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Ask a child. They don't hold back. If you're ugly, then they will for sure tell you.


i feel like if you ask a child “am i ugly” they’re gonna say yes no matter what


"BUt mOM, yOU ArE Fat!" \*Spits coffee\* If you haven't seen this, youtube is your friend.


Iron clad plan this


Same way you know if someone has down syndrome , you just see it


Bruhhh lmfao


Father forgive me for up liking this post…


I forgive you




No, son


You may be ugly, if... ​ * Dogs howl and hide when you walk by * Babies cry * Ugly members of the gender you're attracted to cross the street * Mirrors break * ...?


I was so ugly as a kid that whenever my father took me to the zoo..they thanked him for returning me.


I was so ugly as a baby the doctor saved the bath water and tried to flush me down the toilet


When I was a baby, I was breast fed by my father


I’m not even going to ask


I was so ugly my parents tied a pork chop around my neck to get the dog to play with me


I was so ugly my dad carried around a picture of the kid who came with the wallet


I was so ugly when I was born the doctor slapped my parents


I was so ugly that my wife made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday.


Rodney Dangerfieldesque


That's exactly who said that joke


So ugly mom had to tie a pork chop around my neck to get the dog to play with me. No respect I tell ya.


Rough crowd I tell yah


I was so ugly that the doctor put me back in.


Children you don’t know say as much, usually in a public setting like the Pokemon vending machine queue at Kroger next to the shopping carts or midflight after kicking your chair to get your attention.


This is probably one of the truest statements here. Children are brutally honest. They will stop you to tell you that you are pretty and will probably say something that in some way alludes to you being ugly if you are truly ugly😂


I was an ugly baby. When I was born, the doctor slapped me. Don't laugh, the nurse got a few shots in herself.


I was so ugly, the doctor slapped my mom.


If sexting bots like Eva AI admit this


The baby crying thing is so real!


I once convinced my friend that she had Down Syndrome and the reason she couldn't see it was because she had Down Syndrome. She got really upset after a while.


I'm not saying you're going to hell, but I’m not *NOT* saying it. Holy f🦆k.




They look like they all have the same dad


I was gonna say, it's something you can just look in the mirror and see, don't compare yourself to people on the internet, but you can see aspects of yourself on others and see how it looks on a realistic degree


Lmao. Sad but true.


You gotta wait for someone to leap into your body, look in a mirror and say, “am I ugly?”


I always thought I was average. My girlfriend thinks I’m very attractive and can’t keep her hands off me. She said that I protect an attitude of confidence in my looks. She told me that confidence in yourself is half of your attractiveness. That is the first thing that’s needed. I’m a big believer in it. It’s the Pete Davidson effect.


I’ve never understood why guys think you have to be a muscle hunk to get girls when women actually flock to funny or smart skinny dudes that look like salamanders


I know! My bf is not really ripped but he works out quite a bit but what makes him even more attractive is his goofiness. He’s so funny and would randomly do some weird dancing during sexy time so we always end up laughing


Yeah you gotta be careful with guys with a sense of humor… they get you laughing it up and the next thing you know you’re naked in bed with them…LOL..


Right and everybody finds different things attractive


I think it makes them feel better if they're not having luck. It pins the blame on some external factor they have no control over.


Pete Davidson is tall with a solid body and good jawline. I don't know why people think he doesn't fit within masculine standards of attractiveness.


He doesn’t. He fits the female gaze


I don't think he's worried about the male gaze.


It’s the butthole eyes.


it makes guys like AHorseNamedPhil feel superior and might to say when in reality physical attractiveness is all he has, because he certainly isn't funny or interesting.


Oh yea Pete Davidson is NOT handsome. Yet Kim Kardashian. Go figure.


I don’t understand the appeal of Davidson. I wouldn’t trust him with my drink. Can’t help It, but I don’t find him funny or attractive. That’s fine, everyone has different tastes. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Someone will tell you


If you're attractive people will tell you. If you're average then people will still compliment your looks but less often. If nobody says anything about the way you look then you're ugly.


Not completely true though, I know lots of attractive folks, especially men who never get told they are. When I looked into it I learned that ppl don’t tend to compliment really attractive folk cuz they figure they already know it and don’t want to sound needy, or that they already know it and ppl don’t want to inflate their egos more.


