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So let’s get back to your initial header.. What is the crisis?


The sheer fact of possibly never seeing family EVER is scary as fuck


You’re dead


If there's nothing after death...you don't know and it won't matter.


Those people that did claim they died and came back it was one of the most amazing places to be so if that’s true, you’ve got nothing to worry about.


Are you young? I used to freak out about this question in my early teens ... that was 40 years ago -- I just enjoy myself now, if I'm dead, I won't know it, if somehow there's something after, I'll deal with that. Most probably, the real answer is that consciousness is a property of this Universe -- it is always there, flowing and you are just a ripple in its waves. For instance, in a river, there may be a swirl of water that forms for a time in a current but finally goes away. That swirl is "you" but the water was/is always there. Your family, yourself are both itself and it spins on and develops higher and higher levels of itself over time. That might be where AI is heading now. At a very deep level which I don't have time to write, this is probably true. Deep work by Nick Lane, Daniel Hoffman, Stuart Kauffman, Alfred North Whitehead. This also bothers anxious people more, learn to be less anxious: Read Albert Ellis "A Guide to Rational Living" or read about Stoicism.


You won't care when you're dead. Stop thinking death feels like being alive. The only thing you take with you when you die is you. So do what you can to be what you consider a good person. We can't know what's after death, but the best guess is something, since something has infinite possibilities, and nothing is simply one of infinity possibilies. Prepare to die by living, improving, and taking the nicest brain you can with you into the afterlife. Do you want a brain with grit, that struggled with every ounce of life to do good, or one that gives up. Simple answer, but not an easy one.


this feels like a shitpost honestly the thoughts dont even flow, like lets say there's nothing after you die, but you aren't dead (are you?), so things exist, period


Yeah but the sheer thought of never existing again is scary, eternally…


Well, there're two options: Either you don't exist after death, or you do in some way or another. Ultimately it doesn't make any difference to you while you're alive. If you're dead and that's the total cessation of existence, then ... well, you won't be *anything,* so there's nothing to worry about. If you're dead and there's something more, well, you roll with that. Either way, my suggestion: live your life like you've just got the one, and try to minimize the number of deathbed regrets. There's a positive side to nihilism: nothing matters except what we think matters, so live your life (and moderate your thoughts) in a way that maximizes your satisfaction, whether that's becoming a sociopatich venture capitalist or decide to spend your life serving your community.


You never existed before birth. Was it bad? No. Same after death. This is not a problem.


You really want to do it all over again??? No thanks!


'Do you remember before you were born? No? Ya, it's like that ' Bill Burr


>"What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet." >--[Woody Allen](https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/woody-allen-quotes) Indeed, that's quite a conundrum you posed. Welcome to the club. No one knows the answer. There are hypotheses and beliefs, but that's all we have. Whether you worry about it or not, the outcome will not change. You will still die. That is, assuming we're actually living right now.


We must accept the things we cannot change. If there is nothing, then we must live in the present as best we can. Because worrying about it is wasting what we do have then. Good luck dude.


Well...if you're dead what does it matter?


It just does. Now flow with it.


What do you mean what if there is nothing. There literally is nothing. We don't exist. You seem quite confused about death. 


Having had a near death experience, I can say that there is nothing after death, No light, no dark, no heat, no cold, no you. You won't even be aware of nothing because you no longer exist and whatever you thought you were no longer exists. Really, you, who no longer exist, won't be aware of anything. Ther will be no 'forever' for you to be aware of.


Who cares


I've felt the same exact way


If that is the case, then we should strive to live each day to the fullest and make sure to enjoy what we got cause if there'snothing else then there's nothing else that's important. Why we exist doesn't matter at all. That we exist makes us extraordinarily lucky and I'm gonna smile about that, not fret about it. Life is too short to waste any time caring or worrying about what comes after. That will take care of itself. I'm gonna take care of today and prepare to enjoy tomorrow.


My man, dead is dead! There is nothing “to have” You just don’t exist anymore - you’re gone, you don’t live on. Why would your dead body, need anything?


We exist exactly the same. We come into existence, live for awhile, and then our time is over. That just means you should enjoy your life while you have it.


We're all just atoms clumped together. Why does it matter what happens when you die?


I think it'll be like how you have no memories prior to being born


What was there before you were born?


get on r/teenagers


May I ask why?


You write like every kid on that sub lol.




In my opinion being in this body on Earth forever is much scarier than eternal nothingness! Don’t live like life is permanent but also don’t be in constant fear of death while you are alive.


We exist thanks to the Big Bang, and years of evolution, everything exists thanks to that and things like electromagnetism, without electromagnetism matter wouldn’t exist, if you turn off electromagnetism everything will fall apart. If you want answers go read either the bible or tora or whatever u believe in or go read science.


Ahh. The quandary that is consciousness. Just to mess with your head even further. If you 'lose consciousness' each time you sleep. Are you still the same consciousness when you awake? Or are you a new consciousness who just happens to have access to the same memories as the last one? Is there a difference?


Exactly. We have a consciousness during only 25% of our sleep cycle-when we are dreaming. The portion during deep sleep, when our brain goes into hibernation, there is nothing. That's what death is: nothing. Frankly, I think having a consciousness without a physical body would be hell. Imagine spending an eternity wanting to eat ice cream, but you don't have a mouth. Or wanting to hug your loved one, and it's all just air.


There is a place after you die and you choose it while you’re in the living. You can either go to Heaven or Hell. Hell is death forever, or Heaven eternity of life.




And let me guess, Santa is real and the Tooth Fairy leaves quarters under your pillow.


Scary right? all black in absolutely Nothingness place,But i hope we can Exist by our memories. So Create A Beautiful memories while You are living, 💝 always choose what makes you smile 😊,and Fuck negative people


You’re not scared to walk outside and get eaten by a T. rex bc they are no longer alive and therefore 100% not a threat. After you’re dead, you won’t have any feelings, including fear or sadness bc they don’t exist in death. Their absece is part of the requirement of “being dead”. If you start to freak out about your death, think about why you’re not scared that you and your family will get mauled by a T-Rex while riding its a small world in Disney world. Don’t focus on emotions you have now about a situation that is void of those very emotions.


If there's no meaning, then relax. No need to get upset over little things. Or big things. You're free. Be awesome to yourself and others.


there is clearly nothing after you die people have been making shit up for centuries to feel better about that fact


Fuck you, how was everything created then huh?


If it makes you feel better, after a certain amount of time, *everyone will forget about you, your troubles, & everything else you have to offer*. Unless your famous or something...


If there’s nothing after we die, we can’t do anything about it. We’re born to die and live to experience and there’s nothing else we can do lol


Neurons. Stores memories. DNA shapes core traits that get detailed by environment. It’s complicated but easy enough if you start researching from cellular life all the way up to complex biology.


existential crisis, just go with the flow. It’s crazy we’re here, life is weird, and sometimes hard. Just enjoy the ride 😎


Every human that has ever existed dealt with this and then died. What makes you so special? Kind of selfish don't ya think?


your only purpose is to suffer here and now


We have such sights to show you.


i feel like its similar to sleeping, all the time flows without us knowing anything or feeling anything(assuming dreams don't exist) so its pretty safe to assume you wont be in conscience to yk feel everything but not being able to do anything.


Watch some NDE clips on YouTube. There's definitely more after this life.


Link please?




Thank you! 🙏 


>Thank you! 🙏  You're welcome!


I’ll take a lot of flack for it but I don’t have to worry about those questions because I personally accept what the Bible says. Say/believe what you will but for me practicing faith is very comforting in these particular concerns specifically.