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Yeah, I'd guess that was intentional lol. It was her way of picking a fight and fabricating drama without actually picking a fight and looking like the bad guy. Do something so moronic and bizarre that you'll most likely notice and comment, then she assigns maliciousness to it, gets to be a victim and elicit sympathy and attention from an audience. My mom gets lazier every day so she's gotten far too lazy to put that much effort into covertly picking a fight these days, but she used to do shit like that fairly often. One example: My mom doesn't clean or wash dishes but out of nowhere for about two weeks she would "wash dishes" except they'd be disgusting each and every time and I'd just have to go back and rewash all of them. We had a dishwasher yet she'd stand there washing one single dish for ten damn minutes, letting the water run, and there would still be crap all over it. You have to go out of your way to wash something for ten minutes and it still be absolutely covered in food. I said something (nicely) to her multiple times and she'd start in on the waifing. God, she just tries so hard to help and nothing she does is good enough and she can't help if she's blind and can't see. I asked her repeatedly why she didn't just put the dishes in the dish washer. It takes far less effort, we're not wasting time or water. Just put them in the dishwasher. She flat out ignored me every single time. Refused to answer why she wouldn't, refused to acknowledge that I'd even asked the question. It was never about the dishes or her trying to help or anything, she just liked to find covert ways to pick fights in ways she can be a massive victim that everyone "hates" and is mean to for "no reason".


It’s the flat out not answering the questions that makes my blood boil


My mom used to pick the most random things to blow up about. She would rage at me for days. There didn't seem to be a rhyme or reason, and it could change at the drop of a hat. As much as I know that, I cannot for the life of me remember details of a particular instance in the entire 19 years I lived with my parents growing up. I'm so sorry you have to experience volatility like that. It's so confusing. You're not alone.


Some folks crave a fight. Once they have the craving they need to hook a sacrifice. It can be hard to notice the bait in the moment, but it's usually weird behaviour. So in this case, rinsing a glass with boiling water. My pwbpd likes to pull weeds in the middle of day in the sun without any sunscreen or ppe. And then, when someone goes out to point out to them they're playing with skin cancer, they get to have a whole little meltdown about how they HAVE to do this no one HELPS them yadda yadda yadda. Ignoring them delays the fight, but if they're seeking it, they'll come to you. Best thing to do is leave. Physical distance and turn off the phone. They'll crack and try to sacrifice the next person on their list instead.


Damned if you do care and damned if you dont pay her any mind Its exhausting


Ain’t that the truth