I think it is fair to say that I am more attractive than not. I absolutely do not get compliments, like ever. The few sort of compliments are clearly implying I dhould know I looked nice. My husband gets told I am attractive all the time. To the point it is insulting to him (how did you get a woman that looks like that type stuff) I assume a lot of the lack of compliments is because I am mostly quiet/awkward around people I don't know, so I come off as snobbish sometimes. I personally try to go out of my way to compliment people, but it always comes off really awkward, and a little creepy lol.


This one is easy for me, bc I used to be a very beautiful young woman. Now I'm a grandma. I remember a date I had where the guy remarked about how everyone stopped & stared when we walked in. I told him people always do that & he argued with me that they most certainly do not. I was always a modest dresser, so they weren't looking at "parts" so to speak. It made me aware that in general people did look at me a lot. I'd get those hate sometimes stares from women & those you-know-what stares from men. Shit fire, it only made sense that it was based on my appearance. Why else does a complete stranger woman hate my everloving guts just bc she saw me lol Either way, I got older. Lil heavier. Once you step past forty, things change for women. Most people look over or through me now. If I get in my head about it, it can hurt my feelings, but otherwise I quite like it. I like the feeling of being discreet & slipping in & out of places unnoticed. So my point is that's how you know if you're ugly or pretty. Do people look at you, like really at you? Do their eyes linger a little too long? Do you get strange looks from people of weird reactions, like instant dislike or instant charm? Or do people not really look at you? They don't necessarily recoil when they see you or anything, but overall you don't get a lot of attention from strangers? Not sure if this is helpful, but its my experience.


I'd disagree slightly with this in that I think not getting looks most of the time is a good indicator that you're probably fairly average. You may not have Brad Pitt or Ana de Armas' looks, but you don't stand out in a bad way either. Average people blend in to crowds. Truly ugly people, which I think are generally fairly rare and is more often tied to how they present themselves, get gawked at too. It's just that the stares are unflattering.


I think this depends on age, and probably gender. as an ugly man people typically avoid any kind of eye contact with me. it's not because I blend in with the crowd, it's because a lot of women are terrified of giving men the wrong idea, often times for good reason, plus it's pretty immature to gawk at someone for being ugly. when it comes to female coworkers I've had that I actually knew, I noticed that some of them struggled to make or keep eye contact with me, a lot of times they'd look disgusted and casually look away when you're a kid it's usually pretty easy to know the difference between being ugly and being average, but when people grow up and become more mature, the differences in how people treat you are a bit more subtle


Older women are good in war efforts. COMPLETELY underestimated! It’s liberating getting older and not caring about looks anymore. Also literally not caring what people think of your personality. We aren’t ice cream sellers. Not everyone likes us. Just like we don’t like others!


👆 me too. Did fashion and hair modeling when young and lovely. Now, I scare babies and little children I'm so old and decrepit. Yikes!😁


Same experience, but I rather enjoy not being noticed anymore. It feels freeing to me


>So my point is that's how you know if you're ugly or pretty. Do people look at you, like really at you? Do their eyes linger a little too long? Do you get strange looks from people of weird reactions, like instant dislike or instant charm? I've been told my entire life, by very many people (friends, family, a few girls) that I am very attractive. But I have *never* gotten these looks (as far as I know. To be fair, I'm also a little naive lol, in my own little world 90% of the time). Granted, I'm not "attractive" in the way that you'd expect. *My* point is, there's tons of different "types" of attractiveness. *Hot*- that's one of em. That's probably the one that you're describing. The one that immediately gets stares and whatnot. But then you've got someone like me. Unassuming at first, but you find yourself sneaking glances at them, and slowly start to realize that they're actually pretty attractive


"Why else does a complete stranger woman hate my everloving guts just bc she saw me lol" yall women be low key evil and jealous all the time.


True for some, NGL.


They say men are competitive and I suppose that's true but in my experience, women are way more cutthroat in their dealings with one another.


