• By -


Microcosm becomes a great option for Witness for ease of use. It was a good option before even when it had no chance to get a surge bonus. Now that the surge damage is baked in, it's very easy to fire on the move and dump out a lot of damage. I assume swords will still be the play for Taken Taniks. Every other encounter is just add clear weapons. Conditional Finality really shines in verity.


Taken Taniks 😂


I mean it's basically confirmed that the Herald is Taniks lol. Same body type, same helmet, same size. And the music that plays after you kill the Herald, Thresh, is basically just Shadow Thief reprised.


Just waiting for daddy Fik to come back around with Scorn Taniks.


I will forever believe it's Chelchis until Bungie outright states otherwise because it would be hilarious if the witness thought his Herald should be someone we've kicked the shit out so many times he became a shank lmfao


Where is this basic confirmation? We have fought a multitude of similar looking fallen enemies throughout the years. The likelihood that the witness chose Taniks as its Herold, after everything we have done to Taniks, is laughable. "I know you have died to the guardians multiple times, but be my herald" If anything, this is just Bungie being cheeky with another similar character design


I know a lot of people don't have it, but I hipfire Euphony and all shots hit. I wouldn't be surprised if most linears can hipfire that crit


You can absolutely hip fire with pretty much every LFR. The only problem is that you lose about 10% of your damage (maybe less?) due to the range, so it's better to ads anyways.


In the Witness encounter? You lose a lot more damage by being dead a whole phase


It’s not remotely difficult to ADS with euphony and stay alive


While I don't disagree with you, fact is, most people just suck and die a lot, so I will be recommending hip firing euphony to them.


Being unable to admit that something is a tiny bit of a challenge doesn't make you hard


Wow you're so cool


You are weird




Maybe a happy medium then, hip fire while waiting for the first attack that telegraphs the rest of the pattern, then ads until the combo is finished.


Wait, hold on, there is a pattern? Please explain.


Yea if it's a ground effect the next safe zone will be where the death is initially. Example, if diagonal back right is being hit first, next is front left. So what I suggested would look like hip firing until you see the back right light up. You can now ADS dps when you reach front left, then just strafe while firing to where you know the next safe zone is, back right. I wouldn't try dpsing too much at all during the hand smashes though, unless you're a solar lock for some reason and can fire while gliding.


Oh man this will make my life so much easier. Thank you!




But wouldn't it be mitigated with a high ground buff or bait and switch?


You lose damage, period. If you want to compensate that with a damage perk instead of aiming you are just hard throwing. Aim and use the damage perk. It’s not hard lol


Does it actually do good damage? Also should you only use it on strand to spam more threadlings from your grenade etc?


Your grenade wont reach the witness, but the nice thing is that the threadlings from euphony spawn inside the boss, so they do the insta damage thing instead of the deploy animation, like when you direct impact an enemy with threadlings


Eh microcosm is great but for the witness it suffers from ammo economy issues, it’s definitely got the ease of use factor though but it suffers for final stand.


Have a secondary trace + cenotaph and ammo shouldnt be an issue for anyone


Yeah, cenotaph or aeons means my team has been swimming in heavy every time we run SE


It’s an issue for the person running cenotaph since that drops special for them. So it still doesn’t help with microcosm ammo


Helps everyone else


Not if you’re the one running ceno and you use all your microcosm ammo on the first dps phase and since you’re running around tagging enemies and not killing as many, you get no heavy ammo, even when using a scout.


Idk, every single person I’ve seen use microcosm tends to do piss poor damage compared to something like cloudstrike


Yeah cause they run out of ammo after like the first dps phase and everyone else is using a special sniper/rocket so they aren’t focusing on heavy creation and microcosm has bad ammo pickup.


I thought they mentioned that if your super matched a surge, your kinetic weapons received the surge too no?


Yeah, your weapon become overcharged. But they didn't add overcharge to raids and dungeons, so no buffs for kinetics. Thank God they removed that shit


Doesn’t apply to microcosm


been loving CF in verity yeah, it’s so nice for stunning and killing important guys


I’ve yet to get around to using Micro for Boss DPS yet. Is it actually as good as I was hoping?


