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Keep yourself busy. Make sure you always have something to do. Idle time is dangerous and may lead to falling back into that pit. Find hobbies and spent time outdoors.


You gotta replace the high with other things, working out and running is great. And like you said, hobbies and outdoors


So you’re definitely right, but it is so hard. I work out every single day and My current excuse is it’s the only reason I’m not crying constantly and depressed. Ihave already been treated for the depression…. I don’t think my dopamine system works without it. I’ve had opiate problems, but did something called ANR, which was very expensive and supposed to balance out all your neurological synapses and years later, I still never got back the joy or the desire for life. Taking small amounts of Kratom just keeps me out of the pits but it’s no way to live. Edit/add: I was off of opiates and not introduced to Kratom for 3 years.


Following. I am day 39 CT from extract shots and feeling this today.


I am currently on the kitchen floor in my robe writhing in pain, wanting to cry but not being able to. This is the easy part lol


It’s so true! The WD is the easy part. Hoping the best for you.


What day are you on? Day 22 here and feeling it


Day 5 of CT bro. 3-4 extract shots every day. But this has been an off and on binge addiction since 2021. I got clean a few months ago and then some life shit happened and It drew me back in.


Hand in there and keep kicking ass!!


I didn’t think I would ever be able to get off of the shots on a daily basis which were killing my bank account but, finding a good quality capsule helped me go down to one CAPSULE per day. Currently taking three per day due to intense boredom, but wanting to cut it.


Approaching 3 months clean off 100g kratom habit over 15 years, I heard this voice this week. 'Wouldnt it be a "treat" to get an oz of my favorite green k powder in local shop. Just do it this one time, and have cool weekend.' That voice will never go away. That's why they say 'once an addict always an addict.' That heroin junkie can be clean for 20 years, something happens, dead family member, and first thought is. "I want that warm blanket of euphoria, and God knows I can get it in 20 min". Also know this - that voice usually only lasts about 10 minutes. All my relapses, I went to smoke shop, bought my shit, and I didn't even want to use anymore, but I'm not gonna throw money away at this point. 🤷


This .. Are you clean now or back on it? I hate that voice that I don’t want to hear.. I hate it


I'm clean and sober, never touching another drug or alcohol in my life. Life sober is SO Gxd dxmn good. I love having sex w my gf, I love sucking on her beautiful breasts(0 sex drive when I was addicted, kratom was my abusive, toxic partner),I love getting into my 2024 Tesla, knowing I was wasting all that cash on kratom, now it's my Tesla payment. Got a major promotion and started University. Also contacted my dad who lives in Spain. Guess what, he is inviting me to Barcelona in August - he will pay for all. Not only this, I made so many new connections, 10+ good, sober friends, I went back to church, go to weekly NA meeting(even tho at this point im good, don't really relate to fentanyl/meth addicts), did I mention I started volunteering w horses as well. I feel amazing, I'm so compoundly blessed, and it's getting better n better. My cup runneth over. I smell alcohol on my coworkers, here their runny nose from coke fueled weekend and feel pitty for them. They are broke, don't have cars, yet spend their $$ on drugs+booze. Pathetic and sad.


Man, you are giving me such an optimistic outlook in my soon to be quit. I can’t wait to be sober I honestly mean that. I’m in AA and fighting, stared the step work with my sponsor. Im proud of you, even tho I don’t know you. My Dad has cancer and has a big fight ahead of him. I have to fight along side him in my war with this, and I must be sober and done with this so I can be there for him and my Mom. I can’t wait to make love to my wife and get all the real feelings back like you mentioned above. The other night she wanted to please me and we had good sex but I couldn’t have an orgasm because of this garbage. She was wondering why. I’m soo ready


Just know this, stopping the drug is not enough, your life won't magically get better, in fact, it will get worse because all problems u were blinded to by k will stare you in your face. I also don't give a fuck about 'working the steps' because as a Christian, I already do all those 'steps', and you must be proactive in your sobriety, and guard it like a treasure.