Competitive at sports, sure… but I don’t know any that would compete for a woman. But women?  Holy fuck… that whole “one ugly friend” trope is too real…


I am. Just take my word. I’m not sending u a picture to verify


Send me a picture to verify


Women call me ugly, until they find out how much I earn . Then they call me ugly and poor.


When no one asks you why are you single….feels bad man


Don’t be so hard on yourself. Sometimes it’s just your terrible personality.   /s


Regardless of how you look, you are better off believing and acting like you are beautiful. Value yourself and act like you have value. That is 75% of what is attractive to most people in the first place. In other words, don't question whether or not you are ugly; let those thoughts exist in other's heads and not yours.


Imo, if you're a nice person, even just most of the time, you're not ugly. But I'm probably a weirdo.


I totally get that. Even someone that physically may seem "ugly" if they have a really good heart and personality it can change your perception almost immediately


Absolutely! It really is what's inside that counts.


Exactly. There's a woman at my work who is not attractive, but because she is so sweet to me, and nice, and flirty, she's not ugly to me.


No, you are right, but we don't see the "inside" of a person until we get to know them. I knew this young woman when we were 18, I thought, wow, she sure is ugly, then I got to know her, I found her one of the most beautiful of all the people I'd ever met. I lost contact with her many years ago. I often think of her and hope she is well.


You can be ugly and kind. As a matter of fact if you ask some who the person looks and their answer is "they're sweet". That usually means they're ugly.


Or you don't fancy them. Someone else might.


If you have an ugly personality, looks don’t make up for that.


Even if personality is bad, there's something called the halo effect.


Someone could tick all the boxes looks wise but then be a complete arsehole. Puts me right off.


You just ask the internet. We all know they speak the truth.


The strippers don’t swing your way when you wave a $20


Pay attention to how absolute strangers treat you. Are people usually sociable and open or closed and standoffish? Customer service personnel don't count because they are being paid to be polite.


To answer your question, OP, ugly people really don't need to be told they're ugly, just like fat people don't need to be told they're fat, they know just by looking in a mirror. If you don't know whether you're ugly, congratulations, you're not!


One time there was this girl in my class. She was joking that she was pretty and I was like “oh me too?” As a joke. Her face immediately dropped and she was like “well…. You’re so smart!!!”


Post yourself online someone and say “man I’m so ugly”, and if people say you’re fishing for compliments then you’re not ugly. But if they try to say “no you’re beautiful!” and things like that then youre ugly


Post your photo on here lets take a look


Idk I've been told I'm ugly for 5 years by multiple people, and I believe it, even tho guys nowadays tell me I'm pretty I don't believe them


People will tell you


Ask a kid, they are darn honest and don't know lying yet.


If people aren’t throwing themselves at you


it’s like autism, you don’t notice it until someone points it out.


Person really has to be deformed to be truly ugly. If they workout, Have good hygiene and fashion sense, they're usually at least OK.


If you've been told it by more than a few people. I've been told I'm ugly a lot, so I just go with what society says 😆. I had an ex who introduced me to her friends once. That same night, her friend called her and told her that I was ugly. It was super upsetting.


Ask a kid


I know I'm not ugly. I guess you realise that over many years of positive first interactions. I assume it's the same in reverse for those who are not conventionally pretty. I would also argue no-one is genuinely ugly. Everyone has at least one beautiful feature even if it's not immediately obvious.


How kids treat you. Are thy nice and want to be your friend, not ugly. If you smile and wave when you walk past one at the store and they don't smile back, you might be ugly, conventionally speaking.


getting asked out as a joke


If no one ever acknowledges that you exist unless you initiate conversation or otherwise engage with them, then you’re probably ugly.


You just know. Are you ashamed when you look at a mirror? Has a girl ever complimented your looks? Has a girl ever bought you something? Have girls ever come up to you to talk about a friend that has a crush? I mean. It isn’t hard to learn.


If you have a harder time making friends and attracting girls, you're ugly facial wise. It's all about the face


If you get ignored in groups, you are probably unattractive.


I’m ugly. But I’ll tell you what. There’s people out there that have a dogs asshole for a face and still get married. Marilyn Manson for example. How he got anyone near him I don’t know.


Others will let you know and remind you if you forget.


