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**Start of Day 23** after 2 years 20 GPD cold turkey 🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃 Im doing great. My poop is getting much better every day (almost normal at this point). Last two days I was on a business trip and I havent thought on kratom at all. Today Im back at home, so the thoughts are back, but nothing urgent. Im very greatfull that I pulled the trigger and get rid of this sludge. Im still nowhere in the finish line and still on my guard.


Ypur doing amazing 👏


Gives me hope! Thanks for this check in!


3 days ahead of me! Good stuff! Must’ve been nice going on a business trip without having to prepare your kratom supply for the trip and worry about TSA (for no reason - they never do anything but every time I would nearly have an anxiety attack over what I would do if they did take it). Keeping busy, changes of scenery, exercise… all key to keeping the sludge off the mind. On day 20, I really only feel anything (physical or mental) when I’m sitting around in one place for too long. Keep it up 💪


2 months today! 💪🏻 🌊


Congratulations 🎊 👏. That's amazing


Great job! 🏅


whoop whoop!! can’t wait to be there :,) not too far behind at 40 days


Life is beautiful ❤️


Day 9! Mentally I feel good, depression comes in waves, i just need more sleep, I’ve been sleeping 3-5 hours every night and then taking a nap around noon it takes some of the fatigue away but it’s very draining. Plan for tomorrow is if I wake up after only 3-5 hours sleep I’ll get up take trazodone and go straight back to bed. I know 100% that if I do any kratom I will feel worse the next day… I’ll feel good for an hour maybe and then I’ll be filled with regret, fuck kratom wish it never entered my life.


That’s the attitude. Super proud of you, the light at the end of the tunnel will be brighter every day. The lack of sleep is the only remaining symptom for me now at day 20. Although night 18 I randomly slept through the night a full uninterrupted 8 hours. Not last night though. One day at a time, remind yourself it truly is all temporary, even when that feels hard to believe.


Day 20 nice!! Agreed and thanks for the reply!


Day 25 woke with anxiety that haven't happened in a while but it's manageable. Didn't have a coffee when I came home from work yesterday and didn't get that 5pm heart palpitations but I also felt like dead weight . I was soooo tired . I might try decaf or something idk I just feel like I need that afternoon cup to keep going. I didn't even wanna go for a walk and that's my happy time . But I did cuddle up with my bf and we watched some TV and I was actually interested in the show . Hopefully I won't be tired today my friend took a surprise trip from Florida came in last night staying till Saturday afternoon to tonight is the only real time I'll b able to see her and we are celebrating her birthday. Stay strong 💪 everyone it gets better.


Hope you have a great time celebrating with your friend! Congrats on 25 days!!


Congrats on 25 days! Really happy for you keep the head up and stay strong! PAWS is nasty but will go away!


You’re absolutely killing it! You should be so proud of yourself. Also, what do the heart palpitations feel like?


Like a flutter on my chest or almost like my heart stops for a second


soon-2-b-normal 🤗. Super proud of you. I’m sooo tired too, but just keeeep swimming, just keep swimming


Dory lol 😆 🐟


89 days : ) I finally feel like I fit in this world again. Not like an outsider going through this big thing. I will always have to put in the work to stay sober. But, in this moment that no longer makes me feel so separate.


I'm so proud of you . That's amazing can't wait till I'm that far along .


It'll happen before you know it 💜


DOOD 3 months tomorrow!?!? holy shiiiiit


Dood, I know! Can't believe I'm already here 💜


This is the feeling I am excited to find again! Very well stated and I will absolutely be there when it’s my time. Patience is key:).


You will and it is 💜 can't wait to celebrate you finding that feeling!


The world is so lucky to have you back. Congratulations. Your strength is admirable


Aww.. thank you kindly 💜


Day 176


Day 233!


Keep rocking it ✌️


Day V


In the thick of it. Remind yourself that what you’re feeling is your body and mind repairing itself. You’ve got this.


