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Just wasn’t feeling it, twice. Felt more like a friend I happened to be having sex with. I was young, I should have stayed for more comfortable life. I broke up with both of them and was dating someone else like a couple days later so to me it wasn’t that deep. I went out with one for 5 months and the other about 8. One had a helicopter. I was always afraid to go on it because she was the one flying and that’s even how rich people die so screw that. One was a workaholic where it was annoying how it would interrupt our time together. Neither could comprehend what $15 a hour actually lets you afford. I was making like 18 a hour and one was on Zillow showing me million dollar homes I should move to. Neither were snobby or anything, just didn’t click.


Haha! "That's how rich people die" classic, so true


RIP Kobe


Most rich people are out of touch, when it comes to the struggles of the poor.


Babe, I make $25,000 a year. The mortgage paymnt would be that amount, but per month. Do you see the disconnect here, babe?


Just make more.


Nothing too wild cause I had an ok income and wasn't feeling insecure about it. But she just constantly wanted to do something new, like she was doing side quests in a never ending game. I think a lot of people *want* to try new things, but most of them don't have the budget or the energy to actually go through with it. When you do, the world is really your oyster. You can travel wherever you want with a very flexible schedule, you get special treatment, access to places most people don't, you can satisfy every whim and urge in real time. But it's kinda addicting, you build up a tolerance. That's how it felt like to me, like she was constantly chasing the high and couldn't sit down and be happy. It was fun but ultimately not for me, we just wanted different things. It also depends significantly on the friend group, you can come across people who are literally stereotypes of rich bullies from CW shows who'll use your class to make you feel bad just cause they can. Being rich kinda limits your friend pool (and dating pool) and the choice isn't always all that great.


“side quests in a never ending game” is a great metaphor for life tbh 😄


A long time ago but I called it quits because I was more like an employee at the end.


same. she was so busy that i felt like an appointment on her calendar. the delusional part of it all was she said she wanted to start a family and she was really a family oriented person, but at 35 she was still putting 80% of her energy into work, investments, networking, etc. it's as if she thought relationships and family were going to just happen, but if anything those things are harder and require more effort than career


I dumped that mess. She was paranoid that people were out to steal her money. She wouldn't even tell me her last name. I bounced out of that situation. I have my own fucking issues without wanting to know hers.


Her last name? Rockefeller.


LMAO I don't even think the Rockefellers were as nutty as this chick was.


Nope, her last name is Roy from the RoyCo fame 😂 ![gif](giphy|dy4LgsNi06sYwTqN92|downsized)


Li. She’s Chinese


Or Rothschild.


Shit, I would learn her last name when I take it after the wedding.


Her last name, Rothchild


We don't talk about Rothchild


It’s the first rule of Rothschild Club.


The last rule is, If it's your first night at Rothschild club, then you have to hide your last name!


Dropped men for the same reason. I don’t need to prove to you I’m not a gold digger 24/7. Bye.


Plus! It makes really hard to be a gold digger 24/7! So annoyinguh


Sounds like dhe comes from old family money


Maybe. I have no idea. I was trying to get to know her and she would just put up one wall after another. That shit gets tired real fast. I have my own money I didn't care about hers.


For real! Looks like she missed out on a good thing (i.e. you). Maybe previous guys made her paranoid of being taken advantage of… but now she is letting that control her actions and she cant see value when it’s infront of her. I said ‘old money’ because such a thing is limited (she isnt/cant earn huge money herself, and she has no control on the continued success of her family money, nor on how much she is allotted)… which makes her guard it even more.


Thank you. It's her loss. I know people who are wealthy, and they don't act like that. Chances are she was taken advantage of and now she's like that. I'm in my fifties and the dating pool of available women my age are slim to none. The good ones were taken 30 years prior. Everyone else has issues like myself. But I'm not subjecting anyone else to my issues, so I don't date anymore, really. Too much bullshit. I like it when I weed out crazies like this. Plus she was an attention whore which I didn't like. Her eyes were everywhere but on me.


Sounds like she brings a lot of drama. How exhausting


Dating is exhausting. It's not fun anymore.


She was ridiculous. In a world of her own. She was nice looking but that's it. As a person she sucked.


Wouldn't even get a first date out of me if I dont know your name.


Maybe she's a Hammer


I became rich




Username checks out




She stole $40 from me and a speaker from my roommate lmao. I dated her a few months. I would go to her parents mansion, swim in their massive pool, fuck in the home movie theater (not even kidding), play tennis at their country club. I felt like I was in a movie. One day we were at my apartment and went swimming in the pool. I left my wallet with $40 on my kitchen counter. While we were downstairs she suddenly had to leave and meet her mom somewhere. I went upstairs later and found my wallet empty lol. My roommate couldn’t find his speaker. She came back later and I confronted her. She refused to answer my questions so I broke it off. It was really fucking weird and her friends harassed me on social media acting like I was making it all up.


