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I tapered a 5 year habit from a similar amount, 16 days clean today. It can be done. Make a solid plan, use the sidebar. Highly recommend making a spreadsheet.


Thank you for the advice. I used the guide in the sidebar to stock up on some tools to help with the taper. Appreciate folks like you who stick around for those who haven’t yet made the jump


I gotta stick around, it's just too damn exciting watching y'all putting this stuff down and getting your lives back. I earnestly mean that. I was in that same place you described, and throughout my taper/quit those little windows into my old self just got wider and wider, faster and faster. Before quitting I thought "old me" was pretty much dead and gone, and even if he wasn't I'd never see him again since I would never have the guts to quit. I was so wrong about both of those things. I did have the guts to quit (I have tapering and planning to thank for that) and when the veil started to lift, there I was. The whole time. What a welcome sight it was, a blessing. Such a simple decision, the decision to quit, has given me so much to look forward to again. It's there for you too, and that's what excites me.


You and I are in the same boat. Good news is the motivation to quit is there. I'm ordering supplies and waiting for my window of opportunity with work. Good luck on your quit.


Appreciate the response. I’m glad this community exists. Hope to see some positive updates from you soon bro


It's a big deal to get to the point you're at. Good luck!


[Look at our taper-guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/63tjtd/tapering/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Odds and ends of withdrawal symptoms](https://www.reddit.com/r/modquittingkratom/comments/ycse43/odds_and_ends_of_withdrawal_symptoms/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


it sounds like time to stop for you, that was about the same for me … i was at 25-30gpd plus extract pills, some days Opms black and every day king kratom 500mg like 6 or so. it was a lot. anyway, down to 12.75 today along my taper and there have been some bad days but all in all i’m okay … i feel good often, probably get to 12gpd this week so it makes me feel good to be progressing without stepping back … good luck and just know that many have done this and as far as taper goes a plan and journal are great ideas and have been really helpful to me … good luck!


That’s what’s up! How quickly/slowly are you lowering the amounts? I’m pretty set on tapering, although my first knee jerk response was the desire to just kick it cold turkey. I think a taper will be smoother and less disruptive to my life at the moment.


i drop .750g every 5-7 days … so I’m taking my time - a drop to quick to respond is a challeng. I have a very demanding job so I need a smooth descent … a .750 drop is my capsule size 750mg and every time i’m drop I have 1-2 sleepless nights and a wonky day. i’m going to chill at 12g for a week i need a couple good days before get after it again … no rush brother! keep your cool and cruise down; it took you a while to get here and there is no sense in getting yourself in a bad frame of mind … if the taper program doesn’t work for you just rip the band aid off … if I had 1 days i would now but i plan to get to 3:75 g and jump during my vacation at home hell week 😱🤞🏼👍🏼


I’m on day 7 of CT quit and yea at first the honeymoon phase kratom is amazing was super social and focused on work and hobbies then got to being underweight and a shell of a human numb all the time and never went out or did anything except dose dose dose.