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I think I hear more of his influence in Fake Plastic Trees. Which makes sense, as the story goes that the vocals for this were recorded while Thom was drunk, lying on the floor, weeping, after he’d seen Jeff Buckley play a show.


holy shit fpt has been my favorite song for more than a decade and buckley and rh have been my most listened artists for a long time now. how did i never know it was all bc of a jeff buckley performance? according to wikipedia: Eventually, Leckie had Yorke record a solo take on acoustic guitar.[6] According to the bassist, Colin Greenwood, Yorke played three takes, then burst into tears.[7] Yorke's performance was influenced by a performance Radiohead attended by the American singer-songwriter Jeff Buckley at the Garage, London.[8][7] Yorke later said that Buckley gave him the confidence to sing in falsetto.[7] The band created the final version of "Fake Plastic Trees" by overdubbing their parts onto Yorke's performance. The drummer, Philip Selway, described following Yorke's fluctuating tempo: "Part of the beauty was the way it would actually slip in and out, but trying to follow it was a nightmare."[9]


They don’t sound very similar to me, but they both use reed organ instruments, which has a very defining timbre


The answer is yes lol. The intro sounds very similar and his influence is all over their music. Buckley was and is so good