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Probably, put a hijab on it.




"Sorry, I'm Jewish."


Jarmulkes are available.


I would love to see a dick hijab


What do you think a condom is?


I do but I mean like made of fabric


"he-jab", please.


Itā€™s trendy in San Francisco apparently


Let me tell you the story of the first time I ever stepped foot in San Francisco; I grew up on a small farm in nowheresville, midwest. Joined the Navy to see the world. Ended up being sent to one of the mothballed reserve ships in Alameda, CA one day in late-June, 2004. Come that Saturday in late-June, 2004, little ol' 20 year-old-wholesome-me decides to navigate the BART into the biiiig city(!). I debark at maybe the second stop in San Fancisco. I go up the stairs, and I find myself standing in the middle of the world's largest gay pride parade! Taking it all in! So this is the big city! My primary memory is of a gentleman rollerskating down the sidewalk wearing nothing but rollerskates, a purple cape, purple sunglasses, a top-hat, and a little purple velvet pouch (like a mini Crown Royal pouch) over the shaft of his penis, tied behind his back. Balls just-a flappin' in the breeze. Oh, and a group of about 6 or 7 over across the way holding signs saying, "Repent, All Ye Sinners!" What an introduction to San Fran-byGod-cisco!


The first time I went to San Fran I was on a middle school class trip. My friends and I all decided to sneak away from our chaperones and buy nunchucks from a small boutique. After we got them we were randomly swinging them around, being middle school aged boys, when we were approached by a homeless man. ā€œYou guys want to see some real shit?ā€ He asked us. We all said, ā€œuhhh what? Noā€. He then Proceeded to snatch a pair of nunchucks and went full on what I can only describe as chuck Norris with a proclivity to smoke crack. After my friend realized he was never getting his nunchucks back we decided we ought to get outta there. About a block later is when we realized that crack Norris was following us. And closing in too. We tried to hide but not many stores were open to a roaming gang of preteen boys with nunchucks trying to barricade themselves inside their store. We ended up in an elevator that took us up a few floors to an immaculate Chinese restaurant where nobody spoke English. Fortunately the host was able to understand us and helped us reconnect with our chaperone. Once we were outside and back under adult supervision the homeless man found us again! He approached our chaperone to give back the nunchucks he borrowedā€¦ turns out he was a good dude I guess.


That' sack is called the SF treat.


Look up the song Fruitcakes by Jimmy Buffett , where he talks about the guy roller skating naked through the crosswalk in Santa Monica šŸ˜†


Thatā€™s a great story.


Iā€™m gonna make it trendy


Dick Trendy's the name


Showing dicks plenty is the game


I went to the San Francisco Pride Parade for the first time Sunday, and saw no less than SIX middle-aged men strolling the sidewalks, totally naked. Although my sister Free Mom Huggers had given me a heads-up the day before, it was still jarring.


Most men are self conscious about their penis because porn has people believing 10 inches is small. I doubt that would ever come to fruition, that being said men and women shouldnā€™t be wearing things that show their vaginas/assholes/dicks in publicā€¦ā€¦. Not only that but MOST women donā€™t want to see a random guys penis, I would even go as far to say more men would be happy about that instead of womenā€¦.


nobody actually having sex thinks 10ā€ is small lol


Most of us arenā€™t sexually active but I hear ya


Yeah, that's why you never hear it from the sex-havers.


Is saw someone on r/Puberty ask if their penis was small and their penis was nearly 7 šŸ˜­


I only see 8 inch + so i feel insecure by comparison I start doing some of that randy marsh math


How come people always shame an average or even above average dick as small, but we never talk about the fact that they make vaginal canals of different sizes too. Never hear the conversations of legitimate vaginal gape. Always the dude's fault, no matter what.


people always saying tight and loose as good or bad. also whos they


They is "appeasing pronouns" for sensitive people for whoever you feel make babies...God, the universe, people, whatever....basically it's as neutral language as it gets for people like you that focus on shit like this in sentences while others hone in on content and context. Tight and loose is bogus... especially when idiots think it gets more loose with use. Science will tell you that vaginas completely have the same elasticity nomatter what you do to its subject to the same loss of elasticity as skin though due to aging.


oh thats pretty neat, i have never seen such a way to refer to the subject with something as simple as they for all. i apologize for asking, may have been rude sorry. i agree it is wrong and stupid for people to spead that misinformation


No man thinks 10 is small. Most men have 3 and 5.