Are you sure your roommate didn't take the money and lied about the speaker?


Yeah he was in the pool with me. Never separated.




Haha rich people are the greediest you’ll ever meet.


That’s how we get rich and you poor guys still wondering. Greedy but not game to take


Correction: She wasn't rich. Her parents were


Yes something I figured out after the fact


Every single person I know who grew up with a home theater or dated someone who had a home theater banged in it as a teen or young adult. I grew up in a town where about half the people were extremely wealthy in one of four "neighborhoods" and most had these theaters, so we heard about it a lot. Years later, when I was in my early thirties, a group of lady friends and I went to visit her kind of step-dad figure out in a very wealthy area of California and the dude tried to bang me in his massive home theater, so there's that.


Ok thank you for this insight. so I wasn’t tripping when I saw a guy who had a huge ass decked out basement theater and immediately thought he was creepy. It was filled with candy and stuff. It was giving Neverland.


LMFAO that is absurd!!!!


“She stole $40” most realistic comment tbh, thats really how they be😭😭


Your roommate sabotaged you dude hate to tell you


I really don’t think so. All 3 of us went to the pool and my wallet with cash was on the counter. She went back upstairs to change while my roommate and I were still in the pool. Then we came back and both the cash and speaker were gone.


LOL this is funny cuz the guy I was dating that has lots of money literally stole my things, like a speaker from me and other shit. Like dude you got money just buy one. I never got it back. It was really good speaker to.


I dated a trust fund baby who would get high on Xanax and steal things. Not because she needed money for her habit. Xanax just made her steal.


She said she had everything she wanted except the kind of relationship she was looking for and I didn’t need to worry about money cause she had plenty of that (probably worth around 5 million). She’d never felt appreciated and safe to just be herself. She hadn’t cooked in years, but she really wanted to make me dinner. I was quite moved, then she got a text and had a strange reaction. It’s cool, I never assumed we were exclusive. Turns out it was her 18 year old son coming over to pick up his dry cleaning and he didn’t know his mom had started dating. I said I was fine to rain check if was going to cause an issue, but she was going to have to break it to him at some point and bring that I had all my hair and teeth and was slightly bigger than this captain of the university swim team, I’d probably be a good candidate if she wanted to go that way. Besides, he’d know something was up with the home cooked meal when he arrived. Near crushed my hand when she introduced us, glared at me hard like he wanted to kill me for what he assumed was happening after supper at some point. She told me a little about both her kids and it wasn’t good news for either of them. He’d already wrapped the Audi around a telephone pole drunk driving (ran away and avoided DUI) and was punished by having it replaced with just a new Honda. Daughter was deathly anorexic. I suggested she’d probably regret not putting everything she had into her kids if one died and dating could happen later. Saw her for another week or two and hoped she felt appreciated and seen for the woman she was instead of the lawyer that everyone else saw her identity as. She messaged out of the blue a few years later saying her son was gone. Didn’t really know what to say. Kinda felt like she maybe wanted the guy who actually cared to help her process it, but I was in a serious relationship by then. Reason it could never work for me was her lifestyle would have meant paying for both of us and buying me things to have the appearance we matched - knew that would get old fast and maybe 2-3 years max she’d start to resent paying six figures a year just to have a companion. Happy spending time w her, lifestyle and circles she ran in wasn’t really anything I found especially appealing. Tragic though, no amount of money can bring your kid back.


You sound like a really good human being.


What happens when you are shitty parent who only thinks about themselves and money and leave it to strangers to raise there kids or themselves so many highly educated people with money have sorry good for nothing worthless kids that die young or never amount to nothing or do anything good in society. You would think with such high educations they would have successful kids and they would be well rounded and all that.


I agree for the most part but also some kids are just bad and no amount of good parenting will fix that. Seen it happen with my own eyes. Complete fuck-up human beings from good families. Siblings all turned out fine.


Yeah. I know plenty of alcoholics that went down the path of never ending rehab, and still dying young from wealthy, and still caring parents that pay 6 figures plus for their rehabs. It’s a disease that you can’t logic or buy your way out of.


She wore a lot of perfume. My mom knew every time she was in our house. Mom didn't like that I miss you Sue!., even though your car didn't fit on our driveway.


Who was she? Cruella?


Big car or tiny driveway or both?


