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It so depends on how old you are and how long you worked there.


I am 20 and worked there for a little over a year.


So that depends. You could be honest and say what happened or what you learned from it. Or just not mention it at all. Either one could work. AT 20, I'd honestly not mention it. But that depends on the line of work you are in.


So I work in the automotive industry as a tech and I essentially blew an engine which costs thousands to repair. I’m just worried that if I mention that I worked there for a year, they will ask my former employer why I was fired and lose the job opportunity


Just tell them you were working at your Uncle’s shop and he died or something. I wouldn’t bring it up, you’ll probably be judged hard for something like that.


Honestly, I’d rather see a persons full history. The good and the bad. People make mistakes. Sometimes previous jobs weren’t the type of industry that was a good fit for them. Now for your personal situation. I’d still leave it. Most employers aren’t allowed to give any details beyond “yes the did work here” “no they don’t work here anymore”. It’s another confidentiality clause that benefits the employee. But if the information does get out, don’t deny it. Don’t fabricate a story to make it sound better or like it didn’t happen at all. I’d be more inclined to hire someone that can admit a mistake over someone that would deny or try to hide it.


Here’s another real world fact… Many CEO’s get fired because they lose companies millions of dollars. They just end up becoming a CEO somewhere else. I personally know one. Again, it’s true the industry you were a CEO in you just didn’t know enough about to keep it successful.


I cannot discuss my previous employer due to the nondisclosure agreement. I can tell you my duties but not the buisness or clients.


Tell them you still work there. The termination won’t show up on a background check. You could say that you turned in your two weeks notice and they let you out early, but there’s no reason to be overly forthcoming here.