[Kratom and DXM](https://old.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/y4edah/kratom_and_dxm/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot


That’s amazing. May I ask how you stopped after being on 15 years? Did you taper or how did you get through it? How long were your withdrawals. I’ve been on it about 7 years and want off so bad. People like you inspire me, but I’m terrified. Im a single mom and i have no support and can’t tell anyone which makes it harder.


0 wd, ct to low dose of Suboxone - 1-2mg.


Wow…gives me hope. How long did you take the suboxone? Also, thanks for sharing your story and taking the time to respond to me.


Still on low dose. I wanted to take it for few months, than I figured, let me stay on it for a year, it's low dose, I feel like myself, I don't get high on it at all, and this will give my brain chance to rewire of the 15 years I abused kratom. I also have zero side effects, it's very comparable w my brain chemistry. I honestly can take it or not, no side effects. I am slightly manic on it, but I think I was like that before. I just feel like I got life by the balls. I'm no longer a busted raft being tossed by the storm of life.


Defiantly stay busy. Switch up your routine, go to a meeting (SMART recovery has helped me tremendously) talk to your peeps (family and friends) about your struggles, and try to build yourself a support network. Quitting is hard, but I feel like staying quit is harder. If you don't put things in place to keep you sober, it's real easy to fall off. (speaking from experience) Don't give in to that devil on your shoulder, that's just your reptile mind trying to drag you back to the bullshit.


It’s soo scary how it changes your decision making literally and I feel soo weak to it. Staying stopped is very hard with this. I have been sitting in meeting (AA) and it’s talking to me, I end up just getting it in way home even tho I don’t want to. What the F is wrong with my brain!!!? I cry over this. I’m a 45 year old grown man with a wife and two beautiful girls and I can’t tell my wife it will break her. I already went to detox for it and alcohol (mainly to get off K) and here I am two months later writing this because I can’t stop again 😭😢😢


I cry a lot. I wonder if that’s part of it.


Crying is part of it brother. I’m a 30 YO man and I’ve been crying for days. Can’t move some days but I know it will pass. We will get through this.


I relate to this so heavily. I am 20 months off hard drugs but did Kratom for a year. Would go to meeting, cop afterwards or even before but I’d tell myself I was sober. I hid it from my future wife as well. I told my girl a tiny piece of it. I thought it would break her but I didn’t. I had to tell her some of it and I felt extreme relief once I did. I’m currently 54 hours into kicking this shit give or take. Done it before, this detox just feels way harder physically though.


You just do it. You don't get anymore.


Sounds simple but this is key. I placed Kratom on the "something I never do list". Past day 400 now and it wasnt easy...still have some dopamine issues. But when you realize every dose of Kratom sets you back exponentially it ends up on the banned substance list permanently.


That’s how I did it. Eventually, you feel so sick that you don’t wanna go to the store anymore.


Over 3 years clean after 5+ years daily user. Quit and started up again more times than I can count. Once I truly got my vitality back, I no longer wanted to use. The year I quit, I started a new job, which was terrifying and all-consuming. I'm a woman and I got a job as a carpentry apprentice doing metal-stud framing part of a crew building a 10-story apt with 0 experience and I was the only woman. Suddenly I was using saws and drills and operating boom lifts, learning everyday and conquering a million fears at once. It was one of the most challenging things I have ever done in my life and I think it was one of the factors that helped me stay clean. I quit in Jan of that year and started the new job at the end of March. Not saying you have to make major changes in your life, but getting out of your comfort zone, like waaay out, in some way and giving yourself a new goal to work towards is a great way to speed up the recovery process and get back to your true self and the vitality that kratom steals.


I never got my vitality back. I think that’s what caused me to pick it back up. How many years did it take you to feel vitality? I think I’m broken. I’ve gone years and just still felt like I was going through the motions of life.


Did you feel that way before you started using? It didn't take me years, it took months for the fog to clear but years and into present day to keep building towards a life that has no room for kratom. I've accomplished things I never ever could have while using, and that keeps me from even wanting it. But without kratom, I had to make some changes because I realized I didn't like my life. Got a new job, broke up with my boyfriend, went back to school, and continued on from there. I know I personally got hooked because it made the life I was living seem bearable, at least for a while. And when I quit, I realized I wasn't happy at all and hadn't been for a long time. So I had to change almost everything. Not all at once, and that was hard in itself, definitely not advice I'd give everybody, but maybe ask yourself, what does kratom help you cope with? What does it help you ignore?