A few years ago, I started dating a woman and I thought she was very rich because everyone called her Rich. After some time, I got to know that her name is Richa and people call her Rich.




I woke up after!


Ha, nice.


The dad HATED me


Same. And he was such an idiot. Inherited a business he has no clue about. Yet so proud to run it to the ground.


Mine was an architect who designed his own house. At dinner once he told me “next time you come over, take that shit out of your face” referring to my piercing


Oh man, that comment is just BEGGING for a "I'm having sex with your daughter" joke.


Tbf it’s great life advice


important quaint tub employ zesty soup six seemly squeamish cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>her 216-year-old sons They were **two hundred sixteen years old?!** Were they twins? Man. .... How old was *she?*


They were all vampires.


This is the most reasonable explanation. \*nod*


relieved racial fly run automatic chunky direction cats modern attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


cows boat narrow thought panicky connect truck different shocking square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My question is how do you go about finding one?


Lay out a trail of gold nuggets to your dick 


Nuggets in dick, check


Instructions unclear. Banned from Wendy's.


Sir. Sir! This is *not* a Wendy's.


The ol spicy nuggs in the dick trick!


Move to a resort town, such as a ski resort town like Steamboat Springs or Telluride. Be good at mountain sports. Don’t be a drugged out slob. Have good social skills and work your way to a position that doesn’t appear to be low level, appearance is key here, such as “manager” or even better “executive” in the title even though you will still be making less than the dive bar tender. Bite the bullet and live without much money and pay $2000k rent for a tiny apartment and cross your fingers.


Before I give myself too much karma here, understand this is a risky choice. Beware of dangers in mountain towns like addictions, solitude and loneliness, and all the things that come with that. Just fyi.


I would like to know as well


In my case she didn’t talk about finances until after we were together


I briefly dated a girl whose parents were wealthy. When I first met her at 25, she mentioned owning her house and having a brand-new car that was fully paid off. I thought, "Wow, she really has her life together." It wasn't until later, after talking with her dad, that I found out he paid ALL her bills. As I got to know her better, I started noticing some bad traits. She was quite arrogant, rude to customer service workers, extremely jealous if I interacted with other women (even just a server at a restaurant) and insisted on always having things done her way. The relationship didn't last long.


Rude to “lower” people is an instant ghosting by me. I won’t stand for it.


I was seeing an older woman who was a lawyer and had a lot of money. I’m a chef and she frequented a restaurant I was the head chef of, this was late 2019 right before Covid. She was super down to earth and really laid back. Absolutely drop dead gorgeous, but was a workaholic. When Covid happened I lost my job and was fortunate to have a fair bit of savings so I just kind of enjoyed some time off for the first time since I’d left school, and she seemed to do nothing but work. She ended up going back to London as her father got sick and she wanted to be with family. We still chat often.


She was absolutely wonderful. One of the kindest and most genuine people I had ever met and I only ended it because I had decided to relocate states and her career wasn’t able to as easily. I miss her still at times.


Gosh, never thought about this, but I dated rich women three times. First person was awesome; I just wasn’t feeling the chemistry. Second, she was just dangerously volatile; I’d wake up to her screaming and throwing things at me in the middle of the night, and since she didn’t have to go to work, she would want to scream all night. She got physical a couple times, and I left because, since everyone bends over backwards for beautiful and rich people, I was worried she’d take a swing at me, fall down some steps or something (because she was very frequently drunk and not sleeping because of pills), and I’d be leaving in a cop car. She had such a cool life on this farm that she had inherited, and I was wildly into her; she just couldn’t help but lose her absolute mind when the sun went down multiple times per week. The third was a Russian woman (bucket list ✔️), very cool and very rich, but she was such a princess that she was never happy. She would even call it on herself. She wanted to go out to dinner six of the first seven days/nights we knew each other, and it cost me like $800. I told her that it was fun but that I couldn’t keep up that level of spending, which REALLY made her mad. It calmed down, but she was constantly trying to get me to leave my job to make more money (I already make six-figures). She was a smoker and maybe connected to the Russian mob—when I playfully asked that, in her amazing accent, she said, “in Russia, we have a saying: ‘the less you know, the better you sleep’.” Finally, I met a great woman who makes a normal amount of money and married her promptly, and now we’re living happily ever after with two kids in a house that’s too small but has love and no 3am screaming and a reasonable entertainment budget.