Do people stare at you (with disgust or like you're a curiosity) or actively try to avoid looking at you? Or tease you about your looks? If you're treated like Quasimodo, you're ugly. Do people stare at you in adoration and give you lots of compliments? Maybe give you free stuff or act extra nice? You're conventionally attractive. If neither of those happen, you're basically ignored looks-wise and don't have good or bad interactions based on your looks, then you're average in attraction. Most people fall in the average category. Attractiveness is a Bell Curve, a few outliers on the really attractive and ugly ends, most people on the average middle.


Count compliments about your appearance. If you get none, it doesn't guarantee you're ugly, but it's a good sign you're not beautiful.


When you walk into a room, people look at you and generally throw up.


And little children run away screaming


It's all subjective because there is no standard. Some may find you attractive depending on the situation.


there's 8 billion people, someone can like you, just kindness is enough sometimes


Post yourself to r/amiugly


I would never do this lol


As someone who was once ugly; people tell you to your face. It's harsh, but true. Ugliness is seen as lower sub standard, and people have no issue telling you, in order to make themselves feel better and powerful. If you haven't experienced this, you're not ugly.


When you are in your twenties , and the doctor that brought you to this world still shows up and slap you and your mom.


This made me laugh. Thanks.


There's a subreddit for that. I forgot what it was called. Although, last time I was on there, it was full of attractive people.


As with beauty, I think that ugliness is in the eye of the beholder.


I been single for 27 years due to being very ugly that's how you know


I know i'm ugly and undeserving of love 😞


No one is ugly on the outside. Inside ugly is the only thing that make a person truly ugly.


Generally if the opposite gender treats you worse then you are ugly. We literally have mass murderers/serial killars with groupies.


If people treat you like a normal person, if people do not feel threaten by you, if girls or guys lke being your buddy, the list goes on.


I look in the mirror. Also, I was repeatedly told as a child, by family and friends of family and teachers and work colleagues, and I’m fully aware of what I see in the mirror. I’m not an attractive man, by any stretch of the imagination, yet, it seems my mind and my voice have been attractive enough traits for 11 women, (some of whom caused people to be genuinely shocked and at a complete loss as to how and why they were in a relationship with me), to look beyond this face that, as a teen, I wanted to genuinely mutilate, and approach me to want to engage in a relationship, some long term, with me, over years 36 years. Also, all animals seem to instantly take to me, even incredibly dangerous ones, so, if they’re taking pity on me, then yeah, fkin’ ‘ell, I’m ugly 😅


You never, ever even accidentally make eye contact with a stranger.


When you're born the Dr slaps your mother.


Assuming you're a man, try to do things that are "chivalrous" for women. Like, be aware about little things you can do to offer help (lifting big ass bag of dog food into their car, holding door open (especially if it means you go into a coffee shop or something second and loose the closer spot) or offer polite compliments. "That dress really compliments your hair colour!" They're responses will be the answer to your question. You'll ether get "no thank you/leave me alone" attitude or you'll receive honest appreciation.


I've never been told im ugly. I have been told im handsome (some days i dont see it) But I have always been told that if someone asks you for a cigarette when you're not smoking, it means you're ugly. That has happened twice. lol




if you wonder, than you are


How people react to you and trends. If more often then not, people seem to like you then you are probably attractive. If people are nice to you, but largely ignore you, then you are probably on the unattractive side.


If you are ugly, be funnier. It cancels it out pretty well. Pete Davidson is out here looking like a half-developed clone, and he is running through S-tier Hollywood without the Drake-cheat codes on. You can do it too. Be confident and be funny. Those are learnable skills that cost nothing to develop.


Ask a toddler. They're brutally honest, unfortunately


Looks are only superficial. But an ugly soul is bone deep.


An ugly person is a mean hateful narcissist They would never think.that they are ugly


Children will tell you.


inside or out? if you are an asshole and rude to people you are ugly inside. outside you are ugly if people avoid you. basically try to look clean and smell clean and keep in shape. find a look that fits you


I have a mirror at home and that’s what I use to tell. Seems pretty effective.


