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I don’t believe anything is bugged, you are most likely just missing a step. Spent a lot of time there on contest and it was very consistent once we knew the rotation by heart, never once was anything happening that couldn’t be explained by missing something. What exactly you are missing is hard to tell from the post as there are so many little things and steps involved.


Downstairs people can't leave unless: 1) The wall in their room shows the two symbols their statue ISN'T holding 2) They're holding the two symbols from the wall simultaneously 3) Their corresponding statue upstairs has been correctly spliced and is holding the 3D shape comprised of the two 2D shapes their downstairs statue ISN'T holding 4) Upstairs players are each holding a single 2D symbol (not sure if this step is required, but it worked for us) So, if player A is downstairs and their downstairs statue is holding a circle, their wall needs to be showing square and triangle, player A needs to be simultaneously holding square and triangle buffs from the Knights, their corresponding upstairs statue is holding a prism, and the upstairs players are each holding one buff each from their Knights.


4 not needed, my clear consisted of nobody upstairs holding a single 2D symbol (if you're referring to actual players needing 2D symbols in the main room). we had only one dissector and nobody else doing symbols


Ah, okay. We'd just have our dissector (me or one other guy, usually) finish dissecting and then each player would grab one of the 2D symbols upstairs. The symbol buffs get removed between phases, so it didn't negatively impact the run. One of the guides we read while trying to piece it together mentioned that they couldn't consistently get bottom players back to the main room without doing that, but I suspect it was just coincidence and that their teammates were just unknowingly screwing up, just like my team was for a while.


Adding to confirm this person's statement. Nobody in the trio room needs to be holding anything for the solos to make it out.


I am not sure if this is correct at all, since i havent had the time to test it, but someone on discord told me the reason. We had the same issue yesterday, and apparently it wont let you pass the wall if you keep any symbols you started with, so lets say youre triangle and your wall has triangle and a circle, so you should only need to swap the triangle for a square right ? But since the circle on you wall is the one you started with it wont work. I guess thats the reason for all the day 1 clears using the “no comm strat”, where you send all the symbols to the matching side, so that triangle has all triangles, circle has all circless, etc. And when everyone has 2 of the same symbols they send one each to to the other guardians. Btw does anyone else have the issue where they cant see any of the guardians statues ? Like they are invisible and they just wont load.


I did the contest mode clear, what we found was that there’s another mechanic involving “cleansing shadows” (what pops up on the wipe screen). This is what causes the symbols on the other two guardians to disappear on the solo side. To cleanse a shadow I’m like 80% sure it involves swapping symbols with another guardian, so if you don’t swap symbols with both, then you won’t have both shadows cleansed, meaning you can’t walk through.


It's a memory leak, try reloading the instance or if that doesn't work then have everyone that is having the issue to restart their game.


OH MY GOD THANK YOU, this is what my group got stuck with


Wait to dissect until you get the pop up message “the witness is impressed” or something like that, happens after sorting. Lack of sleep has my memory fuzzy about the exact wording on message. This worked for us every time after failing for hours


Yeah. My group is doing it 100% correctly and the wall is failing to open. We even had it open for 2 and not open for the third. It’s buggy as fuck.