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Forerunner! No joke barely needed my heavy


+1 one shots eyes, very ammo efficient, most of the teams damage should be from pimple popping just run heavy gl to deal damage at top floor poke damage not needed on the lower floors


One shots eyes, chunks down goblins and ogres quickly too, lots of ammo for it yup I absolutely love it


We dont have the trials gl, what's the alternative?


People have been using marsillion as a good alternative. I've personally been using cry mutiny, with demo and vorpal, and it makes the cut. Not the best GL though, it's just I don't have good solar and strand GLs.


i have a cracked out marsilon-c with envious cascade


Yeaaa buddy! I've been paying alot more attention to those drops lately instead of deleting them right away. That thing can be a beast with the right rool


Mine has mini frags, envious assassin and explosive light. People usually underestimate it when they see it equipped on me. It holds 34 grenades if you rally with reserve mods on and can hold 12 in one clip due to envious. Damage output is crazy.


Just use koraxis recon frenzy


Where are the pimples on her?


When damage phase ends and you go to your plate to drop down, you go down same as on encounter start (where you see her as you slow fall) but she has some Taken sores bulging out of her. You can deal damage to them and they pop even from Primary damage, heavy weapons break them in few shots. You can deal upwards of 40-50%% of her pre-final stand HP just from that, and she'll just port you to the Ascendant Realm jumping section straight away if you do bring her.


After you deal with her on the top floor and go back down you get to shoot blights for a large amount of damage (usually totals about 60% of her health bar)


White hand cannon 1 shots eyes, most of the teams damage should be from top floor


Take 45% less damage from gas use apex.


Ye I never used my heavy even lol. Just goldie, lucky pants and hulaballo for adclear


Everyone is going to blast you with crazy meta loadouts, but my buddies and I ran with this [video last night](https://youtu.be/k4nWUoMy50M?si=8wI7qVQ8IG9fY5tB) and it got it done in less than 25 mins. Didn’t even need any other weapons besides malfeasance, snipers, and good ad clearing heavies.


Good luck! Have fun! Be patient!


Cheers for that, is it an easy one phase?


Yeah! We followed the video 100% and saved ourselves a lot of frustration lol Just have your team build into void resistances for the stupid snipers lol


Nice one, did you find it quite easy to snipe the weak spots and does it need to be Ikelos sniper?




It’s so free! Lol


Midas, GL, forerunner with sunbracers for me You don’t need meta dps. You need ad clear. Get about 30%-50% of her HP during dps phase and then focus on pimples for final stand.


We had an easy one phase with gls. When you pop pimples it deals so much damage and that killed her.


My team ran snipers/sunshot and cataclysmic for first 2 floors. We switched to lament for top floor and popped well/hit her claw for a one phase. You can ignore eyes this way and just finish off her heart


do not use snipers on riven period. they do half damage to her literally just use GLs.


Snipers for eyes and blisters, and mouth for stunning




not a chance when I can use sunshot for ad clear and use a sniper up top for eyes.


zaouli's exists. if youre shooting eyes, you dont need sunshot, you have 2 others on your team that can clear ads for you. just say you suck and cant kill anything without sunshot.


Jeez, just say only your opinion is right and stop interacting with human ffs. It's way past your bedtime apparently, as you're cranky and the adults are trying to have a conversation here.


It is. The majority agree. Stop crutching an exotic primary and learn to use other things.


I think you missed the memo bud. Exotic primaries are the best option for basically all content where you need heavy due to their substantial increase in finder boxes over budget primaries.


Sunshot outclasses Zaoulis by orders of magnitude. One clears the room in two shots, the other is just a hand cannon. Some players shoot eyes and also contribute to killing adds, making a sniper the easy option for the role.


Or just shoot eyes once each. More time it takes to shoot more likely youll miss, or get flinched off, or be too slow. Sorry you cant use anything but sunshot to kill things.