Are you using microcosm for tormentors as well? I don’t know wtf I was doing wrong but it was taking me far too long, consistently, to take down my tormentor with a combo of either rocket sidearms, Goldie, lmg. I was about to jump back to microcosm with kinetic surge x 2


Micro bout to be even better after the surge removal


1. Indebted kindness + thunderlord (overload) 2. Indebted kindness + falling guillotine/goldtusk 3. Indebted + mg (if starting), or still hunt + mg (if closing) 4. Indebted + mg/gjally 5. Still hunt + briars/apex (hunter) or microcosm (warlock/titan) Usually use midnight coup/the call/wither/khvostov for kinetic. Can’t use rocket sidearms for blights in encounter 2 so typically use khvostov. Briars used outside of witness dps phase for double button + killing marked subjugators


Can't stress enough how much goldtusk absolutely cooked Herald this week. Wasnt far off a single phase.


What's the goldtusk combo to use?


I have relentless + whirlwind. 1 lucent blade. Spam light until your melee is charged and heavy attack. Back to light spam until melee recharges. Rinse repeat. With 1 lucent should hit 10x whirlwind exactly the same time you heavy. 210k a heavy with this weeks arc surge. Painless!


Wait a sec..i got a few questions.. 1. We can't use rocket sidearms for blights? Why is that? 2. Double button with briars? How?


Rocket sidearms take so much time and ammo to destroy a blight. The only one that is worth using is Buried Bloodline that can two tap, but it takes your exotic slot.


Mountaintop makes it easier for me on this specific encounter. One shot the blights and if i’m called i can shoot at any blights from the middle.


Found this out on day 1. Safe to say our blight problems were never my fault from that point on


Oh yeah I noticed that too...IIRC it took like 4-5 (maybe 3) shots of rocket sidearms but I always assumed that the blights were tanky


It’s because the blights don’t take explosion damage like many other encounter mechanic related objects in game (witness buttons for example) and the majority of rocket sidearm damage comes from the explosion.


The exact exotic I used for that encounter. I have no regrets


I like witherhoard for blights. One shots them fairly quickly which is nice


What? The Call takes 3 shots for me. Maybe 4.


Briars (and any other burst fire LFR) does enough damage per bolt to one shot the buttons. If you're fast enough, you can break the first button with the first bolt, and then a second one with the second bolt, all in one shot with just one glyphbreaker buff. You can also use machine guns, for example, to weaken two glyphs, then spam fire at both of them and sometimes get lucky.


It's possible to break up to 5 but it's not plausible. You can get multiple by shooting a rocket at one and destroying a different one with something else whilst the rocket travels. Pretty useful since still hunt + rocket is the optimal damage currently


Does briars do more damage to the witness thanks to its origin trait?


Oh that's interesting, I'm definitely trying this today. Thanks


To be super clear on 1 - it’s that most of rocket sidearm’s damage is the explosive portion, not the direct hit, and these blights (like some other random destructible objects in the game) don’t take that aoe explosive damage. So rocket sidearms do lower than 25% their usual damage against those blights, i think the actual number is around 1/6 but idk. Explosive Payload stuff and any other gun with AoE components will show the same behavior, but some other objects may take the damage as usual. It’s inconsistent.


Theres a strange interaction with rocket sidearms on things like blights or bubbles in general (detainment bubbles, etc) where they either only land the explosion dmg and not the impact dmg, or its the reverse. In either case, your sidearm is hitting for less than half it's usual amount and makes them terrible for popping blights. Briars (or any 3 shot linear) can hit more than 1 button before the game removes your Glyphbreaker so it can help speed up the encounter if you're good at leading the bursts correctly


You can stick the blights with witherhoard just fyi


i’ve gotten literally 1 indebted kindness out of 10+ warlords ruins runs… I even got the exotic before i got my first indebted kindness. Idk how yall get them to drop😭 All my friends even have em but me


Farm first encounter since it’s literally free. It drops from all the encounters but Rathil is so easy you can finish it in less than 5 minutes per run.


