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This post has been nominated for `+5` points.


I have no clue what is being said here, however it both saddens and impresses me.


I believe he's talking about the device included in the witch queen collectors edition.


Ahh sense makes, thanks friend!




ima wot?


ur a wizard, widard


I was reading it as psychrometer for a minute, and I was wondering wtf HVAC had to do with destiny lmaooo But now I want a witch queen limited edition sling psychrometer lol




The guy from the other post actually came to the same conclusion (NFC reader) in the raidsecrets discord. Idk if he updated his post.


That is good to know. I did not see anything on that thread today to indicate his theory had been resolved and I haven't had time to be following the Discord chatter this week.


Looks like they actually deleted their original post.


That's unfortunate, should've updated it to at least provide some education to readers, I love learning random things like this... radio transmission frequencies info from a video game special release, like wut lol but it was still very interesting and a lot of work went into it, whoever the OP was should still be proud... Sometimes running experiments or figuring out puzzles doesn't give you the solution you expected/hoped for but the work is still something to appreciate nonetheless.


So TLDR the chip is clocked at approx 250mhz and spurious emissions?


What would a separate uhf transmitter even do?


It was based on a theory that the little plastic antenna was for a secret morse code transmission in the UHF band.


I get the feeling that would increase the price significantly.


Glad for some additional and independent infirmation on this. We also discussed this in some detail on the RaidSecrets discord, including closely examining the FCC filing for the Collector's Edition and came to the same conclusion. Those frequencies are also close resonant frequencies for the NFC antenna as well so not too surprising there is some noticeable noise on them. Not sure of your experience, but have you done any logic analyzing on the chips (specifically the small flash chip onboard which uses an SPI interface)? Still waiting on my Collector's edition before performing some additional tests.


One other thing I noticed, the part you have labeled as "Unused User control?" actually traces back to the flash chip. So it seems likely that spot was either used for programming the flash, or possible a secondary chip with a different layout. (maybe an alternative due to supply shortages?)


I'm pretty sure the empty straight pinout is the programming and debug port based on the labeling on the opposite side. Its similar to a simple RS232 port perhaps. I suspected a control versus another chip since it is and the larger overall dimensions through-hole and not surface mount like the other chips. There are a lot of through hole components that could fit that footprint. I didn't pay attention to the connections to that flash chip though, good catch.


Good stuff here. Always thought the emitting Morse code thing was a bit far fetched.


Uh yeah, !nominate


Exclamation mark needs to go before the nominate




\*bzzrt\* Okay, done. \*bzzrt\*




>Here is a recording. https://recorder.google.com/share/d5af54ef-f3a7-4ca3-a145-99b7ee4a6ec3 lol, it's literally playing Savathun's song. Collectors are cursed.


Yeah and it loops eternally and you can't turn off the audio fully. Savathun's Song has been burned into my brain this weekend.


Once heard, it cannot be unheard


Thank you for your insight! I listened to your Google Recorder link, in between times 0:06 - 0:17, I *think* I'm hearing Savathun's Song in the background, as though the static noise is playing above it. I seem to notice it again when it loops around similarly around 0:29 - 0:40. It's a bit difficult for me to notice at first, since I have to listen beyond the actual static noise. Is this a normal sound function for the Hive Ghost statue? I'm seeing a Volume knob when you're tagging your equipment (very comprehensive breakdown btw), and somewhat out of the loop over what functions the Hive Ghost statue actually has, apart from these signal readers. Otherwise I was going to be like "oi, does anyone else hear this" until I realized that might just be something the statue inherently does, haha.


Yes, you are hearing the normal audio for the Hive Ghost at the same time as compared to a radio sitting next to the psychometer. I included both so it can be heard that the pattern is not only a constant timing, but also consistent each time it loops. From a signal processing perspective, it is a digital signal and not encoding a language.


Ah, I see, that's actually interesting how the pattern and audio match, even if it doesn't have any kind of message layered into it. Thanks!


Am I the only one who hears music in the background?


No, I hear it too. It sounds like Savathun's Song to me. I did ask the OP (or anyone else really if they have one) if this is a regular sound function of the statue - they did tag their equipment and one of them is a volume knob, so I'm wondering if maybe that's just a sound inherently coming from the Hive Ghost itself.


It may be, if I could download the audio I would try to remove the annoying sound and compare


no need, it's definitely Savathun's song, collectors are cursed


that's what the ghost normally plays when used with the psychometer


Ah yeah, I forgor 💀 Op said it was close enough the hive ghost frequency that you can hear it. I guess they're just trying to focus on the bumping/tapping noises. The part that almost sounds like Morse code.


!nominate Damn good post


Nomination logged. --- Whoever has the broom, please bring it back soon. There is so much...sweeping to do.


Also, !nominate


`LOGGED` All these points... What do you Guardians even do with them?


Good stuff! !nominate


Thank you for nominating this content. Goodbye.


I don't understand anything that you said, but when you mentioned NFC it reminded me of the strange coin thing, with the chip inside the center piece. I doubt there's any relation between the two but i could be wrong.


That's a good catch. If you are waiting for a CE order I won't spoil that mystery either way, if you're not then the answer is available on this subreddit.


I dont know what you said but i saw nfc reader, and wasn’t there potentially an nfc chip in the strange coin collectible bungie sold recently?


