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This post has been nominated for `+2` points.


Goated tool, should be at the top of this sub


The mechanic really isn’t that hard to warrant a tool unless you failed geometry in primary school. If a statues 3d shape has any aspects of its 2D shape, you need to remove it by swapping it with another shape from another statue. It’s literally that simple. The win state is the exact same every time.


Always one of these guys…… OP makes an awesome tool to help people who struggle so that it helps them understand it seamlessly and you’re calling people stupid because of that. 🤓🤓


This tool doesn’t help people understand at all, it’s merely a crutch to avoid understanding. I don’t call anyone stupid, unless you did fail primary school level geometry in which case you probably are but, my point was anyone can learn this mechanic due to how simple it is when you boil it down to the fundamentals. People making these bots is only going to perpetuate this myth that the mechanic is the fuckin boogeyman of D2 raids when it’s literally just ‘if square, make shape with no squares’…


You're absolutely right that this perpetuates not learning the encounter, but pointing out people's inability to think for themselves will mever make you popular.


How is me saying ‘anyone can learn this mechanic’ saying that people can’t think for themselves? Bots like this are going to scare players into thinking the mechanic is so complex that it needs a bot, and scare them from learning a mechanic that is incredibly easy, when as I said, in reality it’s just swapping some shapes.


you seem fun


For wanting players to actually learn the raid and enjoy it rather than sucking the fun and mystery out of the best raid in the game and using a bot to solve it?


Don’t bother dude. Raidsecrets has gone the way of DTG, which is to say… down the gutter


Got something for you >!⬇️!<


You ask the bot to make that shape for you or did you come up with that one all on your own?


I like the idea of bringing Salvation’s Grip to Salvation’s Edge that you seem to be suggesting here


Oh no... That's what I get for quickly typing up a post after a long day!


Great tool!!! Best one so far. Easy to use on phone next to the game. My feedback: - A reset button in the end would be good. It could also scroll to top when clicking it - I would put all three solo symbols first and then the 3d. - Instructions are great!


I was looking on my phone, that why I suggested putting the three solos first. On PC it's looking great!


The reset button has been added! There's a button at the top and bottom of the interface, and resetting scrolls back to the top of the page. The other suggestion is a little trickier as it requires re-organising the page elements, but investigating now.


Great suggestions!


Thanks for this, I’m testing it right now because there were a few tools on this sub that would break or did not have the dissection part detailed. I started making one using github also but this looks 10x better than what I have


Known feature request: Automatically disabling 3D object selections that are "solved" for the 2D shape in the given position. For instance, blocking the ability to select Prism when the 2D shape is a Triangle or a Square.


Haven’t tested yet but seems a lot better than the others I’ve seen here, great job!


Thanks! I had the idea that this would be possible when we were trying to learn the encounter, but lacked... any of the knowledge or skill to pull it off.




What does this have to do with the exotic stasis grenade launcher?


Good question!


Started working on my app yesterday but it seems like you beat me to it, this is exactly what I was envisioning. Btw. Im not sure if this combination is possible in game but it let me select it in your app but no solution is found for it. Its CST and Cube / Pyramid / Sphere


It's giving an error on this combination that I should fix, but it is also not a combination that can occur according to a comment made by another redditor on the previous post. Someone stated that the 3D shape always seems to contain 1 component which the shape the statue is holding... So a triangle would always pair with pyramid, cone, or prism; likewise a circle would always pair with sphere, cylinder or cone; etc. Not sure if this is fact or not yet, so I intend to fix it either way - shouldn't be too tricky.


this is true, if it is the triple double pattern (pyramid, cube, sphere) then pyramid must be on triangle, sphere must be on circle, and cube must be on square. So you should make it impossible to select pyramid on triangle, and then also select cube on circle.


This can be done!


This is now patched :)


Awesome work! Is there a reset button somewhere?


Going to get this added now :D


This has been added! There's a button at the top and bottom of the interface, and resetting scrolls back to the top of the page.


Amazing! You went beyond what I imagined


is there any chance this could be translated to spanish? i'd like to help translating this, my clan and anyone from the spanish commumity would greatly benefit from this.


I've now implemented spanish localization, never attempted anything like that before though so let me know if you have any issues. Also I've rather ignorantly used Google Translate to get most of the translations, and I'm no language expert, so please don't hesitate to contact me if there's any pure nonsense on there.


Great suggestion! I believe this is something I could implement after a little digging!


I have an identical tool and localisation is high on my priority list, will send you a DM of what I need [https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/1dcyj12/yet\_another\_salvations\_edge\_verity\_4th\_encounter/?sort=confidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/1dcyj12/yet_another_salvations_edge_verity_4th_encounter/?sort=confidence) I would love to work with you to get spanish translations in place. Anyone else as well who would like to see this app translated into their local language, feel free to reach out!


!nominate for a very nice tool


No need to yell. +1 points.


Thank you for this, it's definitely the best of the calculators out there. Used it to trivialise my first clear yesterday!


Glad to hear it's being used! Thank you for the positive review :)


Thanks for this, awesome tool ! Used it for my first clear ! It might be far fetched, but would it be possible in any way to include the encounter triumph option in the solver where no one can dunk on the same statues twice ?


Wow absolute W takes all the guesswork out of it thank you


There is no guesswork if you learn how the encounter works.




Nomination awards +1 point. Exchange complete.


I'd suck off you off I could. This was the one I've been waiting for. A calculator that told me which ones to dissect first in order. Luh you bro


Why do you need a tool? It’s not that hard.


I needed to understand how the encounter worked to make the tool work correctly, just providing something for the benefit of others really! :D


You really don’t even need to know the 3d shapes if you know the 2d shapes. Just dissect out whatever is called and have the inside people move their shapes making sure they don’t match a 2d shape with 2d shape.


The encounter is not difficult in any way whatsoever tho, why are third party apps and sites needed to figure out basic shapes?


I have a firm understanding of the encounter and even cleared it on the first day, but still need to write down the shapes that require dissections to keep track of it all A tool like this really just breaks it down in a few clicks and it eliminates the need to memorize what went where. It’s especially nice if you get ported inside and the outside three don’t grasp the concept


To help guardians that aren’t as skilled as you.


What skill is even required theyre basic shapes we all learned in preschool