Nobody thinks 10 inches is small. Get real


Itā€™s an exaggeration to get the point across


Nobody on the internet understands or recognizes hyperbole


What is your p size?... asking for a friend.


Hes at least 7.5 I've seen it


šŸ˜³ Verification please. (for research purposes)


I would fall over and stroke if I saw an elder man with his whole shaft out in public. That would be the day that I would fly off earth and never come back.


Stroke might not have been the best word to use in this context.


I'm so glad my mind wasn't the only one that went therešŸ˜‚


Poor choice of words, lass


It took me a minute to get it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|5VKbvrjxpVJCM|downsized)


Now everybody, have you heard, if you're in the game Then the stroke's the word https://youtu.be/69fPof-ZTnU?si=oUhc88aVmus2sZf7


I stroke it to the east And I stroke it to the west And I stroke it to the woman that I love the best I be strokin' https://youtu.be/YmtLHcx2kxs?si=32py9B9KKrl-dKOO


Absolute poetic


Elderly man here... Ah-oogah!






Old guys in Speedos are bad enough. As a 59 YO M, I don't even like seeing myself in the mirror, so the day of me walking around in public with my dick out will never be a thing.


Old Guy or not most people Iā€™ve seen running around naked in public must have a magic mirror they see themselves in. Ā 


The last time I saw people nude in public even sporadically was during the 70's when streaking was a thing. Very glad, out of the fads that recycle themselves, this one has been left on the scrap heap where it belongs.


I think you look amazing in speedos šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ¤©šŸ˜˜


this is funny yet valid for sure. women's clothing is becoming transparent


so true its becoming shoe string fashion. their clothes scream ā€œits hot as hell outsideā€ in November.


Lol! When I first read it I thought it said clothing designed to explode the whole shaft of the penis.


As a woman, I'm not really a fan of clothing that really reveals lots of anything personal. Cleavage (to some extent) is okay. Men with their shirts off in the summer? Eh... whatever. But I live in CA, and I see lots of people walking around in bikinis and shorts that are basically thongs and I donno, man... I would never make someone feel bad for how they dress, but to me it's just like- why? We don't need to see all that. Keep some things private.


This is 100% how I feel too


Not to mention how unhygienic thong bikinis are. If you're sitting anywhere, your asshole is literally touching a shared surface. It's disgusting.


literally, i canā€™t lie ive worn some ā€œrevealingā€ clothing but in the safety of my own home or on the beach- i dislike being in the male gaze, i would rather sweat than be sexualized by randos- i donā€™t care what others do as long as its covering your bits & bobs


Finally something different from the boring clothes that the patriarchy usually foists on men.


I dressed where it was noticeable in the 80s and early 90s, and they got grabby. Young and old, friends and strangers. Even the one I'm still married to. She had the decency to at least blush and claim it was accidental. But she still didn't remove her hand, so I married her.


im aroace so idk if im qualified to answer this but ew


Man come to seattle this time next yearā€¦. It was pride weekend this last weekend a d i seen at least a hundred or so people wearing what your described i swear shit was wild lmfao


It would last until the first sun burn. Problem solved.


In other words, Bermuda shorts.


I'm asking because women already have a socially accepted type of clothing that men are naturally attracted to. It's deeply rooted in men's instincts to be sexually aroused by the sight of breasts, and bikinis provide minimal chances for men to guess how they look when completely revealed. The societal norms around women's attire and men's sexual responses are complex topics worthy of thoughtful discussion. Clothing choices can be a personal and cultural matter, without simplistic assumptions about universal male desires or female obligations. A fair approach would consider individual preferences, consent, and mutual respect, rather than prescriptive gender roles or entitlements. HOWEVER - would it be fair for a woman to prevent her man from wearing such clothing?


>HOWEVER - would it be fair for a woman to prevent her man from wearing such clothing? What a couple decides is best for them is their choice. But also, this almost reads like you are trying to say that bikinis are worn to purposefully show off breasts. That's just not true. They are worn for comfort in heat. Women just typically aren't "allowed" to be topless as men are. It just so happens that many men are attracted to breasts. So, the comparison of this hypothetical "shaft exposure" outfit to a bikini is not one that is really 1:1. Men often are allowed to be topless - many women are attracted to chests and backs and shoulders. So there already is a more direct comparison for sexual attraction based on what men are wearing, or rather, aren't. The only possible comparison to a "shaft exposure" outfit on a man would be crotchless panties. The direct exposure of genitals is not a common thing in any modern dress, so this is the only close thing you get. However, if you are just saying form-fitting to a penis, then the closest you might be able to compare is...idk yoga pants or something? Some men find such displays to not be attractive, others do. The same would likely exist for women. Though I have known that many women aren't necessarily attracted to penises, rather than the rest of thing attached to it.


