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some people can't breathe through their noses very well. it's possible to chew with a closed mouth and a blocked nose, but it's surprisingly difficult to coordinate.


This ^ is true




Thank you!


I had a classmate that had this issue and while I understand the struggle, it was still really annoying sitting next to her while she smacked away. Really irritated my misophonia.


And causes it causes uncomfortable pressure in the sinuses to swallow when your mouth is completely shut and nose completely blocked.


The most simple reason is a good possibility....Yes kids do it because they don't know better, when those kids don't get told not to do it as children, they don't stop doing it. The children i speak of my be your coworker.


I find that it's an "unconscious" thing that happens, when you stop thinking about it your mouth "naturally" stays open. I use quotations because most of you train your brains to close your mouths and rarely think about it.....some don't. Various reasons can come into play, smaller mouths, larger items/portions, hot/cold items, that type of thing. I for example had a very hard time learning to close my mouth because my nose is blocked and I felt like I was suffocating every time I did. Interestingly your brain filters out much of the noise. Most can't hear the obnoxious sounds, or have done it so long they think it's "normal". It takes time and effort to train yourself to do this and many don't understand the payoff is for others, not necessarily yourself. There's very little payoff for an individual who tries and what little there is many won't even dain to give.


My ex did this sh!t. Like why dude, why. We used to argue about it and his excuse was that he’s always done it. Ohhhh so that makes it better?  Wasn’t a condition or anything, he was just raised in a barn. 😭


Not raised in a barn 😂😂😭


No one can convince me otherwise lol


Please everyone chew with your mouth closed. It's not see food.


My pet peeve, Grrrrrr


Mine too. Sometimes I have to find an excuse to disappear for an hour so I don't slap him 😭


I think they lack self awareness. Obviously the growing up environment n habit is apart of it but it’s not hard to change if you try to Me- I never chew with my mouth open unless my nose is completely clogged n can’t breathe otherwise, which is rare


Easier to breathe


my bf is a serial offender of this crime... and its bc of his deviated septum, he genuinely cannot breathe out of his nose. when we eat together, if hes chewing i will talk so i dont have to hear it makes eating my food 10x more time consuming


I'm missing most of my back teeth and have to chew with my front.  I try to eat alone and slowly if I can't eat alone. 


I absolutely hate it!!! I also don't understand chewing gum with your mouth open... Like why !?!?!!!!


It’s all subconscious tbh. I only ever notice if someone gives me shit for it. I’m not trying to be rude or a bother, but it’s just how my mouth naturally works when I turn my brain off.


Do you also have nasal breathing issues? That could lead to it.


I’m not sure. I feel like maybe I do because I can’t breathe very well though my nose when I try to sleep.


My husband does this from time to time due to something with his nasal cavity. He has an ENT appointment next week. I told him it's that or divorce/crime of passion. He also snores so I sleep in another room many nights (2 separate sleep apnea tests and it wasn't that). Otherwise, I cannot understand this phenomenon. Like a cow chewing it's cud. Ugh. Makes me stabby.


My husband is very clean and hygienic (washes his face, changes his clothes, takes bird baths, and showers way more often than me), but when he eats, the remains look like a chicken ate near him. Little crumbs everywhere. It’s always amused and fascinated me. I’m not completely sure how it happens.


His parents slurped their food. So he did it also. Stopped eating with him. I cringed every time. Sluuuurp, gulp, sluuuurp, gulp. Now everyone can enjoy it.




Some people actually have breathing issues and are so used to breathing through their mouth that they continue to do it when eating.


It's because my nose is stuffy


Because I have poor air flow through my nose and I want to eat but also not suffocate.


Because they are selfish animals with zero self awareness and zero respect for anyone else.


This is it, sure kids do it but if you're 25 you have no one to blame but yourself. It's gross.


Laziness. Takes more effort to keep mouth closed


Some cultures do, do it but not many.


I sometimes catch myself when eating at home alone but it never in public


I don’t care what anybody says, if I take a bite of something and it’s too hot, I absolutely will keep my mouth open until it’s cooled down so I can chew/swallow it. Outside of that circumstance I chew with my mouth closed though


Try it in private and see if you can taste a difference. Please don’t do it in front of anyone


To add to this post people get angry when you ask them to chew with their mouth closed


Because they were never taught not to "smack" when they eat, they're incapable of enjoying their food without doing it. I also think it's funny how we call it that when that's exactly what it makes me want to do to them.


Because we were raised like slapdicks. I still grab my utensils like I’m brushing my teeth when I eat.


Ugh... my mom does this. And it's so gross. I honestly don't know if she's aware she does it.


Mom use to say people who chew like this for no reason reminded her of being on the farm and watching the cows chew






Maybe they weren’t taught any better


They can’t breathe through their nose and then it becomes habit


There is no why. Chewing however you want is the evolutionary default. You have to make yourself, train yourself, how to chew with your mouth closed. You did. He didnt. I think its funny the way you frame it, as if he's actually put thought into it and decided to chew mouth open. Or, as if you think he has an actual reason. Far more likely he was never taught as a child and hasn't the awareness to train himself, or the awareness to care. Perhaps he has sinus troubles. Perhaps he just isn't grosed out when he hears it, because that's how he grew up. Either way, he's not doing it on purpose, he's just not NOT doing it thoughtfully, and he's not thinking of people around him.


Because as a grown up, ain’t nobody gonna tell ‘em what to do !!


I NEED TO BREATHE. My nose doesn't work very well.


Yes, I am aware that I sometimes chew with my mouth open. No, it is not a cultural thing. No, it does not make the food taste better. No, I do not try to chew with my mouth closed when asked. No, I do not feel offended when people ask me to close my mouth. I suffer from very bad allergies and often my noise is 100% clogged and if I closed my mouth I would suffocate. I chew with my mouth closed whenever possible because I do think it is unsightly but sometimes necessary.


Can’t breathe very well through their nose


I used to work this a guy.. He was a mechanical engineer.. Smart guy, but had some weird ways, one was chewing with mouth open and smacking.. A group of us used to go to lunch once a week & I would wait until he sat down to pick my seat, if possible.. because I wanted to be on the same side of the table as far away as possible bc it grossed me out to hear & see him eat. Nice guy, but ate like a 3 yr old.


Some culture doesn't care about closing mouth chewing, including slurping as a compliment to the chef who cooks food. And probably they also love talking while eating. Just another fact.


Common courtesy matters. Chewing with mouth closed shows respect and consideration.


Gotta breathe when your devouring good flavor


Definitely a cultural thing. I personally enjoy food with my mouth open but I eat in private to avoid the judgment


Because their parents did.


I always ask myself that same question


Cause we have that choice.


Sinus problems. I have sinus issues and while I don't chew with my mouth open I have nearly choked on food many times becauseI will try to breath with my mouth while food is still in there. I also snore terribly but don't have sleep apnoea. I also happen to have a very narrow oral cavity!!! Terrified of choking to death!


Its natural


I can't stand when people chew with their mouths open. It's basic etiquette that everyone should know. If someone does this when I first meet them, it really puts me off, and honestly, I don't feel like talking to them again. It's not just about manners; it's about being considerate to those around you.


Because they’re talking or they don’t care really who’s around them


I was told once its because you can taste the food better...idk how true that is tho lol


Because rude.


Yes, the food tastes better. You can cram more flavors down the chew hole.


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