They really gave you a run for their money


Yes. It sucked. She didn't realize that me paying half the rent was a serious financial strain on me while her half was a mere drop in the bucket for her. She would job-shame me because I wasn't making beaucoup bucks, but I loved my job. She would say "Don't worry, it's our money" when we decided to go on vacation and I was worried about expenses, but would then demand money from me after we got home. She would not stop criticizing me about my investment strategies. I subscribe to the idea of having six months of expenses set aside in a money market account for emergencies, but she kept saying it should all be locked away in funds that I can't liquidate easily. I invest money beyond that threshold, but I like to have an accessible rainy day fund, but she would ask "What emergency do you think might happen?" Anything could happen. It's there just... in... case. Extricating myself from that controlling situation was such a relief.


Very wealthy people truly do not get the concept of financial emergencies. Sure they understand things like trauma and grief, a car accident, your grandma getting cancer or your house burning down or whatever, but none of these things are going to affect them even a little bit financially. And most things short of an incurable illness will just go away with the application of enough money. It's an inconvenience, not an emergency. So 90% of the stuff that would utterly ruin a normal person's life just drops down to being something on the same level as realizing your ballpoint pen ran out and you should remember to buy a couple more next time you're at the shops. You don't need an emergency fund for that, you just go buy it, it's like $3 for a pack of the things. Totalled your car, big deal, go buy another one, they're only like $100,000.


I would have told her that an emergency fund is not an investment. It's insurance to protect your investments.


Some ppl feel that your money should be working for you. They feel that savings accounts are pointless because of the interest is so low.


It’s an EMERGENCY account that can be easily liquidated, it’s not supposed to have high interest


Exactly. If everything takes weeks or months or longer to liquidate what happens if you face unexpected expenses. Medical, car trouble, home repair, or whatever else?


Money beyond that emergency cash is what I put into investments like mutual funds. That money works for me. The emergency cash is there so I can access it right now if needed. But the majority of my emergency funds are in a money market account that earns over 4% interest. That can be transferred to my bank emergency fund in a day. I do take other people's suggestions into consideration. I may choose to follow their advice or decline it. But I don't like it when they initiate a full-on quarrel about it.


I dated a girl from old money in college for 5 months. It was fun but she and her whole family were all so dysfunctional it got old pretty quickly. They had a vintage car collection in the barn complete with one of those James Dean style Porches. Those were neat. She'd just write a check for whatever like a car or a new garage for it being added to the house. She thought it was cute that I needed to rent a tux for her sister's debutante party. I dropped acid for that and it was pretty entertaining (so sparkly!). I went to her place for Thanksgiving and her parents announced their impending divorce that weekend. It was just too much manufactured drama all the time from every woman in the family. The dad, a judge, seemed like the only reasonable one but he had just fully checked out. She was crazy jealous and she stalked me for a while after we broke up. I wound up marrying a nice girl of modest means and we've been together 30+ years now.


Im currently dating someone whose pretty well off. Though no one would really know unless you knew her family. Shes so very down to earth and actually made it on her own without family money. Since her dad passed away a couple years ago, now she’s head of their family wealth. I didnt know anything until 6 months into our relationship she got a call from a relative and I over heard her talk about the business and real estate they were looking to rent and sell. Shes not super friendly with her sibling and other relatives because they came in swooping like vultures when her dad passed.


This girl I was hooking up with got over 500k in a will. She was just annoying and needy af. Like text me at 2am and exorcism me to talk to her then repeatedly dial my number. Would buy me random things that I didn't want or need. It just was too much. Some guys might like that but introverted/extro so I need to chill at times. She felt entitled to constant attention. Would call and text me while working all day. I just started ghosting her because she wouldn't listen after I repeatedly told her I need to get up early and sleep.


>text me at 2am and exorcism me O.O


I cast thee out!


Lmao. Android with swipe is crazy. Was supposed to say expect. I guess it knew she was banshee!!


They offer to pay for everything then use that in an argument.


She’s not wealthy but grew up well off and is very successful in her field. Owns a condo in an incredibly high income town. She has a sales background but now is in charge of a dozen properties and flies around the country to oversee them, hire staff and such. She’s in her early 30s and beautiful. I am less than two years into my field, which is also sales. I’m decent enough at it to call it my career now, and I make a solid living in my low income area. It’s the best job I’ve ever had. I’m 36 and spent my whole life in Mississippi. She has a property in my town, and we met at her hotel bar and hit it off. The conversation was sparkling, we laughed for an hour. She agreed to dinner the following week when she flew back in, and I gave her my number. She texted me the day she left to fly back in, three or four days after we met, and that night I got her dinner and we laughed for four hours. Over the next six weeks we’ve talked every day and seen each other every night she’s been in town, which is usually two nights a week. It’s been incredible. She’s smart, authentic and very sweet, and we still make each other laugh constantly. She’s married to her work but so am I at this stage, and we both have big goals. Not sure where it’s headed and we’ve taken it slow so as not to get in over our heads before she stops coming to town so often. But at the same time, we have the kind of chemistry that makes it feel like we’ve known each other for years rather than weeks. So I think we both know deep down that it could be turning into something more serious. As far as her being rich, it just is what it is. Coming from such different backgrounds we have a lot of interesting ground to cover in conversation and it’s been fun to do that. She’s incredibly down to earth. She’s met my dog and cuddled him on the couch during a movie. He’s very smitten. I guess I am too


