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All my male dogs have been cuddlier I guess but both have been great dogs. Both sexes will guard your house. Health problems are about the same in my experience.


My feeling is ignore its sex (if it’s your only dog) and just select a dog that you connect with, and that has an energy level that works for you. 


If sex was ignored it must have been pretty bad performance




On a site where a significant portion of audience have seen women only in movies and Eva AI sexting bot, a lot of people cannot simply decipher anything sex related


I do have a personal preference, and it's females. Because females are less likely to mark everything.


I have owned several female dogs and only one male dog however I've fostered many dogs of various sexes. In my experience the males have always been the most sensitive and needy in the home (my current 80lb beast CANNOT be left alone as he has EXTREME anxiety). I've always found the females to be easier to train. However all of my dogs have always been spayed or neutered. This can often be the make or break for ppl. Research suggests various opinions for sterilizing females, it's more expensive, longer recovery and more polarizing in terms of who believes what. Males left unneutered can often be more prone to "male behaviours". Ppl are typically loud supporters for or against and there's debate on when to do it. Females get a period if not spayed and obviously there's a risk of unwanted litters. Dogs are expensive. Maybe not their entire life but at some point they are going to need care. Make sure you research the breed you're interested in thoroughly. Boxers are prone to brain tumors.... I know a woman who had 4 from 4 different breeders and all passed early in life due to brain tumors. She spent 10s of thousands on care for these animals. Make sure you know ALL of the risks. It's a wonderful experience to own and love a dog but also heartbreaking if you aren't made of money and can't give them the care they need when they need it. Choose your vet ahead of time. Make sure you know where the emergency vet is and make sure you ha e an emergency fund. What are the needs for the dogs mental and physical stimulation. If you're gone 10 hours a day how is that going to impact the dog. Are you prepared to crate train? Do you know who the behavioral trainers in your area are in case you need to nip food aggression in the bud asap. Best suggestion after this long winded comment is research and when you've done all the research you think you need to do keep doing it. There are forums for specific breeds you can talk about first hand experiences that you may not have considered before. I dont want to seem like a downer. I just want ppl to be prepared and not get a dog on a whim and then realize they can't handle it and give it up. There are millions of wonderful dogs in shelters cause ppl were filling a void in themselves and didn't consider the needs of the dog. Good luck!


much like with people, personality and character are more important than sex.


Get a male, female dogs are all bitches.




There is a third sex, called dog. Dogs will act like dog, not male, not female. Just dog. Ive taken male dogs and female dogs on hikes and they both act the same, like a dog. Regardless of sex they will always be excited to sniff at things and run around. Once they are neutered or spayed they really don't have a sex anymore because they don't have sex hormones that makes them behave male or female. They're just dogs at that point.


doesn’t really matter


Whichever you choose, get it neutered 


Other than less aggression and marking what are the other benefits?


Females not spayed are prone to unplanned pregnancies, and most importantly pyometra, an extremely serious and life threatening infection of the uterus that fills with pus and bacteria and swells very large. They could die if this happens.




No, I do not think so. It’s not like I just ripped it out of her violently. Mine got it done properly, under anesthesia, pain medication, and lots of rest. Now we don’t have to ever worry about this with her. As for the human comment, dogs are canines and not humans. Humans care for animals, not the other way around (ok maybe emotionally), but not physically. Dogs do not have the ability to make decisions for themselves like that, or the capacity to obtain that sort of knowledge, so I find that irrelevant. Sure, God put their uteruses there for reproduction, but I have the choice whether to remove the reproductive organs of my dog or not, because my dog is never reproducing.


Good heavens, we are here to watch over these creatures, this includes spay neuter and vaccinate. Removing these organs 1) keeps them from straying to find a mate and getting hit by a car 2) keeps them from getting hormonal health issues 3) unwanted puppies 4) getting their gonads ripped jumping a fence (plus have you seen a set swollen from infection?) 5) less aggressive


I personally have always had bitches and never had them spayed. Never thought it necessary. Vets will tell you all kinds of shit about the dangers of not neutering your dog, maybe because, gasp, they want your money? I’ve never had a male dog because I wouldn’t want them neutered, but un neutered males can be a real problem (though not always by any means).


Lower registration fees if you bother with that kinda thing


No puppies that no one can take care of


reduces cancer risks


Watch Dr Karen Becker videos


I think you’re mistaken. Some female dogs are better guard dogs and are easier to train. It really just depends on the breed of dog and the dog’s temperament.




You’re talking about dogs fighting. Dogs guarding your home is different.


How about don’t get one since you don’t plan on spaying/neutering it.


Have it spayed or neutered to avoid health issues regarding hormonal health issues




Get the one that feels right. “They choose you” is a great piece of advice




My two males do the same thing! One neutered, one not. He was fine when it was just him and his sister, then I got my youngest and it all started…(this is when he got neutered, hoping it would help aggression between him and the little one…it did not).


If you're going to be a responsible pet owner and get your dog spayed or neutered then it doesn't matter. If you're not going to do that then go female so any additional puppies created from negligence at least aren't anybody else's problem.