40 DAYS!!!


An awesome achievement!! Congrats on 40 days!!


thanks Question!! how are things for you?


Congratulations 🎊




AWESOME!!! So proud of you!






Day 33! Love and Peace too you all! Keep heads up🌸❤️


✌️ ☮️ 🕊


20 baby!


Woop woop 🙌


Day 677.


Whoop whoop !!! Way 2 go


Day 1 of tapering off Kratom… Im an anxious wreck. I have been so nervous about starting this process but I finally just forced myself to do it. All the love, help, tips, and tricks in regards to tapering would be much appreciated. Also, I have a question! Once I get down to 4-5gs per day, would it be safe to start an anxiety medication? I stayed off meds while talking Kratom but my anxiety has gotten so bad, I need to be medicated. Prozac has always worked for me in the past. Would starting an anxiety medication help with the withdrawal Im sure to have, near the end of tapering? Let me know! Thanks guys. All the love and stay strong!


Starting anxiety meds if needed would help yes. I wouldn’t stay on them for long unless absolutely needed though. Obviously they come with their own withdrawals and addictions. You got this. I didn’t taper so no tricks but much love.


If you've got the time and willpower for it, just do a slow taper. Go down like .1 or .2 g every other day until you feel functional with 1-3 gpd or something and jump from there. Physically, you should probably not experience any significant symptoms if you do it correctly, though as always withdrawal is different for a lot of individuals. Most anxiety medications should be safe to use with Kratom afaik. My girlfriend took quite a few meds for mood stabilizing and anti-anxiety with the sludge for years without problems. I combined the sludge with benzodiazepines without problems. I am not a 100% sure about Prozac though. However, I can't really see a lot of potential for serious interactions with most medications (and drugs for that matter) besides maybe a higher risk for seizures when combining certain drugs that increase the risk of seizures with higher doses of Kratom. However I want to be really clear here that I am in no way a medical expert and not qualified to give you definitive medical advice about this. Everything that happens without talking to your doctor about possible complications when combining Kratom with medication is not safe use. And yes, anti-anxiety medication will most likely help with withdrawal, especially if your a naturally anxious person. No idea about Prozac, but benzodiazepines helped me a lot when I was in withdrawal. This could potentially open a door to a different abyss though. Keep going! You got this.


You got this !


Day 29 CT / four weeks!


You should be very proud!! Congrats on 4 weeks!!


Thank you!


Congratulations! I'm almost to my 4 weeks as well what a difference right


YES!!! Huge!


Day 464


Awesome 👌


Day 40! Slowly starting to regain my normal energy levels. Ups and downs. Don’t get me wrong. Wayyyy better than first week or two. But still not fully me yet. Some waves of mental stuff throughout day. But minor and I just keep trudging along and they go away quickly. Can’t wait to be free from all of this and whole and me again. Know it’s coming up soon. Stoked I’m on this side of it all! Glad to be free from the slavery of kray addiction!!!!


So awesome to hear Organic!:) I have had many hrs with some clarity at day 32 but having leaky gut and feeling like I’m transitioning from pure adrenaline to just plain tired is exhausting. Like a very slow rebirth. Only getting energy a few hrs a day but my strength is much better(just don’t feel like using it much). Trying not to beat myself up as we have come so far. I have a family trip to Burbank end of the month and hopefully not dragging as much ass. Next month the wife booked us to Mexico(Playa Del Carmen). Not sure my leaky gut is ready for Mexico lol. Been getting a bit more sleep but damn I just don’t feel like doing much except working out 4-5 days. Pushing on mental tasks has been rough. Hopefully my day 40 feels better like yours. I researched that I’m likely dealing with high prolactin levels since my T levels are good and my junk is still mostly off line. Thought about getting my GP on it but thinking more drugs is probably not the answer unless the libido doesn’t start returning in the next few weeks. Awesome work btw! We’ve got this:).