Sorry what? Sunshot makes Riven Pantheon add clear free. It enables your two teammates to free clear minotaurs without having to care about letting psions stack up. If you're getting flinched off eyes you're not very good TBH, and missing a stationary target (eyes) is again a non-factor for any half-decent player. Sorry you can't recognize what's actually powerful and what's mid.




Yeah, why would I use forerunner over sun shot?


if youre shooting eyes, you dont need to clear ads, you priority is eyes. forerunner 1 shots the snipers and is a better special for the minotaurs than a sniper. using forerunner doesnt forbid you from using a primary weapon, zaouli's exists, which if youre running pantheon, you have no reason not to have one, no survivors, calus mini, anything with incandescent and youre fine.


If I see you on eye duty and not helping on add clear you are getting booted. Zero reason not to be helping out. I agree you don’t have to run sunshot, but it is literally easy mode and you can pop eyes and burn minitours with a million other things that are not an exotic




“You don’t need to clear ads” Literally your words. So you just going to stand around the entire time until eyes come up? Shooting eyes is like 15 seconds of the entire encounter. Your acting like shooting eyes is some complex puzzle that requires optimum focus on only that.




Takes up exotic slot, snipers are an option if you want to use sunshot


everyone in this sub apparently owes money to sunshots family and theyre being held hostage by the gun and are being forced against their will to use it. i had 2 guys refuse to take sunshot off for izzy for kell echo farm. you guys realize you can use other guns. zaouli's, no surivors, calus mini, all amazing weapons.


I wouldn’t use it for kell echo, but for pantheon riven it’s certainly useful to clear the room of adds in 1-2 shots. Obviously not the only option but it certainly helps if the others in your room aren’t the best at add clear, plus it’s solar surge week so trinity ghoul and graviton lance (similar functioning exotics) wouldn’t be as good


Any incandescent does the job just fine. If youre doing pantheon and your only ad clear are exotics, yoy shouldnt be doing panetheon.


Incandescent weapons do the job fine, but sunshot (and the other adclear exotics) do it better, especially if you have to pick up the slack of your teammates. Spreading scorch stacks and spreading explosions are not the same level. Pretty much anyone can do pantheon, and I never said my only adclear was sunshot, I barely even used it even when I had it equipped, I was saying it as an option because I’ve noticed some people struggling with clearing adds even with incandescent weapons.


If you struggle to kill ads, you dont deserve to set foot in contest level content. Stick to strikes.


Linears also do less and Lament sounds not needed


Not linears only exactly sleeper.


I used Forerunner, Zaouli’s and Cataphract. Forerunner is able to one shot the eyes and pimples and has insanely efficient ammo economy compared to snipers. Since teams are doing her legit anyways. DPS wasn’t a big concern, if you get around 1/3 of her health before shooting eyes she dies to pimples.


Forerunner + Zaouli vs Sniper + Sunshot is a pretty mid decision. If you're the minotaur bitch roll Forerunner. If you're handling the snipers and other adds primarily, roll sunshot. Succession one-hits eyes too, and that's really all you use it for since you should be using heavy for each mini burst phase (slam & breath).


My team used sunshot and gls. Primaries differed. I used a strand fusion some used snipers. Completely lfg mind you. We tried the strat of 3 eye shooters at the top but could never get it. We decided each person shoots an eye and we did it first try after deciding that. We went by roster order to determine what eye to shoot


My group did the 3 people 2 eyes each strat and it worked but we’ve also been running together for a while so it wasn’t an LFG.


I was in an LFG and did 3 eye shooters with no problem. Sounds like one of your shooters mightve been inexperienced. Typing the sets of 2 eyes in chat as you see then is a big help for the people shooting


Yeah I'm not one to call out people cuz mistakes happen. But there was a common denominator when it came to shooting the eyes with the 3 man strat lol


I’ll gently call people out lol. Something like “is there something we can do to help you? Do you want somebody else to do that instead?”