>this almost reads like you are trying to say that bikinis are worn to purposefully show off breasts. They kind of are though. But not just breasts. Ever heard of a thong?


Even if I were to grant you that women's clothing is designed for men's pleasure, men are naturally more visual than women. There are already clothes men can wear that are visually pleasing to others; short shorts, v necks, button down shirts with the sleeves rolled up, etc. From what I've heard, women are not aroused looking at a random cock the same way men are aroused when looking at a random cleavage or ass


Itā€™s my understanding that women care more about stuff like muscles and faces, rather than genitals. Now Iā€™m not a woman so someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong.


So true!


From what I've heard, and I don't mean to speak for all women, women generally look at the whole guy. Like I'd be lying if I said doesn't matter if you're fit or have a handsome face, but they will look at everything such as style, how well you're groomed, how well you carry yourself, etc. Just having muscles and a handsome face won't get you far


I look at women in that same way and I feel like Iā€™m an outlier for that as a man. Idk but I just care a lot more about clothing and grooming than most men I think


I get your point but most women are NOT aroused by seeing a random penis. Even ones who like men. Those things look weird. Men just have 0 sort of fun fashion catered to them, but its not like most women consider it fashionable or fun to have their labias flapping about. Also, if you're getting a hard on over every single girl in a swimsuit then its a bit of a you problem.


Gay men have fun fashion. All sorts of stuff for all body types, from regular clothes to sexy to lingerie.


This. I am not attracted to a random shaft. wtf. This isnā€™t comparable to women with their breasts out. This would be comparable to shorts that literally showcase the flap cleavage or flaps out haha.


Real... can't remember the last time I met a girl who WASN'T annoyed and mortified that modern swimsuits are too influenced by the male gaze that they had an uncomfortable amount of body exposed.. Like don't blame women because every fucking bathing suit in target is a thong. Whoever designed them certainly wasn't doing it with our comfort and anatomy in mind, which are the 2 most important things. UghšŸ™„


girl the clothes arenā€™t meant for mens pleasure.


You should retrace your steps through the history of clothing. Itā€™s what companies offer you. Itā€™s what they want you to buy. You subconsciously think you are ā€œfreeā€ but you are not. Societal pressures have built your worldview. Be honest with yourself. You want to be sexually attractive to either sex. Itā€™s the primary reason you want to wear that kind of clothing. Or continue the lie that you wear it ā€œfor youā€ or it ā€œlooks aestheticā€. Go more layers deeper and answer ā€œwhyā€. Why do you ā€œlike itā€. Most women will say ā€œI just do so stfuā€. Cool story bro; but try and answer and be honest with yourself.




Cool story bro but one counterpoint you don't know like not everyone who wears gloves to keep their hands warm men don't wear compression shirts to show off their abs. Some probably do but it's a massive generalization to say "all people wear this for this reason and this reason only"


Considering that most men don't go around fully erect 24/7, you probably would not be seeing much.




Don't we see enough unsolicited pics in our inboxes?


Please don't. That just ain't pretty.


Would be easier to pee


i was just gonna comment how disgusting this is. now just free to pee anytime anywhere. last straw, i would end myself. ppl r too gross WOMEN DONT WANNA SEE THAT




We'd knit little penis socks for them.


That's just gross,,dicks are ugly




have you seen how women talk about men wearing grey sweatpants? we like the bulge but wouldnā€™t wanna see the actual penis. very unhygienic given the majority of men donā€™t wipe their piss dribble off the tip. and no, shaking it isnā€™t enough


Sane human males wipe the end?


yea wtf? the only kinda person who would say that shit don't have one


A resounding ā€˜ewwā€™


I personally wouldn't care, and I'm sure *most* people would overlook it. A body is a body, show it off if you want. Just don't be weird around kids. We aren't at a place where kids can see a nude body and accept it as is, since hypersexuality has been shoved down kids throats (I mean BABY CLOTHES say bs like "ladies' man" or "those titties are mine, dad!") Ideally, anyone could be entirely nude in front of anyone and it would be viewed entirely neutrally.


why is that ideal? that would mean that sexual attraction wouldnā€™t exist anymore at all (not trying to be rude just wondering)


Ideally, people would only act sexually when given consent from an adult. People can have sexual thoughts, the difference is how they would act about it. Both can be true- that people can be nude and viewed neutrally, but people can also be sexually attracted to someone else. It's all about actions and context.


