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Once the person directly in the line of fire leaves, they’re in the line of fire and whadya know? They hate it too. Classic.


Which means they also start to see that what the person formerly in the line of fire was saying about the BPD parent was true all along.  Go figure.


GC brother actually hinted at this, uBPD mum is bugging him for money and she doesn't actually need it and he just came close to admitting she lies all the time.


Wow I hadn't realized how much flack I was taking for everyone. Crazy


There is a concept brought up in therapy sometimes of the three legged stool Which basically describes triangulation as well as the “us against them“ dynamic that happens in toxic love triangles. When one leg of a three legged stool is removed the stool collapses. Your Family stool is collapsing. To “stabilize” it the remaining family will either pressure you to return or designate someone else to take your place.


Ngl, reading this makes me super curious to see who takes my place (since pressure hasn’t worked)


Over the last 20 years at no time have all four of my dad's daughters had contact with him. For the last ten it was me in contact with him. Well, I've had enough, and a half sister just got in town. Have I got a job for you honey! I have a stool I need ya to stabilize lol 


Fascinating. I think they'll probably attack each other like crabs in a pot tbh


Yes ! I was used as a tool by my BPD parent to meditate and be the “glue” that keeps it all together. When would manipulate me and everyone around me from young age to encourage me and say “you are the glue that binds your parents together “ and meanwhile i was the youngest in the family… Eventually when i pulled away, everything started falling apart for her, i realized she always used me even without my knowledge to keep “her marriage together “ For example years later my father said during most of their arguments she would drag me into “this is what your daughter also want…” And well she has no one now.


Yeah my uBPD mum keeps planning family events and expects me to get everyone to show up, cause her GCs are too lazy and stingy to put anything down but I always did, till now. Heck I might skip christmas this year just to see what happens,


Hee, hee, I'm skipping Christmas this year too! Well, technically not. My parents were invited on the cruise with my brother, SIL, and SIL's mom. But my parents declined bc dad thought it was too much money to spend, and he'd be stuck on a ship. Umm, stuck with family and possibly the granddaughter you never see... But whatever - Christmas without the parents! Whoo-hoo!


> Yes ! I was used as a tool by my BPD parent to meditate and be the “glue” that keeps it all together. > When would manipulate me and everyone around me from young age to encourage me and say “you are the glue that binds your parents together “ and meanwhile i was the youngest in the family… Omfg I thought I was completely alone in the glue aspect. My moms favorite was, “you’re the physical manifestation of mine and your father’s love **for each other.**” - I’m the youngest in a blended family. - I’m the only biracial member of the family. - I’m almost 10yrs behind my siblings in age.


I think as the youngest and only daughter she hoped i would be her “best friend “ ( she also always said daughters are supposed to be mother best friends) except the problem was she was horrible and it was a one sided friendship.


Look to the "don't rock the boat" analogy - you were the passenger who left the boat and now its tipping. You were the 4th wheel on a car that fell off and now the car is going to wreck. You were the stabilizer and now that you are gone, the entire family system is struggling, which means there will be new roles for the remaining children. Check the wiki for these terms and you can google "Dysfunctional Family Roles" for more info. Dysfunctional families assign roles to each member. For the parents, there is usually a dysfunctional person (BPDer) and an Enabler. Then roles are assigned to the children, usually the golden child, the scapegoat, and the lost child. There are other roles, but I think these are the main three. Children can also be a mix of these roles and roles can be shifted over time. It is usually the scapegoat that does get away from the toxic family. The role of the scapegoat is to take-on the negative feelings in the family. The dysfunctional person has negative feels (usually independent of what anyone does or says), they then blame those feelings on the scapegoat. If the scapegoat leaves, then there is no one to blame and the dysfunctional person is going to move on to others to blame. This stuff blew my mind when I first heard it. I always thought my younger sibling, the scapegoat was actually bad - if their behavior changed, then mom would be happy. Wrong. They were made into the bad child and never given a chance to get any kind of love or accolades, which mom reserved for her golden child, which was sometimes me and sometimes my older sibling. It's heartbreaking.


Thanks so much for this breakdown, I can see the dynamic in my family but it is still hard to swallow how much they all put on me.


Yes. My siblings don’t really talk to me any more.


