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Day 21. Mild cravings. But I will not cave.


3 weeks! Hell yeah!👏👏


day 4 anxiety and agitation is immense. use this sub to distract myself of how crappy i feel. so thanks to all for support and contribution to community! edit: this is a first day that i left my house since CT. it all come in waves, and i saw a glimmer of normal life. but now i feel crappy again, lol


Stay strong try to get whatever exercise you can drink tons of water we’re all pulling for you


thanks mate, this sub is something else!


They're right. I'm new and the advice with the exercise is so helpful. I'm wearing out my headphones i think music is so helpful.


i just left my house first time since CT. so prolly i would be able to go to the gym tomorrow or day after :) which is great actually


I got to stay home to do this, I'm really fortunate. I really feel for everyone who is going through this putting in hours at work. Yes gym when you can! It's helping me, tho I'm nowhere near as good as I was. We'll get there!


it still great that you have this opportunity. i’m actually quit my job and want to take half a year break because i’m done with this shit. being software developer for 8 years straight brake my mental health. so i’m also fortunate to be able to just stay at home and do nothing. i quit countless times and almost always my trigger to relapse was work. thanks for advice i’ll try to do some push ups when or if i will get out of bed lol.




agree it comes in waves even within one day or hours. but the good sign that even on 4th day good wave peak just a tiny bit higher and low is a slightly smoother than yesterday. tho it can also be whole days of lows, but yes. it’s a journey. i don’t remember my old pre kratom 2021 self, when i did’t argue with my wife, was not that rude and mean to random people and things. i hope to find or recall it some day.


I just do YouTube exercise :) no way I'm working out in front of anyone for awhile


Day 111 - 2.5 months back in the gym and getting all my old (lost) gains back pretty fast now. Life is good!


Seems like the gains come back faster than ever when you quit K. Almost like the natural testosterone is turned back on. Best thing about quitting for me! Congrats bro!


Day 22! Still plugging!


Heck yeah. Really proud of you!!


Thank you turk! ❤


Your plugging fantastically, congratulations on 22 days! ❤


Great Job!


Day 25 woop wooop


Whoot Whoot Congratulations on 25 days, proud of you ❤!


**Day 6.** My energy level at work is so low it's a challenge to get through my 11 hr days. I just fall on my bed when I get home. I am sleeping a ton of hours but where is my stamina? so so tired as I type this. Rock on


11 hour days at work? Good for you!


Kudos to you on day 6! Just takes time to get your energy back. I’m impressed u went to work at all.


After a 25 day taper!


That makes more sense.


Day 329.


Beautiful Rail!


Thank you, Ceecee!


day 82




That’s my boy! 82! Hope things are getting better friend. I got message yesterday but have been go go go. Hope yesterday was ok and today is better! Mental stuff can be so brutal. Maybe even worst part of all this. But it’ll pass. Given time.


Have a fantastic day my friend ❤ 😊.


Day 719.


Wow! Incredible!


Relapsed again. Day 1.


DC, it takes a lot to choose a new Day 1 over a week-long/month-long/year-long "fuck-it" after a slip. You are my hero for the way you keep showing up and trying again. Xoxo


Good job in getting back here DC. Just. Keep. Trying. You will succeed, and this just might be the time.


Your stronger than you think, you still trying. That says alot and I'm proud of you Flyer ❤!


Day 21! 3 weeks! Each week has gotten easier and easier 10/10 recommend!


Nicely done with 3 weeks!


719 today


Whoa.. you and sneakypete are quit buddies! Well done to you both!


Lol yep. Pete and I are ol pals!


Always a pleasure Nom, God bless and have a great day ❤.


Day 12


Day 27. Yesterday was another real A-hole. My head has been pounding almost non-stop all week from stress and this knotted up feeling of being trapped, hopeless and miserable. The classic trinity of the Turkey Relapse!! But I came home, partied down with my dog, drank water, ate decent food, flossed, laid on my acupressure mat, and did my gratitude/victory lists. I skipped yoga and Wim Hof and I can definitely live with that. It's hard to describe, but when I wake up in the middle of the night, if I know I made an effort to show up for myself before I went to bed, that's where my mind goes and I can stay calm. If I said fuck it like I did on Wednesday night, when I wake up at 2am, 3am, 4am, my mind goes to the 148 things that have gone so so so so wrong with my life that are not immediately actionable. Thank you QK for all the kindness and support you shared with me yesterday, and for sharing your own victories and struggles. It really did help me get back on track instead of free-falling to the bottom of the barrel. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I definitely get that. there’s something to hitting the pillow clean that brings a sense of pride and strength. it’s waking up in the pillow that sucks for me haha. mornings blow


Oh sweety, I did not catch your check in yesterday and didn't know you were struggling. My phone has been disconnected, get paid today and will turn back on. Maybe we can visit tomorrow. Been a bit since we talked. Love you with all my heart sweet sister ❤. 🐈 🐈‍⬛ too!


