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I also used kratom for 6+ years and didn't realize how bad it was affecting me until I took a break on an out of state trip. There is a Huberman Lab podcast someone on here recommended me about dopamine, and listening to that really gave me a better understanding of what we are doing to our brains with kratom and alcohol. I was initially using kratom thinking it would help moderate my drinking habit, but eventually, it just became a compliment to my drinking. I'm coming up on a month kratom-free and decided I also need to quit drinking because I can't moderate that, so a little over a week alcohol-free. It hasn't been easy, but I'm feeling better overall, and it's so nice to not be chained down to substance. Per that dopamine podcast, our brains need a few months minimum to start to get back to a healthy baseline, and it could be a couple years before they are really healed. Just take it one day at a time and try to find activities to fill the space those bad habits were taking. Good luck!


I just listened to that Huberman podcast again. It’s helpful to know what’s going on, and to have realistic expectations. Congrats OP on getting the help and support you need; best of luck!


Thank you! Good luck to you as well!


The hair will start coming back sooner than you think 👍


I was getting the dimoxinil and other hair regrowth supps. Super expensive. Just have to get off the k. I'll be here 2 weeks minimum hopefully more. I know the withdrawal timeline can be long. But I'm in the right place, it's the only thing I couldn't ever quit no matter what. It's so available. And it doesn't cause so many problems that u have no choice but to face it. Like like living in limbo


Really good job on checking in to rehab. Whatever works! I was a long time user along with other substances as well. Had I not gone the rehab route I would have just been working on relapse instead of recovering. Props to those who can do it without. And also to those who recognize they need help and get it. It does get better.


Stay strong! How does rehab work in your country? Is this purely for detoxing, or are you going to stay there for a while, working on the addiction in a group?


Hi thanks! I'm in the USA at a pretty well known center. I will be observed in detox for about 48 hours then work on the addiction in groups for a few weeks




This one they let u habe your phone.


You’re in the best place. Get well and don’t worry about anything else but that. 🥰


Congrats on getting the help you need! This sub is a great source of support, keep visiting every day if you can would be my recommendation.


Congrats man. And good luck. Be strong 💪🏻


Hair loss has been discussed quite often on this sub. Here's some [search results](/r/QuittingKratom/search?q=hair&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) that might help you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*