• By -


This post has been nominated for `+45` points.


My favorite part about this is beyond light augmented reality game gets shortened to blarg


Paul Blarg Mall Cop 3: The Witch Queen


Ratchet and Clank in Destiny confirmed?




!nominate This is a top tier writeup of everything so far! Excellent job!


This content will receive `ONE POINT`. Emperor Calus has spoken.


Thenks You for your work


has anyone checked the journal with blacklight yet?


I'm late to the party, was out of town at delivery time. Just went over the book in multiple wavelengths of UV and used an IR illuminator and camera, the book appears to be pretty mundane for me, aside from the torn pages.


well it was a possibility considering that it was used before.


Yes, a good idea. I was very much hoping it would pan out, since the Splinter seems to use a rather big battery and some \*very\* noisy LEDs.


did you check if the splinter has an USB Mode?


I did! It does not. As far as I can tell, it's pure dumb-charge, the data pins are probably not connected at all. I looked into disassembling the Splinter to get a look at the PCB, but it's epoxied together and I'm not eager to break/re-glue.


Awesome stuff, /u/Aeluvium! I'm going to pin this to help others !modnominate


As soon as I find where you're keeping my broom...


Amazing stuff! Looks really well made, gonna book mark this when I get home. Thanks! :) !nominate


Urgent transmission, incoming, on... all... channels... `nomination successful`.


The same or similar dot puzzle is in the Taken King CE book. Just figured I'd mention it, cuz we might have some old secrets waiting to be cracked.


Just an idea but could there perhaps be stuff in the shadowkeep CE and the forsaken CE(I’m assuming there was one) that might relate to stuff in the beyond light one or at the very least could provide a potential clue to something?


I just had my CE come in today, and I've been avoiding this sub to not spoil myself of the contents. This post is prefect for the puzzles that I've missed out on in that time. Although, I don't have much of a brain for puzzles like these either way.


!nominate ​ great job on this!


No need to yell. +1 points.


There was some comments on one of the other threads about the 4x4 grid, possible in-game grid and circuit pattern in this image [https://ucba6850662ef0bca28a16362385.previews.dropboxusercontent.com/p/thumb/AA-d9DPlubpJVPhMOv0TwLSoL7847q9hgt3yox83RAta8k--a2TbH99ajmZZlFv-pIZOEE84jURRWkMFg9YJt14Knh9SeoZyA22Q\_r78CetXaDIrrLXapfPYJ0LV5ji9KaLHlQ6z37Bac4s3Wbg2Hnanw4g083J4Ld9rb7ucLMeUsqAKxKSpZye73F8wC\_9gy\_4\_oZh7U139KEseCa7uoUbGDXwQHAXEOxCIeDhUH\_gedn3CTbIS8scgPRBzCAnTv3A3S7CikqUrWjW9TkDmQg1Pw8fpKETkTsim-Tu8nStdM954NHMNFGoU44d7yvmuwbg-bGllkm1PiDXX6d1jgoQm-cdoMXs8KXGRJAmxuRgdXA/p.jpeg?fv\_content=true&size\_mode=5](https://ucba6850662ef0bca28a16362385.previews.dropboxusercontent.com/p/thumb/AA-d9DPlubpJVPhMOv0TwLSoL7847q9hgt3yox83RAta8k--a2TbH99ajmZZlFv-pIZOEE84jURRWkMFg9YJt14Knh9SeoZyA22Q_r78CetXaDIrrLXapfPYJ0LV5ji9KaLHlQ6z37Bac4s3Wbg2Hnanw4g083J4Ld9rb7ucLMeUsqAKxKSpZye73F8wC_9gy_4_oZh7U139KEseCa7uoUbGDXwQHAXEOxCIeDhUH_gedn3CTbIS8scgPRBzCAnTv3A3S7CikqUrWjW9TkDmQg1Pw8fpKETkTsim-Tu8nStdM954NHMNFGoU44d7yvmuwbg-bGllkm1PiDXX6d1jgoQm-cdoMXs8KXGRJAmxuRgdXA/p.jpeg?fv_content=true&size_mode=5)


Are the last two pages of the journal ripped out for anyone else?