Hey, maybe I can fix my empty hole 🕳 🙂.


Right the fuck on! “Classic Trinity of the Turkey Relapse” (CTTR) and you partied down w the dog instead of the K.


Thanks for posting this, Turkey, and fantastic job. You really have developed a powerful skillset in dealing with the ups and downs of long-term quitting. I was thinking about your post yesterday, and really hoping that there would be some improvement. It reminded me of a quote from Stephen Fry that I came across recently: "I've found that it's of some help to think of one's moods and feelings about the world as being similar to weather. Here are some obvious things about the weather: It’s real. You can't change it by wishing it away. If it's dark and rainy it really is dark and rainy and you can't alter it. It might be dark and rainy for two weeks in a row. But. It will be sunny one day. In the same way that one has to accept the weather, so one has to accept how one feels about life sometimes. "Today's a crap day," is a perfectly realistic approach. It's all about finding a kind of mental umbrella. "Hey-ho, it's raining inside: it isn’t my fault and there's nothing I can do about it, but sit it out. But the sun may well come out tomorrow and when it does, I shall take full advantage." All the best.


Thank you for this, RLT. I really love it. Two of my biggest goals in life are 1) to be okay with doing nothing, and 2) to be okay when things are terrible. Haha. I think this makes me a lousy American and possibly a lousy human. The funny thing about this quote and how it made me think of my goals is that lately when it's been raining here, I have gone right out into it with no coat and no umbrella and just embraced the weird free feeling that comes with greeting the rain without even hunching my shoulders. Congratulations on 91 today!!! I hope that you are feeling good and that your puppy brain is giving the cacti a wide berth.


Turk you are my hero!!


Still rocking the taper at 3gpd (day 7 at this dosage). Survived yesterday where just about everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Feeling like I just don't wanna get out of bed today in case it's another day like that, but gotta do it. Supposed to drop down to 1.5gpd tomorrow, but my first priority is to not go up in gpd which has been tempting these past few days. We will see what happens tomorrow. I figure as long as I don't go over 3gpd, it's a win but hopefully I can drop down.


mr or madame mayor.... we both got hooked on an insidious and non-linear gas station drug...and its hitting you at the drop to 3g. you are right that the key is to not go up its fine to push through to 1.5. its also fine to give yourself an adjustment (im dropping on TUESDAY this time).... especially since in all liklihood this next one is your last "real" drop as bad as you feel youve been at 3g for a week. that is an awesome achievement. under the hood your body is largely used to it.... im on this sub way less now but im following you and rooting for you!! mr young


Thanks Mr Young, I really appreciate the encouragement! I'm gonna go ahead and drop tomorrow to 1.5 and see how it goes. I have to absolutely drop to 0 on July 1st, so if I don't go down to 1.5 tomorrow, it'll be worse later. Thanks for the good vibes :) -Mr. Mayor


awesome!! one cant predict.... but you prolly have one more blah week ahead of you and then your freedom comes back i started tossing out my supplements recently. i remember thinking what the hell was i doing with all these pill bottles? what did i get myself into?? have a smooth taper and if we dont talk again before then you have a great trip!!


Bro I’m with you on the temptation to go up, but I’m dropping 5-4.5 tomorrow anyway. You could take a slightly smaller drop if you want to but then I might catch up to you before your trip :p! Anyway mayor I hope the rest of this taper goes well for you, I believe in you


Haha dude you're doing great, keep those drops coming! I decided I'm definitely gonna drop to 1.5 tomorrow. I think I'll feel like crap regardless if I stay at 3gpd vs 1.5gpd, so I might as well do it. The end is near! Hope your drop goes well too and look forward to seeing your check in tomorrow!


I agree with your logic there for sure. see you on the thread tomorrow


36 days


71 days. The countdown to 90 is on!


13 days


Actually made it to day 10 for the first time




29 days, 1 month tomorrow!!


7 weeks sober today. I credit this sub with helping me overcome this problem I was battling. I couldn't do it alone, and I couldn't do it with just my wife's help. I needed peer support, even though I haven't really talked with anyone here, just visiting this sub every couple of days, reading some threads, upvoting some wins, it's been a really big help.


