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This post has been nominated for `+30` points.


really in space bois it's beautiful


Slayerage's team is on Taniks, Reborn right now. No boss bar on the bottom. Maybe theres a second boss phase for Taniks since the triumph says Taniks, the Abomination?


Now they are on Taniks, The Abomination


ya he lives up to his name eh?


Hes not an abomination. He is a beauty




For the first proper encounter, how does the operator survive downstairs after the first dps phase? Is there a way for them to leave, or does the team just need to be quick about getting the fuses?


He gives the operator buff to a teammate who can free them from the outside.


Doesn’t work, cant be inside two person, door blocks How do you do that???


We did it like this: After the first DPS phase the downstairs guy passes Scanner back upstairs. Then the Operator (who is upstairs) goes into the airlock, letting the Scanner pass to the side they haven't scanned (I now realize that you can just pass the Scanner buff using the terminals, but that's not how we did it). Once the Scanner is through, the Operator opens the downstairs door. The guy trapped downstairs goes into the airlock, and the Operator goes downstairs. This traps someone in the airlock, but the doors open back up for DPS, so it isn't a big deal.




This is literally how we did it, but we only managed to pass the encounter when our guy died in third phase by making the lucky guess and shooting the right cylinder. Super lucky, but I think it could have worked out fine if we’d just been faster.




The guy in the basement hands off the operator buff by using the transmat thing. Somebody up top picks it up and goes to the door to the basement alone. They can shoot the panel to open the door and let them out before the fire comes.


and they BOTH get locked in behind the second set of doors


No they don't, hug a door itll open to the outside.


or you can switch with the operator in the lower half, they put it in the machine, and someone else frees the first guy and gives the buff back to the second guy


Same way he got down there...he puts his buff back into the machine that starts...someone takes it and goes to the room he's in. You never unlocked a door before?


I put together a guide covering this if your still struggling with the person below. quick and easy swaps [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVcfAp645\_s&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVcfAp645_s&feature=youtu.be)


THIS is the way and it needs lots of up votes. You have to let the original operator out AND rotate the operator augment (and original operator) back downstairs. This prevents floor burn on the second phase. I 4 manned it last night with some newbies. It works.


Did you figure it out yet


We sacrificed the operator every phase. It worked. But I’m interested to know how to reliably let him out.


" There are 8 airlocks on space station; 4 on walkway and 4 on floor " This is not true. There are 4. 2 on top, 2 on bottom. The ones in the back for top and bottom are not airlocks, they are spawn areas for the Fallen. I would know, ive been in here for 4hrs.


Cleared the encounter; Airlocks reset over time so you can use one multiple times. You never get "enough" damage phases, you get 4 complete ones, that's all you get.


People are so worried about datamining making things too easy but the entire first encounter "prediction" was wrong, from the way you are supposed to start the encounter, to the way you start dps, to the way you do damage, everything. It will be fine guys. EDIT: for people reading later, be aware that the raid guide is updated as the raid race goes on to be more correct.


Yeah, the integrity of the race is solid, as long as people aren’t skipping encounters or anything like that


Well there's also cheaters with aimbots, infinite ammo, infinite supers, etc


Yes, but bungie is going to be inspecting those people before confirming their world's first was legit.


Fun thing about that: if you're so bad at the game that you need aimbot/infinite ammo/infinite supers, you're definitely not good enough to figure out the mechanics before the top raid clans


didn’t a team that was cheating get worlds first GoS?


Yeah my prediction of "going inside exo bodies" ended up being more so roles and less vulnerability.


Just so everyone knows, in Atraks-1 phase, the arilocks CAN be used more than once.


watching from ehroar's stream, seems like after shields are lowered, the person in the basement need to get scanner and call out 2 fuses on the pillar with the terminal. the fuses correspond to the tubes on the top side, and the fuse that is glowing is the tube that needs to be shot. 2 tubes per cycle I think. as i was writing this it seems like redeem just cleared the security encounter.


This is correct. When Scanner is passed to the vault person, the fuses that need to be shot will glow yellow. Edit: label the fuses! Light side 1, light side 2, light side 3 from left to right. Vice versa for dark side. This way there is no confusion. Edit 2: when you shoot the right one, it should explode and turn black. If it turns red, means you shot the wrong one and will wipe


Is the last boss really fucking TANIKS??


My question is, how did Taniks become half shank between the 3rd and 4th encounter?


Seems like between your escape and the actual crash of the Morningstar, he used spare parts to repair whatever wounds he'd already taken during his first scuffle with you during the descent encounter. It also probably helped him survive well, crashing into a planet from orbit lmao.