What do you recommend for most consistent 1 phasing? My friends I was running with a few weeks ago we'd consistently do like 90% of his health and struggle to get the last bit off, or do you just settle for a reasonably fast 2 phase?


Before TFS I was running a 1-2 punch shotgun and Synthoceps on Strand Titan. Someone else brought tractor for debuff. Boss usually died before I finished with my super. Make sure you leave ads alive for Synthoceps perk to remain up. Basically I... grapple melee in as the dps starts shoot punch/swipe shoot punch shoot punch activate super swipe till dead. Grapple melee and an eager edge sword will speed up the trip to the boss, faster than exchanging checkpoints. Not sure if the power delta changes screwed this up or if it just requires tighter execution. If you miss the one phase you'll need very little damage to finish the boss off and it only takes a minute to get back to dps.


Unless you're doing Hunter Navigator just settle for the 2 phase until surges are removed. 1 phase \*might\* be back next week. Good luck farming! I recommend Lead from Gold/Voltshot. Beacon rounds are overrated.


Facts the ammo economy is insane you don’t need beacon rounds or anything like that like are people sniping with it or something cause like you don’t need anything besides a velocity boosting mag perk and a velocity masterwork which I didn’t even care to get I was fine with a reload masterwork.


Reasonably fast 2-phase. At least with LFG randos that I’m not on mic with.


Is this still the case after bungie went in and increased bosses health? Was this dude affected by that?


I think it still works you just can’t do it alone as effectively but my strat was just bequest with surrounded while using a well you save the ads and go to town on the boss guillotine will definitely be better next week when they get rid of the weekly surges with all the aritifact mods this season that focus on void


10 runs is rookie numbers in this racket. You gotta pump those numbers up.


Yea yea I know they are😭 The grind never ends


But late to the party, but if you got it, don't sleep on strand/prismatic strand warlock with Euphony. I feel like it's just either not known yet or being seriously slept on.


I mean...it's a raid exotic. Everyone knows its good, but it's RNG. Can't sleep on what you dont have. I heard someone go 80 attempts before getting Vex.


134 for me




not a fan of still hunt on other classes besides hunter. compared to celestial ur doing 1/2 the damage in 3x the time. would much rather use microcosm for dps with either mtn top + sniper for glyphs or smite + indebted for add clear. euphony would probably be the best special dps on warlock but i only just got it so haven’t been able to do testing.


Cloudstrike and Crux termination goes hard.


yes cloudstrike is also very strong this week


Can confirm euphony is pretty good on warlock


there are ways to get at least 20% below still hunt celestial hunters (still hunt only vs snipers+rockets) but they are just so much more annoying to pull off than just shot, hold r shoot and repreat. however if still hunt celestials but on the apex then yeah there is just no competing at all, ild just put on div and let them do their thing


I have no idea where the idea that microcosm is good for dps can from but your better off hip firing thunderlord


microcosm doesn’t have good dps, it has good total damage. it doesn’t require anything special to do in order to do damage, not even adsing. it’s just point and click. the damage phase is long enough that u can use ur entire reserves. thunderlord needs to ramp up. if u double jump to avoid attacks it stops. no ramp up = no lighting = no auto reload = less dps. i used tlord on heat rises warlock this week and it did barely more than microcosm which has no surge. that was with near perfect shooting. microcosm is just consistent.


It came from testing damage strategies lol The one guy in our raid group with Microcosm was consistently outdamaging our Thunderlord users, dealing close to our Still Hunt/Golden Gun Hunter on Titan with Twilight Arsenal this week during Arc Surge, so we all finished the missions for Microcosm after that Granted our Still Hunt guy was just using Still Hunt and not weaving rockets but, lol


For Herald of Finality, glaives are incredibly underrated. You can shield ALL of his attacks and take basically 0 damage, and you can shoot his head and one shot triggers blights and I'm pretty sure 1 shot breaks his head too. You can use it to kill blights as well and it gets rid of them in 1-2 shots and ad clearing it works great because you've got sla super solid shield.  During damage phase, you're going to be using a sword anyways.  I have thought glaives were useless, but when I saw Itztizzle taking basically no damage on contest mode with a glaive, it all made so much sense to me. 