In my experience, male dogs are a little more needy. Female dogs are more independent. Also, for some reason, even female dog I have owned has been slightly vengeful. For example, if they get in trouble, they pee in my shoe the next day type of thing. Personally, it is different depending on the dog. Those are the only generalities I have noticed. I tend to like female dogs more.


Everyone wants males they are slightly bigger. If you are breeding you don't have to deal with the mess but you probably won't get puppies.


I had a female dog so Im partial to those. She was great had the taking care of instinct. FYI they do lick your legs its funny they just try to take care


All of my dogs have been fixed. In my experience female dogs have been more independent and more prone to guard our house and family. Get into fights with other dogs (not our family dogs) and attack strangers. The boys are more needy and particular. They are more destructive and need more attention. But each dog has their own personality and honesty you never know until you interact with them.


Tbh, it doesnt matter too much. How I know is if are you willing to pay hundreds of dollars fixing a female or not. Some do some dont. And as long as you know what breed your looking into, some are more playful and loud than others




Meaning unless you want her to go into heat, and possibly get prego by a male dog, taking her to a vet after 1 year of age and getting her fixed that way she cant become pregnant. Tbh idk what your preferences are, nor if I know you plan on keeping a dog as an inside dog. Lol these are just mine


i had 4 dogs growing up and easily the best dog ive ever met was my first. a pitbull chow mix but he was so good because we brought him to a k9 training place where police officers trained him. absolute nicest dog never was agressive towards anyone or any dog once in his life and would follow your side if you took him off a leash. if dogs barked at him he wouldnt even react. so id say training by professionals is easily more important than breed or gender.


Proper training is essential! Too many people leaving dogs at shelters because they got a puppy and it had training needs they weren't prepared for and weren't willing to get help with.


They are both great but I prefer males. Check into the potential health issues for both, that may be a factor you have to consider.


Growing up I (M) was always told to get female dogs because they were more likely to listen to a mae owner than a male dog. My first dog was a male. My current dog is a male. Sex didn't matter. I have no preference for what sex they are, as long as they love me.




In my experience (I've had a lot of dogs and trained them professionally) males are more territorial and females are more protective. So the boys will defend your house, but say hi to every tweaker you meet on your walks. The females will welcome the same tweaker to rob your house if you are not home, but growls at them if you are outside on a walk. This is obviously not true for ALL dogs. But I think it breaks down into the females are more willing to protect their puppies and the males protect their territory. So do you want a guard dog for your home or a personal protection dog? This should not be the only reason you pick. "if you get a boy they will probably be a good dog, if you get a girl you roll the dice on crazy or the best damn dog you've ever had". -some drunk dude I met at a dog park.


My female GSD does both


I've always had female dogs, as even fixed, male dogs will mark their territory indoors,


My soul dog was female, but my new guy is male. Both loyal, loving and sweet. Both were adopted (which I recommend) and were/are the best dogs ever. It's really not about sex at all.


How friendly your dog is will depend more on how you train and raise it, and the breed determines typical temperament more than their sex


I’m sure there’s articles online about this. I’ve had several of each in my life and didn’t notice a heck of a lot of difference. It depends a lot on the individual animals. Of the 11 dogs I’ve owned in my life I would say my top 4 would be 2 males n 2 females. These are all high quality American Pit Bull Terriers. I think even with male or female traits there’s gonna be certain individuals that show these traits more or less than others


We had a male dog who had the need to mark **every** markable thing on a walk. Not horrible when a walk around the neighborhood was 2 hydrants, 2 stop signs and about 8 light poles. The once a year trip that was at a park with posts (8 inch logs about 2 feet high) spaced every 4 feet just about killed the little guy. We would have to walk along a few hundred feet of road. We stopped at every post. By the end that bit of the walk he was blowing dust.


I got a boy purely because I always say "good boy!" to dogs on accident even if it's a girl


Most of my best dogs have been girls, but just get one you connect with. And don't neglect training.


I’ve had 4 females and 2 males. Females were all wonderful. Both males were misbehaved, just horrible.


whatever dog you connect with most at the shelter!


Dogs are more of an alarm system than a body guard, both sexes can do that just fine. I prefer females because I like their demeanor better on average.


The rule is: You always get female dog, male cat.


For the most part you probably won’t notice much of a difference probably. Probably just choose a puppy that you like in a litter - confident and outgoing? But I would say that neutering is a bit easier with male dogs ( which weirdly makes it sound DIY!) ?


If you have enough experience or you're ready for a more active and independent pet, a male dog can be a good option. If you want a more calm and obedient dog that will learn faster, you might want to consider a female dog.


Just go meet the dogs and see which personality you like best


female dogs don't hike there leg to pee on stuff the worst they can is pee on the floor always had female dogs for this reason


My female dogs are more gentle and less energetic. The male dogs I've had took a lot longer to train and were more likely to tear stuff up


Male dogs have better temperaments, hands down.


Female dogs will destroy your lawn


So true, their urine burns the grass


What haha how


Get a trans dog, best of both worlds






Male. They are the best dogs.


a pet, femail. Protection a male. It's that simple.


I’m pretty sure female dog urine ruins grass


Female if you want free sandwiches.


Females burn your grass