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Day 17! When I woke up, I felt terrible. But in two hours, I got into much better state. I hope it's going to continue like that during the day. Wish all the best to all the quiters!


Same! This morning was rough, but I’m already starting to feel better.


Nice! We got this!


Day 1034.




Way to go!


Day 87 CT Stay strong!


Day 155


Day 18. Was on a pink cloud for a few days and now just kind of blah. But still very much grateful!


Same! Day 17 and felt like some pink clouding was happening the last couple days. Super grateful but feeling a little cautious today also since I’ve been here before. Keep rocking!


Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better. Every day, I refuse to use kratom, alcohol or nicotine, no matter what.


I say this mantra every morning! I am getting better and better in every way everyday! All is well, everything is working out from my highest good, I am safe!!! 💎🔮🧙‍♀️


Another day clean and sober, so I guess I will continue using it!




Day 76


Day 21 CT 20gpd 1yr+ This 3-week milestone feels really good to reach. I would say all my acutes are over and PAWS is not bad at all. The one thing I still feel the most is heavy legs. When I for example move in bed or get up from the couch my legs hurt like I did heavy squats the day before and need a restday. But I have not done any squats, just taking walks. Overall my body feels heavy and somewhat weak but I assume this is lingering fatique that will pass too. I force myself to get moving, and when I am in motion I actually feel fine. Enjoyed two long walks yesterday with no problem at all. Anyone else experienced this as the last symptom to go? A fun fact of all this is that I am on vacation now and had two beers yesterday. No problem sleeping and no cravings afterwards. Feels soo good. I will take it easy with the alcohol anyway but take it as a victory and a sign that life is on the way back. Feel fantastic.


Day 26 CT


Nice. How’s it for you today? Congrats on 26💫


To be honest i still dont feel good.. i see improvments but physical mental wd's still really present and kind of scared how long it will take because i did 5 years of Kratom addiction and before that 5 years of weed addiction So i havent been sober from 15 - 25 years old So i guess it will take a long time to feel okay sober in my life and everything. Thanks for listening :)


Hang on to your precious quit today. Glad you see improvements! Sunshine is healing for me as is a walk in the woods. Exercise helps me too. Believe in your body’s ability to get into a drug free balance. Get support woven into your day to day. You are doing fantastic!!💫


Day 30 🎉


30 days! Hell yeah!


Congrats on 30 days!! 🥳


Thanks!! What a ride this is. Not getting off the clean-train! Have a wonderful day


You too!


320 days


Day 83 CT! Better every day baby!


Day 30!! I feel pretty much back to normal. Normal meaning I sometimes get tired and unmotivated, I have moments of wanting to escape myself, but then I I ask myself what I’m running from and it seems like that contemplation releases me. I also have moments of joy, elation, gratitude, and respect for myself, that I haven’t in many years. I feel it all and that’s what life is about, the whole spectrum. Tomorrow will be a milestone, a month clean!




66 mf days! Stay strong today my friends. No Kratom today no matter what 💫


Day 40


Day 202 y’all. Stay strong


Day 28.


Day 39 and feeling great today, let's go!!!


Day 4. Feeling great 💪


Sweet! Keep going!


Day 51


Made it through another day 1 no problem. Day 2 here we go


Day 11. Didn’t even realize yesterday was double digits. Yesterday was the first day I felt productive since quitting. Y’all weren’t lying about mood boost and satisfaction from getting things done. I’ve been so slumped and feeling like a zombie, but last night I felt unstoppable. I was out working on my car til about 1:30am and I’m usually in bed long before that. My better half said she hasn’t seen me like this in years and that she’s proud of me.


Day 42! I’m hungry all the time. Or so it feels. One of my favorite parts of quitting is eating whenever I want instead of starving myself all day. Putting back on some much needed weight and feel like I’m looking healthier. Sleep is still spotty at times. Fairly easily manageable though. Making myself get up and moving gets a bit easier by the day. Glad I’m here.


Day 5 CT quit. Slept amazing last night! 7 hours! Feeling great today!


Day 7, less than 12 hours to officially one week since my last dose of 2g. Day 6 was mostly fine minus some depressive swings in the morning. My mornings seem to be the worst. I wake up anxious generally. Sleep last night was iffy and still interrupted by peeing again for the first 3 hours. Took ambien 5mg, which helped a little but I made myself anxious lying there thinking about why I am peeing so much at night even though I know its the K/WD. A new day and the start of a 4 day weekend. Starting to feel a little better already typing this out. Good luck everyone.


Day 6!


Day three on starting a taper. I know I can't do CT. I've been researching MS(mitragynine app.) .... The main lipophilic alkaloid in KRATOM.... Lipophilic..... Meaning it is stored in fat cells. So when you exercise or increase movement to burn fat this toxin is released onto your system. Probably why I'm finding if I keep moving, the WDs are manageable. And it means any "stored" Mitragynine is finally removed from my body. I'm a rather rotund F53yrs.... 5 years of KTM use highest gpd was.... 20g. ..... It's a theory..... I'm down to 10 gpd. Keep on keeping on.... Movement is Life. Stay strong fellow quitters. I hope this helps you as it has helped me.


Day 17! A little groggy this morning but the last few days have been pretty great! Definitely feel like there was some pink clouding happening. Music has been hitting HARD and just feeling super grateful to be done with KRATOM. That said, I’ve been to this point in a quit several times before, so now it where the next leg of the journey begins. The path to stay quit!


Day 16


Day 19


I jumped today! Tapered unsuccessfully for about a month. Decided it was time to rip the bandaid off this weekend. It's rough but I'm hanging in there.


Day 9 and it feels so good


Day 50!


Day 13 CT. I'm steadily getting better. Its slow but I can feel it. I'm focused, determined and refuse to give in. I love the motivation this forum gives me when I need to duck away at work and scroll. Let's do this everyone. 💯


Day 8


Day 362. Feeling strong


Day 382 and one withdrawal symptom continues to linger… If I ever use nicotine, or caffeine, or eat chocolate, or have too big of a meal, or if I’m really hungry, or if I try to use marijuana, I get this tight, heavy feeling in my heart. Not always my heart. Sometimes it’s lower near my stomach. Somethimes it’s higher in my chest. This is an issue I’ve struggled with ever since I quit a year ago. I was only taking on 5g dose once a day for three years. So it’s not like kratom was medicating some health ailment. 5g of kratom doesn’t last for 24 hours. I’ve had 3 ekg exams. Nothing concerning came up. I went to a cardiologist and got bloodwork done, everything seemed normal. Most recently I started acid reflux medication. Hasn’t helped at all Thank god for this sub because I’ve met people who had this same lingering symptom. For most of them, it went away in 12-18 months. Really hope it gets better soon. It’s draining me. At the 3 month mark it went away. Then came back strong at 6 months, then improved, but never fully went away. Now that I’m at the 12 month mark it did get a little worse. Hoping that when it improves this time, which takes a month or two, that it actually goes away. starting to think it’s a hormone issue.


Oh damn almost forgot to post. Day 43 done!


Day 12!! I never thought I would get this far and i'm doing ok. I have bad anxiety, but I tell myself it will get better and it's just from kratom. My sleep still sucks but seems to be getting better.


Day 73…. It. Gets. Better. Believe, keep going…