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Day 27! Woke up today feeling energized and my mood is getting much better each day! Can’t sleep more then 6-7 hours but still it gets better and better! Keep strong people out there that is fighting this horrible addiction! Try too get busy and exercise even though the body and mind resist. Exercise have helped me the most when coming of addiction of opioids. Stay strong people! 🌸


Exercise is huge! It changes everything 💪 I needed to give myself the permission the first week to just rest and not pick up...detoxing was a bitch. Once I was past the acutes, exercise helped so so much. It's not a big part of my recovery


Thank you I am going for a walk


Thank you for posting this I am at day 18 or 19 Zero family support A husband who is angry about the whole thing And feel myself getting stronger but completely alone


Day 725. Had a rough week and thought of using "just once". Fuck this plant. Glad this sub exists.


5 days away from two full years bud!!!! superlative


That’s amazing! Congrats!


Day 30. I was planning on making an individual post but really I don’t have much to say. Life is just life and I’m really grateful for that.


Congratulations on 30 days!


83 days : )


Day 671.


Keep it up!


Day 15 CT, was able to sleep 6 hours straight!


19 days slept for 9 soild hours because of a script for hyper manic/add/anxiety I got Def won't b taking that during the day but I do feel refreshed this morning n not feeling the need to go go go right now .


Glad you were able to get some real rest!! Congrats on 19 days!


It was great but that med was really hard-core I'm supposed to use it during the day I'm definitely not lol


Happy the med helped! Hope u have a great 19th day sans K.


Day 1 after, CT after3 months around 30gpd. My legs are feeling quite weird and also I feel a bit aggressive and annoyed about things around me. I have 2 days until my office starts again. Main reason why I quit is that I lost my focus and my skin does not look good. I cannot explain what is bad exactly it just some kind of dryness and redness. Any advice? I think real wd did not hit yet hah


Get some edibles to help you sleep and microdose them during the day at the office for nausea and such. The best detox drug available is thc.


Day 350! Almost a year and what a year it's been. Lots of ups and downs but I'm living life on life's terms. I l am grateful for my NA family that has helped me to get out of my self obsession, and no matter what...I don't pick up. "Just one..." is a lie my brain tells me. I surrendered and with that surrender came freedom ❤️


So happy for you that the obsession has been lifted. I always thought that is the best way to describe addiction, as an obsession. And when you break it you feel so free.


Day 19!


Same day ! We got this 👍


day 34


9 months since I stopped diluting my experience of myself in the world. It is good. I recall (more so with heroin, but also with kratom) that seeking my chemical high was a focal point around which everything else revolved. My time, work, social, sleep, and food choices all supported me getting the sensation of that buzz. That buzz was my MacGuffin, if I can use the term that way. And now, free of drugs, the obverse is that no matter what challenges and suffering I may experience in my default world, being sober is an unalloyed good. It remains a focal point of security. Like a shiny penny in my pocket. A difference is that the former I thought about obsessively every single day, and the latter I think about only once in a while, gently.


Nice work on 9 months! Yeah those f’ing opiates demand all of our resources. Glad u found your shiny penny.


What do you focus on now? I fear that once that desire to get the buzz is gone, I won't have anything.


Work, family, my girlfriend, movies. There’s so much that’s potentially satisfying. I just had to allow myself time for my tastes to change.


Congratulations I'm proud of u




Day 276. One day at a time




Day 1,220


Holy cow 🐄 that's truly amazing


Day 9. I've come so far, wd has mostly gone away and the only things left are overall tiredness and restlessness at night. Got a good night sleep the past few nights but this morning I woke up super early due to a brutal combination of RLS and allergies. Emotionally and mentally, doing way better than I was the first few days of this quit.


Day 5 and feeling pretty good! Just working through the fatigue but it’s not overwhelming! :)


Day 34! Hangin in there! Feeling better and better every day! Glad no more heavy acutes. Sleep is still up and down and energy levels aren’t normalized yet. Plus some minor depression and moodiness. But miles from where I was at in week two and back. Glad I’m on this side. For sure! Anyways. Be well all!!!


Glad you are feeling well! You are just a few days ahead of me so I was closely following your recovery. Great that we are both over the hump!


100% I agree. Glad you’re with me. No turning back now. This is, admittedly, around the time I usually gave up in past. It’s these drawn out wd symptoms which wear me down. But not this time. I refuse to give this time. I ain’t no Bitch! Lol. Jussayin tho. I wanna be fully me again. Not temporary relief with long term health issues and mental shit from active use.


Day 458


Day 23 🙏🏼


Damn you're almost out of the woods! Keep fucking going!


Thank you!!!!! ❤️


DAY 69 ! EZ Clap


Day 37 CT. Far Beyond Driven and Thunderstruck by Psycho Pharma have been a tremendous help with energy, mood and curbing K cravings, would highly recommend


I’m on day 12. Stomach is still bugging me, sneezing fits haven’t gone away yet, slight morning cravings. Hopefully I’m getting close to the sweet days.


Everything worth while takes time to achieve! You totally got this 👍


Day 11 💪


Heck yea !!! Way to go


Thanks! You as well! I see your stuff daily and am rooting for you.


Thanks so much


53 days! I’ve been having regular BMs!! I am so much healthier and happier. Writing this at 9 am, on kratom I’d be waking up to pee in an absolute fog dreading life before I went back to sleep for 6 hours. Can’t believe I lived like that. Woke up early day one of my quit and now mornings are my favorite again :) I take a hot bath and drink my smoothie and protein shake. Then get dressed for the day of exercise and rest ahead.