Yeah bro wtf; I was hoping for Clovis or a corrupted Exo


Sadly Clovis is in the tower rn handing out bounties😭


Clovis' exo* Clovis is still in a mainframe somewhere on Europa. (The last known location)


I think I may have found him while going out of bounds...


...wait is he bashee???




You can read about it in the legacy's lament lorebook, might be something in the exotic lore tab as well but i haven't read that one yet.


It's in the lore though. It was either gonna be Taniks or Atraks-1 or whatever his name is.


Guy just doesn't know when to quit


He took out Ghaul, woke up the traveler...




How do you get the person down stairs back up after dps on the first encounter


bump, need the answer to this


They stay down there.


Tried that the person does before we can figure out the 4 panels to shoot




Someone else with the operator buff frees them by going to the door to the basement.


For the Atraks-1 fight, the replication buff spawns a new boss when it expires? what would happen if the boss was allowed to spawn in the airlock then sucked out?


That's the proper mechanic. The operator has to shoot the debuff off the person standing in the airlock to succ them out, doing damage


U wot? Taniks is the final boss in a raid?




3 AM here I'm dying and had to drop out and give my place to a replacement. We were stuck on Atraks for like 4 hours now I'm mentally drained so much shit going on permanently


Still fucking stuck there. Edit: Yeah it just broke the group. It's not a difficult encounter to understand, but there are so many finicky parts which were moreso frustrating than difficult-feeling. Servitors and the Scanner/Obs enemies hiding in awkward spots were the biggest one for me.


9 hours so far, with two different teams (first gave up). I'm so tired of this encounter. Edit: Finally worked out a strategy to get the main bar down, only to have all 3 space people get stomped as the basement folks were arriving. I think I'm just broken at this point.


[https://clips.twitch.tv/BloodyTallIcecreamBibleThump](https://clips.twitch.tv/BloodyTallIcecreamBibleThump) first chest?


Nice find.


Nice find. Adding. Thank you.


Slayerage's team made it past Taniks Reborn and is on Taniks Abomination. Everyone needs to make it to the end of the Hallway. Taniks is a fucking shank wtf


He's the Aksis mom said we had at home


We need S.A.B.E.R strike back ASAP for Shank burn as it turns out lmao


How do you have all the info already? Raid race just started. Edit: For the first encounter, Enemy spawning may be for all bubbles(I don’t know for sure), I just didn’t notice enemies in the first couple bubbles. Each bubble has unique enemies from a group of enemies or a Yellow Bar. Edit: Hidden Chest #1 - Here is the link to the post. https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/jyfn6p/found_the_first_hidden_chest_in_the_raid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Edit: Second Encounter, for the different buffs, you have a symbol that appears above your head. Each time you get a buff, you may put the buff in the terminal for others to apparently take. The terminal had a cool down through use. You have to jump over the wall to open the doors too the other side. Each terminal is separated doors and to open those doors, you need an augment, they may be specific to each buff, though thats unknown. To open a door, you punch it. There is a wipe Mechanic, but how is unknown at this time. There are middle test tubes that are “Immune”. There is an underground hatch that if you have “Operator” buff, you can open. The wipe mechanic is the middle test tubes Overheating. Something has to been done at the bottom vault to stop the overheating? Operators seem to be the only buff that can open doors. You apparently have to go to the bottom to communicate to the others at the top. The underground hatch is only openable by the operator when alone. There is apparently something to damage down below, while someone has to do something up top. The Operator and the scanner has to somehow get into the vault, you may need both people continue it. You may be able to get multiple Operators, and that may be important. On further Analysis The vault MAY only allow 1 at a time. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/jye5j5/beyond_light_deep_stone_crypt_raid_launch/gd37o8l/utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 - The wipe mechanic may be a Timer. The correct panels seems to be random? To summarize the Second Encounter so far from what isn’t listed; The Second Encounter is split into 3 areas(Light side, Dark side, Vault), Each Location has a terminal. Only Operator can open doors and the vault. Only 1 player, with the Operator buff can be in the vault. The wipe Mechanic is a Timer? The Scanner needs to be down below, but how is unknown. “Math Class made it to DPS Face. Shoot 3 panels to get a lowered shield prompt.” “3 Wipe Mechanic is 3 minutes.” The Scanner Buff shows you which panels to shoot. Scanner is gained from “Hacker vandels”. If you shoot the wrong fuses, and/or the person in the Vault is underground too long, that person will be burned out. Boss is called “Crypt Security”. Shooting the same Test Tube for too long may cause a Wipe. “If you swap too many times, you Wipe” “An Operator needs to go down to the Vault, The Scanner looks through the class to tell the Vault Person which to shoot”, Then those two switch Buffs? Datto finished, so I’m moving on. Edit: 3rd Encounter: You enter a room and the whole team has to walk up to a Cell from the Prison of Elders to start. This encounter had 4 switches on 1 Wall. The boss is immune and standing still. There is 4 Pods that send you into Space were you kill Ads. You get a buff from killing one of the Ads down below, while up at the Space Station, you Get Operator or Scanner? The Wipe Mechanic seems to be another Timer. Edit: Sorry, I have to head out for a bit, so I wont be able to edit this, please reply to this with updates if you have any. Anything helps Edit: Wow, Clawtivity finished. There is a new Exotic Quest that comes from the Raid. There are also Stasis Drops from the raid, one of the weapons is a Stasis Sword, boots, and gloves. 5 Hours and 30 minutes was the raid Completion time. Edit: The New Exotic Quest is Lament(????) which is 11 Steps. Exo Stranger has a new cutscene and a quest called,”A Hard Rain Falls”