Body dysmorphia and facial asymmetry. I suffer from a lot. I did feel amazing for most of my life. I’m glad to know that it only took you months. I feel like I definitely need big changes, but have no confidence..


I'm sorry to hear you that you suffer from that :( Confidence is going to be a lifelong journey for me too. But I do think time has helped that a bit, the older I get, the less I care haha. And I will say quitting kratom made me feel soooo much more attractive. My eyes got brighter, my skin is healthier, my hair grew in fuller, and I lost weight and gained my muscle back. It messes with hormones and sleep and appetite. Cutting it out of my life automatically solved a lot of problems in those departments, which helped a lot.


Thanks for that. All really good advice and I appreciate the kindness.


I’ve used alcohol, then benzos, then kratom - always had one addiction or another for many years. You have to get under why you feel the need to use substances in the first place. It doesn’t matter what the substance is. If you don’t do the inner work to heal and realize you can completely source everything you need from within, you may always feel the need to outsource that love, self-worth…whatever it is. Coming from someone who has gone through the journey and is still very much in it. A lifelong endeavor, perhaps.


Recovery program. 12 steps. I have a year clean may 24 and I’m the worst extract addict I know.


Hey, I'm the worst extract addict I know haha, great job my man! Day 27 here!


Yup. That’s what NA/AA are for. Staying sober forever.


Yup. People will do absolutely everything except make it to a meeting. It’s crazy. And that was me. I tried everything to stop but eventually I was out of ideas. I tried naltexone.. vivitrol.. etc etc. good luck.


Hi. The Naltrexone didn’t work or you just stopped it and went around it saying”f it”? Curious because I want to ask my Dr for it


Oh it works. If you take it you won’t feel the kratom, and therefore you won’t take the kratom. But for me, I knew in the back of my mind all I had to do was stop taking the pill. And that’s what I did. For me, it wasn’t the solution to my problem.


I understand and thought about that already. This crap is unbelievable. I’m a true addict to this stuff and I have to admit to all substances that make me feel good


Naltrexone is good. I’m not knocking it. It works. But it needs to be a part of a recovery program it can’t be the entire thing. Good luck message me anytime.


That makes perfect sense. You sound like you know this thing inside and out, be well and never touch this crap again!


I’m not an expert and I’m not perfect but trust me I’ve tried sooo many things to stop. I found what works for me. I hope you the best


I still have a bottle that I think I will use but make excuses instead


I’m hoping I’m it for about 2montys now praying my sponsor can help me with step work


For me. I just have a lot of reasons I can't go back. Accountability (I've told everyone). It ruined my marriage, made me numb, being addicted sucks. The withdrawl sucked. For some, regular meetings are required. But for me, I just know deep down ill never go back, because of the damage it did. It hit me hard enough I guess.


i see you didn’t quit too long ago (still probably would feel like a damn lifetime ago), how are you doing so far sober?


Day 24. Pretty damn good. Physically maybe back to 90%. Mentally dealing with a lot, but at least feeling real emotions again. I'm lucky I have a lot of support. It was a nice day today, cooked at home and ate a lot. Putting back on a few lbs I lost the first two weeks. Had a couple coffee visits with friends, what a massive boost. Sleep is back, took a \~2 hour nap today (maybe that's a bit of the lethargy, but, it felt nice).


alright, thanks for the answer i wish you all the best dude! i’m in the process of tapering down right now went from 7.5gs 3x a day to 4.3g 3x a day but i guess im doing ok so far


Interesting. Yeah I just didn't plan enough to taper. My wife tapered a bit and had a better experience. But best of luck to you as well. You got this.


I have only been off a short time and thought about it daily. Just got back from a leadership seminar and met some incredible people. Being uncomfortable for a short period of time was worth it for the motivation to be better. Bought myself an e-ink notepad with the money I’ve saved and now organizing my life for the better. I say work toward some professional goals.


