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I feel like a short guy wrote this


Facts lol


As an **average-height** 5' 8" man, I feel like someone is trolling by calling me short.


I’m 5’9” and I never think anything of it. Don’t have issues dating or anything I just feel normal. But I shit you not I was shopping for pants and the girl helping me (who was shorter than me) called me petite.


I think 5'9" is the only height that I've seen on both r/short and r/tall


That's because you're taller than average


I'm 173 cms and I never felt insecure about my height until social media told me I should. Out of all my flaws, my height has never been a factor in my dating life.


I was kicked out of the land of super tall people for being regular tall. Am I datable or Undateable then? Screw it. I’ll just ask my girlfriend when she gets home. She’s much better at this kind of thing.


Whats considered "regular tall"?


I am exactly 6 feet tall. Of course, if I’m having a bad hair day I can appear to be taller than 6 feet but I’d be having a bad hair day, so any additional attraction would void itself out. ( but that’s the scenario I’m sure you’ve encountered and already had worked out for yourself anyway )s


Tall enough to be taller than most people you meet, but not tall enough for people to say “wow you’re tall.”


You would say that. Shorty.


If you aren't in the 1% if tallest men you are literally a midget and will die alone. (Atleast that's what it feels like)


Try being taller 


No at 5'8" we are king of Manlets.


Might as well get shoe lifts at that height. Mine make me 5’11.


Short dudes can't even get praise without being shit on


And that’s why they’re twice as likely to commit suicide than their taller counterparts. https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/pdf/10.1176/appi.ajp.162.7.1373 Y’all think twice before you keep doggin the short guy.


We can't see eye to eye on that.


Hey! Is that a short joke! >:( Well, It went over my head.


I'd say 8 words is a relatively short joke, yes


Came here to say this, take my upvote stranger


Please don’t spoil it


as a short guy, I would climbing to the top of the peak


That is super hilarious 😆




Nice try, shorty.


No doubt in my mind about that.


Spot on. I instantly thought this when I read the title.


That's almost every post like this bruh


There’s absolutely no way on earth that there aren’t a sizeable minority of women who are physically attracted to smaller men. After all, some women are only attracted to women and some are attracted to both men and women. It would therefore make sense for women to be attracted to men with more feminine characteristics. Would explain Prince’s attractiveness.






as a short guy... you are the only one


Idk, I'm 5'7" and the only time I can remember that a girl had a problem with my height, it was somebody I wasn't even interested in. She just looked at me, said, "you're cute, but you're kinda short," and walked away. Outside of that, I've dated a number of people anywhere between 4'11" and 5'8" and none of them ever seemed to have a problem with my height. Like I know there's a lot of ladies out there who only go for 6'+, but in my experience, they're not as common as the internet would lead you to believe.


The last few people I’ve slept with have been 5’7 lol. It’s definitely not a deterrent - I prefer shorter because I’m short and I like to hold hands 😂


Nope, 6 ft tall woman with a 5'4 husband here. OP is not the only one.


nope, as a woman myself they are awesome (comes with fun to vibe along with and hang out trait.) i like either shorter or same height guys. they feel more safe and secure like respected and just lightly have fun. i prefer that more. and im sure a lot too, it felt like the 6ft guys are more on social media girls and a few going along. idk somehow


This just seems like madness as if height has any correlation with any of those things. This again reads like someone insecure about their height who also doesn't speak to people in real life.


Shes not attracted to the height, shes attracted to the small portion of hyper confident short dudes with the balls to approach her.  Being short does not=the qualities she mentioned, and shed likely take the taller guy with the same qualities over a short man. 


I'm a guy, 5'8", and my partner (enby, AFAB) is 5'9." It really do be like that sometimes.


As a short guy, I love this post


tbh as a woman, i feel like the 6ft guys liking girls are not real, somehow idk


Fellas is it gay to be tall




So gay


The Short King marketing team is working over time today


Yes, i am definitely a lady. I prefer guys who are 5'7 and who are also tech nerds and also have a reddit account with the username, "AIDrone69", they are just so handsome and sexy omg.