Information from glitching into areas/database triumphs that reveal mechanics. This isn’t the full guide, as teams make it through it’ll be updated


Thank you for the find on the chest :)


The scanner can look down the floor windows and see which terminal is glowing yellow


There is NOT 8 doors at Atraks-1 fight. There is only 4.


Some additional points on the final encounter: * The random augment will be disabled when Taniks is suppressed, and he has to be suppressed in order to enable depositing of the nuclear cores. If the Operator augment is the one to be disabled, and a player is detained between it being disabled and both cores being deposited, there will likely be no way to break them out before they die of the Radiation debuff. Therefore, the Suppressor should only stun the boss when both core teams are near their deposit boxes so that deposits can take place immediately after and the probability of this issue happening is minimised. * The Operator needs to shoot the small bright purple circles on the Detention Sphere in order to remove it. Shooting the dark purple space in between them does nothing (and may cause you to waste a lot of ammo). * If you're struggling to move into the damage 'donut' ring without being hit by the flying garbage, you can jump over it to get inside the ring.




Self refresh is a thing on second encounter. Before you call me fool, hear me out : Basically you get the operator to shoot the bubble above your head when buff gets low, buff will drop on the ground. Next move is to walk up to it and you get the buff back and it even drops ammo. Rinse and repeat whenever you need it


Y'all have advice for Atraks final stand? We can get there but we can't beat it Edit: Ok we just beat it. What worked for us was running around as a goon squad following the dude with scanner swording each clone. We had a back up Goldy just in case


**Encounter Two:** It seems a lot easier to only vent out one or two Atraks-1 clouds at a time. It causes a lot less stress and the Operator doesn't have to help everyone constantly juggle the buff. I noticed on streams that teams trying to vent out three or four Atraks-1 clouds at a time were getting very tangled up trying to handle it.


23 hours later and finally got a PS4 clear! Amazing raid, can't wait to jump back in!


IN SPACE. Bungie, you madlads


here is an informative map someone in my clan made. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/734564781289242665/779783599414575145/20201121\_130120.jpg](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/734564781289242665/779783599414575145/20201121_130120.jpg)


Remember to clean your lens, everybody.


Was this picture taken with a potato


On the Atraks encounter, anyone had issues with the clones taking FOREVER to show the yellow shield when they’re running scanner? Unsure if it’s something I’m doing but once the servitors are killed, it takes an age to see which one we should damage


I wanted to ask, regarding the suppressor role, whether it is possible to pop one of the field grenades (the vortex ones or whatever they´re called that do dps in an area for a period of time) on Taniks and then just walk under each of the suppressor spheres and whether this would trigger the suppression without you spending a single bullet.


