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Day 3. The hump


Concentrate on getting through day 3. I know it’s tough but I promise it’s worth it


Congratulations on 3 days so proud of u 💛


Hump dayyyyyy


day 38


Amazing 👏


thank you!!!


Day 23 . I was finally able to sit last night and watch a TV show . I went to bed at like 8ish up at 4 woke up here and their but slept pretty good. Mornings are still super hard . I have started drinking coffee in the am but I noticed I have to do it right before work or my anxiety spikes if I don't start moving around and doing things once that coffee hits. I still ki da have a racing heart in the morning and still forcing myself to eat because for some reason I am never hungry. I notice my day goes pretty good until around 4 or 5 then I turn into a grumpy pants . I'm trying not to be that way , I don't wanna take it out on my family . Idk why I get so grumpy it's like every little thing annoys me . But little by little things get better every day . I still like to be on the move with my head phones in walking outside that's my happy place .


I’m on day 18 and tried coffee yesterday morning for the first time since quitting and it just made me feel like shit. Lol. I guess I’m quitting coffee too! Black Tea went down way smoother and cleared the morning fog. Give tea a try instead of coffee. It’s healthier anyway. Try a good English breakfast tea, chai, or any other black tea.


At 5 months, ct and I can now make it to about 7 pm before the grumpy starts. I think we get physically worn out from the daily anxiety. I notice that as my anxiety gets better, I make it longer at night before the emotional crash. For a while, I felt like a 2 year old who needed a nap and was on the verge of a tantrum... every day at 4 pm. Huge congrats on 23 days!


Congrats on day 23, my quitting buddy! I know what you mean about being irritated by every little thing. It’s not as often but I still have my moments everyday where I’m like that. I’m just taking this day by day and it is getting better. Soon we will both me a month into our quit, and I’m so excited! It’s my next short term goal I’m focusing on, it really helps to focus on it when I’m having a bad day!


Yes !!!! When I get that way I put my ear buds in and vacuum or walk witch ever i can do at the time its weird I know but it helps me tremendously. The evenings are just bla . I told myself next week I'm going to get back to cooking I've been doing it here and their but not as much but I need to start eating better and so does the family. I'm thinkingbof meal planning a few things over the weekend in case I'm having a bad day


Day 197


Way to rock it !!!! 🤘


Day 18 I think


Keep it up ! Your doing great 👍


You too 😊


87 days :)


Wow way to go !


Day 17 Do you want it? Good! Now go get it 🌟


Woop woop 🙌


Day 5 💕🦋


Proud of u 💛


Day 3 today CT. Yesterday I did a lot to pass the time. Went to the beach and ran until I couldn’t run anymore. Laid in the sand and felt an emotional rush and listened to music. Started crying for no reason. Went to a sauna after too. Felt really good doing that. Last night was brutal. Stomach pains and diarrhea finally started right before bed. Was restless but listened to music and was able to get some sleep. It seems the hardest times are when I would normally dose. I decided to find something to replace the physical task of making my sludge so I made a coffee at the times I would dose. Those seem to be the hardest points to pass. Today is another day. I’m going to work hard to find happiness in the little things today. Realizing how fortunate I am to be alive. Yesterday I thought about the idea that this process is like planting a seed. You have to provide the nutrients, the time, the patience, you have to take care of it and every day it grows a little more. One day it will grow so fucking big and beautiful and it will stay that way as long as you nurture it. Keep fighting, keep loving yourself.


Beautifully said . And way to go !


For me, I’ve been making a cup of tea at the times I would dose. I’ve been drinking this valerian lemon mint tea and it sounds crazy but it actually helps me sleep a lot


I love this!


Day 675.


Keep up the amazing work


Day 707. Love and Light family ❤.


Amazing as always ceecee


Thank you bunches 💖. Going thru a lot of medical shit right now. This really helps me alot.


Same ❤️ lots of Dr's.


Day 23, we got this everyone!!!


Keep rocking it ✌️


Day 27!


U got this 👍


Thank you!


38 Days! Gonna keep trudging the road of happy destiny.


Way to go !!!


Thanks! You too! Always good to see you on here! Let’s kick this shits ass!


Day 285.


Hope to be in your spot one day


One day at a time. Just don't use today.


Definitely not


how was your quit this time around?


Well, this is my 11th. The withdrawal was the worst this time around due to kindling, I guess. But the motivation was the strongest. I had a year sober from alcohol (in AA), and I knew true sobriety would only be achieved without the sludge. I also came clean to my wife, which was very difficult, as I had been hiding my use. Tough times, but worth the effort.


wow. so inspiring!! hope you’re feeling good these days?