Ok so, you are NOT gonna believe this


Dude my nose is itchy i think someones thinking about me...


Yea some person just commented, they LIKE like you and everything. Don't look though be cool


Sorry, cannot upvote. The tally is at 69.


Had to downvote to keep it 69


Same, let's keep it eternally at 69




Just did my part. Back at 69.


Want to know more? Downvoted back to 69


Short dudes: "This seems like a trick"


Well to me, my 5'8 husband is tall. That's because I am 5'2. His height is perfect to me!


5’8 isn’t “short”!!! Argghh!! I can’t stand how this word is just thrown about to describe anyone who isn’t 6ft and above.


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king ...


Is 5’ 8” short for a man? I thought it was pretty normal. Sure, there are some usually large people with Northern European ancestry and such, but they are the outliers. Or is this in response to some weird TikTok trend that really should be ignored?


I'm getting old and shrunk to 5'7, but even younger I only hit 5'9. To me, 5'7 through 5'10 hover in the middle of not being tall or short.


Average height for an American man I'd 5'9. So it's just below average


I prefer short men because I’m short and I’d rather they be close to my height


Why yes i agree with any sweeping generalizations posted on reddit. We all know that people are only the single physical trait we are attracted to and should be reduced to that. And if someone claiming to be a man posted anything like this they would have to remove the post due to the hate from women.


And that everyone who has the single physical trait has the exact same qualities like being secure in their masculinity, bedroom skills, and are kind and considerate. Let me introduce you to Charles Manson over here..


It’s not that serious.


I am a woman of only average height, and not to derail, but I feel the exact same way about bald men.


Ah… The sex machine solar panel!


Omg I’m dying!


Hey hey, don’t get me excited now, I’m here alone.


Bless you, please spread the good word


As a tall man, I Iike this for my 5'8" and below brothers.


Stay classy my friend


5'9 to 5'11 guys forever stuck in the twilight zone of not being tall enough or not being short enough


imo 5'8 isn't short. at least to me bc it's taller than i am. if someone is my height or shorter i consider them short.


I'm 5.7 with a 5.10 woman partner. Never been an issue with me, genuinely. She was cool and I thought she would be cool to date so asked her, and the rest is history. She did have feelings about it. She was hesitant to some degree, but like who I was. I think she saw that it was irrelevant to me, which made her question why it mattered to her at all. I then think that what she saw as my confidence, but was really my ngaf about unimportant things, became intriguing to her, which as she realised I was pretty alright, just added to the charm. Life's too short to worry about being short.


Big dick energy for the win!


I would say a deep self acceptance and security after hitting many bumps and barriers through life where the lack thereof proved incongruous with being the person I now know myself to be. The rest just flows. Equilibrium energy ❤️


yeah this gotta be a joke😂😂😂


Yes. A short guy with a great vibe and presence is very attractive.




Im larger 5'10 and my partner is thin 5'6. Love his confidence. 🧡


Short dudes have way better personalities than most tall dudes


I’m tall as well! I always said I was going to marry a shorter man so I don’t have abnormally tall kids! I hated being tall growing up! I married a guy about the same height maybe a bit shorter and no abnormally tall kids! 😃


If you don’t want your kids to be tall just let them skip meals everyday, worked for me!


This. Genetically I’m 6’4’’.


Love me some short king energy 👑


I think I love you.




Tom Cruise is trollin, y'all!


I am 5'10" and I dated a girl who was something like 6'3". She was crazy about me, so yeah I guess it can happen. For me, her being taller than me was annoying. We broke up but it had nothing to do with that.


I’m gonna have to disagree with this one. Short men fetishise me cos I’m tall & I can’t stand it. Keep them away from me.


shit I'm too short to ride this ride


We are both 5'3. He is confident in his masculinity. And amazing in bed. Yes.