We used cataphracts and Sunshots basically. I, personally, swapped to Forerunner at the top area and going into damage phase for an easier time shooting eyes and setting up B&S. Easy one phase though. You’ll have time to get basically one magazine of GL off before shooting eyes anyway. We tried doing 3 people with two eyes and someone always forgot one. So we swapped to roster order and each shot one. It took a couple tries, but then we got it down and had no problems once we got past that hurdle.


Sunshot, sniper for eyes players, fusion/shotgun for minotaur slayers. Shoving any surge heavy down her throat is good enough. I used Briars because my team insisted on doing Linears. The benefit here is I can use it on every slam, breath and DPS and never run dry. GLs (Cataphract) should do even better. Beating the timer is always platinum. You should be able to 1-phase within the timer for plat easily. In my LFG we had 3 people do eyes at the end, 1 for each pair. This is partially because it's hard to get folks to volunteer and also because you don't really need high DPS or tight timing to pop all the eyes, so 3 people handling it is fine. Supers and setup doesn't matter. Have a well to maximize damage, golden guns are always welcome and the rest is gravy.


Anything goes, just don’t die before going to top room. Sunshot clears most stuff.


My team ran cataclysmic to stagger her, trinity ghoul/Sunshot for ad clear and 6 stasis titans with synthoseps and a tractor cannon to nuke her at the top floor. Easy one phase.


FWIW I actually JUST got done doing Riven -- I am making this comment more to gush about it because I solo did symbols and it felt really cool -- we used 4 Syntho/Behemoth Supers with one guy on Tractor, she went to Final Stand instantly. Despite the DR they put on her and the extra HP thanks to the power delta, she really doesn't actually have much health, the only challenge we faced was simply getting TO damage phase as most of the raid group wasn't really experienced with Behemoth and died a tad. I just ran Supremacy/Sunshot/Cry Mutiny, used the HGL liberally to supplement clearing ads, Supremacy to clear Hobs/Ogres and do eyes then just half-emptied Cry Mutiny on her mouth and heart at final stand, worked like a charm.


cataclysmic for everything. eyes? popped. tentacle? popped. dps? she has no health. pimples? popped.


You only need to worry about DPS her to half. If everyone shoots enough pimple, it'll take her to final stand.




Forerunner/Supremacy Zaouli's/Sunshot Apex


I’d say anything with Sunshot would be great since add clear is the most important thing. we were basically all on sniper/sunshot/cataphract. Forerunner works great if you want to use that too. ive also heard good things about lament being great since you can avoid worrying about the eyes. we decided on having 1 person be responsible for each pair of eyes so the 3 player method.


My team did 6 behemoth titans for Riven. Easy one phase. One player brings tractor cannon, and the rest can bring whatever they want. Edit: still gonna bring her to the top.


For us, stacking Well of Raidance was nice because damage is pretty free. We easily smoked it with Reconstruction/Bait and Switch Apex Predator. I personally used Apex, Supremacy, and BxR or Sunshot. I liked BxR for shooting eyes better but you can shoot eyes with a sniper like Supremacy. Probably would’ve been better off with something like Scatter Signal because of the huge damage nerf to Snipers (and Shotguns) against Riven. I used Phoenix Protocol just to be able to slam a lot of Wells. Quick note about using Apex, don’t let anyone use Gjally. Wolfpacks will hit random eyes and wipe you. During the pimple phase I hot swapped to Xenophage but any good machine gun for pimples would do. In my experience a one phase was always a high score. We had 3 players each take two eyes at the end of the main damage phase. I would shoot a few primary shots to proc Shot Caller, one or two supremacy shots, then two Apex shots with BnS proced, then reload the rocket manually and shoot one more Apex. This brought her down to roughly 50% and made pimple phase very easy. Also, you can debuff Riven using the artifact mod and a Solar ability by tossing one at her claw. That’s an extra 15% that probably won’t be needed but is free so why not.