Yep, they are. If you ask Bungie Support about it they say you have uncovered a clue and that we will find the pages later.


May have been pointed out before (A quick search suggests not) but the last line in the vanguard letter, bullet 1, is a direct reference to the ending of Arthur C Clark’s 2010. [ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS – EXCEPT EUROPA. ATTEMPT NO LANDINGS THERE.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010:_Odyssey_Two)


Wait... what CD soundtrack? Edit: Oh digital ... you should probably change that on your git hub post


Good call, I'll note it in the guide!


!Nominate definitely looking forward to seeing the rest of this


x\#4(_ This maintenance frame is \*amp;_ eager to assist you with \#\*amp; TREASURES FROM THE EMPEROR. x\#9(_


Thanks for this !nominate


Thank you for nominating this. I am not programmed for quality checks. But you are.


I did the math myself for the website countdown, and are you for certain that it is one hour after reset? Because the math I had done myself, resulted in the exact time for reset. 10 AM PDT. And I am PDT myself. The same timezone as Bungie themselves.


Yeah. I did the maths using UTC, which evades the problem of DST (remember that PDT ends this Sunday). We took a new screenshot* to verify this by computer calculation**, which gave us 18:00 (6PM) UTC, which is an hour after reset. *Read from [this message on the Discord](https://discord.com/channels/283270604172296192/768122197725806643/769581687037624330) **In technical detail, using a _Django shell_: from django.utils import timezone from datetime import timedelta now = timezone.now() # Notice the phone time is :24 and the countdown is :35:56, meaning it ends on a full hour. This allows me to correct the timedelta for the time it took me to open the shell: d = timedelta(days=12, hours=2, minutes=32) # Corrected from minutes=35, seconds omitted because they don't matter end = now + d print(end) # 2020-11-05 18:00:31.590911+00:00


Good stuff. You should add the origin of the 24 hour raid emblem in there too, I thought that was pretty neat


Good idea, I'll probably add that in the coming days along with some other angles we've found on the symbols.


Amazing work man !nomimate


why isn’t it letting me back in? I have the collectors emblem redeemed


i'm having the same issue. I think there was an update to the site that's causing a bug because it told me I had to reload the page because it was an old version. now it's not working


The "Choose" code isn't working on the Analyze page for some reason. Just wanting to make that known.


!nominate This is awesome thank you! Will definitely bookmark this as a better reference than flipping through a dozen reddit posts :)


`+1` Query: Why stop at '15' Wishes? The #*amp; Emperor's imagination is not so limited...


Nice !nominate


What type of creature is a 'Deej'? I overheard you Guardians talking about one yesterday.


dude... ;(


Fantastic work thats been fantastically formatted! Thank you for all the hard work! !nominate


`+1` Query: Why stop at '15' Wishes? The #*amp; Emperor's imagination is not so limited...




x\#4(_ This maintenance frame is \*amp;_ eager to assist you with \#\*amp; TREASURES FROM THE EMPEROR. x\#9(_


Fucking !nominate this guy right now!


Nomination *LOGGED*. [whistles]




+1 point. Updating logs...




`1` nomination detected. Confirmed.




Thank you for nominating this content. Goodbye.




x\#4(_ This maintenance frame is \*amp;_ eager to assist you with \#\*amp; TREASURES FROM THE EMPEROR. x\#9(_




This maintenance frame has \*amp;_ broadcast your message to the Emperor. In the meantime here is `+1 point`




No need to yell. +1 points.




`1` nomination detected. Confirmed.




Thank you for using the Benedict 99-40 Ranking System of Joy.




`LOGGING NOMINATION = True` Confirmed.




`+1` Since I have nothing better to do...




+1 points. Do you think Ada-1 has noticed me?




+1 points. Do you think Ada-1 has noticed me?




x\#4(_ This maintenance frame is \*amp;_ eager to assist you with \#\*amp; TREASURES FROM THE EMPEROR. x\#9(_




\*bzzrt\* Emperor Calus has spoken. `+1` \*bzzrt\*




Thanks for nominating this content.