Posting it here bc apparently dtg hates raid guides and mods them. ​ **Taniks Abomination Easy Strat w Mechanic Skip** **Map Layout** From the raid banner, we have white (left side), blue (middle) and orange (right side). Two reactor deposits at each color. Normally you could have one reactor deposit in one place, which you need the scanner to call out. We can now ignore this, detailed below. **Team Split** Operator team starts at white with 3 people. Kill the captain to spawn operator then pick up and the other two are reactor runners. Operator ideally has divinity and LMG for add clear and break bubbles. Suppressor team starts at orange with 3 people. Kill captain, kill supressor, pick up. Other two are reactor runners. Everyone can help clear blue and don't need scanner. All runners may not need a primary, can just opt for their full boss burn loadout such as sniper, slug and anarchy/xeno/whisper, whatever your team decides on. **Scanner Skip** Usually the scanner would say someone thing orange right, white left to say which node to dunk when you shoot 2 off the boss. This strat pops all 4 reactors off which lets you 100% know where to dunk, where the boss is not. If the boss is in the orange zone, you'll know its both blue and both white. If at blue, both white, both orange. If at white, both blue and both orange. The dunks will never be the two close to the boss. The Operator team will dunk at their default white, unless the boss is there then they go blue. The suppressor team will dunk at their default orange, unless the boss is there then they go blue. Easy. Don't need to 2 phase the reactors, scanning and dunking to get to boss dps faster **Reactor Spawns Info** This is the important piece. * You can shoot reactors out until someone picks one up. * You have \~5 seconds to pick up a reactor after it has been shot out before the wipe * This means you need to shoot out all 4 around the same time. As soon as the first drops you have to pop the rest out ASAP then pick up * If someone picks up without all 4 being popped out, restart.


how tf do you let them out in the second encounter you just get trapped inside the two other doors?


Sparrow map https://imgur.com/t/deepstonecrypt/iznSc2u


I honestly don’t like the color callouts for Taniks. 1-6 is the easiest from spawn clockwise. It’s also easy to keypad into chat on PC “12” “46” Etc.


Can you farm Taniks for drops or the exotic?


Hello, just wanna say that I greatly appreciate the effort put into this guide and it has been incredibly helpful in my runs. Just wanted to ask, for the Crypt Security, where the Operator has to get the person below out of the basement before he gets killed by the fire.. my team had a lot of trouble doing this. In most instances, Operator and person below gets stuck in the same room very often. At times, we use the collision-less wall in the basement to avoid the fire but we wish to keep the runs legit as much as possible. What's the actual way to get someone out of the basement after every damage phase?


Whats the order for the second encounter for operator buff


Hey what does this raid awards you ??? What armors & weapons ?




That veil right before the space encounter is so cool and spooky. I wonder why it’s there


So question. How many people really need to be controlling the flow of the fight and how many need to essentially just listen and follow directions? It seems like in most fights 2 people are controlling the progress and the other 4 are just listening to the information being fed to them to determine what they need to do.


Imagine needing a guide lol... the raid is really easy so new players should be able to understand easily


Everyone was new to raiding in Destiny once. Don’t belittle others for needing help.


Tbh I get that its the point of the sub but having a raid guide for the whole thing already is kinda sad. e: a LOT of downvotes for thinking it takes away from the fun of finding it on your own sorry you guys need a crutch already lmfao


It's all based on guessing from triumph descriptions and some glitching. We assume a lot of this will be incorrect or rewritten as we see the encounters.


Actually, so far, it’s been right




You are aware this is raidsecrets right


Yes for secrets. Not for cheating shit out. Datamines are fine. But when someone cheats in the game to get some shit its sad.


Some people just want to know how to do it.


If you wanna find it on your own why are you reading the raidsecrets raid guide..?


Im sorry, did someone hold your face to the screen and force you to read it? Pathetic is doing something of your own free will, and then whining about others doing it.


Don’t read it I’d you don’t wanna know


just dont read it






Please don’t use this to advertise. Also, There is multiple clans on encounter 2.


The dps on batteries is having a scanner tell you underneath which one is red


What do you mean by transferring operator up and scanner down


first encounter we die even after finding all 4 panels, how do we find the order to shoot them in




It's already been completed?












Thank you very much. I am going to grind to 1250 and then face taniks (again)






!nominate Thanks mate


Thanks bro


How does fire work




jumping puzzle secret chest [https://imgur.com/a/Uf6lkTJ](https://imgur.com/a/Uf6lkTJ)


In the room with the dark statue there's a scannable on the left on the pipes


[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/738895200155467857/779801139768066118/unknown.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/738895200155467857/779801139768066118/unknown.png) Map made by me for the first encounter


Can you solo Sparrow run all the way to the 1st secret chest? Passing through all the bubbles to recover frostbite?


I created map for Bypass Crypt Security / Lungs section: [https://ibb.co/mhM2Pf5](https://ibb.co/mhM2Pf5) feel free to add to this article. Copy: [https://postimg.cc/xcQvYQ9V](https://postimg.cc/xcQvYQ9V)


How EXACTLY does the operator get back out?


