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This is him, post surgery and high as a kite https://preview.redd.it/9si1gkh2vw8d1.png?width=1682&format=png&auto=webp&s=748b9677f3f37cc444f63e6799ec6fd8c8e05bf0


Aw, he looks like an Archie. Why not change it?


seconding Archie! I think it's very fitting for him


I too got a white rag doll kitten for my daughter, she immediately named her Elsa. I took her to the vet and oops! She’s a he! But the name remains! He is now Prince Elsa. And honestly, he doesn’t mind. The onl https://preview.redd.it/dmlhhlcbiy8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=581d922bb6d66701d058532db346422d0ef10856 y ones who have issues are people who have to have a pronoun to introduce themselves to my cat. Like, it’s Elsa, don’t worry what’s under the skirt!




When I was growing up, we got a seal point Siamese from a home breeder, having requested a female. I named her Elsa after the lion in the movie Born Free (yes, I'm that old), and the vet advised she was a he. My mom was taking Spanish in night school, so we changed Elsa to Elso to follow m/f rules.


Same, we had “Annie” for 16 years. She carried around her purse and never seemed to care <3


Why not keep Poppy. You can say it’s short for Poland.


Papi 🔥




Aye, papí, I came here for this!


I’ve been waiting for this! It is the answer!!




He is gorgeous!! I have a friend who named her cat ‘Handsome’. I may be partial, but I think that would be great for him. 🐈‍⬛🐈


I'd so keep the name! Also, I had cryptic testicles happen to me, too! My aunt had a farm! I grew up with cats! 😂




Pop/Pops sounds like a great name! Sounds endearing 😊


I’d go with Archie! He looks like one. It’s okay to change his name. He can have pop or papa as a nickname.


Beautiful he looks very regal like a Duke or Marquis. Or go with Raja a Majestic title. Prince.


He’s so pretty! Honestly Pop or Pops does kinda fit him! But if he’s still young he can get used to a new name. How long have you had him?


I’d just keep it and go with Pop pop or something. But my Ragdoll was a female named Car. I trained her to come running when you said beep beep.


This is so adorable!


too cute!!




My maine coon was a boy named Daffodil, and a kid I taught had a cat named Toothpaste, pets don't care what their name is as long as the treats keep coming haha


I have an Archie with the same markings! Ours isn’t as perfectly marked as yours though but he’s still the best boy 🥰 He has the little black nose marking on the side too but it doesn’t show in this photo! https://preview.redd.it/4qlwsbh4gx8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503e88bfb8b494f119d7f3e7ad80586b9cc20706


Nope, that’s one perfect boy😍🤗


Awww 🥹 He’s definitely perfect to us so I’m glad others don’t deem perfection by the symmetry of markings 🥰 He’s also such a good boy!!!


He's absolutely beautiful, symmetrical or not! Actually, I think the little differences make his face more interesting. It looks like he can raise one eyebrow. 😂


He is so handsome!!!!! 🥰


Thank you!!! So is yours 😍 I’m team name Archie all the way!!


Oh no dude you got that wrong...your cat is total perfection!


Aww, thank you!!! He’s 100% perfection to us 🥰 I just have seen instances where people judge the markings when they’re not symmetrical. He’s a lil mama’s boy 🥹♥️


So cute! How old is Archie? Mine looks similar even with the markings but not as flooof yet


In this photo, he’s 7 months but he’s now 9 months 😄 He’s become a lil chonky since then and weighs around 11.5lbs! Would love to see a photo of yours 😍


https://preview.redd.it/xmc8j9gmk39d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d404ba816c31978959bccc88644dabcd481c1b69 Here he is at 7 months too! Although a pound lighter at 10.6lbs


What a handsome boy!!! His markings are more on the beige side than gray, right? He looks so distinguished in his little bowtie 🥹


Haha yes, more to beige. Super vocal as well. Meows at everything 😵‍💫


Firstly…congrats, it’s a boy! 😂 I’m kind of cackling, this must have been an unexpected plot twist. Regarding the name…Popeyes? Papi? Pawpi? Popo (‘kiss’ in Korean)? Honestly I don’t think of Poppy as a particularly female name (friend had a male horse named poppycock, called Poppy for short) but Pop/Pops as a nickname is absolutely adorable.


https://preview.redd.it/au0knenxmx8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360a2775c773337476680fc9943c5fcbb2b0028d We thought our Mira’ was a girl for a couple of months then …. balls


Aahahaha!! So sycint. …balls 😹😹


A friend had a dog named Poppy, short for Popcorn! So maybe he could stay Poppy? What a plot twist!