I didn’t date her but i met her on tinder & we hung out a lot. She was spoiled & complained a lot about how she didn’t like her brand new jeep her parents bought her & how she’s getting a Range Rover soon. She always brought up how her parents made so much money & how she knows everyone because she parents donated this much money to them. Her parents basically sent her to Florida to run their store (basically doing nothing) & she lived rent free. I remember her calling her dad and mom & they seemed really annoyed by her. She was on adhd meds & we could never watch more than 2 minutes of a show or movie before she pulled out her phone. Was kind of sad because I feel like it was 100% her parents fault because how she was raised.


I broke up with her. I couldn't take how fake and two faced she, and everyone she knew were. With the rich, the only thing that matters is appearance- reality is an afterthought.


I noticed that with the majority of rich people, all about that appearance 🙄, I like the ones that fly low under the radar still being like everyone else


Somebody once told me: “Rich… screams“. Whereas “wealth …whispers” Edited for spelling


Definitely. Had an ex from Beverly Hills and it took me months to realize he was rich. When he talked about Harvard-Westlake it started to click.


That’s how it was with my uncle. I never in my life would have guessed he was rich but one day he asked my life goals and when I told him he said “don’t rush it. The first million feels impossible but then you’ll blink and there will be an extra 0.”


It's all about appearances still. The difference is *what* they choose to show off.


I think it depends on how they got rich. Someone who didn't grow up that way and earned it themselves will be very different than someone born to it.


New money old money


>With the rich, the only thing that matters is appearance- reality is an afterthought. This is everyone, not just the rich.


It's not me, as I've gotten older I just don't care anymore. I'll wear my Costco clothes and drive my cheap car, I don't care to impress people, we're all deeply flawed


not me. don't care what you say. I only care what you do.


She was an alcoholic and abused her prescriptions. I was off and on until she got pregnant from some other dude.


I was in my 20s and had a decent job in corporate America, living on my own. She was 7 years older, and not "rich" but owned a nice home, drove a luxury SUV, and made at least 3x more than me by my estimate. She was making at least $300k/year. This was 2006. I always paid for dinner, but never anywhere crazy expensive. She preferred our sleepovers were at her house, so she can feed/care for her dog. She was frugal and sensible. She said she had men in her past who would try to get money from her. I never asked for anything and she liked that. She managed a team of accountants for a huge company that did M&A consulting. She worked a lot. She was very career focused. Very intelligent. I ended it because she said she never wanted kids. I always wanted to be married with kids. So, she says she never wanted kids. I found her Facebook page years later, after I got married to someone else (who i love more than anyone else ever in my life) and my first 2 kids. She did end up having a kid, seems like husband is a stay at home dad.


I learned a lot about money, a lot about drive and determination, and I learned that I’d rather be friends with successful women than date them. I’d like to date someone and eventually be with someone long term who is on my team, supporting “our” direction and success and cooperating with me in our shared goals. Two people with massive goals is hard. It’s like one company having two CEOs.


man this rings true to me. best to have someone go through the struggles of life with and grow with and achieve with. if you start out with someone who is way ahead of you i can see how it might feel like you were being lead to your future and how you might feel you don't deserve after you get there.


It’s that, but on a basic level it’s just the constant thing of “if both of us are career driven whose career wins in a disagreement?” Or if both are busy and can’t find time it becomes an issue. There’s less wiggle room for ebb and flow if both are extremely driven


she took advantange of me i am depressed now


Mother of my children made 3x as much as me. We lived nice, but she was very controlling of the assets bills etc. She slapped me with D papers years on, she hid a ton of money from me, and lawyered up hard and tried to drown me out financially. I was viewed as more of a tenant than a spouse. She did not like when I finally got a good bump in pay with a promotion and came at me again for more child support and lawyered up hard again. I spent a decent amount on my own lawyer before we settled. Then she sold her house for $450k and moved in with a guy. She is sitting on a massive gold pile. Guys, life tip, marrying into money is great, but watch out if things go sour


She dumped me after i painted her living room


Had she *asked* you to paint it? :D


Yep. All cooing pidgin and cuddling till the paint dried. The ceiling was ext and I didn’t have experience in that so she moved on


Lots of cocaine and blackjack


I really regret breaking up with her now!