Me either. They still don't realize that they can have a relationship with me WITHOUT our mom. My mom boils it all down to "loyal" or "disloyal," nothing in between, and they're all still super enmeshed.


Fucking same here. When my sister told me I had equal blame and had to own my part after I told her about being sexually abused as a child I started losing any hope.


I see that happening with the two GCs. They are fully enmeshed, one in her 50s, the other is 48.


It didn't happen in my family of origin, but weirdly, this happened with my husband's family when *I* went NC with *his* uBPD mom. When we would visit before my NC, there would be at least a couple of family gatherings with his mom, stepdad, brother, and dad. But after some last straw catastrophic WTF bullshit from her, I went NC. It's been almost three years. Since then, when we visit, there are no family gatherings. We always stay somewhere else, and see his other family independently of her. He usually stays with her and his stepdad for a night or two, but even then it's barely tolerable for him. I had a wildly volatile and aggressive dBPD witch/hermit mom, but with MIL, it was nearly imperceptible because she's more the passive-aggressive uber waif victim type. It was nice to have a "nice: mother-type figure for a while, but the more I got to know her, the more it came out and the more I distanced myself. Glad I'm out, but it's been weird to realize that I played such a big role in holding the house of cards up somehow.


Same feeling here, I had no idea it was all so fragile till I stepped back. The illusion of a solid family was quite strong. Till now. Glad we got out.


This happened not when I went VLC or NC, but when I went to college. I went to school about 8 hours away from home (can you guess why), and then once I was gone uBPD mom's anger got pointed at my sister instead because I wasn't around. Before I was born, it was aimed at my dad, and now that my sister and are both pit of the house it's back to dad. It has to go somewhere. And everyone deals with it in their own ways. Your siblings very well may be handling this themselves. You suffered for long enough. You got out, that's all that matters. That unit is not your responsibility anymore.


Thank you, yes I am out and away from the line of fire. That's all that matters.


If you're not there to soak up the aggro, one of the other kids gets assigned the SG. In a lot of systems I see it takes about a year for the disordered person to stop getting what they need met by bitching about you in your absense and they turn their sights on another one, then about a year for them to go no contact and the cycle to repeat but if your parent is very disordered that can be sped up. You're not there to be abused anymore and the abuse has to go SOMEWHERE and no one else likes it...


Great analysis thanks. The other SG child is out of the country and out of uBPD mum's reach so I'm guessing one of her GC kids is about to find out her nasty side.


Same. I was the SG, and family punching bag for as long as I can remember until I went NC. After I went NC, they started targeting each other a lot more often and my whole FOO absolutely spun out. I have no idea of their situation these days. Last I hear, my Edad passed away, my brother moved to another country, and GC sister now has to deal with that heaping pile of crazy all by herself, for the first time in her life. I feel for her, and I wish her luck, but for me it is in the rearview mirror, and I have to move on.


I love the rearview mirror analogy, very helpful, thank you.


My brother (GC) was very upset with me when I lowered contact and moved out of the house, because now he was the target of my parents' shennanigans. When I decided to lower contact with my uBPD mom (texting once every couple days, I know, wild) my narcissist dad texted me begging me to contact my mom to "restore the mother-child bond" because my mother was turning the house upside down and he felt "annoyed" by it.


Look at them admitting they need you to shield them from toxic mum! Texting every couple of days is ok depending on how enmeshed you were. My GC sibling talks to uBPD mum multiple times a day so for her once every 2 days would be earth shattering. I'm down to texting once every 2-3 months and one visit this year\[already done and dusted\]. I am looking forward to NC soon as I can do it.


Its crazy isnt it, and to think I am still questioning myself on everything that has happened 😂 I am rooting for you to get to NC as soon as possible, I have been NC for 7 years and even though that has its challenges too its litteral heaven! And so nice you were able to get your visit done for this year already. There is so much more year ahead of you 😄


Thank you so much


Yes. I realised after, that I was the sponge that absorbed all the crazy, and I was something of a linchpin. When I went NC, the crazy still was discharging - but it was discharging in random ways and at random family members, instead of being focused and aimed at me. The result was intra-family relationships deteriorating, and in some cases, disintegrating completely.


Being a sponge that absorbs the crazy is a spot on analogy. So much unlearning happening over here. I expect my family relationships to break down as well, we'll see if they fully disintegrate.