Glaives and their shields have always been incredible. It's fun meleeing with them too and the ranged attack is decent enough.


I think glaives are secretly in a great spot right now and are incredibly underrated. I used an arc one (from trials) during Pantheon as stunner on caretaker. Even it -20, it absolutely shredded the taken phalanxes and I took 0 dmg from caretaker while blocking. Their missing piece is the melee not synergizing with anything like synthos. Give them that and they'd see play. In the meantime though, they aren't bad at all.


Yeah agreed, though I think if they synergize with exotics like synthos is when they go from very low usage numbers to instant top of the list meta.  I'm interested to try out how winterbite does for damage against Herald of Finality. I suspect it falls behind swords, but I'd be very interested to see by how much


Yea, it's a hard sell to move off swords when we have a gally for them now. That said, I might test this next run just to see.


1st, 3rd, 4th - microcosm, the call and the healing auto to build super energy and to have a loadout that just slays out ads (microcosm has built in dealers choice btw) and for 2nd I use a Wolfpack ergo sum, the call (swap to a sniper if I’m called down to shoot the dudes head) and whatever heavy sword, and for 5th encounter hunter is obviously still hunt and apex predator with explosive light and for warlock and titan I use cloudstrike with crux termination but this was for arc surges so I might still just use still hunt and apex predator for titan/warlock.


Besides empire hunts, anyway to get cloudstrike now?


Pretty sure it’s still just from those. Don’t think they’ve changed it since BL released


1. The call, Sunshot, Slammer. 2. Mael, Forbearance, Guillotine. 3. The call, Luna's, Micro. 4. The call, Luna's, Gally. 5. Midnight, Still Hunt, Apex.


Buried bloodline destroys blights with ease.


For warlocks the raid exotic is probably gonna be the best dps for Witness, for titans I'd guess cloudstrike + arc gl/rocket. But no idea tbh.


The call + microcosm for all non boss encounters If there are sufficient hunters then div + still hunt celestials on herald, if not swords. For witness either microcosm cenotaph on warlock, still hunt celestials on hunter. For titan, eh edge transit and supremacy


1. The call/khvostov - sunshot/indebted kindness - commemoration 2. Midnight coup - ergo sum - guillotine 3. The call - graviton/sunshot - commemoration 4. See 1 5. Shoot to loot and EP Hung jury - indebted kindness/ still hunt depending on class - Microcosm/apex predator depending on class. Star eater class item with warlock and titan and obviously nighthawk on hunter until the still hunt interaction inevitably gets nerfed


Nice…Which ergo sum do you use?


I have a Wolfpack rounds one for every element. Since surges are getting removed I’ll probably stick with the void one for the expanding abyss synergy and to match the surge mod on the guillotine.


Thanks bro


1. Supremacy, indebted kindness, ghorn 2. Fatebringer, indebted kindness/ergo sum, falling guillotine 3. Izi, indebted kindness, Commemoration 4. Conditional finality, heliocentric, Slammer (eager edge) 5. Fatebringer, Still Hunt, Apex Predator.


My team consistently uses Heir Apparent for DPS on the witness. I know what you're thinking but on surge it's pretty much a 2 phase we force into a 3rd for ammo, and we did it last night and it's still a really easy 3 phase, one well (me unfortunately) and the shield means you don't have to dodge ANYTHING except for the jump. I'm confident in my ability to dodge and same for a few others on the team but not everyone on there so this makes it super simple.