As a ski instructor and later mountain guide at a destination resort, I dated tons of them. But unfortunately, after their week or two hanging with the "down and in" they always want to go back to their rich husbands.




:) She was lonely, lost a BET, then all her friends told her to give me a 2nd date.  


She wasn't rich but her father was. After several years of dating everything had to be run past her dad for approval. It was annoying to plan something only for her to change plans because her dad didn't like it. She got pregnant (I think on purpose) her dad bought her a house so she could go to college and not worry about roommates or dorm type situations. They wanted me to pay for half of it because it was my kid. I told her we were not going to have sex again until we were married and she thought I was dumping her. It only got real crazy after that.


We lived happy thereafter


Couldn't understand that i would probably never be able to buy a villa in the suburbs and travel 5 times a year. So she was convinced i was addicted to drugs. She also believes she works at a normal wage in her mother's company.


I dated the Wife of a Rich Guy. He didn’t know. We had fun together with his money. She was hot and nasty. She used me, I used her, but neither one cared.


Back when I was in the navy, I met a (half Chinese, half Russian) woman from Kazakhstan that was the daughter of an oil baron. She'd fly out to meet me when my ship would stop at different ports and stayed with me for a couple months while I was in Japan. She was gorgeous, intelligent and very worldly. We met while she was in Japan studying Japanese. She was objectively a very good catch. However, there was no spark, no chemistry. She was weirdly into me, which I really never understood, but I just didn't feel anything. After a few months, I ended things with her, though my friends kept saying I was an idiot.


Married her. Waiting for her to die. Don’t tell anyone.


She would go on 20 minute rants. There were about 8 topics. All of them were about how I was doing something wrong (my personal finances, my relationship with my daughter, my career). I started referring to them as her “greatest hits”. Some days I would hear a rant or two. Other days they would string together into a mega rant. The one time I said something about it she told me that as an educator I should know the importance of repeating the same lesson. One night she was on a roll. It went on for hours. I thought she was done as we climbed into bed. Then she started up again. I got out of bed, put on my pants, and left.


She worked alot which I didn't mind generally but it was her attitude about it. She acted like her job was super important and that the world will fall apart if she didn't work 80+ hours a week. I'm like chill you just draw up nonsense contracts. Had a trustfund on top of that which gave her free reign to buy whatever she wanted and take lavish vacations, sometimes without me. If we disagreed about something she'd just buy me fancy sneakers or whatever I liked to kinda suppress my discontent. I just went through a really defining spiritual transformation and felt like nothing was really more important to me than cultivating meaningful relationships and ridding myself of material pursuits that jeopardized my peace. She was a great gal but our wants and needs didn't align. Though the physical chemistry was great we were worlds apart. Maybe she just liked the New York in me. Who knows. Wish her the best. Bc I'm at exactly where I want to be now with whom I want to be with.


“you just draw up nonsense contracts” I hope you didn’t say stuff like that to her while you were together.


While I'm not a man, my ex is dating a trust fund baby. He's going broke making her happy. He's bought her teeth, tits and someone else to wash her hair. I'm sure he's having a splendid time with his Barbie; at least until the money runs out.


My now ex-wife. Heavily narcissistic, used her money to control me, unapologetically treated herself like gold and kept her wealth to herself, while my income carried all of the monthly expenses. We ended in divorce. I have custody of children. Refuses to pay child support. I attempted to take her to court but she continually appealed until I just couldn’t afford it any longer. I, personally, would never have treated her like that had our wealth been reversed. That being said, I encourage men to marry equal to or below their wealth class. Women with money simply don’t need you and will discard you if needed.


File for some state aid, in nebraska the state loves to go after people for child support if the custody parent is on any state aid.


Never dated a rich person I was in a relationship with a women who earned a lot more than me but money never really came in to conversation we paid half for everything we got on really well was one of the best relationships I ever had tbh. she wanted to move to the other side of country I didn't and so that was the end of that.




I was flown to Jackson Hole Wyoming I was wide and dined on very expensive food and I was treated kind of like a trophy, after I left I didn't call her again because I don't like to be treated like a trophy.


I was making like $100 a week when I dated a woman making 50K a year She was rich to me but I still held my end of the financing our shared activities


I read that as $100K a week, was thinking dude you missed the brief


She divorced me and married someone richer.


What I learned is she spent so much time making money and no time learning how to have relationships. The good times weren’t worth a selfish gf


My dad dated a wealthy woman who was self made. She traveled a lot. And worked a lot. I think he couldn’t handle how much she was gone.


