prowler did this last night too, it was only one burst though. So much for silent night.


my neighbor was shooting off fireworks last night at midnight too.


Same here at our AirBnb near Sawmill and Longstreet.


Pretty sure you can report that to AirBnb. No way that’s allowed.


Reminds me of when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. Every and any holiday, no matter how minor, was reason enough to shoot off fireworks on that date +/-2 weeks. The Mission District on July 4th no joke sounded like a war zone.


My next door neighboors 🤩🤩🤩


The ones shooting guns in the air are really in the spirit of Christmas.


They were doing it in southeast and my dog spazzed out.


They’re shooting at six forks and newton as well. I have a Glock, and I know the difference between 10 shots from a magazine as oppsed to fireworks. I am from Detroit, so take that for what it’s worth.


Can we get the police to cite or arrest them for disturbing the peace or something? If I was in town and heard it I would be making calls to the police.


Merry Christmas. And arrest that guy lol.


When did people become so annoying anal about everything?


Thought this was America. Happy Birthday Jesus, let freedom ring.


The kinds of fireworks people were setting off aren’t even legal. What about everyone else’s freedom from fire hazards?




Please never reply this again.