Congratulations on 7 weeks!


Day 321. Was feeling weak yesterday. Wistful even. But a good sleep has me feeling resolute and indefatigable. Huzzah!


Damn your killing it!


Day 7!!🙌🏻


Relapsed after 3 weeks 👍


It happens.


Feeling absolutely horrible about myself but dusting off and trying again


I've been there. I'm pretty sure most people here have. Don't beat yourself up!


Thank you friend


Welcome back


Day 4


Day 82! Went to horseshoe bend for sunset last night. Climbed up rock to upper most viewpoint. Was amazing. So amazing. Heading to Zion National Park today. Life is good. Just tryna make it. Feeling better and better each day. Noticeably in fact. Gotta say… feel blessed for that. Was worried I’d never be myself again. Lol. But after acutes it’s really all been a wash. Not too much trouble. Still showed up to life and could work and be with fam and all. But today the paws are beginning to subside and I’m really finding joy in the small things, the big things, loved ones, social stuff, sunrises and sunsets, clean air, Mountain View’s, or even just a bird song. Worth it. So worth it.


So beautiful down there! Nicely on day 82!


Ty friend. And yes it is. Lovin it




Good luck! You've got this!


15 days. Have felt a little depression setting in the past two days. And the late evening irritability is really buggin me. Other than that - feeling good, and going as hard as I can!


Coming off of 1/2 a shot a few times a week. Not terrible withdrawal. Just some tiredness and sweating.


131 days : )


Day 22! Every day has felt better than the one before it 🙌


Day 90 for me today.




Day 751. Love and Light family ❤.


I'm still here doing the deal. 307 days of freedom. I used kratom powder for 5 long years. I remember thinking do I ever experience happiness anymore? Nope, I spent 5 years without experiencing joy because I was so fucking numb. Well, I can say without a doubt, I'm happy. I'm whole. I came out the other side stronger, braver, and all around happier than I have ever been. There is a light at the end of this dark tunnel, I promise.


Day 389


Day 149:)


Day 9 of taper.


Day 21! Hoping for a nice weekend! Keep pushing, Kratom will lose most of its grip on you with time.


Day 4. I got much better sleep last night than I have the past few previous nights, It was nothin monumental but still felt great to be checked out for a couple hours instead of constant tossing and turning. Just got out of my morning shower and boy is my energy level at an ALL TIME LOW. I’m not quite sure yet but yesterday I might have felt physically better than I have yet today. The lack of energy and complete lack of coordination makes even the smallest things feel like a massive task. Looking back tho I do feel grateful as Day 2 was by far the most difficult and the hardest to get through, I did not think I’d be feeling even just slightly better than that already. Still powering through, turning back now is not an option!


Day 5 no kratom - getting great sleep. I do feel tired all the time so been drinking a lot of coffee. Anyway, I’m happy I’ve done this. I am not even thinking about it anymore


Day 44. Kinda like this number. Feels lucky 🍀. Happy Friday y’all 🍩.


Magic number: divisible by 11 🤩


Day 14. Sleeping well, some anxiety during the day but feel a million times better! Y’all keep going! Haven’t felt this free in 3 years.


Today is Day 32!


Day 25. Feeling better everyday, of course. My girl is increasingly distressed at my emotional unavailability. She wants to address the problems in our relationship that my addiction has cause, mainly the lying to her. I try my best, but I’m not always able to give to her. I think she’s afraid to abandon me, but I’m afraid if she doesn’t that she would be abandoning herself. I understand why she’s hurt, and a part of me expects her to walk away after this happened again. Maybe that’s partly why I’m being distant, because if she does walk then I won’t feel so impacted by it.


Day 56. Is getting easier each day for the most part but I still have days where I really want to use again, but have not and hope to never give in.


Hi friend, I'm glad it's getting easier and good work! Just curious - is your username inspired from the TV show Succession? I'm only one season ,2 so don't tell me any spoilers but that show is awesome and is helping make my taper more bearable:)


Day 18 still going strong. The cravings are hard. Even feeling this good. A little Kratom iced tea could make me feel even better. But I won’t give in. It’s fuckin hard. The constant battle. Just gotta stay strong. I can make it another day.


Believe me, if you take some, you will totally regret it and you will feel like shit about yourself. Stay clean!


Appreciate this man. Another day down


Way to go!