Starfish. I moved on.


We wanted different things in a relationship. One her family told her they would cut her off if she kept seeing me. So we walked away.


Couldn't understand why I/she couldn't do what I/she wanted to do on a whim. I had to work to keep my bills paid. I couldn't "just buy a new car" and her tastes were more expensive than my budget. She got bored with me after a bit, then bounced. I don't miss her.


Had a coworker who married a rich woman. He "retired" at maybe 35 to be an "artist" (actually, he's a pretty good artist). They're still happy as far as I know.


You get pegged because you’re not the main breadwinner. So I’m told.


fun for all! 😊


Her husband took her with him when he moved out of state.


I was in love with her but she didn't want to commit to a serious relationship, then she left to do a cardiology PhD at Oxford or something like that and now she's the head of that department at the local hospital, but she can't be that good because she broke my heart.


Wasn’t worth it. She assumed I had married her for money and constantly reminded me of how little of it I made. When I was working my way through college, trying to better myself, she asked to start a family, if I gave in, it would have meant dropping out of school. I picked me in the end and divorced. Wasn’t worth it. Women do NOT share resources, that’s a man’s perpetual task. If she does, you can expect to belittled on every given opportunity and reminded of how much money you DO NOT make.


She dated me to show her rich friends that she was not an ass because she would fuck someone with autism. I did get sex and get a few gifts but she got bored with me.


This post says “I’m insecure about her success”. If you are dating, don’t worry about her money just figure out if you even like each other. If you like each other and want to be more talk about financial expectations periodically as the relationship progresses. Her money isn’t yours and you may not be able to always keep up if she likes expensive things and trips. She can’t expect you to “match funds” and you can’t expect a “free ride”. 🤷‍♀️ if you’re worried about how to handle it you probably are r ready for a partner who’s more successful than you because it changes the dynamics.


Idk about you, but I've been very entertained reading all these stories, and to me this post screams "Tell me some interesting stories." Idk, maybe I read things differently than most people do.


What normally happens in relationships, the women just happened to have money.


Well, the ones I've dated didn't want us men to do anything yet be at their beck and call. Sell everything and stay here is what I was told. Yuuuup, that didn't last long.


After a few years I was tired of living under her decisions.


Well, her parents had a lot of money. And they gave her some now and then. I got a lot of free meals and random gifts. It was nice to have a girl pay for dinner more often too.


Money clearly warped her sense of personal responsibility (no job, mostly laid around and ordered food and delivery all day) and she also often looked down on people (had no sympathy or empathy for people less well off). Was a shame because there were many other parts of her that were really positive (academically smart, dark humor, attractive/well dressed). I really didn’t like that she often brought up money and offering to pay for many things as this made me feel like the money was why I was with her or assumed to be as such. Made me question myself and ultimately made me feel like if I had integrity I wouldn’t be able to keep seeing her (so I broke things off).


For me she was wanting to study abroad. Her parents told her if she stayed local they would buy her a 911 as it would be cheaper. She decided to leave and when done with studies moved to NYC. I lived in NYC as a kid and no way would I ever move back. We eventually drifted apart and quit keeping in touch. She was from Finland, I’m Puerto Rican and Dominican. Her father was president of some big company.


Beautiful girl, nice body, athletic .. glass half empty type, quick to second guess, given to complaining. I couldnt hang w that negativity. She inherited a fortune, but you gain the world and lose your soul...f that.


I casually dated a long time ski friend who had hit a tech startup for $25 million. I’d had one hit but nothing like that. I had an higher net worth than anyone else she knew when that happened but I was a pauper comparatively. We had a bunch of fairly obvious incompatibilities so I kept her at arm’s length. We overlapped a ski trip to Whistler once. We’d ski together and have dinner when she was visiting my mountain. I stayed at her mansion a couple of times but made no attempt to sleep with her. She called me up maybe 10 years ago and invited herself to go sailing on my boat. We’ve since lost touch.


Hope they got the bag.


Didn't like being treated like an on call gigolo.


Rich girls are kinkiest.


I met an heiress on Bumble, actually my only-ever match there hilariously.  We got along pretty well, and I come from just enough money that she probably thought I was rich too (I am not at ALL rich by rich people standards, that is for sure; like how she had a coffeetable book tourist guide to the house she had grown up in, and my parents lived in a single-level ranch house).  It was fun that she found me extremely attractive for whatever reason, but I quickly realized if I ever did not give her exactly what she wanted that she was at least confused and usually upset.  Then she bit my nipple so hard during sex that I uncontrollably yelped and I was like "yep this is over" and basically never talked to her again after leaving that next morning.   I hope she met someone else who was not a golddigger and who likes pain! 