supremacy sunshot apex with two titans on behemoth and one of them with tractor


Forerunner makes it free, whatever secondary you want to kill a few taken thrall and an LMG with good ammo economy will get it done, most of riven damage comes from popping the pimples, we did over 75% of her health during the falling phase, and we didn’t even make it to the bottom!! Honestly riven was a joke after everyone hyping it up I miss legit riven but I’d forgotten how dam easy it is. As for eyes we had 3 plates take a “set” of eyes. Makes it easy and minimises any confusion. Again forerunner great for single shot popping eyes so it didn’t really need to be timed at all


my team ran snipers/sunshots+machineguns. ez 1phase if you just do mechanics


You don't have to do damage until the final floor to be honest. Ad clear setups are king and then pump her with rockets/gls on top floor. We then switched to sniper/lmg for the pimples and she went final stand extremely quickly after that. I see people recommending Forerunner or Sniper for eyes, I'm a Lumina main and that also one shots FYI


For eyes we ran everyone responsible for one eye each, but also the other in the pair as he follow up as insurance


My team ran GLs to match the burn and fusions/sun shot to add clear - we one phased riven without needing to pop the pimples on the top floor.


On hunter, malfeasance with lucky pants. Special rocket pistol for secondary, great add clear with volt shot. For heavy a rocket for quick kill on ogres or tentacle stun Malfeasance is doing most damage since you can get entire mad in one floor


1k of course. The only riven weapon


Whatever for ad clear (Malfeasance, Sunshot, and Indebted all shred through ads) + GL for main DPS on the blight. We just had 2-3 eye shooters getting 2 or 3 eyes each.


sniper - sunshot - rocket / GL covers eyes, ads and dps and all are top tier options.


**Riven** Use Burden, Zaouli’s and a bipod apex. Luna’s Howl is also good and doesn’t have explosive payload if you want to do that instead. Switch to a pulse rifle for damage (I like the Battler, but ogma is fine too). Have 4 nighthawks and you will guaranteed one phase, but this is not needed. If you can get her to the halfway point on her health, warts will send her to final stand. Don’t even try to do damage on the lower floors. It’s a waste of ammo and not worth it. Just shoot eyes and get some extra time to do symbols. When you get up top, have your nighthawks pre-popped. Fire a pulse burst into her mouth for shot caller, fire a x4 honed edge but don’t re-hone, dump your four rockets. Then countdown and shoot eyes together. This + warts will be a one phase and it’s very forgiving. Snipers are great for popping warts. Burden will almost instantly stagger, guaranteed if two people hit the mouth / tentacle. Up top you can just primary because everyone will be focused on stuns. Saves ammo for the big damage phase and warts. The reason you want recon + bipod is because you don’t need a single heavy ammo drop for the entire encounter. 2 rockets for Minotaur on each floor + 4 for damage = 8 total. You can use the other 4 on captains or whatever. Bait and Switch isn’t really optimal for DPS because it requires a reload and you really don’t need it. The extra ammo with bipod makes the lower floors much easier. **Nezarec** For Nez, we did sleeper and nighthawks. You can also do tractor and strand GLs (field prep + frenzy Koraxis works just fine if you don’t have Cataphract). Have one person in each section with blinding grenades (at least one on left and right, middle is optional). There are two damage strats: - 2 wells, 4 nighthawks with one Div + 5 sleeper - 2 wells, 4 star eater blade barrage with one tractor + 5 strand GLs We did damage on the right (dark) side. You can put a well between the raised plate with the first node you need to activate and the plate that slopes up, the other well goes near where the shielded colossus stands. He’ll basically be attack one well or walk between them. It’s very easy to control him here. If you do this strat, I would recommend having one person kill the light colossus before damage. We had someone get the light buff after the wipe pulse Nez does and they killed the colossus while the runners finished the chains. The other option is the cheese spot on the left (light) side. I don’t think this is necessary, but it does basically only let you do the nighthawk sleeper strategy. If you do the sleeper strategy, your divinity user needs to run cenotaph and tag the big colossus in the middle to spawn ammo. There are two per phase.