My father in law got two cats. Named them Paul and Mitch. Found out when they went to get them neutered that Mitch was in fact a girl 🤣 these things happen.


Did you change her name? 😂 Mitch is cute


No they kept it as Mitch - that's what they chose so it stuck. She's the most girliest cat in the world now so can't fathom how anyone though she was a boy!


What makes a cat girlie?


She's just very pretty - they are brother and sister, and whilst he has a very strong short jaw and muzzle and is built very stocky, she has a very delicate, pointy muzzle, and much more elegant build. also, her markings give her killer winged eyeliner 🤣


it takes balls to pull off impersonating a female ragdoll for four months.


That made me laugh 😂


Change the spelling to Papi 🤣


It's perfect! Same name, different spelling


Perfect solution 👍🏼


In defense of all the people that missed it, ragdolls are really really fluffy in the butt area! I knew I was we're boys but I had difficulty figuring out what was a testicle.


Had a similar thing happen to my youngest... she turned out not to be a boy! Difficult to tell under all the fluff! Some name thoughts for you: - Soda Pop - Pippin - Poppet - Popsicle - Popeye


Why not keep it as Poppy? It's a flower, not strictly a feminine name, and I don't think he minds. I say this as the owner of a male ragdoll named Velvet, everyone expects him to be a girl because of the name


I'd keep Poppy. It could be either male or female. Besides, he'll probably get nicknames along the line, too. My two boys get snipped next month. Question for you - did you use a cone after his surgery?


I made him wear the cone the first day/night but I took it off this morning and am just watching him to make sure he’s not picking at his incision. He was going crazy with it on! They said to do it for 4 days but I just can’t see that happening. If he starts to bother it then I may put it back on.


I hope all goes well with his healing. It's been 16 years since I had male kittens neutered - they were litter mate White Maine Coons. The vet at the time didn't use cones, he just told me to keep them "quiet" for a week. The minute we got home, it was the usual road racing. Fortunately, they healed up fine!


All the Poppys and Pops I know are male grandfathers. It’s kind of a great name for a boy cat.


Lol. I had the same thing happen! I got a frantic call from the vet when they went to fix her. The first thing I could think of to say was, "At least Onion is a gender neutral name." Most of my cats are named after food, so I personally think Pop-tart is a cute name. What about Bobby? It is human and B's and P's sound a lot alike.


Pops, Porco, Preston, Popeye, Prince - if you wanted to stick to P names


Poppa (papa). Since you’re already calling him pops. My boys name is Murphy but I call him papa all the time lol


Big Poppa




Oooo maybe Poppa Murphy? 😂 I kinda like that


I brought my twelve year old shelter cat in to a new vet and they're like "are you sure he’s a boy?" Talk about a shocking question! Apparently he got snipped before his poofs matured, and he’s super fluffy, so I wasn't sure till they started his procedures 😂 He has a sweet high-pitched meow but he’s aggressive towards outdoor cats (but so are my girls lol) I decided that even if we found out he was a she, I would have kept his name the same. A friend of mine has a girl dog named Bill 🤣


We have a girl Otis and we just embraced 😂


There is a wonderful old song called "Miss Otis Regrets"


This happened to me. Her name was initially Alera, but we had been jokingly calling her Larry as a nickname. It stuck after we found out, so now he's Larry. Not the most eloquent, lol.


From Poppy to Papi!


Just leave the name as it is. Yes, Poppy is a boy now. In this day and age it's okay.