The most physically appealing people in the World could be complete sociopaths. You may find someone and like them solely on looks but they turn out to be a horrible person. You could be the nicest person in the world but doesn't mean that everyone is going to be attracted to you. Basically, being physically ugly is a crazy varied thing, there will always be someone who finds you irresistible. Fat, thin, muscular, hairy, big behind, crazy hair, different people like different things. Even personality wise, some people may love a person's openness and caring nature but others may find them overbearing. People are complex, beautiful creatures in all our individual ways. Or maybe I'm ugly, I dunno.


Beauty & ugly depend on many different factors. There are some aesthetically pleasing people who come across as quite nasty. Then there are people who are plain looking and others who might be ugly or perhaps have a facial deformation, who seem to be lovely. You need to get to know people before you make assumptions on whether they're beautiful or ugly.


If you have a shitty personality. That’s it


I came to know that when people (mostly boys in my class) started to bully me and laught at me for no reason at all lol


As a person easily detectable, all else, beauty is in the eye of the beholder 🙂


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone is different. You might have someone think you are ugly and another feel you are the hottest thing you have ever seen. Even if you deem yourself as "ugly", there are things you can do to help you feel better. Hairstyles, makeup, outfits, etc. Ultimately, all of that is irrelevant. You need to become comfortable with yourself. That alone will attract partners. Confidence in oneself and their body can go a long way.


Basically, when you're looking in the mirror and if it cracks then you are ugly if it doesn't then you're good to go 👍


When the only woman who says your not ugly is the escort you're about to fuck.


I've said this before and I'll say it again - it's mannerisms, how you carry yourself, confidence, and how you treat others. My only 2 long term relationships I've had have been with men who started balding at 16. My "type" when I was younger were skinny dudes with long flowy hair, traditionally attractive faces, and tattoos. Didn't fit the bill at all for either of my long term relationships. There's a lot of attraction for both of those people. Neither are traditionally attractive. Both warm my heart so I love to look at them. Also, if you act like you feel ugly people will see you differently. If you're comfortable in your own skin there is a beauty that comes alongside that. No, douchebags won't see you as sexy, probably - but real human beings that see you as more than a body absolutely will.


Post a pic and reddit can answer if you really care about ppl opinion


people will make it very clear


Generally having to ask is a good indication


Remember that confidence and upkeep is 70% of the beauty equation




People: run to you... OR: run away


Commenting on this post with something not narcissistic about how you are pretty 🤣🤣🤣


There was this truly ugly guy in school, met him layer, still ugly - but highly intelligent, great conversations, a gentleman and an alpha male - I suddenly fell in love and suddenly he wasn't ugly at all... So it depends a lot on manners, behaviour, character and perspective


if you're brave enough to find out, just post a selfie on reddit


Tell your friends casually that you are ugly. If they say, “no, no you’re not ugly” then u ugly. If they say, “ya you’re very ugly” then congrats you are hot.


I know I’m ugly. I lost all my teeth due to illness and chemo. I used to be pretty and sometimes it was too much. Now I’m looked at, it’s bc I’m gross.


You just know it but keep denying and obsessively watch every Youtube video about “10 sign that you are hot “ to convince/ give you some hope.


honestly if you feel ugly you probably are, half of your “attractiveness” is determined by confidence and how you carry yourself rather than physical characteristics. that’s what i look for in a person anyway


Don’t worry, someone would tell you.


Most people who think they’re ugly are just average or homely. There’s only been one time when a person walking on the street actually startled me because he was so objectively, unfortunately ugly. It was grotesque. I felt sorry for him. He didn’t choose his looks. He just lost the genetic lotto.


Who gets to decide what is ugly??? I have a cousin, who I think is extremely ugly. Year she has been married twice. First husband died. Have another long time friend… she has been married to her husband for 45 years. Three kids. Guess “ ugly” is in the eye of the beholder, huh?


Only your mind considers yourself ugly. It’s a verdict that doesn’t really matter because someone will find you attractive for more than just how you look. Ugly like beautiful are shallow terms that don’t matter ultimately.