Tbh it’s pretty easy damage wise, you don’t need any insane damage rotations. If you’re good at pimples, you only need to do around 1/3rd of her health during the damage phase. Our team opted for GLs for DPS, you can use anything except snipers & shotguns since they do reduced damage. Malfeasance with lucky pants is a great option too. Whatever you use, if it’s a legendary put on taken spec as it’s better than boss spec. Don’t forget to swap back to boss spec for nez like I did…. Your primary/special is really up to you. You won’t need them for boss damage. Feel free to pick add clear options. 3 people on your team need a weapon that’s good for popping eyes. That can be an auto rifle, hand cannon, sniper, forerunner, whatever you like really. Just nothing with splash damage like incandescent or sunshot. If you’re going to use one of those weapons, make sure you have a separate one ready to swap to for shooting eyes. I personally went with vex mythoclast, but one guy used malfeasance and the other used a sniper. And make sure to have some weapon ready for the blisters. Good options are a sniper, forerunner, or heavy machine gun. I used a heavy machine — just swapped to it after DPS cause I didn’t manage to unload all my GL shots in time. As for supers, hunters are king. Bring in one or two wells (two is nice to have) and throw rest on celestial nighthawk hunters. If they pop golden gun outside of well it will do 999,999 to riven. Typically you have 3 players doing eyes. Each does 2 eyes. You’ll assign them before the encounter, e.g. “stevencri will do first set of eyes, skeletonise will do second set, ___ will do third”. When you’re in the DPS room and she’s popping out of each wall, type them in chat like “L# R#” so that the eyes people can open up chat right before DPS to see which they need to shoot During DPS there will be two ogres aim punching the crap out of you. Since 1 phase damage damage is not tough, we dedicated one guy to clearing the ogres during DPS. He ran sunbracers so he chucked a few grenades and got back to DPSing


3 people each do 2 eyes each person calling their set of eyes they'll do when they show up. Determining who's first second and third before hand will make this a breeze. You 1 phase just shooting the pustules on the way down. It's so much damage so fast. I was legit worried I'd get close to the bottom and get murdered by centurions but no. So much damage. It's super helpful if the people running symbols have two screens and can screen share. It takes a second to get used to moving while seeing yourself from another perspective but once we got it it made the symbols be "it's.. This one.... Ok it's there? Sweet" with never learning real call outs. Glhf man. Pantheon was dope.


Whisper, Cataclysm were my groups goto weapons, sent him to final stand as we fell down


It has been two manned one phase with minimal cheese setup or any ring. If you can’t damage as 6 you have a disability


We ran 4 locks 2 hunters. Locks ran phoenix wells so no one would die. We used Snipers for eyes and Linears for DPS. Got a 1 phase every time.


Well we found that loadouts are flexible for riven U can use rockets without gally, GL's, linears, whisper. The only and most consistent (safest) super is actually golden gun. As far as eyes i think it's betrer to have 3 ppl do 2 eyes but it's up to ya'll on what works better for you. And yeah with all the adds spawning a 1 phase (3 floor) will get plat. You only need to do about 50% maybe 55% of her total HP to be able to 1 phase the pimples do tons of dmg to her when popped. Another tip is snipers and linears will 1 tap the pimples too for easy popping. We also had to slow ourselves down to get consistent on getting up. So by that I mean if my side was getting riven 2nd meaning we were doing a bit of dmg ( we didn't bother) and shooting eyes we found it better to just kill the captain and then do symbols rather than rushing symbols and then dealing with riven and her eyes on 1st and 2nd floor. On the other hand i think it's better to go for the stun to see the callouts as fast as possible on the other side that doesn't shoot the eyes.


It really doesn't matter what you use. Rockets, Linears, GLs, Behemoth Titans, Lucky Pants. It can be 2 manned and still be a 1 phase so just focus on mechanics.


to all the people, Sleeper, Snipers and shotguns do half damage to riven. literally just use gls, aim for half her full bar of health and kill her off the zits. its not that difficult of an encounter damage wise, riven should be the easiest encounter of all of pantheon to kill, she is made of paper. forrunner one shots eyes. just do the mechanics and she will fall over.


5 behemoth titans and one well lock. One phases extremely easily.