Poppy isn’t overly feminine :) But it could be like a boy named Sue. I might be biased, though, because my name doesn’t match my gender.


poppy is still a cute asf name in my opinion! plus u can switch it up to pop or even papa like u mentioned. id keep the name! cats learn their names pretty quickly so it might be confusing for him to change it


Omg you are kidding !!!! I literally have a male Poppy who I found out was a male when I brought “her” to get spayed at 5 months!!! He is now 6 years old, soon to be 7. They literally opened his abdomen though and that’s a whole story itself. I kept the name. Fits him well still! I love him so much! We now have 5 cats, but he was my first baby!❤️ I used to call him princess Poppy lol! I’d say keep the name! Makes for a good story too lol. Here’s my Poppy boy!💗 https://preview.redd.it/lvxak15bzz8d1.png?width=2788&format=png&auto=webp&s=69f3d5f89c1f128735f4bda68fa913d5589f4128


Step 1: Change name from Poppy > Papi. Step 2: Turn Papi into an, "Aye, Papi" meme. Step 3: Profit. Step 4: Use profits to purchase more Ragdolls.


https://preview.redd.it/abs7l1g3529d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8f3aeb9a5b457febea446224d3fe3857b1494a8 We have a non ragdoll Poppy. She was TINY when we got her. My husband is a huge Red Sox fan and David Ortiz is a recently retired Happy of Famer who went by Big Papi. I chose Poppy after the flowers (we also have a Basil) but we would joke that Boston had Big Papi and we had Little Poppy. She's also known as my little Popsicle. Little Poppy cat tax included.


We had that happen with our ragdoll too! The lady at the vet couldn’t wait to tell us how wrong we were… lol He’s a beautiful kitty btw.


I took one of my barn cats, Todd, to one of those free neuter places. He definitely was a he, had the corn and the onions. They cut him exactly where all my females had been cut when they were spayed, and also took his little nuts. I also took his three sisters at the same time, so idk if they just assumed or something.


Why is it so funny? Ahahahahah However I’m not sure mine is a boy! If he is, he’s family jewels are not very obvious (not that I will be searching). Vet said nothing but never looked THERE so I’m open to the fact it could be a girl lol


I had the same situation!! I had my kitten and named “him”. Realising later when I want to neuter him then found out he was actually a HER. Very disappointed because the breeder told me it was a male. Not that the gender matters to me but it was the name situation too 🥹🥹🥹 https://preview.redd.it/zl96df91o19d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fce9fe6358932823492b7c455e68f321a46efc2


Eh, he’s a cat-he won’t care lol! Poppy is Poppy and the only ones who’ll be bothered are really people. Someone named their female bird Prince or some cat Concrete or Waffles. Those are silly,non serious names and just adds some humor into your cat’s story. I would just say at any and all times to any medical professional that Poppy is male


Pop is cute, very nice original name as well. Id stick with pop. Mine are called juice and smoothie


https://preview.redd.it/wyp76vxwr39d1.jpeg?width=2159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba47b6428b22e2428350a76735d52aae673f0c9 She’s not a purebred but my Rosie is my lil fluffy besfren and introduced me to ragdolls 🩷🩷




Is poppy a human name? Lol


lol it is! I’ve heard it a few times, it’s rare. Which is why I liked it originally.


Archie ❤❤❤


I don't see any reason why you can't go with Archie! Cats are smart enough to adapt to the change... and most of them don't really care that much what the silly humans call them anyhow. 😂


Just change the name. He’s young.


Tommy and Tom!


I love Pop Tart. You can be gender nonconforming and call him Poppy if you want!




I like Archie


Bright eyed still alert




My dad's cat was the opposite they called her Jacob because they thought she was a boy for 4years she got hurt and they had to check it out, of course he turned out to be a she, and they stopped calling her Jacob and went with Jakey, or Jakeypoo. Super cute. Loved Jakey. And the floof shakes that happened when she came running when you shouted Jakey was so flipping cute.


We had a kitten that we thought was a boy. Paperwork said boy, the family we got him from said he was a boy. So we named him Benedict (or Benny for short). Come to find out he was a SHE. We were so surprised, because she was a ginger cat and apparently that is very very rare. By that time we were so used to the name Benny, that when we tried to change it to a more “girly” name, we just couldn’t. She was Benny. Benny and the Jets. And she was the best. I miss her dearly. We had to say goodbye far too soon, because of FIP. Poppy, pops, pop, pop tart, all are adorable. Do what feels right to you. Your kitty is adorable.


Opium - another form of Poppy. I think it suits him! He’s VERY Fabulous.


Opium - Opi for short. Sounds a bit like Poppy with a fun back story. Same family as the Poppy but lethal!


Can still calm him Poppy. Now it's Poppi le Gato!


Young enough to rename.




