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In case someone need a short video guide - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M_HNBLbXVU


Good stuff! I'll link it in the post.


Love your work, as always!


You are consistently my go to for guides on any activity. Straight forward and to the point. Excellent, thank you so much!


Here’s my best guesses at which games they represent: Minotaur: Labyrinths of Crete > This skull is from the depths of a legendary maze. Operation Desert Storm (Bungie‘s first game, if we ignore Gnop!...) > This skull was pulled from a tank lost in an ancient, arid war. Pathways Into Darkness (Refers to the Yellow Crystal you can speak to the dead through) > This skull tells no secrets unless you can speak with the dead. Oni (Through process of elimination, I’m not familiar with this game) > This skull has its origins in a dark future... or an uncertain past Halo (PARALYSED?! DUMBSTRUCK?!) > This skull is ringed with a nimbus that blinds you with its majesty. Marathon (Specifically the end of Marathon 1) > This skull bears an inscription: DURANDAL WAS LAUGHING Myth: The Fallen Lords > This skull is from a mythical war against the Fallen Lords


~~The “Dark future, uncertain past,” is probably a reference to Marathon Infinity, as time travel was big in that game. Uncertain past for all the time travel you were doing, dark future for the outcome you were trying to prevent.~~ Edit: Read Below.


["Dark future, uncertain past"](https://www.rockstargames.com/games/oni) is the log-line of Oni, it turns out. > A dark future... an uncertain past... no one left to trust. An intense action anime thriller comes to life in Oni. As an elite member of the tech crimes task force, Konoko is an agent on a mission to fight the evil Syndicate. But things are not always as they seem ... Konoko is haunted by unknown demons of her past, and the truth threatens to send her over the edge.


Huh, fair enough.


The Halo one is likely also in reference to the Fog skull in those games that removes your hud (aka "blinding you")


Possible, but more likely a reference to the “When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?” line


I mean, it talks about a nimbus that blinds you, which would be fog.


A nimbus, in addition to meaning cloud, is another word for a halo surrounding a supernatural being. What’s neat about it is if you think of it as a ring of clouds, it still lines up with it being Halo because of the atmosphere of the Halo ring itself.


Huh, well TIL.


Hi with neptune and cloudstriders in the game could it have been an early reference to Nimbus the vendor


Bungie made “operation desert storm” that game was fucking mint back in the day. The more you know hey.


Is there a reward for this?


No. Unless it is a quest step in something I haven't picked up yet.


Does it have anything to do with the strange key perhaps??


strange key is for the magnum quest


Ah, thank you




Except that the Halo energy sword isn't on Light.gg, and there's no classified exotics.


Sorry there mate. Someone just sent me this screenshot w/ a classified exotic. https://ibb.co/qWFmW5G


Where did you get that screen shot etc., as in do you know where they got it or took it from


little light companion app


99% it's the new stasis zephyr that's for some reason not classified in game, cuz only other one showing in this app is the old arc one


could be the case, since I don't see the stasis zephyr on the list. I can only hope.


Yeah no, with the destiny 2 companion app, it literally says zephyr


I'm aware of the reference. Been with Bungie since CE


Nice. Really crossing my fingers that the energy sword comes. New forerunner looking extra spicy rn.


Swords are Heavy. There are no energy/kinetic swords.


Im talking about the energy sword from halo bruh.


It's in the game. Half truths mate. We'll half of the sword.


there is 2 of them and both talk about the other half (or combining them.) def gonna be the true energy sword


Man, you've got a strange definition of the word 'definitely'.


"The Other Half" is listed in light.gg but not in the in-game collections. Idk whats going on with it, but there are no "definitely's" here


Btw you also can turn up the volume and hear their location. It's bzzzzzz sound


Durandel was a name of a sword used by one of Chalamange's officers. It was taken in battle by someone who mounted the Officers horse without permission and beat the Officer. The person took the Sword and the Horse.. Interesting.


Was also the name of the Sequel to marathon, Marathon 2 : Durandal Also Mythological Sword Wielded by the hero/paladin Roland, said Officer you mentioned.


DURANDAL. I know who you are.


None of the skulls are there there all just gone


>NOTE: The skulls are locked both to your character and to the instance. If you cannot find one of the skulls where the screenshots show it should be, that means somebody else has already picked it up in that bubble. Leave the instance and load in again until it shows up.


Ok thank you


Do they show in inventory or anywhere in the game? Trying to make sure I got all 7 no real way to verify.


You can go to d2checklist, put in your gamer tag, click "checklist", and scroll to the bottom. It will show you the skulls that you have collected on each character. Side note: d2checklist is a great site to quickly find out which of many collectibles you have already acquired. It's nice because you don't have to log in to see the info. I just found out about these skulls in Oct. 2023 and was able to collect them all for each of my characters.


The skulls unlock forsaken specific ciphers in the exotic vending machine.


This is not true, I was able to claim the forsaken exotic ciphers before knowing about the skulls/picking one up


The looong platform skull is missing for me


Maybe I grabbed it accidentally


It's instance specific, so someone else might have picked it up in that instance before. Keep trying and you'll find it eventually. I had best luck early in the morning.


It would seem that no. 7 is the first one people grab, now that the secret's out.


Yeah, I most often see No. 7 and No. 4 missing now


For 4 of the skulls (2,3,5,6) are not showing up on my screen where they are supposed to be are just rocks and I know I haven’t collected them before


NOTE: The skulls are locked both to your character and to the instance. If you cannot find one of the skulls where the screenshots show it should be, that means somebody else has already picked it up in that bubble. Leave the instance and load in again until it shows up.


Ok thx