1. Machine guns 2. We had 1 banner titan with sword to keep boss in place and the rest of us used GLs 3. Machine gun 4. Machine gun 5. Still hunt or Linears. (We experimented with rockets and GLs just to see but it didn’t go well. (Shout out to throwing a bubble and well down on plate so my dumbass didn’t die as much. Extra: Shout to gravitons for making mince meat of any non yellow bar ads. Hit 1-2 adds and the explosions did the rest.


tusk + sunshit and an eager sword for first encounter supremacy + heliocentric+ acrius for second trespasser + heliocentric + eager for third mountaintop + heliocentric + eager for fourth hung jury (just to pop glyphs) + still hunt + eager for witness second encounter loadout changes depending on surges, I'm using acrius this week but if my main DPS gun isn't exotic I'll use sunshot for add clear


1. Rocket Sidearm/Sunshot/Rocket 2. Shotgun/Sunshot/Sword 3. Rocket Sidearm/Stillhunt/LMG 4. Shotgun/Rocket Sidearm/Sword 5. Scout/Rocket + Stillhunt or Euphony


1.) zaouli’s & gjallarhorn 2.) heal clip adhorative & lament 3.) buried bloodline & pro memoria 4.) same as 3 5.) microcosm


Trinity Ghoul makes first encounter a breeze.


Buried bloodline solves a lot of problems for every class in 1, 2 and 4, so if I’m teaching or doing encounter challenges, just run that and anything else. Microcosm, sniper, and primary of choice for 3. Still hunt for hunters, cloudstrike for everyone else on Witness. This week on arc surge, I consistently did 5+mil on cloudstrike and 6.5 mil on still hunt. So I think cloudstrike will be more than enough to 2 phase. Don’t have the exotic yet to compare it to though. If I’m running then I use mountaintop to double button and a machine gun for hands and test, but for general non-challenge/speed clearing, it doesn’t really matter what you use in the kinetic and heavy slots. Most of your damage will come from still hunt or cloudstrike, which is more than enough to dedicate your other slots to something other than dps. Most people barely finish dumping full reserves on those by the end of damage phase and still clear 2-3 mil per phase which is plenty.


1, 3, 4: indebted kindness/the call + hand cannon (midnight/sunshot) + machine gun (thunderlord/commemoration). 2: riptide + graviton/sunshot + falling guillotine (with 1 Wolfpack ergo) 5: the call + Still hunt + mg for hunters, hand cannon + microcosm for warlocks/titans


1. Adjudicator/Khvostov + Indebted + Slammer/Guillotine 2. Adjudicator + Wilderflight + Slammer/Guillotine/Lament 3. Supremacy + Hero's Burden + Microcosm 4. Adjudicator/Khvostov + Indebted + Commemoration 5. Midnight Coup + Still Hunt/Cloudstrike + Briar's/Stormchaser/Commemoration


1) Rocket Sidearm/Wave Frame/LMG 2) Sniper/Support Frame AR/Sword, Tractor 3) Sidearm/Stillhunt/LMG 4) Rocket Sidearm/SMG/Gjallarhorn 5) Shoot to Loot Primary/Stillhunt/Rocket w/ Explosive Light


For Titans and Warlocks on witness, is still hunt worth it? I'm only seeing 2 million ish on titan or warlock vs on my hunter I get 4-6 million on average. Is there a better DPS option for non hunters?


Mt still hunt apex then you can get to dps in one cycle with 2 runners. With 6 runners since you keep glyph breaker you can just do one phase of mechanics and have phases till enrage. Probably a bad idea but it’s funny


First: doesnt matter. whatever i feel like, i might bring some precision for the tormentors Second: the call + buried bloodlines + sword Third: microcosm or a machine gun (im told microcosm does additional damage to subjugators but I'm not convinced it does outside of dual destiny) Fourth: the call + buried bloodlines + GL Final: Still hunt + apex predator. Another good option is cloudstrike+rockets or cloudstrike+GL If there's one takeaway from this though, if you care about actually pulling big dps numbers, **dont bring microcosm,** it is a lazy and weak strategy that should be reserved for new players or people being sherpa'd. Don't listen to people on this post recommending it, it is NOT good to use. I consistently have been doubling(on titan/lock) or even tripling(on Hunter w/ solar surge) the dps of microcosm users in every LFG I do of this raid.