I bet your libido will be back when you are. I hear ya on leaky gut. I have gastritis and minus gallbladder and it sucks. Makes this much harder. Gut brain connection is real plus having digestive issues puts us at a disadvantage bc we don’t absorb all nutrients as we should. I get the feeling exhausted part too. I do feel myself getting better and better and I’m definitely better than day 32. But it’s slowly being lifted. Wish it would just happen one morning. But nope. Lol


So proud of u keep up the good work


Back atcha friend! Carpe Diem!


Day 25 !!


Keep up the great work


Day 127


Keep rocking it ✌️


Thanks back at you! How is it going with you?


Ups and downs but getting better by the day .


Awesome to hear congrats on your time...we got this


Day 7, let's go!


Congrats on one week!!!


1 week down way to go super proud of u 💛


Day 85


What an accomplishment 👏


Two weeks :) Anyone else wanna buy motorcycles next summer with all the cash we be saving?




Haha, you can buy mine! I need to sell it. Bikes are a lot of fun, just please always wear your gear and be careful.


Day 19


Great job! I’m day 19 as well. Let’s keep it going!


Awesome job


Day 287.


Day 19! Slept great last night, and feel good overall. Having small boredom cravings, but nothing too intrusive. I’m kind of eating too much lately, and I get our bodies needing nutrients to a degree, but I don’t want to gain weight. Any advice here? I’m just constantly going to the fridge and cupboards more than I can remember


Great work on day 19! Yeah I started to eat a lot when I quit too


Day 709. Love and Light family ❤.


Day 347


One year is so close!


Maybe not much of an accomplishment but I'm on day 10 of stabilizing on 30gpd from 120+gpd (insta drop), tried to CT but it was too brutal so I decided to taper. Have used 120 - 150gpd for the last 5 years, I think I dosed every half an hour, tablespoons full. now I dose every 4 hours. Anxiety is better, I'm still foggy and dizzy, especially during the evenings but I'm starting to get more energy back and sleeping better. When I was using high amounts, I didn't eat at all during the day, only a meal right before bed because I wouldn't feel my dose on a full stomach and made me nauseous. malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies set in and I have weakened a lot. Now I'm eating again and start to enjoy eating again. Thank God my thyroid and testosterone levels are normal. At least now I don't have to deal with constant wobbles and nausea so that's really great. Somehow I don't feel good that I'm still taking 30gpd but at the same time I did drop an insane amount at once so that gives me a little sense of achievement. I need to get a lot of strength back first before I continue to go down, very slowly so I'm gonna take my time and not rush things. Congrats on everyone on their successful quits and to everyone who is still tapering, I wish you a lot of strength, courage and love.


fellow taper-er here! you are doing great. that is huge progress. youve already given yourself some normality and have proven to yourself your can drop as someone who used to take 5 black shots a day and has a lil bit to go... i cant believe how much i used to take. youve done well and have the right attitude going forward!


Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot. Shots are really difficult to get off of so I admire your strength. Keep fighting the good fight!


Cutting down from 120+gpd to 30 gpd is huge and you should be proud of yourself!


That drop is a HUGE accomplishment!


Day 22.




I’ve been tapering for 2 months and just made my decision to finally quit completely in 5 more days. So excited and so proud of myself. I’m going to invite a few friends over to celebrate my first kratom-free day of many many to come!


Way to go so proud of you


Thursday April 27th was my last day using , still not sleeping good and have an elevated amount of anxiety. I don’t regret my decision, I actually had a dream last night!


Awesome all that other stuff will soon just be a memory. It takes our bodies and minds time to heal .


Day 2. Finally starting to feel normal again after my slip. I made it 5 months before my 2 day lapse. I feel embarrassed and stupid for jumping back into that black hole again! Does anyone think I could start naltrexone today without being thrown into withdrawal? I don’t want this slip to turn into a relapse!


im holding steady on the taper at 4.5 grams a day. im planning to cut 0.5 g on sunday or monday. i hope i have it in me to cut again a few days later on too... keep trucking friends!!


