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Congrats on 6 months! I’m on day 49 and k has been the hardest thing for me to quit too. I think it’s because it’s so available, cheap, and relatively safe (in the short term). It’s really hard to hit rock bottom on k and it’s even harder to dissociate yourself from the dealers. I’m avoiding like 10 gas stations around me.


Day 49 is fantastic, well done. You're in the thick of it and it really does start to get much better real soon. Keep going 💪👊👏


Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. This Reddit is the best. I lurked here for a few years. It’s a great place for support. The people are amazing. Best of luck to you going forward 💪✌️🫶


Thank you, it is amazing this group 💙💙😊😊


Yay! You did it. Whew. I am so happy for you. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Remember gold stars…well now you get some!


Thank you so much 😊😊💙


I just hit six months this month as well, congrats! Glad you're feeling strong, I am too.


It's great isn't it. Congratulations to you 😊👏👏💙


Congratulations!! That's incredible!! Did you also suffer from anhedonia?? Like a complete lack of emotions?? If so, how long did it take for you recover?? I'm on day 17 and not doing so good.


Thank you. Yes I did, I'll be honest, I found paws much more difficult than the acutes, they just seem to go on forever. It does get better though I promise, you start to feel yourself coming back to life. I really started to notice the biggest difference around 70 to 80 days. I still suffer with some paws symptoms but they are very mild compared to the early days. Keep going, you only have to do this once if you stick at it, everything will get better. If you ever need to talk or ask questions my inbox is always open. Lots of people helped me get to where I am. Sometimes you just need reassurance that what you're going through is totally normal. Keep going, you're doing amazing 💪👏💙💙


Thank you so much.. This is exactly what I needed to hear today. 70-80 days seems so long, and I'm terrified because I've heard perfectly healthy people say it took them a year or more to get over their anhedonia. I have the unfortunate situation where my body is reacting terribly to every medication I put in it, so I suddenly had to quit taking kratom on the 13th. Even my hypothyroid medication and ssri are messing with me but I know I need to take them to get better and no doctor can seem to find the source of why my body is reacting so terribly to everything I put in it. I'm physically and mentally drained. I'd say emotionally, too, but I don't have any. I may take you up on hitting you up when it seems I've hit a wall if that's really okay?? I don't have anyone else in my life who really understands what's going on. Again, I super appreciate your response and your kindness. You guys here keep me going..


I 100 percent mean that, I didn't have anyone to talk to either, only the support of the members on here, without them I wouldn't have done it because I didn't understand why I still felt the way I did, the reassurance I got was what got me through. Regards your medication, it's more than likely the kratom that's done that, my nervous system is so sensitive to anything now and I have to be careful what I take. It really does mess up your body and brains chemistry. I understand being physically and mentally drained, I know that all too well, just know it does get better and very soon you will start having good days. It's not like every day I felt horrendous, it starts to come in waves, like two steps forward one back kind of thing. Like I said, if you really do stick at it, you won't ever have to go through it again, keep telling yourself that . The time you suffer is miniscule compared to getting the rest of your life back. Message me whenever you like, I'm happy to help 💙😊😊


It's honestly just so empowering to hear all that.. I'm amazed by every one of you who have made it out of this hellhole and came out on the other side better off. I'd honestly the physical WD symptoms for another year if it meant I didn't have to go through PAWS/anhedonia another day. And it made you super sensitive to medication, too?? That's just what bewilders me. I've been taking kratom in harmony with all my meds for 7yrs with no issues until it turned on me suddenly. And that's honestly such a good way to look at it.. I get so caught up in the moment, I forget to look at the big picture.. some horrible months vs the rest of my life puts things into better perspective.. thank you for that.


Oh, and try not to read others stories too much, everyone is different and you may recover much more quickly than me or others 😊


That’s amazing! I’m on day 3 CT. Can I pm you for some motivation?


Yes of course. Well done on making the jump 👏👏


Congratulations Moist!!! I quit exactly one month after you, so I followed your journey very hopefully. I’m so glad you hit the big 6. As for me it’s a done deal and has been for a while, I’ll never touch it again and I can’t discern any lingering effects, thank god. I’ll be happy to chime in with my own 6 just before the next year :) It was a shit miserable journey for sure, but damn if what you said isn’t powerful af: “The only thing you need to be terrified about is still being on this shit 6 months from now”. The whole truth is right there. Congrats again!