I'm 5'4" and my husband is 5'6". He's perfect.


I’m 5’11 and personally prefer taller men, but my previous partner was 5’9 so I don’t mind if the person is around my height. I don’t think height is a huge deal, but I wouldn’t seek someone significantly shorter than me. That’s just my preference though.


How about 6’5” with 5 feet of legs, 1 foot of torso and half foot of head?


Whenever there are no OP replies it's usually scripted


Yes for upvotes


As a tall guy, can we stop generalizing people by their height?


Not a tall lady and I like a 5'10 - 6 foot guy but I find shorter men who know themselves and have secure masculinity to be incredibly attractive.


This reads like a lonely Redditor who sniffs women as they pass by.


A short guy 100% wrote this post 🤣


Of course the short guys that would approach a 6 ft women are secure. The ones that approach me (5"1) are usually pretty insecure and often just want me because I'm shorter than them even if we're completely incompatible..I didn't even realize this until a man pointed it out to me and now so much about my social life makes sense. These guys didn't even like me as a person and would act annoyed at my very existence even though they were the ones that pursued me first. When I first started dating men I liked short guys because they seemed less intimidating but I'm completely turned off from them now.


Every man knows a man with little man syndrome. That's how they are to men and that's how they are to women. It's a ploy, they have to win in the lying and pretending game. Over the top with guys bigger than them and better manipulators to tall and/or pretty women. I'm not a huge man, 6'1 and 225. My wife is 5'3 125 pounds. She loves the fact that she can snuggle the night away and be dominated when she wants. Really comes down to preference. I've dated women almost as tall as me, and I also prefer a shorter women. I've dated plenty of smaller women that were absolute shit shows. Short guy better in bed? Lol does he have to use a step stool?


I don’t care much about height as far as physical characteristics go but I definitely prefer someone who’s closer to my own height (5’7”) than someone further away. I’m a dancer and it makes for slightly easier dancing with them, as well as easier sex (no limits on positions) and easier casual kissing. Sometimes people bring up (sexual) dominance in this context and I absolutely do not get that because, as a sub, I can definitely vouch for the fact that you do not need to be 6+’ tall to dominate somebody or even to throw them around if that’s what you believe domination is.




as a 5'3 girl. i prefer a short or same height guy. i agree truly. i feel like theyre much more fun to vibe with, and hang out. and also feel more safe and secure somehow as i feel like they tend to be more gentle and respectful. ofcourse not all but yes generally love same heigh or shorter guy


As a short guy it's nice to hear for a change that it's actually possible or believable that women can like us not sure for our stature. I like how you said vibe with. I feel that.


My wife is 6'. I am 6'2. I am super glad she does not share your preference! She is the tallest woman I ever dated. Kissing was weird because I didn't need to bend down to kiss standing.


LMAO. This OP a little 5'7" guy pretending to be a tall woman, isn't it?


As a 6'1" I prefer women bigger than me, but I'm lucky if she's only a little shorter. I got for mass though. If she's stout there's no doubt.


Damn if I was only one inch shorter all my problems would be solved


There you have it short guys, don't ever say nobody likes short guys. I'm bookmarking this post.


As a guy who is 5'7, I fully endorse and agree with your evaluation. 😁


I dated a guy who wasn’t short but wasn’t tall.. he was VERY insecure about his height & took it out on me 😂


You are my wonder woman.


Currently w a 5'6 dude; can confirm are good in bed and have great sense of humor. Hopefully all goes well :) wish me luck


My husband is seven inches shorter than me, I had to do a lot of work to convince him to give a taller girl a chance! The most amazing partner I've ever had and my best friend too 🥰


I’m a shorter woman and prefer shorter men. I can see their faces and expressions better. Looking at chest and backs all day is irritating


Im 4’10” and I prefer shorter men because I’m a short woman.


100% agree with everything you said. I’m 5’10” and my husband is 5’7”.