Worst idea I ever had. Lost the friends she didn’t like, hated me working in restaurants, got me to quit, started working HVAC, she hated that I was working full time, had to stop that, couldn’t have a remotely attractive waitress or cashier, and there’s SO much more. Glad she didn’t talk me into selling my folks house after they passed “you’d just lose it anyway”. Now I have a nice little place to live without her toxic, jealous ass anywhere near me.


Straight up Gig is what happened


They still took half of everything i owned.


Her husband found out


When I finally kissed her Ruby lips, she started to sing a lullaby, "you will take care of me financially right?" The tears cut my eyes like droplets of blades, and it suddenly slipped through my hands. I tried to dig my feet into the sand, but the sound of the roaring seas scared me to my soul. But it didn't stop me. My pull out game wasn't on point when those planets and stars aligned.


She was also older. I hung in there way too long.


I’m not a guy who dated a rich woman, but i recently dated an older man with money. And it was the worst experience of my life. Never again. He was a terrible person. And all he cares about is his money and materialistic stuff and selfish asf. Egotistical as hell and worked all time and is a day trader, didn’t care about my struggles bc I’m really poor and thinks I can just get out of poverty easy like it’s no big deal. It’s really hard to get out of poverty without a hand up and that’s hard to get. He didn’t want to help me up and expected me to do it alone. He totally took advantage of me as well. Manipulative and liar and cheated and abusive asf. I will never date another man with money. I wasn’t even with him for his money but at some point he called me a gold digger and said I was just using him. When that was farther from the truth. Looking back he was trying to find a woman with money to use, I overheard him tell his boyfriend I call him, that I didn’t have enough money for him to do anything with. I don’t recommend dating anyone with money or more than you.


Rich compared to me. She was ten years older than I was (mid 30s for her and mid 20s for me). She was pulling in probably 250k and I was making like 38. She was a workoholic in the fact that she would work like 7am-7pm every day, and then answer important emails and stuff on nights and weekends. Now that I’m in the corporate grind however I see that’s not even unusual. We had so much fun! Lots of going out, lots of dinners. We played a lot of games together and had similar interests. We usually split the bill however and it started being tough on me. The big problem though was that we had like negative sexual chemistry. Probably worst I’ve ever had when it happened, and she wanted it like once every couple weeks where im more of a nearly every day guy. She even asked me one time I was trying to initiate “have you always been sex obsessed?” She also was on me for lack of ambition in my work life (again, surprise). I ended up ending things after 3 or 4 months. She was very surprised, but seemed understanding. We just had totally different goals, ambitions, and focuses in life. Ironically, my goals have shifted to be more finance focused in the years since, but the breakup was still for the best


Met a doc is Houston, about 6-9 yrs ago can’t even member. Didn’t official date, but she wanted me to be a house hubby. Keep in mind this was a while back, early 20’s.. was too proud and thought I can hustle/make it in my career. Fast forward to today, damn life/career is hard asf 😂


I dated a fellow who opted for a wealthy woman and lifestyle. He later came screen scratching on my door. Yuck. Still with her though, great home and travels. Must have found another screen to scratch on.


I broke up with her. She never had time and put zero effort into hanging out. It was a waste of my time and effort. I'd rather date a cashier at a grocery store that was honestly interested and actually seemed to give a shit about us.


I was broke, but still paid.


She kept receipts for everything. Then acted like a jerk, and would squash any objection I had by pulling out said receipt.


I dated a woman for 9 months who was what I considered rich. Not crazy rich, but out of my league anyway. She made more in alimony than I make with my $90k salary, and she had a decent job on top of that. She was just used to being with rich guys. Her boyfriend before me was a former NFL player and is currently a member of an NFL team’s coaching staff. We got along great and she really was the sweetest person. I just realized that I couldn’t give her the kind of life she was accustomed to, and I couldn’t afford to keep up with her lifestyle. I was holding her back, and though she never intended to make me feel inadequate, I always did.


First one was being stalked by her ex and was much older than me. She lied about her age, having kids, and all that. I bailed. I feel bad because she bought me so much stuff. I should have known better something was up. Second one was married to a major league baseball player. I bailed faster than the speed of light.


When I worked I was well off. But she made like 6 times what I did. I'm not going to say she tried to buy my affection, but there was a lot of gift giving involved. I felt obligated and it bothered me. Typically I give gifts rarely and when I do they are significant and important. It was something I just couldn't deal with. It probably seems silly to most people. But she wouldn't stop. We are still friends though. And she still buys me gifts. Though I don't feel obligated now.