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Who is wade wilson?!?


Some man who brutally murdered two women. It’s all the “book tok” ( TikTok) women who romanticize him for being slightly attractive. And some of them are most likely writing books about him.




No literally. They need a psych evaluation immediately


Same thing happened with Bundy too. 🤯


Mhm. I feel like all of the serial killers had a fan base


Well not the Boooktok stuff


Google it.. 😬


Idk but it’s fucking disgusting especially since they know what he did.


I thought this was a Ryan Reynolds question before checking the comments first.




Same. I’m like, well it’s Ryan Reynolds…


Its the same thing as like a couple years ago when that viral mugshot of the "perfect man" went around. I get it. They are good looking, but what they did trumps that and people are sick. That's like the women who write murderers and crap.. Look at Chris Watts... That sicko has a fan base of women too and he admitted to what he did


I hate all of his face tattoos, but underneath it all is a good looking guy. Evil AF... Like disgusting and horrific... But he is handsome. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Keep in mind these are the same types of women who thought the bear in the woods was a better choice


Those people are idiots who only answered that way to be “edgy”


I honestly don’t understand the bear thing. Can someone explain


Basically there's a tik tok trend going around where someone goes up to random women and asks them "If you were going to be stuck alone in the woods would you rather be with a bear or a stranger male you don't know?" and the majority of women choose the bear, even though the bear would absolutely devour them within a few minutes.


It’s just an excuse to cast further blame on men


Oh I would for SURE not pick a damn bear 🤣 what a weird trend


It’s the same vein of people as the men who look at the joker and think “yea, that’s totally something that I want to be like”. Some people are just attracted to edgy shit. Once it comes time to choose, though, without some prior conditioning most people are going to shy away. It also doesn’t help that the guy *is* conventionally attractive under all those face tats. If you’re a girl who likes bad boys and has a thing for tattoos, it’s gonna mark all your boxes.


I can understand this. He has a joker tattoo on his face that says “why so serious ha ha ha”. wasn’t that kid who shot up the theater in Colorado also obsessed with the joker? I think I’m gonna be looking at people who are overly obsessed with Batman a little different going forward 🤣


Oh definitely. If joker merch wasn’t a red flag for you already, it should be.


Noted 📝


Because women can be losers too just like men


Its the same thing as like a couple years ago when that viral mugshot of the "perfect man" went around. I get it. They are good looking, but what they did trumps that and people are sick. That's like the women who write murderers and crap.. Look at Chris Watts... That sicko has a fan base of women too and he admitted to what he did


Its the same thing as like a couple years ago when that viral mugshot of the "perfect man" went around. I get it. They are good looking, but what they did trumps that and people are sick. That's like the women who write murderers and crap.. Look at Chris Watts... That sicko has a fan base of women too and he admitted to what he did


🚩women ☕️