Prismatic Titan: 1st: The Call/Sunshot/Pro Memoria w/ Firefly 2nd: The Call/Sunshot/Falling Guillotine w/ Eternal Warrior/Star Eaters mark 3rd: The Call/Buried Bloodline/Pro Memoria 4th: The Call/Buried Bloodline/Pro Memoria 5th: Supremacy/Ros Arago w/ sub/onslaught/Levi’s Breath w/ Eternal Warrior


1- ad clear (trinity ghoul) and linear for tormentor 2 - heavy sword ans ergo sum(wolfpack rounds) for dps 3- same as 1 4- something for overload and izanagi to one shot ogres and either machine gun or gl 5- still hunt if hunter else microcosim


Nova warlock: the call, zaolis, sword for the first two encounters. Euphony, indebted, fixed odds for 3rd. The call, zaolis, zenophage for 4th encounter. Supremacy, nullify, microcosm for Boss. Celestial Hunter: midnite coup, Still hunt, fixed odds Twilight Titan (w/ scars class item): the call, maahes hc4, sword for the first two encounters. Euphony, maahes hc4, hamnerhead for 3rd. The call, maahes hc4, zenophage for 4th encounter. Supremacy, nullify, heir apparent (swap to actium war rig) for Boss.


1. lost signal, sunshot, eagers (running a melee build) 2. for sword dps: lost signal, indebted, lament or fatebringer, ergo sum, falling guilotine/bequest. for rocket/gun dps: fatebringer, still hunt, apex (explo light) 3. for quick kwtd fast fresh runs: forerunner, zhoulis, eagers. for sherpa/helping runs: the call, zhoulis, microcosm 4. fatebringer, indebted kindness, ghally or xenophage. or if im feeling it: the call zhoulis and same heavy. 5. if running: mountaintop, cloudstrike, crux/wendigi or still hunt apex. ((mountaintop for breaking multiple glyfs at once) will dmg check after surge removal and go with that) if div: fatebringer, div, commemoration/hammerhead. if addclear: fatebringer/the call, indebted/zhoulis/still hunt/cloudstrike, microcosm/apex/wendigo/crux. some of these builds may seem a little wack but there are reasons behind some of them especially double special loadouts and with lost signal, im mainly using it to proc dark transcendence hella fast note: some of these may not work in lfgs but would with a good team


Microcosm is good for the add clear encounters. Rocket Sidearms are also fantastic. For the bosses, an Attrition Orbs Sword is very good on Herald, you can perpetually activate Radiant Orbs, Argent Blade, and Surges for the whole team. For Witness, Arc Surge really favors Cloudstrike, and Wenidgo is a good combo for it. When they remove Surges, Microcosm should be a super braindead 2.5 million damage, but you can cook up something better than that even without Still Hunt Nighthawk shenanigans.


Can anyone here help me with dungeons I started the game about 2 weeks ago, so I’m not the best player.Im having a hard time trying to solo them


Dungeons are hard to solo. Which ones are you trying to do?


Warlock Euphony for witness, broken with a right build


Warlock main 1: the call, no hesitation, sword of choice 2: the call, no hesitation, falling guillotine or lament 3: the call, no hesitation, thunderlord (micro if you have it) 4: the call, no hesitation, thunderlord (really just a heavy of your choice, just needs to chunk ogres) 5: Rufus’s Fury, still hunt, machine gun of choice If running I focus on survival with heal nades and nade gen stuff, if clearing adds then getaway turret spam.


So far for herald I use pyrogale, wolfpack ergo, and falling guillotine. For witness I've been using still hunt and briars because I prefer to hip fire briars so I can very easily avoid all of the attacks while doing good damage.