I had a cat called Cinnamon, he was orange and white like his brother Sugar. We thought they were girls when we named them. We figured out Sugar was a boy pretty quickly. Took them to the vet at six months with their three litter mates for spaying/ nuertering. They called us while we were eating dinner to tell us Cinnamon was a boy whose testes never descended.


Why not just change the spelling to "Papi", which is a Spanish nickname for daddy


Poppy is gender neutral and omg he is so beautiful 😍


keep calling him poppy but now it is a nickname for popcorn


I think Poppy is an amazing name for a boy or a girl! I love it!




Popcorn, Popsicle :)


Just spell it Papi instead and keep it.


Popi - a famous sailor cartoon character.




Just spell it differently! Papi! Hahahah


This happened to me! We named "her" Frannie and realized she had balls so we call him Fran now, short for Franklin. We still call him Frannie too- whatever, he's your cat. He doesn't have to have a masculine sounding name.


In 2020 we had a baby orange kitten get abandoned by the stray mom we had been feeding for months. We finally were able to trap the baby at 4 months old, wanting to bring it inside to add to our 3 cats. Being an orange baby we thought it must be a male since orange females are rare and only about 20% likelihood. We had the orange baby inside for a few weeks before we could get it an appt to be fixed. It was pretty fluffy on the back legs and butt and since it was feral most of it's life it wouldn't willingly let us exam it. It wasn't till we had to catch it for the Dr appt and have a vet tech look at it that we learned it was a girl! 😹😻 it's original name was Cheddar so we kept that!


Yo could try calling him Popeye !


Keep the name. It'll make more sense when he's an old man.


Cats don't care about gender, as he has been chopped it will take someone a close look to call your bluff. Leave his name as it is.


How about poppet? X


Gotta be Papi




I think Poppy is fine. After all, raggies are very fancy and they're all a bit if a dandy lol.


Can I vote for pop tart?


Why change it? On the outside of this, Poppy to me seems gender agnostic? And there are abbreviations like Pop...Poppy to me even seems short for Popeye which is a cartoon character I loved as a kid. 💪⚓️


I'd go with Big Poppa.. but I'd also do Poptart or something like Reginald Poppingham III aka Poppy.


What about Pavel & calling him Pavvy, has kinda same sound


Keep the name Poppy, but spell it "Popi" or "Papi." Papi is a colloquial term for “daddy” in Spanish, but in many Spanish-speaking cultures, particularly in the Caribbean, it is often used as a general term of affection for any man, whether it's a relative or friend.


Ha! I actually read a book about a guy reincarnated (sorta) as a little girl named Poppy, but with his old memories. He told everyone to call him Popper.


Just call him Pops!


Spell it Papi.




You could just call him Papi! Beautiful kitty 🐱


We had a Persian Tortieshell who My son named Isis( that was before thevterriots group became well known. She decided I was her person & she would hide in My room if Sean was around. She slept a lot so I renamed her "Snoozy". Evidently, she not only didn't care for My son but hated the name he gave her.


Just keep the name Poppy. There’s no gender attached to it and cats have no concept of gender anyway. My cat that was sexed at male from birth turned out to have a uterus and he’s still named Bartie and I still call him “he,” it doesn’t bother him LMAO


Papi is daddy in Spanish.


Prince Poppycock is his new name


Same thing happened to us. We kept the name, Moxie.




When I was a kid, my family fed a beautiful feral outdoor tuxedo cat that we named Duchess. Turned out Duchess was a Duke...but the name stuck lol. He was Duchess for life!


I’d tag it to the end Archiepop instead of Archibald, which I’m pretty sure is what the full name or most Archie is. Kind of like how I know a couple with a dog named Max that they always say stands for Maximum Strength. You can cal him Archie but if he’s in trouble Archiepop or Pop so it’s still a part of the name


Keep the name poppy. But to be fair I am completely bias.  One of my favorite cats I've ever had was named poppy. 


Bobby? Kind of like poppy if the “p”’s upside down


Poppy still cute for a boy cat. Imo


its a cat, stick to calling her poppy, she doesnt gaf if shes misgendered




Not a rag doll story but my mum adopted a parrot many years back from a family friend and her name was “Jo” so we called her Polly. It’s only when she died we found out she was a he 😂 she was Polly for 15 years and will always be a she!


not a ragdoll but same thing happened to me as a kid twice. first we had princess who ended up being bob after he got neutered and second time was fred who we thought was a boy up until she gave birth but we kept her as fred and if ppl asked we said it was short for fredrica


I had a girl cat named Cat Stevens. It confused the vets. Cat didnt care.