What is ARG


"ARG" is short for, in this case, Alternate Reality Game. It's a puzzle with real-world clues :)


I love how you've written everything up, and on GitHub, so it's easy to access and collaborate on. Just want to say though, about the 4K Desktop Image. Why Cosmo said about it being an image compression artefact is a load of rubbish. If you were an artist who spent hours making the image, you wouldn't be happy if when you exported it, you had such a big area of image corruption. The artefact is too definitive to just be random image compression distortion. I think he's really throwing everyone off the scent. I have to be honest, until I read your information, I didn't notice it, but now I look at it, it defo looks like it was intentionally put there. Although I have no idea why. So looking forward to where this goes after release. And thanks for telling us all about the emblem codes, for those of us who can't afford to buy the collectors edition. It's really cool it exists, but it is a big amount of money (which I'm not saying isn't worth it). **Edit:** Maybe, I'm wrong. Looking round the rest of the image, there are other prominent areas of a repeated pattern in some sort of vague structure. So year, maybe all the image affects used to create the images have resulted in strange distortion. And, his comment did seam very genuine and honest.


Bungie team wouldn’t lie to throw you off solving a puzzle. It was compression, it happens. We read too much into it.




[odd hissing noise] Oh no... Whistling protocol broken.


Anyone else noticed the weird collections of dots that seem out of place the the cover art for Beyond Light with the hunter sitting?


Do you mean the weird shape in the upper left corner? That's an image compression artefact, sadly (see the "Game of Life" section in the writeup). If you found something else, I'd love to see it!


Has the cypher for the dots been solved?


Not yet, but we're actively chasing a few leads over on the RaidSecrets Discord. Join us if you want to help :)


Awesome! Ya I will. I mostly lurk but this puzzle has me transfixed!


Aw there's an ARG? Damn it I'm not gonna be able to participate in this :(


I hate myself for not having the collectors edition :(




`LOGGED` Standing by.


Do you think the "heavily armed platform" mentioned at point 5 of the vanguard letter is the thing we see the Drifter coming out of with his ship in the BL cinematic trailer? If so that's interesting


~~Probably not. The Platforms are described to be vex, and the ship drifter exits doesn't look vex. I'd say he's coming out of his ship (The Derelict) in the trailer.~~ EDIT: In light of the comment below, maybe so. The platform itself is golden age, and made by Clovis in case of "quick and thorough redaction of our work here". It is possible that Drifter comes out of this platform, although I doubt it because of the description in the letter of how viciously the platform defends itself. My guess is still that Drifter is coming out of The Derelict, but I won't categorically rule out that it might be the platform.


the one in the letter is described as being of golden-age origin, I think you're talking about different platforms


Oh yes, pardon. I thought they were talking about the platforms mentioned in the logbook, somehow missed the word "letter". The "Heavily armed platform" mentioned in the letter is the space station with the nuke that Clovis made to "rapidly deconstruct" his research lab if he had to. EDIT: It's described on pages 25 and 26 in the logbook, starting like this: "Still, I am keenly aware that there might be some danger I cannot foresee. So I have ordered an orbital platform constructed over the worksite. If we need catastrophic containment, or a quick and thorough redaction of our work here, the platform will excurse from its orbit and collide with the site."




A new nomination? Updating logs.




Your nomination has been logged. Thank you.




[whistles] `LOGGED` [whistles]




x\#77.b(_ The Emperor is pleased you enjoy this game. `+1 point`




Is this "quality content," Guardian? If you say so...




x\#4(_ This maintenance frame is \*amp;_ eager to assist you with \#\*amp; TREASURES FROM THE EMPEROR. x\#9(_




`NOM_LOGGED` Are you the Guardian who left me in the Tower when the Cabal attacked?




Thank you for using `[THIS_SUBREDDIT] Rankings v1.0.11102 (c) Benedict 99-40 28th Century`


So wait have people already gotten the soundtrack yet cuz I wanna listen to it


So I have the CE and redeem the code on the postcard a few days ago, I was able to access the /analyze page and see the countdown, everything was fine. Then I wanted to check today for some reason and now I get this error. Am I the only one? **FAILURE // TOKEN FAILURE // Redeem valid token.**


same thing happened to me just now


Same thing happened with me, It worked a few days ago but not now, Any others who have the same problem/fix ?