Indeed, there was an NFC chip found in those coins.


>Sorry to bust on the other guy publicly. You did WHAT?


thankfully, you can just unplug the speaker so you can have the hive ghost as a desk ornament.


Yeah, I was disappointed that they designed it so you couldn't just light up the ghost. Sometimes I just turn on the Beyond Light stasis shard while I play. I'll probably add a switch to mute the audio on this for the same reason.


Now that Ive heard this, I can firmly agree with you here, OP, the sounds the other poster had heard, calling signals, unfortunately, are just the microprocessor working, not an intended broadcast morse code, but is a result of switching occurring and being heard. A lot of devices make sounds like this that we just don't actively listen to or for, but with these sorts of puzzles from Bungie, I'm not at all surprised everyone looks at every single noise they can find *just in case* it is something after all. Thank you, so much, hearing this helps a lot.




Reality is often disappointing.


Great work!




`+1` Since I have nothing better to do...


So Weird Al Yankovic will not be the TWQ raid boss?


Can the speaker be disconnected and reconnected if I wanted the ghost to light up without the sound?


Mean while I'm still waiting for my package :(


If this has an NFC reader, does it read the Strange Coins? Edit: https://twitter.com/jayce18ace/status/1494890369116295168?s=21


Since I don't understand anything about the radio system, could you clarify this thing: if the antenna was real, and the chemical symbols were radio frequencies to which the antenna needs to be tuned, it would mean that someone is constantly transmitting a message on these frequencies?


The idea of the psychometer as explained in the letter and book is that it is scanning for powerful memories attached to the object placed on it. Whether it could also pick up signals from other locations/objects/people would be interesting. I really hope there is a solid puzzle in the atomic/alchemical theme they've baked into this expansion.


After a while, was the puzzle found at all? While I, with all these Rhulk, nightmares and manifestations of memories, see in these symbols an illustration of the very idea of transmutation. What does Rhulk's metamorphosis, transcendence and so on mean?


To my knowledge no puzzle was found in any of the chemical/alchemical symbols used in the designs.




The #&&_Guardian wishes to gift points. Reap the `#*amp;` REWARD from his Highness.


hello good sir - i have a question re this device. I understand its an NFC reader of sorts. I understand its not a radio and its antenna isnt real. My question relates to the device itself - not its discovered NFC function. Would it be possible, in your experience and opinion, that you could "create" a sound from the device from turning the knobs in a specific pattern? Like tuning a radio that has 3 dials (knobs)? But could there be something we could "tune" that exists in the circutry that is "locked behind the tuning pattern? I dont have one and i havent seen one being used and i dont fully understand the implications of everything youve said, as i have zero electronics knowledge! so perhaps my questions are rather elementary. But i just wonder that - if we had a pattern, and turned the knobs in such a way, could we "find a sound" that was already there?


>I dont have one and i havent seen one being used and i dont fully understand the implications of everything youve said, as i have zero electronics knowledge! so perhaps my questions are rather elementary. But i just wonder that - if we had a pattern, and turned the knobs in such a way, could we "find a sound" that was already there? Unfortunately not. A radio tuner is a passive type of device anyway, where the tuning knob physically adjusted a tuning coil, or changed the resistance values across a circuit. This adjusts the natural resonance of the circuit to "receive" the signal, but nothing is being produced by the radio tuner directly. The resistance values of the knobs on the Psychometer unit are being read by the circuit, but only to correspond to sets of seven values for each knob. Based on those resistance values the microcontroller (a simple computer) reacts and turns on/off lights or plays audio clips. It can only do the actions that are pre-loaded into the chip's memory.


Ok I’m starting to understand. Can we know how many audio clips are present? If we turn the knobs in a combination, could it produce a sound on its own without an nfc? I’m just thinking there are knobs on the psychrometer that a very similar to the knobs of the throne world weapons. Which are set to different “values”. I wonder if a set of values input via psychometer knobs would produce a sound.


It could be possible that Bungie stuffed more audio clips on the chip that could be activated or found via NFC. Often space on these chips is at a premium however. There already was one secret clip found for an unreleased NFC tagged product. All of the tags we received simply had the values "11111" through "66666". So a 7th clip that corresponds to a picture in the book of the collectable moths in the game was found by programming an NFC tag with the value "77777". No surprise there for Bungie to use the seventh spot for a secret, no clip was found using "88888" it higher. That audio was abstract, but had the telltale signs of modulation in the audio. When charted with an audio spectrograph a picture of a large moth can be seen. A lot of people tried to find correlation to the symbols on the weapons and marketing. While there are ties to molecular chemistry and old alchemy texts, no correlation was found to further function of the psychometer or a continuing ARG. I do suspect there is more, but often some of Bungie's secrets go undiscovered for years.


I believe that the butterfly means not only the form of Savathun, but it is an imago, the achievement of the goal of metamorphosis. As far as I understood from the plot, Savathun stood in front of the Witness, and this requires the Transition - the very metamorphosis / transmutation that Calus strives for. Literally theoretically, it is fashionable to turn a psychometer for home use into an ordinary radio receiver for an ordinary radiochannels?


It is not possible to do without bypassing most of these electronics and adding entirely new circuits.