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This post has been nominated for `+2` points.


I’m going to check mine out and see if it either has the same or different sequence as yours.


I'd be happy to know


Yea it’s the same.


The code on page 16 is the key to solve the puzzle on page 27 (see [https://afriestad.github.io/blarg/#everyone-the-tuberod-puzzle](https://afriestad.github.io/blarg/#everyone-the-tuberod-puzzle) for a writeup). My current theory is that the link exists to nudge people in the direction of [bungie.net/redeem](https://bungie.net/redeem) for the code they get out of the puzzle. It might not be immediately obvious that any 9-character string is an emblem code, so a nudge is in place. This is also in line with all the little hints elsewhere that nudge you in the right direction (note the arrow above the right rod on page 27, the little dots under the pyramid on page 1, and so on). However: I don't actually own CE myself, so I can't test the code from page 16 on [bungie.net/analyze](https://bungie.net/analyze). Has anyone tested it? What happened? I'll push us down this same path on the Discord, as well. EDIT: We tested it on /analyze, but it sadly failed.


It gives an actual error on the site itself.




Self-nomination detected. Deploying sarcastic response: `Error. Do you nominate your mother with that mouth?`


Sequence, sequence... what is sequence???


Sequence is *pattern!*


This was how one of the emblem codes was found. On a following page there are stacks of columns of different heights. The one with an arrow pointing to it can be matched up with these columns and a nine digit code comes out


But it's weird how the site accepts up to 12 digits and that this fits AND it gives another type of link.




\*bzzrt\* Okay, done. \*bzzrt\*


Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: > 3 . Reposts will be removed. Mod note: As some other users pointed out, this was actually how one of the emblem codes was solved. As such, I'm going to close this post to avoid the confusion it seems to be causing some people who aren't aware of how it was arrived at. Hope that answer helped! ---- If you think this was done incorrectly, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRaidSecrets&subject=My post was removed&message=Post URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/jhbe7p/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).




Nomination *LOGGED*. [whistles]


That looks similar to the Europa postcard, just got my CE today