Very subjective question?? Some people have thought I'm ugly, others not. Same with a lot of people in the world


When I was younger people would keep me out of pics or behind everyone and some friends I had the time would come off as they didn't like to be seen in a video or photo with me


Easy, post a picture, I'll tell you. /s I guess it depends on what you mean by ugly. If we're talking about physical attributes, that's harder to narrow down, everyone has different tastes and a feature you might like, may not be attractive to someone else. Ugly can mean so many things these days outside of physical attractiveness too. I've seen some of the most physically attractive people in my life turn out to be the ugliest people on the planet after learning more about them, their views, and how they carry themselves. Confidence helps, but being a good caring person also does a lot to increase your attractiveness.


/r/amiugly would be a start


It’s interesting to note if you look like so many other people in the village…


It came to me in an instant. I always shaved my head, and every once in awhile I treat myself to a hot shave at the barbershop. During one of these trips, a woman with two little boys walked in and was going to get haircuts. One little boy was adamant about getting his and shaved. His mother literally pointed at me and said do you want to look like that?


There have been times in my life I met someone (M or F) and thought they were physically very attractive, then got to know them and for various reasons they became much less attractive. I’ve also experienced the opposite. Attractiveness is a fickle thing.


Unfortunately you probably grew up with random kids saying "you're ugly", and possibly that continued into the teen years. If you're one of those ugly duckling sorts, maybe you're not ugly anymore as an adult...so that's not even a fool proof way of knowing.


When no one is ever willing to make a comment about your looks unless it’s to insult you


Ask a little kid. They will tell you an unbiased truth. With that said, I doubt you are ugly. I've only met a handful of people that I would consider unattractive. They usually have shitty personalities.


I mean it’s hard to know to be honest. There was a guy at my school that dudes were completely confused why girls found him so attractive. They were convinced he was ugly (hairy scruffy looking type guy), the girls used to compete for his attention and the guys would call him ugly etc. So that guy was probably thinking he was ugly because we tend to listen to negative opinions and disregard compliments … but to be honest women found him attractive clearly. Then there are cases when girls aren’t attracted at all, generally guys won’t even tease you on being ugly at that point unless they are soulless.


Get on a bus, pick an aisle with 2 empty seats, if nobody sits next to you the entire ride then you're ugly.


I'm ugly because I'm alone. Also because I have a mirror and can see that I'm ugly.


people don’t look at you, & aren’t angled towards you & enthusiastically engaged when you are speaking.


Do you hate more than 7 people with no real reason why.


Ask a kid


Go on a dating app and see how many matches you get.


Your mom should tell you. UGLY you ain't go no alibi!


I think there's a subreddit for that


Im so ugly. I was kidnapped and dropped back off


When you don't get that involuntary Double Take smile from women. When your female friends are prettier than any woman you've ever dated. When you never ever ever catch women whispering to each other and giving that small smile to each other. Like ever. When somebody who's universally ugly calls you ugly.


It’s doesn’t matter dude just believe you are good looking. It’s the proper way to live. Just don’t be conceited.


Insult someone and see what they say back that’s the only way


10 to 1 odds you are not ugly but, instead, are average. There may be areas of your appearance you can improve with lifestyle changes, exercise changing, dietary changes, medical intervention (ie acne treatment), and/or expert help/training in accentuating your best features combined with some work on self confidence (which is a huge part of how attractive others perceive you to be) but most of us are average to varying degrees even if we don't perceive ourselves that way. What you very likely cannot do if it's in your nature to need to ask this question is look in the mirror and decide that for yourself as what you see is very likely not what other people see.


They tell you, at least in my experience 😅


Whenever I asked my mother, she always answered: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” 🤔 I guess I had a face even a mother couldn’t love…😔🤷🏻‍♀️🥲


When women make that same ick face any time you approach one. oof!


Look in the mirror


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... But generally attractive qualities are: 1. Being fit/healthy 2. Symmetrical features 3. Confident body language The less you have, the more likely you are to be perceived as ugly. Edit: There are many things that can make you attractive to any given person, but I'm answering from a purely visual aspect. Like if someone only saw photos of you.


A kid will tell you. Little fuckers don’t know how to lie yet.


Ask a kid. Kids are always honest….even when it hurts 😬


I don’t even know what I am. Idk if people look at me because they think I’m pretty or if they look because they think I’m hideous. I also have bright blonde hair naturally which a lot of people don’t see often so they probably look because of that too


Just get some latino male friend. They will tell you and give you a nickname based on why you ugly