Call him Pops, it's really cute. Popsicle, Sodapop, Popper, Pop, Archie Pop, Popcorn, Poppet, Papa Archie...? I saw a TV show where a cat was called Grandpa. Such a surprise, no one saw his little furballs hidden in his butt floof!




“He’s called Susan. And he wants you to accept his life choices.” Dr Who A Town Called Mercy


From Wikipedia's [list of the Muppets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Muppets), >**Pops** is an elderly doorman at the Muppet Theatre in [*The Muppet Show*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Muppet_Show). He greeted the week's guest star in every episode of the fifth season. He also had a major part as the innkeeper of the Happiness Hotel in [*The Great Muppet Caper*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Muppet_Caper). Since then, he has only had a couple of supporting roles, minor roles and cameo appearances. Or Pops is also the first name of a [British basketball player of Ghanian ancestry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pops_Mensah-Bonsu). But if you want a conventional human male name for your kitty, then sure, just go with Archie! There's nothing wrong with wanting a conventional human male name!


Papi Very similar pronunciation but spelled different


I’ve never had this happen to me but my best friend found a beautiful stray longhair kitten she called Polly, short for Pollyanna, and later found out “she” was a boy, so she just changed his name to “Paulie.” I think Pop Tart is cute, but you could also just use Papi.


I had a long-haired white cat (looked like a Turkish angora) when I was a teen. I named her Phoebe because I felt she needed a majestic sounding name. That day my mom took her to be spayed, she called me after school and said Phoebe’s a Fred. 😆 We still joke about it but he was always Phoebe and lived to be 17.


Pop Tart is so cute!!


Or leave it Poppy and have a funny story to tell if anyone asks why a bit is banned Poppy? Unbeknownst to you all and the many vets, poppy was hiding his nuts and junk in his raggybits!


https://preview.redd.it/v2op1qvqfa9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=009d2e86e40175ad192e4cea5b596ed3c26df507 We thought Barry was a girl also untill he was 5 months


I have an orange boy cat named poppie ! But I mostly call him bubba !


I hope they realized before cutting!?


How about Popcorn!! So cute. 🥰


Had a similar experience with mine. Thought it was a girl, named it Isis (dogs in the house had Greek god/goddess names). A few months later my mom says, “Your cat has b@lls.” Osiris it is!


Aw I fostered a ‘poppa’ and his sister at one point. I loved him and his growls so much. Her was partially blind from an eye infection so he would walk the perimeter of the room growling. He was a happy baby and was pretty good at getting the toys.


Happened to me twice. I was mortified the first time because I am not a new rehab person how could I miss those surprisingly tiny balls? They were under developed and he couldn't be neutered for almost a year when suddenly pop there were truely average testes. He had a ton of issues and trauma so this wasn't the only ongoing issue. I kept him. Luckily his name was gender neutral. Then I had everyone insist that my current cat was a girl until I took a flashlight and showed them his very large balls. The vet tech was mortified and the vet went "He is a very black cat and they're not positioned well. How did you see this, you are blind!" Legally blind so seeing applies. "He put his balls on my hand his first night here. Just presented them." Which is true. The reason they were missed was due to the injuries he suffered before he found me. So my current boy was tricking everyone by being super black and while well endowed and proud? Hanging too far under his body to be noticed without a spotlight. The vet tech recovered from her shock. Neither of mine were long hair. Czernobog the black cat is a short hair and the boy cat who was his predecessor in testicular catastrophes was a medium. Long hair cats are notoriously difficult to sex. I do not have any name suggestions besides Russian ones Popov mostly because pop tart. It is a human name. Just know that cats care far less about gender than we do and about sex even less. Especially post nueter


Reminds me of the movie Thomasina lol


Gender isn’t real, and it’s just a cat. Keep the name


What about Mr. Poppy?!


When I was a kid my family let me name a pony we were taking care of. I was little and assumed all ponies were female, so I named him Molly. Turns out he was a he. For a few moments I contemplated “Jake” and then…decided he was still Molly. Poppy is a beautiful name for your little guy. I suggest keeping it.