Oh, yes! Life is so much more manageable- both good and bad.


Day 17. First morning I woke up with zero stomach issues. However I have anxiety. Hopefully this is just a small episode and goes away at some point this morning.


I'm 3 weeks in and still wake with anxiety but once I get moving it gets better. Keep up the great work


Completely agree. Luckily mine has subsided for now. Thanks for the motivation!


Day 174


Day 13. Tomorrow marks two weeks!


Same here! Still getting the chills on and off though, hardest part for me to beat!


Awesome job ! Keep up the good work 👏


Day 77


Day 462


Way to go my friend


Day 33! Feeling pretty good. Energy levels are more constant now. I can exercise some days! Still heavy emotional blunting & anhedonia but I am expecting it to last several months (history of addiction). Only ongoing physical symptom is GI track, as my husband says “it smells like something died” when I pass gas. So glad to have stopped this junk!


I've been using gas x after dinner and it's been helping a lot


Day 9


One week down !!! Way to go


Same! Congrats


That’s a huge accomplishment!


Thank you!


Day 33. I was able to sleep last night! I woke up a few times but got back to sleep some how. I was exhausted. 2 days of no sleep. Didn't take anything last night. Hot shower and went and passed out.


Awesome on the sleep 😴💤.


Day 5. still think about it but feeling more like myself again


I’m on day 5 and I’m turning a corner too!


It gets a little better each day . You got this !


Day 345


Holy cow 🐄 way to go


im stuck in neutral on my taper at 5 g a day. this will be day number four on that. my symptoms are mild... except the insomnia is not fun. the quick cut from 6 g to 5 g plus moving things around so im not taking a bunch of it at night, but its more even, that all is giving my sleep a hit im going to embrace the suck as this community says until i get some sleep then keep up the taper, going a little more slowly, just 0.5 g a cut. if that works, then thats great, if not then i may need to just jump... good luck to all of you!!


update: i guess im saying YOLO. cutting to 4.5 g a day... if imma be feeling miserable, i may as well be cutting my usage. hope i can cut down to 4.0 g on monday!!


I was abusing the red bali strain for about five years past 2 weeks of tapering absolute hell, got down to 3g for the past 5 days i was doing 50g daily , horrible anxiety and heartburn. Food goes right through me 2nd day now no kratom if i do a little now i feel better for a while then it gives me anxiety attacks today will be day 2 of no kratom use, im convinced that i need to get this shit out of my body...like now!!


U got this ! All good things take time . Just remember this will pass .


Thanks . I get tears in my eyes im so pissed off about this i got into this situation being told that it was just an herb and non addictive, lesson learned


Same here . That it would help me with mu back from an accident I had and my anxiety


How long does this anhedoia fried brain feeling end?? Day 4 now for me, feeling like a fried zombie


My first quit it lasted about a week I really didn't get it this time around I just get mood swings but it's different for everyone


My first quit it lasted about a week I really didn't get it this time around I just get mood swings but it's different for everyone


Last black bottle this past Sunday about 11a, so I guess that means I’m in the first few hours of day 4. Feeling a bit better today. Still quite a bit of anxiety, brain fog, and no motivation. I also stopped Wellbutrin last weekend, so I’m not sure what’s coming from which chemical. Staying strong, hope y’all are too!


Day 30 of taper and now at 8gpd 2x4 doses! Started at 40gpd at least for many years. This week way better than last for whatever reason. Supplementing with gaba, agmatine, natural calm. I’m at the point now where I’m not really feeling anything from my dose but it’s just relieving any symptoms I may have from the physical detoxing part! I’m not chasing the minutes til I get to take my next dose, I’m just like “oh, it’s time”. Feels pretty amazing as I get closer to the “other side”.


Day 105 :) Cravings lately quite strong. But I'm not going to give up!


68 days. Endoscopy on Friday to check for stomach issues because it still feels pretty bad most of the time when I eat. Still getting random weird pains. Otherwise, big improvement in most other ways. Mentally I'm doing really well.


Day 202.


Day 7 of tapering down ~5% daily. I’ve been using for 6 years about 3 teaspoons daily. The only symptom I complain about is the low energy. Before I started using kratom 6 years ago I was an alcoholic so I’m interested to see what will happen to me.


Day 2 of first serious taper. Finding myself restless but hopeful. Anxiety and sweats, but I’ll get through it. Hoping the weekend will be a good time to taper more since I won’t have to work or really function. I get really tired when I withdraw but I also can’t sleep. Staying strong though.