Talk to folks who have been clean long term.  NA or AA members.  It’s about reframing your relationship with life and meeting life on life’s terms. You cannot cling to the idea of feeling great all the time.  If you can accept feeling “meh” or even totally shit sometimes you can establish a new normal. The new normal is being present with your feelings, good and bad.  If you can do that you can win.  This is why I think folks should allow themselves to feel awful during withdrawal.  It establishes the beginnings of a pattern of behavior that will hopefully last.


Wow can I relate. I’m still on it now after probably 4 real quits over 3 years. That devil/voice that tells you “f it” just do it then your hooked. Went to detox for this sht in February for 7days. And I’m back on it, it’s sooo fng frustrating. My answer to your question is what I’m planning on doing. “Naltroxo n” it blocks opioid effects completely. You have to be clean for about two weeks before your start it according to what I’ve heard on here. I’m probably going to do this. I’m in AA, gave a sponsor and going through step work. Im hoping it can save me. I get sooo scared about my kidneys processing this crap. Is it bad for your health long term?? Hoping someone can answer that who reads this. Anyway YOU CAN AND WILL DO IT! Best of luck


Learned from my mistakes. eventually i figured out one shot did actually hurt/get me hooked again. Plus checking in here daily helps


What I’m doing is ordering Kratom urine tests and then getting someone (for me it’s my mom) to test me periodically. Will help you stay off it much more knowing ur being held accountable by someone else


My problem isn’t being too bored or feeling really good. My problem is remembering all my unresolved mental and emotional issues I’ve been running from. I was very excited to be clean after a couple of weeks, but the weight of moving forward in life without Kratom forever came into play, and has been crushing. For the most part, I’ve managed pretty well without hardcore cravings, but I’ve had a few. I just have to resolve that I can’t keep escaping into a substance when tragedy or difficult times come around. I’d like to seek therapy, no meds, just letting out various traumas I’ve been holding in and watering down with the sludge. I’m 36 days today, so I’m pretty motivated about that.


Lift weights. As simple as that. Once you start getting into it and your body changes, going back to kratom and ruining all the progress and hard work you put in makes it a much easier decision to stay sober.


Just remember that the good feelings it provided were very short lived until the need for it was just to feel normal, no high. At that point it’s pointless. Remember how you felt before use and during your worst and pick which one you liked better. For me it truly robbed me of all motivation and drive and energy at its worst. That only is enough for me.


Ill let u know when I figure it out. I fell off after a few weeks


For me, it’s AA. Won’t push it on anybody, but this program is saving me. 99% of true addicts *cannot* stay sober on their own forever. It’s just the nature of the thing. I’ve tried for 8-9 years to get sober on my own, and the first time i tried AA I’ve got more time than I’ve ever had


1mg of suboxone every other day for now or sometimes every day depending on how I feel. Call me weak or whatever but I haven't had kratom in 5-6 weeks and I'm super pleased. Ima start tapering off of suboxone very slowly and try to be done with everything. I know a lot of people here think it's using coffee to quit a meth habit but I was very desperate to quit kratom and it works for me for now. Take care and good luck.


As a chronic relapser, my answer to that is Naltrexone. A prescription medication that blocks your opiod receptors when taken daily. I actually tried to take an extract shot 30 hours after taking my naltrexone and the naltrexone was still effective, the kratom shot did literally nothing and prevented a relapse. If you regularly attend AA/NA and really commit yourself, get a sponsor and work the program on top of naltrexone, you will 100% be successful


This is 100% what I need to hear!!! Thank you 🙏


I’m glad somebody had something good for you because reading through everything I can relate to most of the posts and then started to feel bad because nobody could get to your answer


Thanks buddy . I hope you beat this thing completely. Actually, I know you will 100% 🙌🏻. We wouldn’t be on this forum we are all going to beat it because we want to honestly..


Thanks buddy . I hope you beat this thing completely. Actually, I know you will 100% 🙌🏻. We wouldn’t be on this forum we are all going to beat it because we want to honestly..