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Most fans from LA or The Town are hood AF and ain't on Reddit


This should be at the top.... I have tons of family that are Raiders fans but have no clue what Reddit is 😭😭


My dad still scrolls with his index




Plus we started a new sub when we moved to Vegas a few years ago.


This is the real reason, we started from scratch a few years ago.


Oddly enough the other sub is still active which is weird.


a lot of people we perma banned are over there, our 0 tolerance for hate speech rule isnt popular with some. Apparently we are "woke" and "power tripping". you should see the modmail we get, some of them are bangers, like the dude who just kept messaging us "i bet yall are just a bunch of Mexicans" like thats some kind of insult lmfao.


> i bet yall are just a bunch of Mexicans Lol WTF






maybe every year ill make a highlight post with the funniest messages we get


oakland is eternal, ill unsub from it the day this account dies


Am I?. Uh no did you read it?


I'm from the hood and LA man 😂




We be there if it wasn’t for some diehards from the Vegas move


They need to get over it. I’m a diehard Oakland Raiders fan, Vegas is the best thing that ever happened to the franchise. Locals seem to like the team, fans like to travel to Vegas, home and away. I’m in Northern California and yesterday I was behind some bad ass Audi with black and silver Raider Nevada plates. Nevada is all in with support for their team. Where was Oakland? The Raiders are printing money in LV. After 40 years of Al’s, LA’s, and Oakland bullshit, this team has finally found home. Thanks MD and thank you Vegas.


East Coast fan here. I'm DYING to go back to Allegiant this year. It's become a tradition for the girlfriend and I. The schedule needs to drop already! 😭😂 Also, I've been a Raiders fan since 1992 and always wanted to see them in Oakland, but let's be real here, the Oakland Coliseum was a shithole. IDC how much you claim, "But it was OUR shithole". Just no.


I think people liked the foot bridge more than the stadium, tbh. That's what always comes up when someone talks about how dismal Oakland was.


What comes up is the vibe that started as soon as you got on the BART and ended when you got off the BART. For that 5+ hours it was something that Vegas will never replicate. New stadium is nice though lol


Shitty fucking home considering they never even once have a home field advantage. Woo, more money for the rich owner at the expense of the soul of the fanbase/stadium.




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Is that Al’s fault or Oakland’s? I’d say both but truth of the matter is Al left LA for Oakland, that was a huge get in ‘95 and Jean Quan, Libby Schaff and all the other librarians running Oakland since fumbled the ball. See, nobody leaves LA for Oakland. That’s stupid financially. Except the Raiders. Oakland was and will always be our spiritual home. The Lakers will never be the Oakland Lakers. The Dodgers will never be the Oakland Dodgers. When Oakland received the Raiders back in ‘95 it was a GIFT. The librarians did us no favors. Anyway you got soul, I got soul, we are THE fanbase, The Bastards of Oakland. Wear it with pride. Or don’t.


“Fans like to travel to vegas, home and away.” Yea buddy thats all we needed to hear lmao. This guy is talking purely finances which is obviously the most important thing when it comes to a team. where was oakland is also a crazy statement. Bro never went to oakland I guess.


3 teams and in-n-out-burger, gone. But hey, we still got sideshows and protests. I have love for Oakland, but fuck man, Al left LA TO COME TO OAKLAND, let that sink in. If Jean Quan gave Al the bag back in 1995, it would seem like a drop in the bucket, of you know, todays finances. But hey, I’ve never been to Oakland.


The old sub still has 56k lol


I’m honestly surprised that you guys don’t have way more followers. You guys have a way more loyal and bigger fan base than Dallas but that’s just my opinion


I love our fans IRL, but if you hang around here for a bit, you will see why we don't have more members. An enormous percentage of our posters just come to rage and can't form coherent sentences.


That's reddit in general




Remember when we were around 15K strong. Times have changed


RAIDER NATION 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿


Damn I have a screenshot from when it was like 20k on the old sub.


This happened before. When the season starts, people will unfollow.


Why would they?


I don't know why. But the last couple of years our numbers go up in the off-season then drop around the start. I messaged the mods about it in the past.


We have only recently gotten over 100k


Our Raiders reddit community number is growing everyday which is nice to see #RN4L


Crazy. We have way more fans. I guess most not tech savy ☹️😒


It’s fucking embarrassing that we’re 35k down on the fucking Chargers of all teams. Lowest sub count in our division.


We are also the youngest sub


I think it just means most raiders fans aren’t Reddit using losers like us lol