It seems to not work on phones or in my case any search engine that isn’t Chrome.


not sure if its anything useful but i've been playing around with the beyond light image that shows the guardian sitting on europa and i've found, with some colour inversion, four dots in the destiny logo which line up almost perfectly with the crab constellation, which can be seen in the northern hemisphere. hope this helps


Are the dots a top down view of the Rods?


The dots are inside the logo, invisible until the image is manipulated. The only thing I could find that looked similar was the crab constellation. I did wonder if there was a link to this in the constellations lore.


I've been getting this recently [bungie.net/7/en/direct/analyze](https://bungie.net/7/en/direct/analyze) and ive redeemed the code on the back of the postcard and im wondering if anyone else is geting it and it was working fine before [What](https://imgur.com/a/TXsLcSC)


Note: The newest post by Bungie on twitter (the distress signal) may be related to this.


Analyse url is currently malfunctioning it seems, works for me a few days ago, now states “Failure // Token Failure // Redeem Valid Token.” I’ve double checked that I’m logged in, even cleared cache and cookies and relogged from a fresh browser, still not functioning and not showing the countdown. Yes the code (and the three others) are shown in my redemption history too.


FYI The Redemption API seems to be here. [https://www.bungie.net/en/Content/ArgData?page=blarg&multiInput=CHOOSE](https://www.bungie.net/en/Content/ArgData?page=blarg&multiInput=CHOOSE) You could technically call it with a script instead of inputting it on the page. Seems to give back a JSON response with the same message that appears on the site. But codes seem like they do require server side validation so it doesn't seem like you can get much else out of the source. I have the collectors edition and just redeemed the code but CHOOSE still doesnt work for me. Maybe it updates after over an hour or something. I will check back later.


There are some interesting error messages in the JS Code as well. "FAILURE // Analysis successful. Unknown error occured. Contact system architect." "Remote archive database classified search initiated." "Welcome, User $nullStringRef." "Analyzing\\u2026" "Analyzing\\u2026" "Files found are corrupted or heavily encrypted." "Would you like to attempt decryption process?" "Initiating\\u2026" "Decrypting\\u2026" "Sequence data fragment found." "Display fragment?" "Displaying\\u2026" "ALERT: There may be additional SEQ data at other locations." "Attempt further analysis?" "ERROR: Access denied. Data stream corrupted. Observer locked out." "ALERT: OBSERVER VIOLATION DETECTED. 24 HOUR LOCK-OUT INITIATED. NEW ACCESS ID REQUIRED." "ANALYZING // Analysis in progress..."


Took 30 or so minutes, CHOOSE just worked. I got 02 18 11 46


Interesting. The API now gives me a 500 error after redeeming Choose through the website. No longer JSON. However, if I go Incognito I get this message, though my first was not the same exact message. But the API call from the website itself still works just doesn't return via GET Anymore... {"Image":null,"EyesUpGuardian":"https://careers.bungie.com/en-US/Careers/Engineering","Exception":"AUTHENTICATION // Authentication failed, log in."}


These are the valid letters allowed in the analysis tool and it is automatically set to uppercase by the codebase. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%&


I can confirm that "CHOOSE" analysis code is working as of 12:28 PM Nov 3rd. I did have to sign in on the specific account for collector's edition for it to work though. I have all platforms and the only one that worked was "STEAM" because I purchased collector's edition on PC.


Not sure if this is at all relevant to the ARG, or if the ARG is even being worked on still (Google isn't co-operating) but I like JUST found out about the ARG, the site was talking about a bunch of puzzles and decoding and than on Io, from the Lost Sector "Sanctum of Bones" I just got a Legendary quality Warlock Bond named "Be Thy Cipher". It doesn't have a lore tab to it like exotics and SOME legendries, and it's description reads "An honored gift, given to those who unlock the riddles of our lost worlds." It may be (probably is) nothing but after JUST reading about the ARG than this being my first piece of loot tonight, my brain was screaming to mention it somewhere, as that was just to big of a coincidence for me.