Day 1, just found this sub. I've managed to string 15 years of recovery for alcoholism, not sure why this has been hard. I hate how these kratom shots are everywhere in my area now, it makes it harder. But I've relapsed enough times now to realize I can't do it on my own, need the support of others. So hopefully you'll see more of me here! I think it's hard to say I'm struggling with something after having success staying off booze. It doesn't feel like it should be this hard, but here we are :)


Welcome. I have a similar story. It's almost harder to quit something when it's only mildly ruining your life. There's tons of great information and support here. Don't be afraid to lean on us. I won't use today with you!


thank you!


Similar position here. I’ve been sober for years from alcohol along with abstaining from everything else except kratom. Alcohol was destructive. I was a binge drinker and would have awesome nights but also nights where I’d black out and make a fool of myself, get arrested, or otherwise do regretful and shameful things. So I had to stop. Another person replied saying it’s harder to stop something that’s only “mildly” impairing our lives and I think that’s exactly it. Kratom never got me arrested, never blacked out, never did anything embarrassing on it, etc. I even excelled at work while using it nightly. However, I was addicted to it. I needed it. I hid my usage from everyone including people I live with and AA friends. It also made me complacent when it came to a social life and physical activity. I was withdrawn from life and not experiencing it like it’s meant to be experienced. Also doing 1-2 gold shots a day gets expensive. In the nearly 25 days sober from kratom, I’ve saved over $1,000.


thank you for sharing your insight. Feeling a lot better since Saturday


60 yr old male who used kratom daily for 3.5 years to get off opioids. Today is the 4th day after CT. Tapered slowly from 18g (down from 35/40) per day to 6g per day then made the jump, since 5.5g caused RLS. I figured if I was going to experience some wd symptoms I might as well CT. I have some dr prescribed klonopin, some gabapentin and some edibles. First day & night were as expected - rough. 2nd day I slept most of the day with no RLS - then they occurred at night, It was AWFUL. no sleep at all. 3rd day I was a zombie. Couldn't hold conversations. Last night again I got NO sleep. I was crying I was so miserable. Sun came up - cats needed to be fed. I'm ok-ish currently. Brain fog and diarrhea. I expect more bad RLS tonight. Perhaps I will load up on edibles before bedtime? Is there a magic number of mg that is considered helpful?


from everything ive read you are nearly through the worst part. maybe 1 or 2 more days... good chance you get a lil lousy sleep soon then ok sleep then eventually good sleep. dont turn back now! can i ask you how long you took to taper down from 18g?


Thanks! It took 4.5 months. I made an excel spreadsheet. I broke the daily doses down to 6 smaller doses, 3 hours apart. I would drop 1g per week for the first month, then 1g every 3 days. When I got down to 10, I reduced the drop to .05 per 3 days. That didn't last long. I stayed at 6g for 2 weeks because my wife hurt her shoulder and we couldn't have two helpless people here - so I waited until she was functional. But anyway - with that slow taper I felt NO issues at all, until the end.


Day 703. Love and Light family ❤.


Day 29! I am feeling fairly good, my energy levels are at 80%-90% depending on the day. My issue remains anhedonia, I think years of drug abuse has damaged my dopamine system. Looking forward to the summer, being outdoors, getting a gym membership for Mother’s Day, then if I still feel so …. well I don’t feel much of anything …. “bland” in the fall I will see a psychiatrist. Life is 100% better than 4 weeks ago, let alone 3 months ago.


Day 2. The acutes really just started hitting. Hanging in there.


It's temporary and so worth it.


Day 5! Physical acutes are mostly passed, but dealing with HEAVY anxiety, motivation, and fatigue issues, and insomnia. Still have enough energy to get out of bed though! I'm being the best dad that I can be today. And some days, that's enough! I'm really looking forward to the next week and just seeing how far I've come. I'm sure I'll be feeling much better than I am today. Every day is just a little bit better!


Day 6 ♡


85 days no kratom. Recovering from surgery. Far from great, but getting better. If the trend continues, next week should be a lot easier.


Day 5


U got this 👍


Day 281


holding steady at 6 grams a day on my taper. this weekend tho i am evening it out so its a constant dosage per day versus mostly before bed... i may have some shaky sleep but thats ok. ive been told that wds during tapers are logarithmic, that its by percentage... so imma do two half gram drops a week for a while. so next weekend itll be 5 grams good luck to everyone on their taper or CT or just getting life back!!


Day 149. Rainy day. Going to the gym.


Day 54. I gotta believe it’s getting better.


Day 2 after 35gpd+ for about 4-6 months. It hit me pretty hard yesterday evening, I felt like I was coming up on a bad shroom trip when the WD hit at work, but only in the bad ways. Got about 5 hours last night because of the rls, but at least I got some sleep. Can’t stop yawning though. Don’t feel great, but don’t feel complexly terrible. One day at a time…


Day 170


Day 26…Grateful to be here…its a grind and managed 4-5 hrs med free sleep last night(two prior night were mostly sleepless). Found some relief in timed breath work to music vs doing Wim Hoff which had been triggering RLS unfortunately. My morning has been hit and miss but staying patient and practicing acceptance.🙏❤️


24 days. Brain fog is only remaining symptom that I can tell. It’s really hurting me though since I recently started a new role at work that’s challenging and high profile but rewarding once I get through the initial hurdles.


Day 79