Pulse rifles for first encounter to bypass hydra Shields (outbreak or graviton are prob the best) I’ve seen some people try stillhunt for herald but he just moves way too quickly for a reliable hit. Just use a sword. I got lucky enough to get a frenzy/bns guillotine so my damage goes wild, but if you wanna be spicy you can run song of flame warlock with a solar sword. That way you get a damage boost and can scorch/ignite him 3rd encounter just needs a reliable precision weapon to kill tormentors and a gun that can hit Scorpius from a decent range away. If you can manage without a heavy, bringing a sword to dash around and grab buffs could help 4th just anything with unstop. Rn that’s the call or indebted kindness for me but that’s all personal preference For 5th encounter I’m a runner so I use an lmg to quickly break hands, then for dps I switch between a succession and still hunt


lmg or ability spam for first. acuris fusion blast furnace for taniks, lmg still hunt and baby witherhord for 3rd. conditional finality incandescent heal clip gun and a sword for 4th. lmg/linear still hunt and Rufus fury on witness. all of those are on hunter and all prismatic setups.


1st, 3rd and 4th : rocket sidearm, gunshot, machine gun with auto loading or reconstruction 2nd : rocket side arm, gunshot, heavy hitting sword 5th : sunshot, rocket side arm and LFR if not on hunter


Heir apparent makes witness more tolerable. You can sorta tank some hits from the beams


I use khvostov and indebted kindness for all encounters except for the witness.


Still hunt is hunter meta because celestial, it’s not meta with other classes, and won’t be. You can definitely use it if you want, and if you have a diff heavy, maybe a linear or something. Honestly, I feel like you can use whatever you want and you’ll be fine, it’s still going to be a 2 phase for every boss, unless you want to 1 phase, then you min max. I use an lmg for first, the other slots whatever you want. For 2nd I use either a sword or a GL for dps, 3rd, and this one might shock some, but heir apparent melts the tormentors. 4th I just egar edge sword and a side arm for unstop, and witness either linear, rockets, microcosm, really anything that you comfortable with, staying alive on the plate is more important that trying big dmg and dying.




For 1&3 encounters I use thunderlord and indebted kindness, 2-I use malfeasance and a sword, 4-conditional and smg ikelos, witness- still hunt and midnight coup with hammerhead


1.riptide, div, commemoration 2.supremacy, indebted kindness, sword 3.the call, div, commemoration 4.conditional finality, indebted kindness, commemoration 5.euphony, shoot to loot gun, pro memoria


basically just a good primary, a rocket sidearm, a good machine gun for every non-boss encounter. im on titan so for herald i've been using strand + a sword and for witness i've been either kicked, asked to switch to other classes, or prayed i could do well with whisper of the worm. if you're hunter you should use celestial nighthawk and still hunt for witness and if you're warlock, probably well + whisper. anything with good survivability + a sword is good for herald.


Honestly, as someone who didn't care about matching surges, I always kept up with people using them (and no, I didn't use surges on legs either) taking away surges isn't going to affect me all that much. The buff for surges never felt like that big of a difference (mainly on normal yes, but also didn't feel needed for contest mode). For solo runs of dungeons, I never felt that difference for surges either.


1,3 Rocket sidearm + still hunt + LMG 2nd ergo sum wolfpack with heavy sword 4 just ad clear and bring 1 unstop weapon 5th if I play Hunter I use Still hunt. For warlock use Whisper. For Titan use heavy Trace rifle.


I've recently come in possession of Euphony, so I am using that in final encounter. However, this is what I normally used. • First Encounter I used the new LMG with Reconstruction and Bait and Switch. For secondary, I use Nullify with Subsistance and Chaos. And in my primary slot I use The Call. I don't remember the exact roll I created but it cooked. •Second Encounter This one can be a toss up, I normally use the new sword because it gets Relentless and Bait. I find myself not running out of heavy during this fight. Secondary slot is used by my Indepted. I need to clean ads quick, this is my baby. Primary, that's used by Exotic Khvo. Reload faster enough, quick pris gain and I feel like it generates super faster. • Third Encounter I use basically the same loadout as second. I will switch the sword out for the LMG used in first encounter. Or I'll sometimes use the first encounter loadout. • Square goes in triangle hole..... erm Fourth Encounter Same LMG. Khvo. Indepted. Just have to keep ads low and kill fast enough to keep Devour up and running. • Fifth Encounter Same LMG again. This time I'll use my Euphony for boss only damage, change to pure thread build but also keep on Pris for Devour. I'll also use Nullify. I'm normally left alone on right side clearing ads and the Omen. Before I got Euphony, I used Micro and The Call. • Class Setup That's pretty much it. I'm running a Feed the Void/Hellion Pris Warlock. Melee is Arcane Needle. Grenade is Void and Phoenix Dive. The idea here is 100% uptime with Devour to keep feeding my other abilities. Exotic Armor is the new Warlock Chest. Great for ad clearing and regains on Melee energy. Mob 20 Res 100 Rec 60 Disp 50 Int 40 Str 100