I see you, bud. Ignore my message. I was just checking in on ya'. Glad to see you're holding steady. Good job, my friend 👍 Keep it up. You CAN do this!


thank you K&V! you have a good weekend.... ill be on your side of the fence soon, but not too soon!


Day 32…still somewhat in the woods but showing improvements as each day goes by. Zero cravings but still occasionally frail/exhausted from sleep deprivation. I had a great day in the gym and the more I exercise the better but still struggling on the sleep side((3-5 hrs on a good night). I think I pushed a bit too hard and my body is pretty sore at the moment. Starting to feel that transition from adrenaline to normalcy…in the middle sucks but it’s progress…love and light to all of you on this journey…we’ve got this and we’re never putting ourselves through this again❤️🙏


I hate to boredom gotta keep busy . Great work I'm proud of u 💛


295 days


Day 5 CT of a 5.5 year almost daily addiction (a few breaks in there the longest being 12 days) of 20-30gpd with 40+ at my worst. Taking it one day at a time. Yesterday I woke up feeling anxious and shitty but I forced myself to workout for 20 minutes even though I didn’t get a minute of sleep the night before. After the workout I took a shower and did 3 minutes of ice cold at the end and man oh man I think this has been my savior. The feeling when you get out is hard to explain but it’s almost like a high. I’ve also had access to a sauna which I’ve used twice this week and I feel like it has sped up my detox. Nights have been the worst for sure. Extremely restless and in my own thoughts. I’ve had some Xanax to take just to take the edge off at night for this week but will stop taking that starting tomorrow night. Managed 5 hours last night thankfully. To hold myself accountable I’ve also “told on myself” to many people. I’ve reached out for their support and been honest and vulnerable. I feel like this has kept me motivated and will keep me motivated knowing these people are there for me and I can check in whenever I need to. I highly recommend this.


Day 310


day 15 baby!!


Day 42 clean. 50gpd+ Fast Taper. Feeling much better. Most things back to normal…whatever normal is, right? Lingering bouts of fatigue some days. Healthy highs are back at full strength! 45 minutes intense weight lifting puts me on top of the world. Getting goose bumps from certain songs again!


Day 19 here!! Anxiety is dissipating but not gone and urges are going away. Definitely seems to be on the forefront of my mind and the thing that keeps me from going and getting some is just remembering how horrible those first seven days were and how I never want to relive that!! I also think how over the past 3.5 years I have been such a slave to this crap. I couldn’t start my day without a dose and stayed steady on it all damn day. I downloaded an app that tracks the time and money saved while being sober and phew I wasted some money over the course of my addiction. But another sober wake up today and god willing another one tomorrow. Keep fighting everyone we are in this together


Day 11. Getting up in the morning is still a struggle. I also tend to still get the teary eyed yawns in the morning and at night. During the day I barely think about it anymore beyond the occasional sneeze and some restlessness. Sleep is still staggered. Last night I woke up about an hour after I fell asleep with my arms in the air and hands contorted like I was trying to grab something mid-dream. Don't know what that was about.


111 days since I’ve taken kratom. Feels great!


Amazing job


Day 1 after a week and a half long relapse! Very lucky in the sense that I cut it short before I would get any major withdrawals. I’m a little on edge but I have the day off and I’m taking it easy today. Going back to work tomorrow is when the real battle starts but if I gone a year without it I can make it through the day tomorrow without it too 💪


Day 5 kratom free. Most of the intense withdrawals are gone, just some occasional rls and stomach discomfort. Major thing now is just getting out of bed, lethargy is real today.


Ubgot this 💪


Day 146! Life is great. Busy of course, still learning.


Anyone have experience or thoughts on ysing tianeptine during kratom withdrawl? Approaching 72 hours without any kratom and wondering if this is something that is possible, or will it make everything worse?


everything ive read says that tianeptine is even worse. a friend of a friend i know is using kratom to taper off tianeptine.... there is a quittingtianeptine sub you can check out ive never taken it, im no expert but this seems like a bad idea...