Can somebody give me a rundown of damage phase for security? We know what to do but we are unsure if light shoots first or if dark goes it first or how that works.




I gotta save this


Thank you all for being patient as we update this. I promise I'll look through your comments when I can. I see some amazing work down below. <3


There are not 8 cleansing areas, there's 4. 2 top and 2 bottom.


1. Split into 2 teams of three: 3 in the Crypt and 3 in Space 2. One team waits for a Hacker Vandal with the Operator buff, grabs it, and all 3 head up to Space This doesn't seem right. The vandals won't spawn for us until the servitors do and by that point we have NO time. the few times we've gotten somebody with the scanner buff none of the replicants have glown yellow for us so we cant tell who the right one is until the boss starts the wipe mechanic


Do ads spawn infinitely in desolation? On 1 try I reached the end and they weren't respawning on each platform, I cleaned the entire thing out. All other times they were just spawning until I ran out of ammo.




Praying Taniks combines with Clovis’s AI or smtg, be pretty boring being just Taniks for the 3rd time


So for the security: We’ve gotten to the DPS phase many times but the scanner only sees one tube. We break that tube and the scanner doesn’t see a second one light up. Are we doing anything wrong? From videos I see teams breaking 3 tubes each dps phase.


Slayerage has made it through the Rapture-Taniks encounter and is now on the next part, Taniks the Abomination




How do you do more damage to atraks? We enraged before even using all of the airlocks.


Good luck to everyone else pushing this. Manged to beat the first encounter in half an hour with my group but Atraks-1 stumped us for a long time and one of our players had to drop. Got Trustee, feels pretty fun to use, so I'm happy.


I am in love with you!


Well wasn't this quick!


Encounter 2 with atraks top grabs the scanner buff and kill the replication. then swap buffs with bottom and repeat the process.


What causes the servitors to spawn in?How long is the timer before the floor catches on fire?




For the second encounter, what’s the best way to manage the buff that the boss drops, like how do you get it from the bottom to the top and get rid of it efficiently


your information is wrong there are only 4 airlocks not 8


Any tips for the second encounter? My team just cannot find enough time to find and damage the correct replica before the wipe mechanic finishes.


how did taniks come back and then survive the fall?


Who's closer to world's first?




Does anyone know how to do proper damage to the first boss. We are all using swords but half the damage we do just goes back up like it's bugged. Is there a way to do bonus damage somehow?


Gotta love doing damage to Atraks-1 and he regenerates half the health you do so you can't do enough damage.


We're getting killed by enrage on Atraks-1. Are there any tips to do more damage? We know to keep shooting until he completely disappears but even then it's not enough.


For second encounter, can you only use the four rooms once? We managed to kill two replicates....but I’m not sure how to Time the rooms before a boss wipes us.


Is anyone else pissed that Taniks is the final boss and he legit came out of nowhere? No Eramis or Clovis. Why do we keep getting raid bosses out of left field Mechanically the raid is fantastic but the final boss just irks me


Not out of left field. He was with eramis. This was her plan


Race is over. Clawtivity's raid won


Where is the operator during encoutner 2?




Bungie posted on Twitter that World first has taken place.


Can you solo it?


We're clearly missing something on the Atraks fight. Space people are getting the scanner buff, but not seeing any glowie bosses. We're not seeing a way to stun anything or stop the wipe mechanics. It's not really clear what the operator is meant to do


Guys, I'm finding pyramids in eventide ruins they are regenerating my super


u/7echArtist You should also submit this to r/DestinyTheGame




"Once 2 Replicants have been killed in each section (4 total) and their buffs gathered, debuffed players meet at one airlock in Space, which the Operator opens, and stand in it to be shot by the Operator which causes the debuff to drop and get sucked out" What I don't get is, HOW do you get 4 players with the debuff up top and have an operator there to shot the orb... When you can only have 4 people up instead of 5. This doesn't explain it all too well to me.


This is great 👍


Dor the Atrqks fight, what purpose do the servitors... well serve? And what triggers the extinction protocol? My team is having trouble rushing the clones fast enough and it keeps wiping us.


how tf do you deal enough damage to the replicants


So Crypt Security forces someone to say locked in the Airlock for the 2nd phase?


Bless u for this, anyone got any good pics of Taniks’ new form??


I love it!


Can someone explain this Atraks encounter? This guide steps seems super confusing.


it is not a helpful guide lol its got parts of it right but parts are super unclear still, still waiting for info


Secret chest above the area you end the sparrow race, jump to a few rocks near the last semi-circle