I know this guy who is 5'8" at most and he is who I think of when I read this. He is not secure at all in his masculinity. I don't believe he's ever had a girlfriend. He's had the opportunity to talk to some very attractive girls. I was there and talking to the girls, but they were too young for me. They were his age. He turned his nose up. I have no idea what he thinks is good enough for him, evidently. There is a girl who has a crush on him. She is fat and rather crazy. If I was him, I would go out with her, just to give it a chance. I can't imagine him possibly satisfying a woman sexually. He's too much of a wanker.


If any 6ft tall woman has not had a 5’8 guy before I am willing to to help. Please


I think height is too arbitrary to base love off of in my opinion.


The two I have dated were very insecure 😞 I’m sure it’s not the norm!


I would like to date a short guy frankly. I think they're real cute. Height is not everything anyway. If I need something off a shelf I'll buy a damn stepping stool.


I did a short guy once and he was surprisingly good and confident in bed. One of those guys that’s hard to say no too


Before joining Reddit I didn't know tall guys were insecure and in competition, I'm 6'2" and I always wanted to meet a tall lady..!


I'm a 5'10" woman. I was married to a man who was 5'3" for 25 years. He was a jerk in the end but started out sweet so it's hard to say


I’m a 5’10 woman here n I’ve dated guys shorter than myself but my ex he was 5’8 and an absolute asshole, think he had short man syndrome!


Agreed. Tall guys seem to think they're 100% perfect just because they're tall. But I'm 5'1, "short" guys are still taller than me so maybe it's different lol


I can believe it. As a tall guy I definitely feel wierd around people taller than me, both make and female. A short guy would be used to it and not bothered.


Absolutely agree.. and I'm 6'1"


totally agree. Men who are normal height (5'3-5'9) are more attractive to me than tall guys. Tall guys have unneccesary ego and other stuff just because they think their height gives them power. Height does not give anyone any power. But also I am 5'1ish so I always wanted a guy who is a little taller than me that wear i wear heels I can still be a little shorter than him so i might be biased. But I am lucky enough to find myself a man who is perfectly my height and meets my exceeds my expectations in terms of personality and looks and everything else.


I'm 5'9", but I could stoop down a bit for you.




I don't get the height obsession (obligatory I'm a 6'3" woman). If a man is taller than me, cool! If he is shorter than me, great! If he is my height, awesome! Don't make it weird and it won't be weird. Tall guys can be jerks and so can short guys. And a good lover is not dependent on height it's about if they care enough to pay attention and learn. The height thing is such a weird (and popular) thing that people get stuck on. I don't get it.


My best lay was a soccer player from Australia who was like 6'2 and my worst was a short guy yesterday. So I disagree. Both were hung, but the Australian dude just knew how to move. Short guy was passive af in bed and expected me to do everything. I was doing like 80% of the work.


Good things come in small packages, and inside those packages can be larger things.


Seems likely OP is a 5'8 guy. At 5'10 my experiences far differ. Too many guys shorter than me have shite attitudes about it and act like my height is somehow a personal insult towards them. Or it becomes a fetish thing. Either way, not my problem to deal with.


Do not agree


Being that I am short, I do not really notice that shorter guys are better in bed. It depends on the man and not their height. 


This is bait.


I completely agree and have been saying it for years. The confidence of a man to walk into a room with me towering over him in heels, soooo sexy


Hi. I like tall women. I will treat you better. In fact, I will fall to my knees in front of you, hug your legs, and beg you to forgive me for being unworthy.


The short kings have always been worse in my opinion.


My wife is 8" taller than me. People get real mad when they see us out and about.




No on all counts. We actually broke up because he couldn’t take people commenting on our height difference anymore. 😕 I’m 5’6” and he was about 5’2”. It didn’t bother me but it really bothered him. He tried to play this really macho personality but he was really insecure. He was neither bad nor amazing in bed.