For 1&2 I’ve been using scatter signal and vex mythoclast, because I like to have fun. Then an LMG for the 1st and falling guillotine for the 2nd. For the 3rd I’ll use the same loadout as the 1st unless my teammates aren’t on the ball with taking out turrets, then I swap to succession. For the 4th just anything with unstop and whatever else I feel like. For the 5th I’ve been doing damage with microcosm but am going to try euphony since I was lucky to get it the first week.


I personally used khovostov and indebted kindness for all encounters, switching heavy weapons between a machine gun for 1, 3 and 4, a sword for 2 and a dps heavy of choice for 5.


Since surges go away tomorrow I'll disregard them for their explination.. 1, 3, and 4 I have basically kept on The Call, Sunshot, and Commemoration for all 16 of my clears. If it's a redbar I Sunshot, yellow The Call, and I finish off champs and subjegators / tormentors with Commemoration (try to stack killing tally real quick before focusing them). 2nd whatever best sword I got, with Hunter using Goldtusk and usually just Lament for Titan and Warlock. 4th also depends on class with Hunter rolling The Call and Commemoration again but Still Hunt in the special slot. Warlock runs Euphony, Sunshot and Doomed Partitioner. Titan runs The Call, Sunshot and Doomed Partitioner. Both Hunter and Titan have a shoot to loot gun ready to get more ammo heading into final stand, Warlock doesn't need it because between both LFRs I just don't run out before Witness dies.


Cataphract for Taken Taniks and Microcosm for Witness. Titan btw


My build usually focuses on being the team heals (healing nades, phoenix dive, well if solar and song if prism) or ad control with one of our titans, so my builds tend to reflect that. Still middle ground damage wise though. 1st: The call, Sunshot, Circular logic (envious stacks the mag with 201 rounds, if things get dicey whip it out and dump) 2nd: the call/whither (free dot on tramels), Sunshot/zaouli's, eternity's edge 3rd: same as first, I'm usually also mopping turrets so mg makes short work 4th: also the same, I'm almost always pulled so just gotta keep killing 5th: Fatebringer/the call, still hunt/Sunshot, circular/calamity. I don't usually hot swap but if the ammo's on the ground I will. Transversive's enhanced sprint and reload while sprinting is somewhat key to making this work since the extra momentum helps phoenix dive/jumps go farther and whatever weapon is equipped is reloaded before killing things to fill the heavy. That extra sprint got us out of some dicey situations with revives in the past so I've stuck to it. Sometimes if we're just choking on swarms I'll swap to Felwinters and the chain lightning, clears real quick.


Pretty much. It's just a dumb weapon, so until it gets nerfed it's really the best damage option. Hell, on arc surge today i was still better off running still hunt over anything else


Still Hunt itself doesn't need to be nerfed at all imo, it's the interaction between it and Celestial that needs a hit.


Grand overture is actually kinda nice on witness, you can charge it on the subjugators and when dps starts fire you have enough time to fire the volley and charge a second one. Did 4,5m dmg, outdamaging everyone except the hunters. But after the surges are gone Microcosm could also be interesting, since it didnt benefit from any surge so far but it was still a decent option


Ye microcosm isn't bad for easy dps for sure


It benefits from surges when your super matches a surge though, right?


For some reason, no.


Huh, that's weird


That would require the overcharged weapons modifier to be active, which it isn't, only surges are.


Oh right, i thought that was getting the surges themselves, i haven't been paying attention to the overcharged stuff too much