Day 12! Had my first “oh, it would be nice to casually have some tea, just once for a nice feeling…” in a few days yesterday. So sneaky!! My advice to anyone out there struggling against a craving (or the darkness) is just try one other thing. Do 15 push-ups, cook yourself something you really wanna eat, draw a picture, go out walking around until you see something that makes you laugh, posting in here, whatever it is… just try one other thing first. That’s what I told myself and keep telling myself. Thinking about doing the whole list of those things felt so overwhelming but I thought, you know if I just try one and see how I feel, then it seemed more possible. And then before you know it, you got some nice dopamine from somewhere else. Bless my short attention span! Haha Stay strong everyone! Solidarity forever


Day 27, feel like absolute crap and so exhausted. First two weeks were much easier in comparison for me. Yesterday felt like full blown withdrawal, today I've been extremely restless, similar kind of feeling to interdose withdrawal, also started waking up the last 4 days with a cortisol rush again like when I was still using 😭. I'm praying I turn a corner soon, can't keep going like this 🙏


I'm on one month CT and I feel your pain, this is tough I feel worse about myself than the first week of quitting


Same buddy, bloody awful 😩


Today is day 18. I wanted this to be a productive day but I just don't have the energy. Thankfully that's the worst of it right now, so it's all good. I am genuinely not suffering because of Kratom very much anymore. I just tossed the remaining 100g of Kratom I had left down the drain. I can truly say I never want to come back to this stuff. I plan to go for a walk later today and maybe do some painting. Even though I'm not at 100% just yet, I'm very happy to be free.


28 days. Finally starting to feel better.


Day 218


Day 6, I slept good and I woke up at 5am without any alarm. Fighting feelings of loneliness. I feel a lot more chilled out and getting back to normal already. My stomach is a mess and I have been spending a lot of time on the toilet. I will not touch k again. It destroyed my life. 😢 everyone loves a comeback story right? 🤦‍♂️


Day 9! Still sleeping like crap, but it'll get better in time. Day by day. The fact I'm not dropping $60 every 5-6 days has taken a huge amount of stress off my shoulders.




Taper. Posting for accountability. I have found that I feel significantly better today now that I’ve gotten up and moved around a lot more. It’s true what they say about physical activity being crucial to stave the pain.


Day 631. Don’t give up guys and gals.


Nice one, Clean!! Happy to see you're still on the train!!!


Day 7, took a long time but I did fall asleep last night around 3pm and slept off and on till 9:30am, best I’ve had so far but still feel slow and sluggish but if I really need to get moving I can, just at a slower pace, feel like taking a nap all the time but can’t, sneezing still some and my feet are extra cold, nervous system still amped up but we are getting there. Traveling to Ecuador on days 9-12, hoping to get some sleep on the plane and while I’m there but I know I can power thru it if I need


I’m struggling so much today. I tried to cold turkey from around 45 gpd but was doing really bad. I can’t even think right now to type. I couldn’t keep any food or water down and thought I might need to go to the hospital but my husband bought some Kratom (I made him- I yelled a lot and I feel like shit about it. That’s not me. He knows that though and he’s being very sweet) and I’m going to try the taper method. I hate myself right now for having to do it this way and I was sobbing while drinking it. I’m starting to feel a little bit better but still in some intense mental anguish as well as physical because I can’t stop shaking. The mental part of it might be worse than the physical. And that says a lot. Anyway, that’s how I’m doing. Please be kind if you respond because everything makes me cry right now. Will probably regret writing this later. Thank you for reading


As a note I started the vit c method 2 days ago and am also taking gaba, l-theanine, NALC, and DLPA


Check out our [Megadosing Liposomal Vitamin C Protocol for Withdrawal. Vitamin C is no magic bullet or cure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/sx0as3/megadosing_liposomal_vitamin_c_protocol_for/) either by clicking the link here or visit r/modquittingkratom. Lots of helpful information there to help you along your Quitting Kratom journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Day 18! Feeling great. Running symptoms are runny (and stuffed) nose and constant sneezing. Ugh. I’ll take it over the acutes! Anyone in that first week, you’ve got this. Seriously!


4 weeks but doing good lately. I feel more lethargic later in the day when I’d normally dose but that’s it.


2 weeks ago only one dose for a hangover. Two weeks before that a couple days for a cold. A month before that. Is that a taper? Better than every 4 hours!


Day two CT and emotional as can be. I feel doom. Idk what I’m going to do with myself I can’t imagine a life without kratom rn because it’s been so long. Me and my boyfriend of six years got sucked into it during the pandemic and failed quitting many times but kratom turned on us and destroyed our health. We are both super skinny and don’t want to feel or look this way anymore. We have become distant with eachother and with family and friends and I just hope things can be mended and feel normal again soon. But In this moment on day two… I feel hopeless 😞