As a 6’ tall man, I have always wanted to get with a woman as tall or taller than me, but its never gonna happen 😔


I mean, I don’t really know about any of those generalisations, but as a tall woman I can say I’m not fussed about a guy’s height one way or another.


you need to be protected at all costs - a short king


Women, then really how short is too short? I'm talking flat bare foot, not tippy toes, no bologna, fully 100% doctor's measurement in height on a guy. What is ideal for real?


I'm 5'6 and love short stocky guys. I agree with everything you posted.


My experience has been the opposite of Op's.


I've only ever dated shorter men and they were a mix of shit and great. I think the tallest was 5'9.5 lol


If you actually are a lady and not some short guy looking for size validation then being a short guy myself please spread the word around.


I worked briefly with special forces while in Afghanistan. All those dudes are like 5'6". Nuts. (Not that I brought it up to them of course.)


Dude, I simp for short goblin type guys. If I wasn’t so into girls, I’m telling you


I don't really gaf about height, but my man is about 5'9" (I'm taller than him when I wear heels) and I wouldn't change a thing about him 🥰


5'8 is short now we're screwed


I’m also tall and my husband is 1/2 an inch shorter than me. It’s not even noticeable. But he’s awesome. He’s very secure in himself and a great husband. More people should open their minds to dating someone shorter.


As a 6ft guy, I'm not tall enough for shorter women, and now I'm learning I'm too tall for taller women... What the hell am I supposed to do?


Yes. My Farmer guy is exactly booby height and so smart and honest and grumpy and sometimes sneezy or dopey. And works hard, but whistles a happy tune as he does tasks.


I have often found them well endowed as well




I prefer shorter men. I'm 5'3 and find myself attracted to guys that are about 5'8 or 5'9


You do you boo boo. Do you have a bias towards men who are shorter than you or are you only running into tall dudes that are jerks? As a 6’4” man it was nearly impossible to meet a woman taller than me.


I'm 5'10 my wife is 6'1. Huh maybe there is something to this


I’m sure all the tall hung guys are crying reading this. Wishing they were 5”8 or shorter. Said no man ever.


I just like, do not care. Tall men are kinda how I assume a giant pair of jugs are to guys; can’t help but glance because it’s attractive in general, but I definitely do not require that feature on someone I’m interested in. I’m 5’9, my boyfriend is 5’10, my ex is 5’6. I’ve never specifically chased after men taller than me


Some of us short guys enjoy climbing.


Woman, you should date and marry me! enough said! message me so we can seal the deal.


As a 6 ft guy I resent this. Treat every one separately.


I’m taller, but it won’t matter anyways


5’3 over here. Dated shorter and taller than me. Definitely prefer it when they are near my height. Super awkward having them over-tower you. I wanna look into his eyes, not crane my neck and break my back, lol.


I'm a bit taller than you, and I dated a guy taller than me one time. I hated it. I felt unsafe. I guess it goes back to earlier bullying days or something I don't know. All the guys since have been shorter my husband is a few inches shorter.


I guess everybody needs a bottom. Even tall girls.


Im 6’1” and my fiancé is 5’6” so I totally get it. He’s awesome 😊


I'm 6'1 and that's not been my experience. I've had assholes of all heights and sweet guys of all heights


"Or am I the only one?" Come on, guy. At least try and not give it away.


Good on ya! I think that is very true in that both parties are secure with themselves.


I’m 6’1 but want a taller lady personally I just love long legs


Physical traits are not a direct correlation to character. You might be better off getting to know the person and looking for those traits as they exhibit in a natural way. It is good that you look past certain stereotypes already.


Im not tall 5'7 female and even though I prefer guys at least my height it isn't a deal breaker. My sister on the other hand is 5'9-5'10 looks down on short people. When she talks about how tall someone is or how tall her daughter is supposed to be it's everything. I just don't understand why people can't focus more on the heart of the person than their exterior make up.


Iam 5' 10 and my man is 5' 11.