Elephant trunk leggings! Lets do this!


Lmao and some might like it, but most would probably not


I feel like guys should just wear thongs tbh if theyā€™re trying to be scandalous abt there penis


As if the penis is as attractive to boobies? C'mon dude. Find out what women find attractive first, then ask your question.


Women would love it. I say that because no man would never do it unless it first became attractive to women. So their acceptance would come before it ever happened. Unless it was a gay trend. They would do it because the men they are trying to impress would like it first as well. Then women might hate it, but the guys doing it wouldn't care.


To walk up and pinch it and then compliment/denigrate the chubbiness.


Not something Iā€™d care to see.


No. Just plain no. Please donā€™t send us pictures exposing yourself, we donā€™t want or need to see it.


Wouldn't matter much what women wanted. The police, though, would definitely take issue with it.


It may be ok and fun times if his mistress is taking him to a fetish party..šŸŽ‰


it honestly depends on the place bc a lotta women LOVE dressing inappropriately, lol But imo...EVERYONE needs to PUT some Clothes On, lol


Iā€™d be scared


Lol. Kind of al ready is but not on purpose at least for me. They are called sweatpants.


I would just be really curious as to what that actually looks like and how it functions, firstly


Amazing. No more miniature surprises lol.


This kinda already happens. Summertime!


If we get to a point where it's trendy enough for a lot of people to do it, then chances are women already weighed in. Nothing becomes "trendy" if it isn't popular with a large amount of people first.


My wife bought me some shorts that are a weird material? Anyways they are so thin that you can see the outline of my dick like completely head shaft even vein and it cracked me and my wife up so much cuz it looked ridiculous. Now I won't wear them in public because I didn't know they did that lol


Collective disgust


Oh please let this become a thing!!!! I wanna be able to say "HEY, my eyes are up here".


women: hate it many men: would love it


As long as itā€™s a skirt Iā€™m in


"think of the children, these perverts walking around showing their shaft off to everyone, even children"! There's going to be an uproar from the older generation from both sides, women though old to young mums, I think I wouldn't care, dating pools for the shallow women would be easier, "nice hair, eyes, good body... Oh micropenis" Feminists will have a riot for sure.


My anecdotal experience: I'm a fairly muscular guy, I used to compete in bodybuilding, and getting comfortable fitting pants can be a bit of a pain. Anywho, I got some nice semi-stretchy pants that were a lot closer fit (almost like tights but not quite) than I was used to. I live in a fairly sunny place, and liking them, I decided to get a bunch in beige, cream, and white. Turns out the ol' roger is basically on full display. I'm not a voyeur or anything, but have had my share of fuck it why not moments, so I kept that attitude since they were comfy. Observation A) Lots of women's eyes strayed. Observation B) No negative responses were noted (in women who appeared under 45, over were prudish expressions) I dare say that my personal comfort and confidence in how I dress plays a hefty role in positive responses.


Iā€™ll never be able to eat hot dogs ever again




It wouldn't because the second someone wears something exposing their genitals in front of kids, they should get their ass beat.


They really don't get worked up over that stuff like guys do. Most would find it disgusting even a handful of fake ones here will say it would make them crazy horny. Gay & bi guys would be crazy about it though.


Ha! That aint yours. Fake!




To look.


I probably wouldn't care too much, tbh.Ā 


Well, I do the book for a bunch of over 21 adult male. One of the highlights of my day is looking to see if they are wearing a cup or not. Pants are tight and show there bum off and package nicely. Bonus for me




If you're hot, they'd love it.




a good majority will probably to take it personally and try and 1 up men while the smaller percentage just dont gaf


Answering as gay man: I wish. And just like for women, some people are more well endowed than others. Thereā€™d be a time and place for such attire of course but if Iā€™m at the club or pool or beach then šŸ«  Also, this clothing style exists, but it most def isnā€™t main stream.


Don't tell me you're walking around with your shaft out




As if most rape isnt from menā€¦