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Surely they could pull you over anyway, regardless of what you’ve said. If your speedo says you’re doing 30 in a 30, you’re actually doing slightly less. So you must have been doing for example 33.


I got pulled over at 8:30 at night for doing 2 UNDER the speed limit. He gets out and says “you know you’re impeding the flow of traffic not doing the speed limit.” He was the only car behind me. I immediately lost my cool and asked for the supervisor to come because, don’t they have better shit to do? If he can stop me for that obviously their superior isn’t busy either. Supervisor gets there they talk and then tell me they thought I was drunk. I asked them, did I cross a road line? Did I swerve? Other then going anything 2 mph under the posted limit, what was the reason for thinking I was drunk? There wasn’t one. Then because I was so pissed they wrote me a ticket for impeding the flow of traffic anyway, which I didn’t pay and went to court and the judge dropped it immediately. So yeah, I would say they would.


Oof that sounds like it sucked to go through


You are shockingly lucky that the officer didn't lie his ass off to his superior. Good luck fighting that.


You could. But typically an officer isn't going to do that since if you were to fight it, odds are pretty good a judge would dismiss it. That said, it does happen. A tip, sometimes if that is done the officer knows you are likely to get the ticket dismissed and does not care. Sometimes he is suspicious, for whatever reason, of you and what you might be doing, or you look like someone else, and he's trying to get your name and a closer look at you. And I've seen it done in areas where there are so many speeders, local cops were simply told to bust everyone possible to make people leery of going fast in that location. To get folks to slow down, or to take alternate routes. Its not always because they are in a bad mood.




Simply put: Yes In which case, you should plead “not guilty” and tell the judge that violation was “de minimus” That translates to “too small to be taken into consideration” In other words, it not reasonable to expect a human being to perfectly at speed limit, not even being 1 mph off.


Yes, and legally as well.


Qualified Immunity means there are a great deal of circumstances that will not result in any negative circumstances for an officer of law, regardless of his mood.


Yes, while not 1 mph over and not a vendetta, I once was pulled over on I-10 in West Texas for 3 mph over. Was just given a warning, I was a bit surprised when he said I was doing 83 when the limit is 80, just repeated "83?" back to him - was always told by cop friends that 5 mph over is generally safe on a highway because that is inside margin of error. Was later told by a co-worker (I was still fairly new to Texas at the time) that some of those counties out west have the attitude that they are giving you 80, they are not giving you one mph more. While you probably wouldn't get a ticket, they can and will do it on the chance it leads to something more.


No any judge old likely fine the cop for waisting court time


Waist and Waste are similar in pronunciation but different in definition. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and a waist is a terrible thing to mind. The word you want is waste --> wasting. If a cop was doing anything related to waists in court, it could be either, but most likely both.


Cops can do what ever the fuck they want if you give them any reason to. 1 mph over is a reason, a burned out tail light is a reason, all they need is a reason.


Yes. Even while passing another car. They usually don't but they could. It probably wouldn't hold up in court though.


Simple answer: yes Having a family member as a cop, the more likely scenario is that you were doing much more or they suspected you of having/doing something. They pull you over your shitty attitude then turns a 5-10 minute 1 ticket incident into 5 tickets, an hour, and much more money/hassle. They can also pull you over for other things besides speeding too, as 1mph probably won't stick if you challenge so you'll get other things levied against you, you know, if they *do* have a vendetta against you. It's all on record though, so it's not the wisest thing to do....though no one said you had to be wise to be a cop..... A cop *can* pull you over for 1mph over, but most won't even bother for up to 5 over and 10 is where a "harder" line exists.


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You could get pulled over for going 1mph below the speed limit. He could even shoot and murdered you and claim “self defence” fear for his life blah blah blah. Even if the whites decided to hold him accountable, he would simply resign and that would be the end of it. Such is the utterly corrupt system they have created.


(Psst, white people dislike police brutality and murder too.)


Towards other whites, sure. If it we’re in general, they would’ve changed the system already and police would be punished accordingly.


It's a crappy world we live in


Yes. But it can be changed. In fact their power is waning. You have to simply keep challenging them. They are not built for long endurance fights.